largely works; annoying problems remain

This commit is contained in:
mehbark 2024-04-17 01:06:24 -04:00
parent 03f0b12ea9
commit cc28c85b38

View file

@ -1,29 +1,69 @@
(ql:quickload '(:cl-yaml :alexandria :cl-ppcre))
(ql:quickload '(:alexandria :cl-yaml :cl-json :yason))
(defpackage :hsmusic
(:use :common-lisp :alexandria))
(in-package :hsmusic)
(defpackage :track)
(defparameter tracks
(loop for path in (directory #p"hsmusic-data/album/*.yaml")
appending (loop for entry in (yaml:parse path :multi-document-p t)
when (and (not (symbolp entry)) (gethash "Track" entry))
collect entry)))
(let* ((parsed (yaml:parse path :multi-document-p t))
(album (gethash "Album" (cadr parsed))))
(loop for entry in parsed
when (and (not (symbolp entry)) (gethash "Track" entry))
collect (progn (setf (gethash "Album" entry) album)
(defun tracks-with-name (name)
(loop for track in tracks
when (equal name (gethash "Track" track))
collect track))
; does a macro really make sense like come on
; w/e
(defmacro apply-regices (target &body regices)
(with-gensyms (new)
`(let ((,new (copy-array ,target)))
,@(loop for (from to) in regices
collecting `(setf ,new (ppcre:regex-replace-all ,from ,new ,to)))
(defun default-href (name)
(apply-regices (string-downcase name)
(" " "-")
("&" "-and-")
("\\+" "-plus-")
("%" "-percent-")
("(\\b[^\\s-.]{2,})\\." "\\1-")
("/\\.([^\\s-.]{2,})\\b" "-\\1")
("[/@#$%*()_=,[\\]{}|\\\\;:<>?`~]" "-")
("[áâäàå]" "a")
("[çč]" "c")
("[éêëè]" "e")
("[íîïì]" "i")
("[óôöò]" "o")
("[úûüù]" "u")
("[^a-z0-9-]" "")
("-{2,}" "-")
("^-+|-+$" "")))
; terrible, idc
; lossy! (not surprising)
; upcase for nice interning
(defun track->href (track)
(or (gethash "Directory" track)
(let ((r (copy-array (gethash "Track" track))))
(setf r (ppcre:regex-replace-all " " r "-"))
(setf r (ppcre:regex-replace-all "&" r "and"))
(setf r (ppcre:regex-replace-all "[^a-zA-Z0-9-]" r ""))
(setf r (ppcre:regex-replace-all "-{2,}" r ""))
(setf r (ppcre:regex-replace-all "^-+|-+$" r ""))
(nstring-downcase r))))
(default-href (gethash "Track" track))))
(defun href->url (href)
(format nil "" href))
(defun track->url (track)
(format nil "" (track->href track)))
(href->url (track->href track)))
; let's just store the href because that's unambiguous and links are desirable anyway
@ -32,8 +72,26 @@
; there's ambiguity here! so consult only when not given a track:!
(defparameter hrefs (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
; TODO: logically flawed
(defparameter href->track-table (make-hash-table))
(loop for track in tracks
do (setf (gethash (gethash "Track" track) hrefs) (track->href track)))
; works? no. e.g. Buy NAK Sell DOOF has a Directory but is referred to without track:
; track: is a disambiguator
; how do we decide which one is "canon" then? idk! no clue. help
; tomorrow problem
unless (gethash "Directory" track)
do (let ((href (intern (track->href track) :track)))
(setf (gethash (gethash "Track" track) hrefs) href)
(setf (gethash href href->track-table) track)))
(defun track-name->href (name)
(if (string= (ignore-errors (subseq name 0 6)) "track:")
(intern (subseq name 6) :track)
(gethash name hrefs)))
(defun href->track (href)
(gethash href href->track-table))
; a -> b <-> a references b
; screw it! let's use symbols. why not? (LKFDSJKFDJ)
@ -42,13 +100,15 @@
(defparameter <- (make-hash-table))
(loop for track in tracks
do (let ((from-name (intern (track-normalized-name track) :keyword)))
do (let ((from-name (intern (track->href track) :track)))
(loop for ref in (append (gethash "Referenced Tracks" track) (gethash "Sampled Tracks" track))
do (let ((to-name (intern (normalize-name ref) :keyword)))
; bodge
(unless (eq from-name to-name)
(unionf (gethash from-name ->) (list to-name))
(unionf (gethash to-name <-) (list from-name)))))))
do (let ((to-name (track-name->href ref)))
(when (not to-name) (print ref))
(if (eq from-name to-name)
(format t "" from-name)
(unionf (gethash from-name ->) (list to-name))
(unionf (gethash to-name <-) (list from-name))))))))
(defun tree (src from depth)
(let ((succs (gethash from src)))
@ -57,10 +117,10 @@
(defun ->tree (from depth)
(tree -> from depth))
(tree -> (track-name->href from) depth))
(defun <-tree (from depth)
(tree <- from depth))
(tree <- (track-name->href from) depth))
(defun pp-tree (tree &key (stream t) (indent 0) (indent-increment 2))
(let ((ind (make-string indent :initial-element #\ )))
@ -72,3 +132,27 @@
do (pp-tree to :stream stream
:indent (+ indent indent-increment)
:indent-increment indent-increment))))))
(defun archive (url)
(list "curl" "--insecure" "-F" (format nil "url=~a" "url=") "-F" "capture_all=on" url)))
(defparameter exif (yason:parse #p"/home/mbk/Music/exif-data.json"))
(defun track->path (track)
(loop for e in exif
when (and (equal (gethash "Title" e) (gethash "Track" track))
(equal (gethash "Album" e) (gethash "Album" track)))
do (return-from track->path (pathname (gethash "SourceFile" e)))))
; TODO: <- & higher-order
; reversed bc personal preference :]
(defun ->m3u (from &optional (depth 413) (stream t))
(dolist (href (reverse (flatten (->tree from depth))))
(let ((path (track->path (href->track href))))
(when path (format stream "~a~%" path)))))
(defun ->link-list (from &optional (depth 413) (stream t))
(dolist (href (reverse (flatten (->tree from depth))))
(format stream "~a~%" (href->url href))))