247.3ms ± 4.6ms shakespeare
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 44 additions and 39 deletions
@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
def String.words (s : String) :=
def String.words (s : String) :=
s.split Char.isWhitespace |>.filter (¬·.isEmpty)
s.split Char.isWhitespace |>.filter (¬·.isEmpty) |>.toArray
def String.lines (s : String) :=
def String.lines (s : String) :=
s.splitOn "\n" |>.filter (¬·.isEmpty)
s.splitOn "\n" |>.filter (¬·.isEmpty) |>.toArray
def List.unlines (xs : List String) : String
-- TODO: remove trailing
:= xs.intersperse "\n" |> String.join
def Array.unlines (xs : Array String) : String := do
let mut out := ""
for line in xs do
out := out ++ line ++ "\n"
return out
def ex := "The heat bloomed\tin December\nas the carnival season\n kicked into gear.\nNearly helpless with sun and glare, I avoided Rio's brilliant\nsidewalks\n and glittering beaches,\npanting in dark corners\nand waiting out the inverted southern summer."
def ex := "The heat bloomed\tin December\nas the carnival season\n kicked into gear.\nNearly helpless with sun and glare, I avoided Rio's brilliant\nsidewalks\n and glittering beaches,\npanting in dark corners\nand waiting out the inverted southern summer."
@ -12,56 +16,57 @@ def ex := "The heat bloomed\tin December\nas the carnival season\n kicke
#eval ex.lines
#eval ex.lines
#eval IO.println ex.lines.unlines
#eval IO.println ex.lines.unlines
def sep : List a → List a → List a
def Array.replicate : Nat → α → Array α
| a1::a1s, a2::a2s => a1::a2::sep a1s a2s
| 0, _ => #[]
| a1, _ => a1
| n+1, x => replicate n x |>.push x
def justify : Nat → List String → String
theorem Array.replicate_size_eq_n : (Array.replicate n x).size = n := by
| _, [word] => word
induction n <;> simp [Array.replicate, *]
def String.replicate : Nat → Char → String
| 0, _ => ""
| n+1, x => replicate n x |>.push x
def sep (xs space : Array String)
: String := do
let mut out := ""
let mut i := 0
while h : i < xs.size do
out := out.append xs[i]
if let some space := space[i]?
then out := out.append space
i := i + 1
return out
def justify : Nat → Array String → String
| _, #[word] => word
| width, words =>
| width, words =>
let wordsLength := List.sum (String.length <$> words)
let wordsLength := words.foldr (·.length + ·) 0
let spacesNeeded := width - wordsLength
let spacesNeeded := width - wordsLength
let numSpaces := words.length - 1
let numSpaces := words.size - 1
let smallSpaceLen := spacesNeeded / numSpaces
let smallSpaceLen := spacesNeeded / numSpaces
let smallSpace := List.replicate smallSpaceLen ' '
let smallSpace := String.replicate smallSpaceLen ' '
let largeSpaces := spacesNeeded % numSpaces
let largeSpaces := spacesNeeded % numSpaces
let smallSpaces := numSpaces - largeSpaces
let smallSpaces := numSpaces - largeSpaces
let largeSpace := ' '::smallSpace
let largeSpace := smallSpace.push ' '
let spaces := List.replicate largeSpaces largeSpace
let spaces := Array.replicate largeSpaces largeSpace
++ List.replicate smallSpaces smallSpace
++ Array.replicate smallSpaces smallSpace
|>.map List.asString
sep words spaces
String.join $ sep words spaces
#eval justify 1 "Hello, world, how is it going?".words
#eval justify 1 "Hello, world, how is it going?".words
#eval justify 1 "Hello, world, how is it going?".words |>.length
#eval justify 1 "Hello, world, how is it going?".words |>.length
def breakUp (width : Nat) (words : List String) : List (List String) :=
def breakUp (width : Nat) (words : Array String) : Array (Array String) :=
let (_, line, lines) := words.foldl
let (_, line, lines) := words.foldl
(λ(left, line, lines) word ↦
(λ(left, line, lines) word ↦
if word.length < left
if word.length < left
then (left - (word.length + 1), line++[word], lines)
then (left - (word.length + 1), line.push word, lines)
else (width - word.length, [word], lines++[line]))
else (width - word.length, #[word], lines.push line))
(width, [], [])
(width, #[], #[])
lines.push line
-- def breakUp (width : Nat) (words : List String)
-- : List (List String) :=
-- if width = 0 then [] else go width words [] []
-- where
-- go (left : Nat) (words line : List String) (lines : List $ List String) :=
-- match left, words, line, lines with
-- | _, [], l, ls => ls++[l]
-- | left, (w::ws), l, ls =>
-- if width < w.length
-- then go width ws [w] ls
-- else if left < w.length + 1
-- then go width (w::ws) [] (ls++[l])
-- else go (left - (w.length + 1)) ws (l++[w]) ls
-- termination_by (left, words)
def solve (width : Nat) :=
def solve (width : Nat) :=
List.unlines ∘ (justify width) ∘ breakUp width ∘ String.words
Array.unlines ∘ (justify width) ∘ breakUp width ∘ String.words
#eval IO.println $ solve 40 ex
#eval IO.println $ solve 40 ex
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