feat: basic automation

This commit is contained in:
mehbark 2025-02-21 00:24:13 -05:00
parent 9f80fc1bcf
commit 844933d57a

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@ -133,6 +133,10 @@
(if (zero? num) "" num))))))
(define (placeholder-saturate f)
;; map iota is bad but convenient (macro so needed)
(apply f (map proof-variable (iota (procedure-arity f)))))
;; i think i prefer the turnstile to therefore
(define (argument-pp arg port)
(define prems (argument-premises arg))
@ -140,41 +144,70 @@
(format port "~{~a\n~}~{⊢ ~a\n~}"
prems concls))
(define (general-argument-pp arg% port)
;; map iota is bad but convenient (macro so needed)
(define arg (apply arg% (map proof-variable (iota (procedure-arity arg%)))))
(argument-pp arg port))
(define (general-argument-pp arg port)
(argument-pp (placeholder-saturate arg) port))
(define (cartesian-exponent xs n)
(assert (and (integer? n) (>= n 0)))
(case n
[0 '()]
[1 (map list xs)]
(let ([exp-1 (cartesian-exponent xs (sub1 n))])
(apply append
(map (lambda (xs2)
(map (lambda (x)
(cons x xs2))
(define (proof-valid? proof%)
(define (gensyms n xs)
(if (zero? n)
;; less confusing to apply (proof g0 g1 ...)
(reverse xs)
(gensyms (sub1 n) (cons (gensym) xs))))
(gensyms (sub1 n)
(cons (gensym (symbol->string (proof-variable (sub1 n)))) xs))))
(define proof (apply proof% (gensyms (procedure-arity proof%) '())))
(define arg (proof-argument proof))
;; reversing here lets us recover a nice order at the end
(define prems (reverse (argument-premises arg)))
(define goals (argument-conclusions arg))
(define (fail concl rule)
(printf "Failed to apply rule:\n")
(argument-pp rule #t)
(printf "Proof state:\n~{~a\n~}⊢ ~a\n"
(reverse prems) concl)
(define (handle-general-step concl rule)
(define targets
(apply append prems (map (lambda (p) (if (pair? p) (cdr p) '())) prems)))
(lambda (ts) (follows? prems concl (apply rule ts)))
(cartesian-exponent targets (procedure-arity rule))))
(lambda (return)
(lambda (step)
(let ([concl (step-conclusion step)]
[rule (step-rule step)])
(unless (follows? prems concl rule)
(printf "Failed to apply rule:\n")
(argument-pp rule #t)
(printf "Proof state:\n~{~a\n~}⊢ ~a\n"
(reverse prems) concl)
(return #f))
(set! prems (cons concl prems))))
(define concl (step-conclusion step))
(define rule (step-rule step))
(define ok?
(if (procedure? rule)
(handle-general-step concl rule)
(follows? prems concl rule)))
(if ok?
(set! prems (cons concl prems))
(fail concl (if (procedure? rule) (placeholder-saturate rule) rule))
(return #f))))
(proof-steps proof))
(when (or (member #f prems) (premises<=? goals prems))
(return #t))
(format #t "Proof incomplete:\n~{~a\n~}~{⊢ ~a\n~}\n"
prems goals))))
(format #t "Unsolved goals:\n~{~a\n~}~{⊢ ~a\n~}\n"
prems (filter (lambda (g) (not (member g prems))) goals)))))
;; TODO: i can just guess lol
;; this really isn't far from the macroless version....
@ -187,3 +220,11 @@
[q (simplification p q)]
[(pand q p) (conjunction q p)]))
(define and-comm-ez
(proof (p q)
(argument (p q)
[(pand p q)]
[(pand q p)])
[p simplification]
[q simplification]
[(pand q p) conjunction]))