2023-12-22 01:00:23 -05:00

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; main thing i'd like to do is be compatible with these:
; https://www.mzrg.com/mines/msx/index.html
; let's do about the minimum to do what i want
; keep the names almost exactly the same for googling's sake
(load-shared-object "libraylib.so")
; color
(define-ftype Color
[r unsigned-8]
[g unsigned-8]
[b unsigned-8]
[a unsigned-8]))
(define (set-color-r! color r) (ftype-set! Color (r) color r))
(define (set-color-g! color g) (ftype-set! Color (g) color g))
(define (set-color-b! color b) (ftype-set! Color (b) color b))
(define (set-color-a! color a) (ftype-set! Color (a) color a))
(define (color-r color) (ftype-ref Color (r) color))
(define (color-g color) (ftype-ref Color (g) color))
(define (color-b color) (ftype-ref Color (b) color))
(define (color-a color) (ftype-ref Color (a) color))
(define (color-components c) (list (color-r c) (color-g c) (color-b c) (color-a c)))
(define color
[(r g b) (color r g b 255)]
[(r g b a)
(define c (make-ftype-pointer Color (foreign-alloc (ftype-sizeof Color))))
(set-color-r! c r)
(set-color-g! c g)
(set-color-b! c b)
(set-color-a! c a)
(define WHITE (color 255 255 255 255))
;; (define c (color 1 2 3 4))
;; (display (list (color-r c) (color-g c) (color-b c) (color-a c)))
; window
(define init-window
(foreign-procedure #f "InitWindow" (int int string) void))
(define close-window
(foreign-procedure #f "CloseWindow" () void))
(define window-should-close?
(foreign-procedure #f "WindowShouldClose" () boolean))
; drawing
(define clear-background
(foreign-procedure #f "ClearBackground" ((& Color)) void))
(define begin-drawing
(foreign-procedure #f "BeginDrawing" () void))
(define end-drawing
(foreign-procedure #f "EndDrawing" () void))
; timing
(define set-target-fps
(foreign-procedure #f "SetTargetFPS" (int) void))
(define get-frame-time
(foreign-procedure #f "GetFrameTime" () float))
(define get-time
(foreign-procedure #f "GetTime" () double))
(define get-fps
(foreign-procedure #f "GetFPS" () int))
; filesystem
(define get-working-directory
(foreign-procedure #f "GetWorkingDirectory" () string))
(define get-application-directory
(foreign-procedure #f "GetApplicationDirectory" () string))
(define change-directory
(foreign-procedure #f "ChangeDirectory" (string) boolean))
; text
(define draw-fps
(foreign-procedure #f "DrawFPS" (int int) void))
(define draw-text
(foreign-procedure #f "DrawText" (string int int int (& Color)) void))
; texture
; shouldn't really need to use these structs, just pass them around
; which is what we could use void* for... oops.
(define-ftype Image
[data void*]
[width int]
[height int]
[mipmaps int]
[format int]))
(define-ftype Texture
[id unsigned]
[width int]
[height int]
[mipmaps int]
[format int]))
(define-ftype Texture2D Texture)
; really need this one though
(define-ftype Rectangle
[x float]
[y float]
[width float]
[height float]))
(define (set-rectangle-x! rect x) (ftype-set! Rectangle (x) rect (exact->inexact x)))
(define (set-rectangle-y! rect y) (ftype-set! Rectangle (y) rect (exact->inexact y)))
(define (set-rectangle-width! rect width) (ftype-set! Rectangle (width) rect (exact->inexact width)))
(define (set-rectangle-height! rect height) (ftype-set! Rectangle (height) rect (exact->inexact height)))
(define rectangle
[(x y width) (rectangle x y width width)]
[(x y width height)
(define rect (make-ftype-pointer Rectangle (foreign-alloc (ftype-sizeof Rectangle))))
(set-rectangle-x! rect x)
(set-rectangle-y! rect y)
(set-rectangle-width! rect width)
(set-rectangle-height! rect height)
(define-ftype Vector2
[x float]
[y float]))
(define (set-vector2-x! vec2 x) (ftype-set! Vector2 (x) vec2 (exact->inexact x)))
(define (set-vector2-y! vec2 y) (ftype-set! Vector2 (y) vec2 (exact->inexact y)))
(define (vector2 x y)
(define vec2 (make-ftype-pointer Vector2 (foreign-alloc (ftype-sizeof Vector2))))
(set-vector2-x! vec2 x)
(set-vector2-y! vec2 y)
; adapted from https://github.com/Yunoinsky/chez-raylib/blob/main/src/raylib.sls
(define load-image
(let ([f (foreign-procedure #f "LoadImage"
(& Image))])
(let ([ret (make-ftype-pointer
(foreign-alloc (ftype-sizeof Image)))])
(f ret file-name)
[(struct file-name) (f struct file-name) struct])))
(define load-texture
(let ([f (foreign-procedure #f "LoadTexture"
(& Texture))])
(let ([ret (make-ftype-pointer
(foreign-alloc (ftype-sizeof Texture)))])
(f ret file-name)
[(struct file-name) (f struct file-name) struct])))
(define unload-texture
(foreign-procedure #f "UnloadTexture" ((& Texture2D)) void))
(define draw-texture-rec
(foreign-procedure #f "DrawTextureRec" ((& Texture2D) (& Rectangle) (& Vector2) (& Color)) void))
; we only really need the rec version
; scheme magicks
(define-syntax with-draw
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ body ...)
(begin (begin-drawing)
body ...
(define-syntax while
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ test body ...)
(do []
[(not test) #f]
body ...)]))
(define-syntax until
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ test body ...)
(do []
[test #f]
body ...)]))
; my stuff :]
(define *skin-paths* '("./skins" "."))
; could be fun to do weird stuff with skins (randomly choosing, &c)
(define (load-skin filename)
(define path
(find file-exists?
(map (lambda (p) (string-append p "/" filename))
(unless path
"failed to load `" filename "`. tried paths "
(with-output-to-string (lambda () (write *skin-paths*))))))
(load-texture path))
(define skin-width 144)
(define skin-height 122)
(define number-rects
(let ([width (/ skin-width 9)])
(map (lambda (n)
; the bottom and right sides are 1 pixel shy, it works out
(rectangle (* n width) 0 width width))
(iota 9)))))
(define (blit-number skin n pos)
(let ([rect (vector-ref number-rects n)])
(draw-texture-rec skin rect pos WHITE)))
(define (main)
(init-window 100 100 "hello")
(set-target-fps 60)
(let ([skin (load-skin "xp-flowers.bmp")])
;; (display skin)
;; (newline)
; with the actual game, we probably don't have to draw every time
(until (window-should-close?)
(clear-background (color 0 0 0 0))
(for-each (lambda (n)
(blit-number skin n (vector2 (* 10 n) (* 10 n))))
(iota 9))))
(unload-texture skin)