import { Main, DragResizableImage, render_and_copy } from "./common.tsx"; // this is a really bad and boring idea. pass. // new idea! "make your own image macro" scrollable background of various le classic meme images (imgflip) // + images (yes, images; nobody has impact installed) // nah. let's just do white + text-shadow const base_url = ""; const urls = [ "aggressive-right-turn.png", "aliens.png", "always-has-been.png", "balloon.png", "batman-slapping-robin.png", "bike-self-sabotage.png", "buff-doge-vs-cheems.png", "cefqrn.png", "change-my-mind.png", "chuck-norris.png", "despicable-plan.png", "distracted-boyfriend.png", "drake.png", "everywhere-everywhere.png", "evil-kermit.png", "expanding-brain.png", "girl-smile-fire.png", "heinous-suggestion.png", "hide-the-pain-harold.png", "i-am-once-again-asking.png", "if-i-had-one.png", "is-this-a.png", "not-sure-if.png", "one-does-not-simply.png", "or-draw-25.png", "panik-kalm-panik.png", "psycholonials-reference.png", "rock-the-dwayne-johnson-driving.png", "same-picture.png", "scroll-of-truth.png", "slam-button.png", "STRONG-handshake.png", "success-kid.png", "tap-head.png", "thinking-about-other-women.png", "this-is-fine.png", "two-buttons.png", "waiting-guy.png", "waiting-skeleton.png", "who-killed.png", "woman-yelling-at-cat.png", "you-get-a.png", ].map(x => base_url + x); const Word = ({ children, left = "0px", top = "0px", }: { children: string; left?: string; top?: string; }) => (
a horizontally scrollable list of memes with draggable words that look like a knockoff of impact font. if you want a better and (hopefully) more accessible version, visit all of the memes are taken from there anyway
> );