// once a minute (what's the point if it's out of date!) // do days since last update (0 will be obvious then), should (please please please let this be true) only need three digits MAX // until hs2 ends of course but let's not think about that now // okay aaaa hs2 will end that will be sad and good i guess but // not important right now import { contentType } from "https://deno.land/std@0.202.0/media_types/mod.ts"; import { DOMParser, NodeType, } from "https://deno.land/x/deno_dom@v0.1.38/deno-dom-wasm.ts"; import { Image, TextLayout, } from "https://deno.land/x/imagescript@1.2.15/ImageScript.js"; // not sure how worthwhile this optimization is but const dom_parser = new DOMParser(); async function get_last_update_date(): Promise { try { const res = await fetch("https://homestuck2.com/log"); const body = await res.text(); if (!body) return "couldn't get a string body"; // could just regex for the date lol const doc = dom_parser.parseFromString(body, "text/html"); if (!doc) return "couldn't parse the body into the DOM"; const p = doc.querySelector("p"); if (!p) return "couldn't get a p from the doc"; // should really enable strict indexing const us_date_node = p.childNodes[0]; if (!us_date_node || us_date_node.nodeType != NodeType.TEXT_NODE) { return "couldn't get a date node from the log entry"; } const us_date = us_date_node.textContent.replace(" - ", ""); // apparently doing new Date("10/8/2023") is implementation defined which is icky but it works with deno const date = new Date(us_date); if (Number.isNaN(date.valueOf())) { return `got an invalid date :(. the text_content was '${us_date}'`; } return date; } catch (e) { return `caught error: ${e}`; } } async function check_again() { last_checked = new Date(); const new_date = await get_last_update_date(); if (typeof new_date == "string") { console.log(`failed to get a date when checking 😬: '${new_date}'`); console.log( "^ ironically enough, this is more likely when there *is* an update", ); console.log( "^ unironically, this is *most* likely the result of a bug", ); return; } last_updated = new_date; } function days_since_update(): number { const millis = new Date().getTime() - last_updated.getTime(); return millis / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); } // silly, i know let last_updated: Date = new Date(0); let last_checked: Date = new Date(); await check_again(); // *definitely* a worthwhile optimization // (still inefficient to go over http...) const font = await fetch("https://static.pyrope.net/courier-std-bold.otf") .then((r) => r.arrayBuffer()) .then((b) => new Uint8Array(b)); function make_image(): Image { const days = Math.floor(days_since_update()).toString().padStart(3, "0"); console.log(days_since_update()); const image = new Image(106, 44); const text = Image.renderText( font, 64, days, 0x00_00_00_ff, new TextLayout({ verticalAlign: "center", horizontalAlign: "middle" }), ); return image.composite(text, -5); } async function update_image() { image = await make_image().encode(); } let image: Uint8Array = new Uint8Array(); await update_image(); Deno.serve({ port: 61264 }, async () => { if (new Date().getTime() - last_checked.getTime() >= 60 * 1000) { await check_again(); await update_image(); } return new Response(image, { headers: { "Content-Type": contentType("png") }, }); }); await Deno.writeFile("/tmp/poop.png", image);