// let's game boy ! ! ! import { ComponentChild } from "preact"; import { Cycle, render_and_copy } from "./common.tsx"; const Pixel = ({ colors, width_px, }: { colors: [string, ...string[]]; width_px: number; }) => (
{...colors.map(c => ( // p saves four bytes per // we aren't going to get to 20x18 but less data is courteous
); const Draw = ({ width, height = width, pixel_width_px, colors, bg_color, }: { width: number; height?: number; pixel_width_px: number; colors: [string, ...string[]]; bg_color: string; }) => (
{...new Array(width * height) .fill(null) .map(() => )}
); // you know what, let's just to the dark grey part. sorry! const Shell = ({ children }: { children: ComponentChild }) => (
); // body: "#aaaaaa" // horrid url, but color-picked from // https://duet-cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/0x0:2048x1364/750x500/filters:focal(1024x682:1025x683):format(webp)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/23755199/a31768dc_f45b_4ac7_8f34_6f99e835ed358223055624103571533.jpg render_and_copy( <>

the screen and grey border of a Game Boy. at the top, it says "CHONK MATRIX WITH STERENO SOUND." the blank screen's pixels are comically large, but faithfully colored
