working towards a nice gruvbox i3

This commit is contained in:
mehbark 2023-08-16 02:16:32 -04:00
parent f93369194f
commit bd22097b72
4 changed files with 495 additions and 16 deletions

View file

@ -75,19 +75,9 @@ in
}; };
displayManager = { displayManager = {
sddm.enable = conf.wm == "plasma" || conf.wm == "xmonad"; sddm.enable = conf.wm == "plasma" || conf.wm == "xmonad";
defaultSession = if conf.wm == "i3" then "xfce+i3" else null; defaultSession = if conf.wm == "i3" then "xfce" else null;
}; };
windowManager = { windowManager = {
i3 = if conf.wm == "i3" then {
enable = true;
extraPackages =
with pkgs; [
} else {};
}; };
}; };

View file

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
let let
# :( # :(
# could do like nix-i3, nix-hyprland but that would be LAME # could do like nix-i3, nix-hyprland but that would be LAME
conf = (import ./build.conf.nix) { wm = "hyprland"; }; conf = (import ./build.conf.nix) { wm = "i3"; };
modules = [ modules = [
((import ./configuration.nix) conf) ((import ./configuration.nix) conf)
home-manager.nixosModules.home-manager home-manager.nixosModules.home-manager

View file

@ -183,9 +183,32 @@ in
''; '';
} else {}; } else {};
# xsession.windowManager.i3 = if wm == "i3" wayland.windowManager.sway = if wm == "sway"
# then { then {
# enable = true; enable = true;
config = rec {
modifier = "Mod4";
terminal = "kitty";
startup = [
} else {};
# } else {}; services.polybar = if wm == "i3"
then {
enable = true;
script = "polybar bar &";
settings = import ./polybar.conf.nix;
config = {
client.focused = ["#665c54" "#665c54" "#121212" "#665c54" "#a89984"];
client.unfocused = ["#282828" "#282828" "#a89984" "#282828" "#282828"];
client.focused_inactive = ["#282828" "#282828" "#a89984" "#282828" "#282828"];
client.urgent = ["#282828" "#282828" "#a89984" "#282828" "#282828"];
} else {};
xsession.windowManager.i3 = if wm == "i3"
then {
enable = true;
} else {};
} }

polybar.conf.nix Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
rec {
colors = {
background = "#121212";
background-alt = "#282828";
foreground = "#f9f5d7";
foreground-alt = "#7c6f64";
primary = "#ffb52a";
secondary = "#e60053";
alert = "#cc241d";
bar.primary = {
width = "100%";
height = "26";
radius = "0.0";
fixed-center = "true";
bottom = "true";
background = "${colors.background}";
foreground = "${colors.foreground}";
line-size = "0";
line-color = "#f00";
border-size = "0";
border-color = "#a89984";
padding-left = "2";
padding-right = "2";
module-margin-left = "1";
module-margin-right = "1";
"#font-0" = "fixed:pixelsize=9";
"#font-1" = "unifont:fontformat=truetype:size=8:antialias=false";
"#font-2" = "siji:pixelsize=10";
"#font-3" = "Material Icons:size=13";
"#font-4" = "Font Awesome 5 Free Solid:size=10";
"#font-5" = "Font Awesome 5 Free Regular:size=10";
"#font-6" = "Font Awesome 5 Brands:size=11";
"#font-7" = "Material-Design-Iconic-Font:size=13";
font-0 = "Plex Custom:size=9.5";
font-1 = "Material\\-Design\\-Iconic\\-Font:size=12";
font-2 = "Font Awesome 5 Free Solid:size=10";
font-3 = "Font Awesome 5 Free Regular:size=10";
font-4 = "BlexMono NF:size=14";
font-5 = "Font Awesome 5 Brands:size=11";
modules-left = "time memory cpu mpd";
modules-center = "i3";
modules-right = "battery pulseaudio wlan eth";
tray-position = "right";
tray-padding = "3";
tray-background = "${colors.background}";
tray-maxsize = "22";
tray-scale = "1.1";
wm-restack = "i3";
cursor-click = "pointer";
cursor-scroll = "ns-resize";
enable-ipc = "true";
bar.secondary = {
width = "100%";
height = "25";
radius = "0.0";
fixed-center = "true";
bottom = "true";
background = "${colors.background}";
foreground = "${colors.foreground}";
line-size = "0";
line-color = "#f00";
border-size = "0";
border-color = "#a89984";
padding-left = "3";
padding-right = "3";
module-margin-left = "1";
module-margin-right = "1";
font-0 = "Plex Custom:size=9.5";
font-1 = "Material-Design-Iconic-Font:size=13";
font-2 = "Font Awesome 5 Free Solid:size=10";
font-3 = "Font Awesome 5 Free Regular:size=10";
font-4 = "BlexMono NF:size=14";
font-5 = "Font Awesome 5 Brands:size=11";
modules-left = "time memory cpu mpd";
modules-center = "i3";
modules-right = "battery pulseaudio wlan eth";
tray-position = "none";
wm-restack = "i3";
cursor-click = "pointer";
cursor-scroll = "ns-resize";
enable-ipc = "true";
module.xkeyboard = {
type = "internal/xkeyboard";
blacklist-0 = "num lock";
format-prefix = " ";
format-prefix-foreground = "${colors.foreground-alt}";
format-prefix-underline = "${colors.secondary}";
label-layout = "%layout%";
label-layout-underline = "${colors.secondary}";
label-indicator-padding = "2";
label-indicator-margin = "1";
label-indicator-background = "${colors.secondary}";
label-indicator-underline = "${colors.secondary}";
module.filesystem = {
type = "internal/fs";
interval = "25";
mount-0 = "/";
label-mounted = "%{F#0a81f5}%mountpoint%%{F-}: %percentage_used%%";
label-unmounted = "%mountpoint% not mounted";
label-unmounted-foreground = "${colors.foreground-alt}";
module.bspwm = {
type = "internal/bspwm";
label-focused = "%index%";
label-focused-background = "${colors.background-alt}";
label-focused-underline= "${colors.primary}";
label-focused-padding = "2";
label-occupied = "%index%";
label-occupied-padding = "2";
label-urgent = "%index%!";
label-urgent-background = "${colors.alert}";
label-urgent-padding = "2";
label-empty = "%index%";
label-empty-foreground = "${colors.foreground-alt}";
label-empty-padding = "2";
module.i3 = {
type = "internal/i3";
format = "<label-state> <label-mode>";
index-sort = "true";
wrapping-scroll = "false";
pin-workspaces = "true";
label-mode-padding = "1";
label-mode-foreground = "#000";
label-mode-background = "${colors.primary}";
label-focused = "%index%";
label-focused-background = "${colors.background-alt}";
label-focused-foreground = "${colors.foreground}";
label-focused-underline= "${colors.primary}";
label-focused-padding = "1";
label-unfocused = "%index%";
label-unfocused-padding = "1";
label-visible = "%index%";
label-visible-background = "${self.label-focused-background}";
label-visible-foreground = "${self.label-focused-foreground}";
label-visible-underline = "${self.label-focused-underline}";
label-visible-padding = "${self.label-focused-padding}";
label-urgent = "%index%";
label-urgent-background = "${colors.alert}";
label-urgent-padding = "1";
module.mpd = {
type = "internal/mpd";
label-song-background = "${colors.foreground}";
label-song-foreground = "${colors.background}";
label-song-padding = "1";
format-playing = "<label-song> <icon-prev> <toggle> <icon-stop> <icon-next>";
format-paused = "<label-song> <icon-prev> <toggle> <icon-stop> <icon-next>";
format-stopped = "";
label-song = " %title%";
icon-prev = "";
icon-stop = "";
icon-play = "";
icon-pause = "";
icon-next = "";
label-song-maxlen = "15";
label-song-ellipsis = "true";
module.xbacklight = {
type = "internal/xbacklight";
format = "<label> <bar>";
label = "BL";
bar-width = "10";
bar-indicator = "|";
bar-indicator-foreground = "#fff";
bar-indicator-font = "2";
bar-fill = "";
bar-fill-font = "2";
bar-fill-foreground = "#9f78e1";
bar-empty = "";
bar-empty-font = "2";
bar-empty-foreground = "${colors.foreground-alt}";
module.blacklight-acpi = {
"inherit" = "module/xbacklight";
type = "internal/backlight";
card = "intel_backlight";
module.cpu = {
type = "internal/cpu";
interval = "1";
format-prefix-font = "3";
format-prefix = "%{A1:notify-send CPU \"$$(ps axch -o cmd\\:25,%cpu --sort=-%cpu | head)\":} %{A}";
format-prefix-foreground = "${colors.foreground}";
format-underline = "#f90000";
label = "%percentage%%";
module.memory = {
type = "internal/memory";
interval = "1";
format-prefix = ''%{A1:notify-send MEMORY "$(ps axch -o cmd\\:25,rss --sort=-rss | head)":} %{A}'';
label-active-font = "1";
format-prefix-foreground = "${colors.foreground}";
format-underline = "#4bffdc";
label = "%percentage_used%%";
module.wlan = {
type = "internal/network";
interface = "wlan0";
interval = "2.0";
format-connected = "<label-connected>";
format-connected-underline = "#9f78e1";
label-connected = "%essid% | %downspeed%";
format-disconnected = "";
ramp-signal-0 = "";
ramp-signal-1 = "";
ramp-signal-2 = "";
ramp-signal-3 = "";
ramp-signal-4 = "";
ramp-signal-foreground = "${colors.foreground-alt}";
module.time = {
type = "internal/date";
interval = "1";
#label-font = "3";
format-margin = "0";
time = ''%I:%M'';
date = ''%d %b'';
time-alt = ''%I:%M:%S'';
date-alt = ''%a %d/%m/%y'';
label = " %date% %time%";
label-background = "${colors.background}";
label-padding = "0";
module.pulseaudio = {
type = "internal/pulseaudio";
format-volume-margin = "1";
format-volume = "<ramp-volume> <label-volume>";
label-volume = "%percentage%%";
format-volume-background = "${colors.background}";
format-volume-padding = "0";
use-ui-max = "false";
interval = "5";
"#format-volume-font" = "6";
ramp-volume-0 = "";
ramp-volume-1 = "";
ramp-volume-2 = "";
label-muted = "";
label-muted-background = "${colors.background}";
label-muted-padding = "1";
module.alsa = {
type = "internal/alsa";
format-volume = "<label-volume> <bar-volume>";
label-volume = "VOL";
label-volume-foreground = "${root.foreground}";
format-muted-prefix = " ";
format-muted-foreground = "${colors.foreground-alt}";
label-muted = "sound muted";
bar-volume-width = "10";
bar-volume-foreground-0 = "#55aa55";
bar-volume-foreground-1 = "#55aa55";
bar-volume-foreground-2 = "#55aa55";
bar-volume-foreground-3 = "#55aa55";
bar-volume-foreground-4 = "#55aa55";
bar-volume-foreground-5 = "#f5a70a";
bar-volume-foreground-6 = "#ff5555";
bar-volume-gradient = "false";
bar-volume-indicator = "|";
bar-volume-indicator-font = "2";
bar-volume-fill = "";
bar-volume-fill-font = "2";
bar-volume-empty = "";
bar-volume-empty-font = "2";
bar-volume-empty-foreground = "${colors.foreground-alt}";
module.battery = {
type = "internal/battery";
battery = "BAT0";
adapter = "AC";
full-at = "99";
#label-charging-font = "3";
#label-discharging-font = "3";
ramp-capacity-font = "3";
label-charging = " %percentage%%";
label-discharging = "%percentage%%";
format-charging = "<label-charging>";
format-charging-underline = "#ffb52a";
format-discharging = "<ramp-capacity> <label-discharging>";
format-discharging-underline = "${self.format-charging-underline}";
format-full-font = "3";
format-full-prefix = " ";
format-full-prefix-foreground = "${colors.foreground}";
format-full-underline = "${self.format-charging-underline}";
ramp-capacity-0 = "";
ramp-capacity-1 = "";
ramp-capacity-2 = "";
ramp-capacity-3 = "";
ramp-capacity-4 = "";
ramp-capacity-foreground = "${colors.foreground}";
animation-charging-0 = "";
animation-charging-1 = "";
animation-charging-2 = "";
animation-charging-foreground = "${colors.foreground-alt}";
animation-charging-framerate = "750";
animation-discharging-0 = "";
animation-discharging-1 = "";
animation-discharging-2 = "";
animation-discharging-foreground = "${colors.foreground-alt}";
animation-discharging-framerate = "750";
module.temperature = {
type = "internal/temperature";
thermal-zone = "0";
warn-temperature = "60";
format = "<label>";
format-underline = "#f50a4d";
format-warn = "<ramp> <label-warn>";
format-warn-underline = "${self.format-underline}";
label = "%temperature-c%";
label-warn = "%temperature-c%";
label-warn-foreground = "${colors.secondary}";
ramp-0 = "";
ramp-1 = "";
ramp-2 = "";
ramp-foreground = "${colors.foreground-alt}";
module.powermenu = {
type = "custom/menu";
expand-right = "true";
format-spacing = "1";
label-open = "";
label-open-foreground = "${colors.secondary}";
label-close = " cancel";
label-close-foreground = "${colors.secondary}";
label-separator = "|";
label-separator-foreground = "${colors.foreground-alt}";
menu-0-0 = "reboot";
menu-0-0-exec = "menu-open-1";
menu-0-1 = "power off";
menu-0-1-exec = "menu-open-2";
menu-1-0 = "cancel";
menu-1-0-exec = "menu-open-0";
menu-1-1 = "reboot";
menu-1-1-exec = "sudo reboot";
menu-2-0 = "power off";
menu-2-0-exec = "sudo poweroff";
menu-2-1 = "cancel";
menu-2-1-exec = "menu-open-0";
module.nautilus = {
type = "custom/text";
content = "";
click-left = "nautilus";
module.firefox = {
type = "custom/text";
content = "🦊";
click-left = "firefox";
module.os = {
type = "custom/text";
content = "%{T5}%{T}";
settings = {
screenchange-reload = "true";
pseudo-transparency = "false";
global.wm = {
margin-top = "5";
margin-bottom = "5";