* a survery of 10 american high school students (R=0, i don't make mistakes) * an in-depth analysis of the viewcount of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpXy041BIlA shows that it is less than half the number of students in 'merica * "ask eliza" which is more: 734k or the num. of highschool students in 'mmmmerica * sadly, research has shown that we do, in fact, live in a society (see: outside, probably) * this is worrying as knowledge of bad chess algorithms is projected to be the new literacy by 2013 (citation: Orin Kerr is the Fred C. Stevenson Research Professor at the George Washington University Law School. 1 See generally Orin S. Kerr, A Theory of Law, 16 G REEN B AG 2 D 111 (2012).) * teenager-friendly language as an excuse for implementation limitations (toootally is like, really great (anti-pun y'see?)) * honor system (again, as an excuse for lazy impl) (joke that high schoolers are the most honorable age) * the reconstruction of many of the algorithms is severely flawed, unfortunately looking at the original code just [isn't possible](svn link) (footnote to svn link). maybe one day all_with_link_and_footnote_to_svn_maybe_specific_files(the code will be released) * 'merica 'mmerica 'mmmerica 'mmmmerica * "hashes tag" to maximize rad power and engagementness * !!! make sure to give due credit to tom7, so, so much is taken * good artists copy, great artists steal, other people also steal :T * make sure licensing is good (gpl should be fine? look at source license) * very scary ugh