feat: functional!

This commit is contained in:
mehbark 2025-02-20 23:11:31 -05:00
parent 761a18c4f9
commit 448768369b

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@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
;; (equal? (make-pand 1 2) (make-pand 1 2)) => #f
;; okay, i'll keep these procedures for the sake of nesting
(define (make-pand p q) `(and ,p ,q))
(define pand
@ -47,26 +48,38 @@
;; [(forall var p) (forall (var) p)]))
(define-record-type argument
(fields premises conclusion)
(fields premises conclusions)
(nongenerative argument))
(define-syntax argument
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ (var* ...) (premise* ...) conclusion)
[(_ (var* ...) (premise* ...) (conclusion* ...))
(lambda (var* ...)
(make-argument (list premise* ...) conclusion))]))
(make-argument (list premise* ...) (list conclusion* ...)))]))
(define modus-ponens
(argument (p q)
((p-> p q)
[(p-> p q)
(define modus-tollens
(argument (p q)
((p-> p q)
(~ q))
(~ p)))
[(p-> p q)
(~ q)]
[(~ p)]))
;; YES: multiple conclusions (no more simplification-{l,r})
(define simplification
(argument (p q)
[(pand p q)]
[p q]))
(define conjunction
(argument (p q)
[(pand p q)]))
;; (follows (P* ... (-> p q) p Q* ...) q modus-ponens) => #t
;; iterative argument
@ -79,17 +92,71 @@
(and (andmap (lambda (prem) (member prem p2)) p1)
(define (follows? p q by)
(and (equal? q (argument-conclusion by))
(premises<=? (argument-premises by) p)))
(define (follows? prems q by)
(and (member q (argument-conclusions by))
(premises<=? (argument-premises by) prems)))
(define (argument-extend arg rule)
(if (premises<=? (argument-premises rule) (argument-premises arg))
(make-argument )))
(define-record-type step
(fields conclusion rule)
(nongenerative step))
(define-record-type proof
(fields argument steps)
(nongenerative proof))
(define-syntax proof
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ (var* ...) arg (conclusion* rule*) ...)
(lambda (var* ...)
(make-proof (arg var* ...)
(list (make-step conclusion* rule*) ...)))]))
;; bleh
;; huh, procedure-arity-mask can handle 1000+ no problem
;; returns the lowest arity
(define (procedure-arity proc)
(define mask (procedure-arity-mask proc))
(let loop ([i 0])
(if (logbit? i mask)
(loop (add1 i)))))
(define (proof-valid? proof%)
(define (gensyms n xs)
(if (zero? n)
;; less confusing to apply (proof g0 g1 ...)
(reverse xs)
(gensyms (sub1 n) (cons (gensym) xs))))
(define proof (apply proof% (gensyms (procedure-arity proof%) '())))
(define arg (proof-argument proof))
;; reversing here lets us recover a nice order at the end
(define prems (reverse (argument-premises arg)))
(define goals (argument-conclusions arg))
(lambda (return)
(lambda (step)
(let ([concl (step-conclusion step)]
[rule (step-rule step)])
(unless (follows? prems concl rule)
(format #t "fool, ~a does not follow from ~a and ~a!\n"
concl (reverse prems) rule)
(return #f))
(set! prems (cons concl prems))))
(proof-steps proof))
(when (premises<=? goals prems)
(return #t))
(format #t "forgetting something? you're trying to prove ~a, but you've only got ~a\n"
goals prems))))
;; TODO: i can just guess lol
(define and-comm
(proof (p q)
(argument (p q)
[(pand p q)]
[(pand q p)])
[p (simplification p q)]
[q (simplification p q)]
[(pand q p) (conjunction q p)]))
(define-record-type proof-state
(fields knowns goals)
(nongenerative proof-state))