(load "utils.lisp") (defmacro incmodf (place mod &optional (delta 1)) `(setf ,place (mod (+ ,place ,delta) ,mod))) ; TODO: ooo could totally gen from sym (e.g. '++-[]>) ; then i'd need some sort of var syntax ugh (defpattern cmd (op val) `(list ',op ,val)) ; mandelbrot is about 5kb shorter with this :P ; zeroing-add gets us more (defun optimize-loop (ins) (match ins ((list (cmd inc _)) '(setf cell 0)) ((guard (list (cmd inc -1) (cmd minc rmove) (cmd inc 1) (cmd minc lmove)) (= lmove (- rmove))) ; [->{n}+<{n}] `(zeroing-add ,rmove)) ; maybe warn here? ((list) '(unless (zerop cell) (loop))) (_ nil))) (defun comp-part (&optional (port *standard-input*)) (begin (= out nil) (= op 'inc) (= val 0) (=f put (&optional (next 'inc)) (unless (zerop val) (push (list op val) out)) (setf op next) (setf val 0)) (loop for c = (read-char port nil nil) while (and c (not (eql c #\]))) when (in c #\+ #\- #\> #\< #\. #\, #\[) do (ecase c ((#\+ #\-) (unless (eq op 'inc) (put 'inc)) (incf val (if (eql c #\+) 1 -1))) ((#\> #\<) (unless (eq op 'minc) (put 'minc)) (incf val (if (eql c #\>) 1 -1))) (#\. (put) (push '(put-byte) out)) (#\, (put) (push '(get-byte) out)) (#\[ (put) (let1 inner (comp-part port) (push (or (optimize-loop inner) `(loop until (zerop cell) do (progn ,@inner))) out)))) finally (put) finally (return (nreverse out))))) (defparameter mem-size 32768) (defun comp (&optional (port *standard-input*)) (eval `(lambda (&key (in *standard-input*) (out *standard-output*)) (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))) (begin (= mem (make-array ,mem-size :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))) (= mp 0) (=sm cell (aref mem mp)) (=f inc (n) (incmodf cell 256 n)) (=f minc (n) (incmodf mp ,mem-size n)) ; TODO: fix (=f get-byte () (setf cell (mod (char-code (read-char in nil #\null)) 256))) (=f put-byte () (write-char (code-char cell) out)) (=f zeroing-add (rmove) (incmodf (aref mem (mod (+ mp rmove) ,mem-size)) 256 cell) (setf cell 0)) ,@(comp-part port) t)))) (defun main () (funcall (comp)))