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2 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
7434b620f5 spreadsheet tinkering 2025-01-02 19:51:47 -05:00
6cd8d7a339 utils: l$ 2025-01-02 19:01:34 -05:00
3 changed files with 92 additions and 10 deletions

View file

@ -8,19 +8,41 @@
(defmacro hexbytes (&rest bytes)
(map '(vector flex:octet) (λ (x) (reread "#x" x)) bytes))
(defparameter signature
(hexbytes 89 50 4E 47 0D 0A 1A 0A))
(defgeneric bmatch (obj stream)
(:documentation "attempt to match OBJ with the binary input stream STREAM.
returns (VALUES BOOLEAN T)"))
(defmacro bor (&body opts)
(with-gensyms (ok? val)
(match opts
((list a b)
`(mvbind (,ok? ,val) ,a
(if ,ok? ,val ,b)))
((cons a b*)
`(bor ,a (bor ,@b*)))
(nil '(values nil nil)))))
(defmacro band (&body opts)
(with-gensyms (a-ok? a-val b-ok? b-val)
(match opts
((cons a b*)
`(mvbind (,a-ok? ,a-val) ,a
(if ,a-ok?
(mvbind (,b-ok? ,b-val) (band ,@b*)
(if ,b-ok?
(values t (cons ,a-val ,b-val))
(nil '(values t nil)))))
(defparameter signature
(hexbytes 89 50 4E 47 0D 0A 1A 0A))
(defmethod bmatch ((obj vector) stream)
(block nil
(loop for exp across signature
for got = (read-byte stream nil nil)
do (unless (and got (= exp got))
finally (return t))

spreadsheet.lisp Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
(load "utils.lisp")
;; n-dimensional, why not
(defclass sheet ()
((cells :initarg :cells :type (simple-array function))))
;; todo: identify dependencies and lazily recompute
;; (i would use promises, but)
;; having everything be a thunk is advantageous
(defmacro sheet (&body rows)
(= width (length (car rows)))
(assert (apply #'= (mapcar #'length rows)))
(= cells-name (gensym "CELLS"))
(= current-index (gensym "CURRENT-INDEX"))
(= cells
,@(loop for row in rows
for y from 0
,@(loop for cell in row
for x from 0
collecting `(lambda () (let1 ,current-index '(,x ,y) ,cell)))))))
(= cells
(defvar ,current-index nil)
(labels ((,cells-name ()
(make-array '(,(length rows) ,width)
:element-type 'function
:initial-contents ,cells))
(cell (x y)
(assert (not (equal (list x y) ,current-index)))
(funcall (aref (,cells-name) y x))))

View file

@ -686,6 +686,12 @@
`(loop for ,(first (car binds)) in ,(second (car binds))
do (doprod ,(cdr binds) ,@body))))
(defmacro mapprod ((&rest binds) &body body)
(if (null binds)
`(progn ,@body)
`(loop for ,(first (car binds)) in ,(second (car binds))
collect (mapprod ,(cdr binds) ,@body))))
(defpattern structure (expr)
(match expr
((list 'quote x) `',x)
@ -720,3 +726,21 @@
(_ `(locally ,stmt (begin ,@rest)))))
(_ nil)))
(defmacro l$ (&body body)
(=f $? (sym) (and (symbolp sym) (starts-with #\$ (symbol-name sym))))
(=f $-value (sym) (or (parse-integer (string-trim "$" (symbol-name sym))
:junk-allowed t)
(= money (remove-duplicates (remove-if-not #'$? (flatten body))))
(= highest (apply #'max (cons 0 (mapcar #'$-value money))))
`(lambda (,@(loop for i from 1 to highest
collecting (symb '$ i))
,@(when (member '$@ money)
'(&rest $@)))
(begin (=f x2 (n) (+ n n)) (fpromote x2) (mapcar x2 '(1 2 3)))