import { JSX } from "preact/jsx-runtime"; import { render_and_copy } from "./common.tsx"; // let's do 100 first and last names OKAY // // cat ~/Documents/dictionary.txt | grep -e '^.\{6,7\}$' | shuf | head -n 100 // okay let's be a bit more selective yikes // cat ~/Documents/dictionary.txt | grep -E '^....$' | shuf | head -n 100 | awk 'BEGIN {print("[")} {print(" \"" $1 "\",")} END {print("]")}' | xsel -ib // cat ~/Documents/dictionary.txt | grep -E '^[^n][^i][^g]....?$' | shuf | head -n 100 | awk 'BEGIN {print("[")} {print(" \"" $1 "\",")} END {print("]")}' | xsel -ib // that is a COMPREHENSIVE dictionary D: const FIRST_NAMES = [ "tree", "saka", "pass", "kexy", "pici", "kurd", "xxii", "lide", "huke", "palm", "levi", "dago", "they", "smut", "filt", "cump", "upgo", "zoid", "army", "anta", "arbs", "ferv", "stan", "wabe", "jami", "purs", "deys", "vamp", "mese", "migs", "pile", "susu", "olio", "ipse", "gelt", "idem", "eden", "pont", "vica", "corv", "kell", "elul", "ecod", "maid", "kays", "fine", "taws", "coul", "shag", "aren", "ruse", "anre", "spex", "perp", "koff", "west", "sild", "vina", "itch", "neal", "jhow", "cozy", "moun", "copy", "fict", "gulp", "slon", "tuny", "tolt", "erns", "eyas", "thro", "reno", "warm", "lone", "erst", "koel", "vila", "rump", "kmet", "drow", "polt", "orts", "hlqn", "adib", "dabb", "dhak", "tyke", "arni", "bagh", "holt", "wart", "bull", "mayo", "tiam", "dose", "dogs", "dine", "wych", "poet", "meh", ].map(name => name[0].toUpperCase() + name.slice(1)); const LAST_NAMES = [ "paragon", "phossy", "burghal", "templum", "osteome", "deicide", "lockrum", "inhale", "celoms", "outsit", "plaints", "stubby", "flabrum", "elcaja", "thrang", "caretta", "retune", "unplace", "adlumin", "garcon", "brainy", "slyest", "tsktsks", "bodock", "crummer", "actions", "wrapped", "emeril", "traneen", "wrought", "detinue", "ascarid", "swimbel", "leaped", "ericoid", "solano", "barware", "infarce", "bullets", "frankly", "euboean", "jymold", "besugo", "smaragd", "suiting", "muconic", "goujay", "caynard", "pupped", "verdict", "brangle", "potions", "touart", "fraena", "peising", "replial", "unbaste", "sandbug", "roosed", "refind", "illipe", "runner", "implate", "atoxyl", "favous", "opcode", "fuegian", "cadging", "soapbox", "fessed", "deworm", "browzer", "uncurl", "toelike", "posnet", "mortem", "whippa", "invests", "aphagia", "attent", "esopgi", "resorb", "succula", "levulic", "enlace", "busbars", "rocket", "sexuous", "provers", "condole", "caveman", "cattily", "buddie", "trikaya", "ladlers", "gorbet", "tarkani", "acquit", "shohjis", "shilloo", "bark", ].map(name => name[0].toUpperCase() + name.slice(1)); // has some defaults export const Prngnoun = ({ prns, style = {}, }: { prns: string[]; style?: JSX.CSSProperties; }) => ( ); // what is gained from having this on cohost... hm // export const InlineRandImage // because the randomly generated parts are so nicely integrated (if you have courier) // i'm thinking i'll frame it like "your guy is ..." instead of "you are ..." // idk render_and_copy(

Your name is {" "} . You are{" "} i.toString())} />{" "} years old. Cool!
