2024-04-14 23:05:48 -04:00

68 lines
2.3 KiB
Common Lisp

(ql:quickload '(:cl-yaml :alexandria :cl-ppcre))
(defpackage :hsmusic
(:use :common-lisp :alexandria))
(in-package :hsmusic)
(defparameter tracks
(loop for path in (directory #p"hsmusic-data/album/*.yaml")
appending (loop for entry in (yaml:parse path :multi-document-p t)
when (and (not (symbolp entry)) (gethash "Track" entry))
collect entry)))
; terrible, idc
; lossy! (not surprising)
; upcase for nice interning
(defun normalize-name (name)
(sb-unicode:normalize-string (string-upcase name) :nfkd)
;; (defun track-ref-p)
;; (defun track-ref)
(defun track-normalized-name (track)
(normalize-name (gethash "Track" track)))
; a -> b <-> a references b
; screw it! let's use symbols. why not? (LKFDSJKFDJ)
; it's a finite set it's FINE
(defparameter -> (make-hash-table))
(defparameter <- (make-hash-table))
(loop for track in tracks
do (let ((from-name (intern (track-normalized-name track) :keyword)))
(loop for ref in (append (gethash "Referenced Tracks" track) (gethash "Sampled Tracks" track))
do (let ((to-name (intern (normalize-name ref) :keyword)))
; bodge
(unless (eq from-name to-name)
(unionf (gethash from-name ->) (list to-name))
(unionf (gethash to-name <-) (list from-name)))))))
(defun tree (src from depth)
(let ((succs (gethash from src)))
(if (and (plusp depth) (consp succs))
(list from (mapcar (lambda (x) (tree src x (- depth 1))) succs))
(defun ->tree (from depth)
(tree -> from depth))
(defun <-tree (from depth)
(tree <- from depth))
(defun pp-tree (tree &key (stream t) (indent 0) (indent-increment 2))
(let ((ind (make-string indent :initial-element #\ )))
(if (symbolp tree)
(format stream "~a~a~%" ind tree)
(destructuring-bind (from tos) tree
(format stream "~a~a~%" ind from)
(loop for to in tos
do (pp-tree to :stream stream
:indent (+ indent indent-increment)
:indent-increment indent-increment))))))