// TODO: randomly pick color import { contentType } from "https://deno.land/std@0.202.0/media_types/mod.ts"; import { Image, TextLayout, } from "https://deno.land/x/imagescript@1.2.15/ImageScript.js"; const font = await fetch("https://static.pyrope.net/courier-std-bold.otf") .then((r) => r.arrayBuffer()) .then((b) => new Uint8Array(b)); function make_image( { text, color = 0, outline_color = 0xff_ff_ff_ff }: { text: string; color?: number; outline_color?: number; }, ): Image { let image = Image.renderText( font, 64, text, 0, new TextLayout({ verticalAlign: "center", horizontalAlign: "middle" }), ); const outline = Image.renderText( font, 64, text, outline_color, new TextLayout({ verticalAlign: "center", horizontalAlign: "middle" }), ); for (const hshift of [-2, 0, 2]) { for (const vshift of [-2, 0, 2]) { image = image.composite(outline, hshift, vshift); } } const text_img = Image.renderText( font, 64, text, color, new TextLayout({ verticalAlign: "center", horizontalAlign: "middle" }), ); const final = image.composite(text_img); return final.crop(0, 0, final.width, final.height - 22); } // the whole cache thing def sketches me out, but people probably won't be *that* malicious const MAX_PRN_LENGTH = 128; // shouldn't really be a problem const MAX_PRN_CHOICES = 256; // let's stick to hex even though BigInt() can handle prefixes (prefices?) const hex_string_to_color = (s: string): number | undefined => { const parsed = parseInt(s, 16); if (Number.isNaN(parsed)) return; // JANK! SORRY return Number((BigInt(parsed) << 8n) | 0xffn); }; const image_response = (data: Uint8Array): Response => new Response(data, { headers: { "Content-Type": contentType("png") }, }); Deno.serve({ port: 61265 }, async (req) => { const url = new URL(req.url); const params = url.searchParams; const prns = params.getAll("p"); if (prns.some((p) => p.length > MAX_PRN_LENGTH)) { return new Response(`MAX_PRN_LENGTH = ${MAX_PRN_LENGTH}`, { status: 413 }); } if (prns.length > MAX_PRN_CHOICES) { return new Response(`MAX_PRN_CHOICES = ${MAX_PRN_CHOICES}`, { status: 413, }); } const prn = prns[Math.floor(Math.random() * prns.length)] ?? "NONE, APPARENTLY"; const fg_str = params.get("fg"); const outline_str = params.get("outline"); const sentence_id = params.get("sentence_id"); const sentence_index = params.get("sentence_index"); console.log( `${sentence_id}#${sentence_index}: chose ${prn} from ${prns}. ${fg_str} on ${outline_str}`, ); const fg = hex_string_to_color(fg_str ?? "0"); const outline = hex_string_to_color(outline_str ?? "ffffff"); const resp = image_response( await make_image({ text: prn, color: fg, outline_color: outline }).encode(), ); return resp; });