import { Main, render_and_copy } from "./common.tsx";
import { reify_dialogue } from "./dialogue.tsx";
import { ComponentChildren, toChildArray, JSX } from "preact";

const Option = ({
}: {
    n: number;
    children: ComponentChildren;
}) => (
            title={`Option #${n} (there's no actual keyboard shortcut, sorry)`}
        >{`[${n}]`}</span>{" "}

const WaterRitual = () => (
    <span class="water-ritual">
        [begin water ritual; <span class="one">1</span> dram of{" "}
        <span class="water">water</span>]

const End = () => <span class="end">[End]</span>;

const Name = ({
}: {
    color: string;
    children: ComponentChildren;
}) => (
    <div style={`color: ${color};`} class="name">

const Speech = ({
    portrait = <></>,
}: {
    name: string;
    name_color: string;
    children: ComponentChildren;
    portrait: JSX.Element;
}) => (
    <div class="speech">
        <div class="portrait">{portrait}</div>
        <Name color={name_color}>{name}</Name>
            alt="a snazzy horizontal rule with three central spikes, taken from caves of qud"
        <div class="text">{...toChildArray(children)}</div>

const Website = () => <span class="website">website</span>;

const Eggbug = ({
}: {
    emotion?: "angry";
    children: ComponentChildren;
}) => (
                    emotion ? `-${emotion}` : ""
                alt={`a pixel-art, caves of qud-style portrait of eggbug${
                    emotion ? ` that looks ${emotion}` : ""

const dialogue = reify_dialogue([
        hi hey hi what whati
        <br /> what is up
        <Option n={1}>I want your stuff</Option>,
                oh cool that's neat what stuff like what stuff are you talking
                <Option n={1}>You know, your... stuff.</Option>,
                        i really don't know how would i know what ur talking
                        about lol
                        <Option n={1}>
                            Items, trinkets, books. Stuff. You really should
                            know this
                                okay like, okay yeah idon't know still
                                <Option n={1}>Give</Option>,
                                        <Option n={1}>me</Option>,
                                                oh mehbark is like making the
                                                player like click through a
                                                bunch for comedic effect ok
                                                <Option n={1}>your</Option>,
                                                        it's taking them a ton
                                                        of effort to make this
                                                        deep tree though lol
                                                        like they're typing it
                                                        in and thinking hm maybe
                                                        i could abstract this a
                                                        bit but they know that
                                                        will be more trouble
                                                        than it's worth
                                                        <Option n={1}>
                                                            aslo it's 5 in the
                                                            morning for
                                                            the&mdash; oh it's
                                                            <br /> i still have
                                                            no stuff ok
                                                            <br />
                                                            game over i guess
                                                            (all of these paths
                                                            lead to game over
                                                            (except one (this
                                                            was definitely
                                                            planned and not
                                                            decided as this was
                                                            being written)))
        <Option n={2}>Where are your wings???</Option>,
                That my friend, is a long, sad story. There was a time when
                people cared to hear it, but I fear that time has passed.
                <Option n={1}>
                    Thanks for warning me. That sounds really boring, PASS!
                <Eggbug emotion="angry">
                    you are such a butt you suck your so annoying LEAVE{" "}
                    <a href="">
                        <span style="color: red;">GAME OVER</span>
                        <span style="color: red;">GAME OVER</span>
                        <span style="color: red;">GAME OVER</span>
                <Option n={2}>
                    I would be honored to any tale from an eggbug of your
                    stature, let alone one of such great intrigue.
                        okay, get comfortable, something to eat, something to
                        drink, heck, maybe even rent a{" "}
                        <a href="">
                            portable bathroom
                        </a>{" "}
                        to keep nearby. this is a LONG story
                        <Option n={1}>
                            I have done every single one of those things, and I
                            also hired a guy to slap me whenever I'm falling
                            asleep (due to length, not boredom, of course).
                            it was to hard to get the pixelts to work
        <Option n={3}>
            Based on an in-depth analysis of the mehbark, I have found a{" "}
            <span class="power-word">power word</span> that will GUARANTEE my
                heck yes i love <span class="power-word">power word</span>s have
                at it ( idoubt it will work no offense)
                <Option n={1}>homestuck</Option>,
                <span class="win">you win</span>,
        <Option n={4}>
            Your thirst is mine, my water is yours. <WaterRitual />{" "}
                You don't have any water because this is a <Website />. <br />
                also eggbug probably uses like eggbug juice or something
                <Option n={1}>Wait, really?</Option>,
                    how wouldi know lol ask like a cohost maker lol
        <Option n={5}>
            Live and drink. <End />
            uh what
            <br />
            <br />i guess
            <br />
            every dialogue tree eventually ends anyways so this is just like to
            look more coqqy iguess

        <div class="gradient">{dialogue}</div>
        <div class="scanlines"></div>