diff --git a/CHANGELOG.mkdn b/CHANGELOG.mkdn
index 029e12b..cb70967 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.mkdn
+++ b/CHANGELOG.mkdn
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ CHANGELOG
* Remote quirk shutoff in memos - Kiooeht [evacipatedBox]
* Compress exit dumps into one line - Kiooeht [evacipatedBox] (Idea: Lexi [lexicalNuance])
* Display channel mode change message - Kiooeht [evacipatedBox]
+* Disable quirks in +c memos - Lexi [lexicalNuance]
* Bug fixes
* Logviewer updates - Kiooeht [evacipatedBox]
* Memo scrollbar thing - Kiooeht [evacipatedBox]
@@ -76,6 +77,9 @@ CHANGELOG
* Don't delete random chum when blocking someone not on chumroll - Kiooeht [evacipatedBox]
* Openning global userlist doesn't reset OP status of memo users - Kiooeht [evacipatedBox]
* Alt characters don't break on random replace - Kiooeht [evacipatedBox]
+ * Trollian 2.5 tray icon is now Trollian icon - Kiooeht [evacipatedBox]
+* Mac Bug fixes
+ * Create all datadir stuff - Lexi [lexicalNuance]
### 3.14.1
* Pesterchum 3.14 - illuminatedwax [ghostDunk]
diff --git a/dataobjs.py b/dataobjs.py
index 76cc39b..4b0ee60 100644
--- a/dataobjs.py
+++ b/dataobjs.py
@@ -280,6 +280,10 @@ class PesterProfile(object):
else: modeon = "no longer"
return "Memo is %s %s by %s" % \
(syscolor.name(), modeon, modeverb, opchum.colorhtml(), opinit)
+ def memoquirkkillmsg(self, opchum, opgrammar, syscolor):
+ opinit = opgrammar.pcf+opchum.initials()+opgrammar.number
+ return "%s turned off you quirk." % \
+ (syscolor.name(), opchum.colorhtml(), opinit)
def checkLength(handle):
diff --git a/irc.py b/irc.py
index afb92a4..fe120db 100644
--- a/irc.py
+++ b/irc.py
@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ class PesterHandler(DefaultCommandHandler):
handle = nick[0:nick.find("!")]
logging.info("---> recv \"CTCP %s :%s\"" % (handle, msg[1:-1]))
if msg[1:-1] == "VERSION":
- helpers.ctcp_reply(self.parent.cli, handle, "VERSION", "Pesterchum %s\x01" % (_pcVersion))
+ helpers.ctcp_reply(self.parent.cli, handle, "VERSION", "Pesterchum %s" % (_pcVersion))
elif msg[1:-1].startswith("NOQUIRKS") and chan[0] == "#":
op = nick[0:nick.find("!")]
self.parent.quirkDisable.emit(chan, msg[10:-1], op)
diff --git a/memos.py b/memos.py
index af322b6..0c1c618 100644
--- a/memos.py
+++ b/memos.py
@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ class PesterMemo(PesterConvo):
self.voiceAction = QtGui.QAction(self.mainwindow.theme["main/menus/rclickchumlist/voiceuser"], self)
self.connect(self.voiceAction, QtCore.SIGNAL('triggered()'),
self, QtCore.SLOT('voiceSelectedUser()'))
- self.quirkDisableAction = QtGui.QAction("Kill Quirk", self)
+ self.quirkDisableAction = QtGui.QAction(self.mainwindow.theme["main/menus/rclickchumlist/quirkkill"], self)
self.connect(self.quirkDisableAction, QtCore.SIGNAL('triggered()'),
self, QtCore.SLOT('killQuirkUser()'))
@@ -395,20 +395,29 @@ class PesterMemo(PesterConvo):
+<<<<<<< HEAD
self.chanModeMenu = QtGui.QMenu("Memo Settings", self)
self.chanNoquirks = QtGui.QAction("Disable Quirks", self)
self.connect(self.chanNoquirks, QtCore.SIGNAL('toggled(bool)'),
self, QtCore.SLOT('noquirksChan(bool)'))
self.chanHide = QtGui.QAction("Hidden", self)
+ self.chanModeMenu = QtGui.QMenu(self.mainwindow.theme["main/menus/rclickchumlist/memosetting"], self)
+ self.chanNoquirks = QtGui.QAction(self.mainwindow.theme["main/menus/rclickchumlist/memonoquirk"], self)
+ self.chanNoquirks.setCheckable(True)
+ self.connect(self.chanNoquirks, QtCore.SIGNAL('toggled(bool)'),
+ self, QtCore.SLOT('noquirksChan(bool)'))
+ self.chanHide = QtGui.QAction(self.mainwindow.theme["main/menus/rclickchumlist/memohidden"], self)
+>>>>>>> upstream/master
self.connect(self.chanHide, QtCore.SIGNAL('toggled(bool)'),
self, QtCore.SLOT('hideChan(bool)'))
- self.chanInvite = QtGui.QAction("Invite-Only", self)
+ self.chanInvite = QtGui.QAction(self.mainwindow.theme["main/menus/rclickchumlist/memoinvite"], self)
self.connect(self.chanInvite, QtCore.SIGNAL('toggled(bool)'),
self, QtCore.SLOT('inviteChan(bool)'))
- self.chanMod = QtGui.QAction("Mute", self)
+ self.chanMod = QtGui.QAction(self.mainwindow.theme["main/menus/rclickchumlist/memomute"], self)
self.connect(self.chanMod, QtCore.SIGNAL('toggled(bool)'),
self, QtCore.SLOT('modChan(bool)'))
@@ -546,9 +555,15 @@ class PesterMemo(PesterConvo):
- self.quirkDisableAction.setText("Kill Quirk")
+ self.quirkDisableAction.setText(theme["main/menus/rclickchumlist/quirkkill"])
+ self.invitechum.setText(theme["main/menus/rclickchumlist/invitechum"])
+ self.chanModeMenu.setTitle(theme["main/menus/rclickchumlist/memosetting"])
+ self.chanNoquirks.setText(theme["main/menus/rclickchumlist/memonoquirk"])
+ self.chanHide.setText(theme["main/menus/rclickchumlist/memohidden"])
+ self.chanInvite.setText(theme["main/menus/rclickchumlist/memoinvite"])
+ self.chanMod.setText(theme["main/menus/rclickchumlist/memomute"])
@@ -819,7 +834,22 @@ class PesterMemo(PesterConvo):
if msg == self.mainwindow.profile().handle:
self.applyquirks = False
+<<<<<<< HEAD
# TODO: Politely notify the client
+ systemColor = QtGui.QColor(self.mainwindow.theme["memos/systemMsgColor"])
+ chum = self.mainwindow.profile()
+ opchum = PesterProfile(op)
+ if self.times.has_key(op):
+ opgrammar = self.times[op].getGrammar()
+ elif op == self.mainwindow.profile().handle:
+ opgrammar = self.time.getGrammar()
+ else:
+ opgrammar = TimeGrammar("CURRENT", "C", "RIGHT NOW")
+ msg = chum.memoquirkkillmsg(opchum, opgrammar, systemColor)
+ self.textArea.append(convertTags(msg))
+ self.mainwindow.chatlog.log(self.channel, msg)
+>>>>>>> upstream/master
@QtCore.pyqtSlot(QtCore.QString, QtCore.QString, QtCore.QString)
def userPresentChange(self, handle, channel, update):
diff --git a/menus.py b/menus.py
index 9a3586a..c89e328 100644
--- a/menus.py
+++ b/menus.py
@@ -1476,6 +1476,7 @@ class AboutPesterchum(QtGui.QDialog):
self.credits = QtGui.QLabel("Programming by:\n\
illuminatedwax (ghostDunk)\n\
Kiooeht (evacipatedBox)\n\
+ Lexi (lexicalNuance)\n\
Art by:\n\
@@ -1485,7 +1486,6 @@ Art by:\n\
Special Thanks:\n\
- Lexi (lexicalNuance)\n\
self.ok = QtGui.QPushButton("OK", self)
diff --git a/parsetools.py b/parsetools.py
index 83d9276..388b51e 100644
--- a/parsetools.py
+++ b/parsetools.py
@@ -491,7 +491,10 @@ def themeChecker(theme):
"main/chums/userlistcolor", "main/defaultwindow/style", \
"main/chums/moods", "main/chums/moods/chummy/icon", "main/menus/help/help", \
"main/menus/help/calsprite", "main/menus/help/nickserv", \
- "main/menus/rclickchumlist/invitechum", "main/menus/client/randen"]
+ "main/menus/rclickchumlist/invitechum", "main/menus/client/randen", \
+ "main/menus/rclickchumlist/memosetting", "main/menus/rclickchumlist/memonoquirk", \
+ "main/menus/rclickchumlist/memohidden", "main/menus/rclickchumlist/memoinvite", \
+ "main/menus/rclickchumlist/memomute"]
for n in needs:
diff --git a/pesterchum.py b/pesterchum.py
index a03e0f8..0bf799d 100644
--- a/pesterchum.py
+++ b/pesterchum.py
@@ -1713,7 +1713,7 @@ class PesterWindow(MovingWindow):
def checkPing(self):
curtime = int(time())
- if curtime - self.lastping > 300:
+ if curtime - self.lastping > 600:
def profile(self):
@@ -1972,6 +1972,9 @@ class PesterWindow(MovingWindow):
+ self.helpAction.setText(self.theme["main/menus/help/help"])
+ self.botAction.setText(self.theme["main/menus/help/calsprite"])
+ self.nickServAction.setText(self.theme["main/menus/help/nickserv"])
# moods
@@ -2200,7 +2203,14 @@ class PesterWindow(MovingWindow):
def deliverNotice(self, handle, msg):
h = unicode(handle)
m = unicode(msg)
- if h == self.randhandler.randNick:
+ if m.startswith("Your nickname is now being changed to"):
+ changedto = m[39:-1]
+ msgbox = QtGui.QMessageBox()
+ msgbox.setText("This chumhandle has been registered; you may not use it.")
+ msgbox.setInformativeText("Your handle is now being changed to %s." % (changedto))
+ msgbox.setStandardButtons(QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok | QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel)
+ ret = msgbox.exec_()
+ elif h == self.randhandler.randNick:
elif self.convos.has_key(h):
self.newMessage(h, m)
diff --git a/themes/FRESHjamz/style.js b/themes/FRESHjamz/style.js
index 4b0421d..4014c0f 100644
--- a/themes/FRESHjamz/style.js
+++ b/themes/FRESHjamz/style.js
@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@
"newmsgicon": "$path/trayicon2.png",
"windowtitle": "FRESHjamz",
"close": { "image": "$path/x.png",
- "size": [13, 13],
+ "size": [13, 13],
"loc": [101, 362]},
"minimize": { "image": "$path/m.png",
- "size": [13, 13],
+ "size": [13, 13],
"loc": [116, 362]},
"menubar": { "style": "font-family: 'Arial'; font-size: 11px; font: bold; color: white;" },
"menu" : { "style": "font-family: 'Arial'; font-size: 11px; font: bold; color: white; background-color: #393939; border:3px solid #797979;",
@@ -18,15 +18,17 @@
"loc": [198,141]
"sounds": { "alertsound": "$path/alarm.wav",
- "ceasesound": "$path/ohgodwhat.wav" },
- "menus": {"client": {"_name": "Album",
+ "ceasesound": "$path/ohgodwhat.wav" },
+ "menus": {"client": {"_name": "Album",
"options": "Options",
"memos": "Memos",
"logviewer": "Pesterlogs",
+ "randen": "Random Encounter",
"userlist": "Userlist",
+ "addgroup": "Add Group",
"import": "Import",
- "reconnect": "Reconnect",
- "idle": "Idle",
+ "reconnect": "Reconnect",
+ "idle": "Idle",
"exit": "Exit"},
"profile": {"_name": "Track",
"switch": "Switch",
@@ -36,76 +38,88 @@
"quirks": "Quirks" },
"help": { "_name": "Info",
"help": "Info",
- "calsprite": "Calsprite",
+ "calsprite": "Calsprite",
+ "nickserv": "NickServ",
"about": "About" },
"rclickchumlist": {"pester": "Pester",
"removechum": "Remove Chum",
+ "report": "Report",
"blockchum": "Block",
- "report": "Report",
"addchum": "Add Chum",
"viewlog": "View Pesterlog",
"unblockchum": "Unblock",
+ "removegroup": "Remove Group",
+ "renamegroup": "Rename Group",
+ "movechum": "Move To",
"banuser": "Ban",
"opuser": "Make OP",
- "quirksoff": "Quirks Off" }
+ "voiceuser": "Give Voice",
+ "quirkkill": "Kill Quirk",
+ "quirksoff": "Quirks Off",
+ "invitechum": "Invite Chump",
+ "memosetting": "Memo Settings",
+ "memonoquirk": "Disable Quirks",
+ "memohidden": "Hidden",
+ "memoinvite": "Invite-Only",
+ "memomute": "Mute" }
"chums": { "style": "font-size: 16px; background-image:url($path/chumbg.png); background-color: #414141; background-repeat: no-repeat; font-family: 'Arial'; border: 0px; selection-background-color: #222222; color: #ff168f;",
"loc": [189, 162],
"size": [272, 170],
"userlistcolor": "#ff168f",
"moods": {
"chummy": { "icon": "$path/chummy.png", "color": "white" },
"rancorous": { "icon": "$path/rancorous.png", "color": "#ff168f" },
"offline": { "icon": "$path/offline.png", "color": "grey"},
"pleasant": { "icon": "$path/pleasant.png", "color": "white" },
"distraught": { "icon": "$path/distraught.png", "color": "white" },
"pranky": { "icon": "$path/pranky.png", "color": "white" },
"smooth": { "icon": "$path/smooth.png", "color": "white" },
"mystified": { "icon": "$path/mystified.png", "color": "white" },
"amazed": { "icon": "$path/amazed.png", "color": "white" },
"insolent": { "icon": "$path/insolent.png", "color": "white" },
- "bemused": { "icon": "$path/bemused.png", "color": "white" },
+ "bemused": { "icon": "$path/bemused.png", "color": "white" },
"ecstatic": { "icon": "$path/ecstatic.png", "color": "#ff168f" },
"relaxed": { "icon": "$path/relaxed.png", "color": "#ff168f" },
"discontent": { "icon": "$path/discontent.png", "color": "#ff168f" },
"devious": { "icon": "$path/devious.png", "color": "#ff168f" },
"sleek": { "icon": "$path/sleek.png", "color": "#ff168f" },
"detestful": { "icon": "$path/detestful.png", "color": "#ff168f" },
"mirthful": { "icon": "$path/mirthful.png", "color": "#ff168f" },
"manipulative": { "icon": "$path/manipulative.png", "color": "#ff168f" },
"vigorous": { "icon": "$path/vigorous.png", "color": "#ff168f" },
"perky": { "icon": "$path/perky.png", "color": "#ff168f" },
"acceptant": { "icon": "$path/acceptant.png", "color": "#ff168f" },
"protective": { "icon": "$path/protective.png", "color": "lime" },
"blocked": { "icon": "$path/blocked.png", "color": "#ff168f" }
"trollslum": {
@@ -128,16 +142,16 @@
"defaultwindow": { "style": "color: black; background: #797979; font-family: 'Arial'; font: bold; selection-background-color: rgb(100,100,100);"
- "addchum":
+ "addchum":
{ "style": "background-image:url($path/pause1.png); border:0px;",
- "pressed": "background-image:url($path/pause2.png); border:0px;",
+ "pressed": "background-image:url($path/pause2.png); border:0px;",
"loc": [239, 73],
"size": [55, 58],
"text": ""
- "pester":
+ "pester":
{ "style": "background-image:url($path/play1.png); border:0px;",
- "pressed": "background-image:url($path/play2.png); border:0px;",
+ "pressed": "background-image:url($path/play2.png); border:0px;",
"loc": [180, 73],
"size": [55, 58],
"text": ""
@@ -153,14 +167,14 @@
"text": ""
"moods": [
- { "style": "background-image:url($path/rewind1.png); border:0px;",
+ { "style": "background-image:url($path/rewind1.png); border:0px;",
"selected": "background-image:url($path/rewind2.png); border:0px;",
"loc": [298, 73],
"size": [55, 58],
"text": "",
"icon": "",
"mood": 2
- },
+ },
{ "style": "background-image:url($path/fastforward1.png); border:0px;",
"selected": "background-image:url($path/fastforward2.png); border:0px;",
"loc": [357, 73],
@@ -189,7 +203,7 @@
"style": "background: white;margin-top:5px; border:1px solid #c2c2c2; font-size: 12px;"
"tabwindow" : {
- "style": "background: black; font-family: 'Arial'"
+ "style": "background: black; font-family: 'Arial'"
"tabs": {
"style": "border: 2px solid white; background: black; color: white;",
@@ -235,15 +249,15 @@
"userlist": { "width": 125,
"style": "font-size: 12px; background: white; margin-left: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px; border:2px solid #c2c2c2; padding: 5px; font-family: 'Arial';selection-background-color:rgb(200,200,200);"
- "time": { "text": { "width": 75,
- "style": "color: black; font:bold; border:1px solid #c2c2c2; background: white; height: 19px;"
+ "time": { "text": { "width": 75,
+ "style": "color: black; font:bold; border:1px solid #c2c2c2; background: white; height: 19px;"
"slider": { "style": " border:1px solid #c2c2c2;",
"groove": "border-image:url($path/timeslider.png);",
"handle": "image:url($path/timeicon.png);"
- "buttons": { "style": "border:1px solid #ff9dcf; height: 17px; width: 50px; color: white; font-family: 'Arial'; background: #ff168f; margin-left: 2px;" },
- "arrows": { "left": "$path/leftarrow.png",
+ "buttons": { "style": "border:1px solid #ff9dcf; height: 17px; width: 50px; color: white; font-family: 'Arial'; background: #ff168f; margin-left: 2px;" },
+ "arrows": { "left": "$path/leftarrow.png",
"right": "$path/rightarrow.png",
"style": "width: 19px; height: 19px; border:0px; margin-left: 2px;"
@@ -251,4 +265,4 @@
"systemMsgColor": "#646464",
"op": { "icon": "$path/smooth.png" }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/Scratch/style.js b/themes/Scratch/style.js
index 21f2283..7c92916 100644
--- a/themes/Scratch/style.js
+++ b/themes/Scratch/style.js
@@ -16,15 +16,17 @@
"loc": [175,53]
"sounds": { "alertsound": "$path/scratch.wav",
- "ceasesound": "$path/scratch2.wav" },
+ "ceasesound": "$path/scratch2.wav" },
"menus": {"client": {"_name": "Album",
"options": "Remix",
"memos": "Memos",
"logviewer": "Pesterlogs",
+ "randen": "Random Encounter",
"userlist": "Cronies",
+ "addgroup": "New Crew",
"import": "Import",
- "reconnect": "Reconnect",
- "idle": "Idle",
+ "reconnect": "Reconnect",
+ "idle": "Idle",
"exit": "Exit"},
"profile": {"_name": "Track",
"switch": "Rap Name",
@@ -34,77 +36,88 @@
"quirks": "Lingo" },
"help": { "_name": "Info",
"help": "Info",
- "calsprite": "Calsprite",
+ "calsprite": "Calsprite",
+ "nickserv": "NickServ",
"about": "The Deal" },
"rclickchumlist": {"pester": "Patronize",
"removechum": "Forget",
"report": "Tell a Coppa",
"blockchum": "Slam",
- "report": "Report",
"addchum": "Add to Crew",
"viewlog": "View Pesterlog",
"unblockchum": "Rectify",
+ "removegroup": "Forget Crew",
+ "renamegroup": "Rename Crew",
+ "movechum": "Change Crew",
"banuser": "Banish",
"opuser": "Hype",
- "quirksoff": "Lingo Off" }
+ "voiceuser": "Let Rap",
+ "quirkkill": "Kill Quirk",
+ "quirksoff": "Lingo Off",
+ "invitechum": "Invite Crew",
+ "memosetting": "Memo Settings",
+ "memonoquirk": "Disable Quirks",
+ "memohidden": "Hidden",
+ "memoinvite": "Invite-Only",
+ "memomute": "Mute" }
"chums": { "style": "font-size: 16px; background: black; border: 3px solid white; font-family: 'Arial';selection-background-color:rgb(100,100,100); color: white;",
"loc": [175, 70],
"size": [302, 500],
"userlistcolor": "white",
"moods": {
"chummy": { "icon": "$path/chummy.png", "color": "white" },
"rancorous": { "icon": "$path/rancorous.png", "color": "white" },
"offline": { "icon": "$path/offline.png", "color": "grey"},
"pleasant": { "icon": "$path/pleasant.png", "color": "white" },
"distraught": { "icon": "$path/distraught.png", "color": "white" },
"pranky": { "icon": "$path/pranky.png", "color": "white" },
"smooth": { "icon": "$path/smooth.png", "color": "white" },
"mystified": { "icon": "$path/mystified.png", "color": "white" },
"amazed": { "icon": "$path/amazed.png", "color": "white" },
"insolent": { "icon": "$path/insolent.png", "color": "white" },
- "bemused": { "icon": "$path/bemused.png", "color": "white" },
+ "bemused": { "icon": "$path/bemused.png", "color": "white" },
"ecstatic": { "icon": "$path/ecstatic.png", "color": "red" },
"relaxed": { "icon": "$path/relaxed.png", "color": "red" },
"discontent": { "icon": "$path/discontent.png", "color": "red" },
"devious": { "icon": "$path/devious.png", "color": "red" },
"sleek": { "icon": "$path/sleek.png", "color": "red" },
"detestful": { "icon": "$path/detestful.png", "color": "red" },
"mirthful": { "icon": "$path/mirthful.png", "color": "red" },
"manipulative": { "icon": "$path/manipulative.png", "color": "red" },
"vigorous": { "icon": "$path/vigorous.png", "color": "red" },
"perky": { "icon": "$path/perky.png", "color": "red" },
"acceptant": { "icon": "$path/acceptant.png", "color": "red" },
"protective": { "icon": "$path/protective.png", "color": "lime" },
"blocked": { "icon": "$path/blocked.png", "color": "red" }
"trollslum": {
@@ -127,13 +140,13 @@
"defaultwindow": { "style": "color: black; background: rgb(210,0,0); font-family: 'Arial'; font: bold; selection-background-color: rgb(100,100,100);"
- "addchum":
+ "addchum":
{ "style": "background-image:url($path/a.png); border:0px;",
"loc": [434, 55],
"size": [8, 8],
"text": ""
- "pester":
+ "pester":
{ "style": "background: rgba(0,0,0,0); border:0px;",
"loc": [0, 0],
"size": [0, 0],
@@ -150,14 +163,14 @@
"text": ""
"moods": [
- { "style": "background-image:url($path/shades1.png); border:0px;",
+ { "style": "background-image:url($path/shades1.png); border:0px;",
"selected": "background-image:url($path/shades2.png); border:0px;",
"loc": [268, 580],
"size": [104, 37],
"text": "",
"icon": "",
"mood": 6
- },
+ },
{ "style": "background-image:url($path/offline1.png); border:0px;",
"selected": "background-image:url($path/offline1.png); border:0px;",
"loc": [382, 580],
@@ -187,7 +200,7 @@
"style": "background: white;margin-top:5px; border:1px solid #c2c2c2; font-size: 12px;"
"tabwindow" : {
- "style": "background: black; font-family: 'Arial'"
+ "style": "background: black; font-family: 'Arial'"
"tabs": {
"style": "border: 2px solid white; background: black; color: white;",
@@ -233,15 +246,15 @@
"userlist": { "width": 125,
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"handle": "image:url($path/timeicon.png);"
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@@ -249,4 +262,4 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -1 +0,0 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
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index 1c87873..0000000
--- a/themes/Teal Trollian/moods.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-chummy jade 0
-pleasant rose 3
-pranky john 5
-smooth dave 6
-rancorous karkat 1
-ecstatic feferi 7
-relaxed kanaya 8
-discontent tavros 9
-devious terezi 10
-sleek sollux 11
-detestful eridan 12
-mirthful gamzee 13
-manipulative vriska 14
-vigorous equius 15
-perky nepeta 16
-acceptant aradia 17
-protective doc scratch 18
-offline 2
\ No newline at end of file
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index aaa4b92..0000000
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index 8512ca0..0000000
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index 4b5284b..0000000
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index aedba54..0000000
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index beb09d7..0000000
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index 08f11a0..0000000
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index 7c8f4d9..0000000
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index 73e6e1d..f848dfc 100644
--- a/themes/Teal Trollian/style.js
+++ b/themes/Teal Trollian/style.js
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
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"background-image": "$path/tnbg2.png",
"size": [650, 450],
@@ -6,244 +7,14 @@
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"windowtitle": "TROLLIAN",
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- "selected": "background-color: #545454",
- "menuitem": "margin-right:14px;",
- "loc": [14,90]
+ "loc": [625, 10]},
+ "sounds": { "alertsound": "$path/alarm.wav",
+ "memosound": "$path/alarm2.wav"},
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- "sounds": { "alertsound": "$path/alarm.wav" },
- "menus": {"client": {"_name": "Trollian",
- "options": "Options",
- "memos": "Memos",
- "userlist": "Fresh Targets",
- "import": "import U2;",
- "idle": "Idle",
- "exit": "Abscond"},
- "profile": {"_name": "View",
- "switch": "Trolltag",
- "theme": "Theme",
- "color": "Hemospectrum",
- "block": "Chumpdump",
- "quirks": "Annoying" },
- "help": { "_name": "Help",
- "about": "About" },
- "rclickchumlist": {"pester": "Troll",
- "removechum": "Trash",
- "blockchum": "Block",
- "addchum": "Add Chump",
- "unblockchum": "Mercy",
- "banuser": "Ban",
- "opuser": "Promote",
- "quirksoff": "Quirks Off" }
- },
- "chums": { "style": "font-size: 12px; background: white; border:0px; font-family: 'Arial';selection-background-color:rgb(200,200,200); ",
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- "uparrow": "",
- "uarrowstyle": ""
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- "distraught": { "icon": "$path/distraught.png", "color": "#706eba" },
- "pranky": { "icon": "$path/pranky.png", "color": "blue" },
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- "manipulative": { "icon": "$path/manipulative.png", "color": "#004182" },
- "vigorous": { "icon": "$path/vigorous.png", "color": "#0021cb" },
- "perky": { "icon": "$path/perky.png", "color": "#406600" },
- "acceptant": { "icon": "$path/acceptant.png", "color": "#a10000" },
- "protective": { "icon": "$path/protective.png", "color": "white" },
- "blocked": { "icon": "$path/blocked.png", "color": "black" }
- }
- },
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- "style": "color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 100%) ;font:bold; font-family: 'Arial';border: 0px;" },
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{"style": "background: #04a6be; font-family: 'Arial';",
@@ -251,79 +22,42 @@
"margins": {"top": 22, "bottom": 9, "left": 10, "right": 4 },
"size": [400, 250],
"size": [400, 250],
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- "align": { "h": "left", "v": "center" },
- "minheight": 22,
- "maxheight": 36,
- "text" : "trolling: $handle"
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- "ceasepester": "gave up trolling",
- "blocked": "blocked",
- "unblocked": "mercifully forgave",
- "openmemo": "opened memo on board",
- "joinmemo": "responded to memo",
- "closememo": "ceased responding to memo",
- "kickedmemo": "You have been banned from this memo!"
- },
- "systemMsgColor": "#646464"
+ }
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- "style": "background: white; border:2px solid #c2c2c2; font-size: 12px;"
- },
- "input": {
- "style": "background: white;margin-top:5px; border:1px solid #c2c2c2; font-size: 12px; height: 19px; margin-bottom: 5px; "
- },
- "margins": {"top": 22, "bottom": 10, "left": 9, "right": 4 },
- "userlist": { "width": 125,
- "style": "font-size: 12px; background: white; margin-left: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px; border:2px solid #c2c2c2; padding: 5px; font-family: 'Arial';selection-background-color:rgb(200,200,200);"
- },
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- "style": "color: black; font:bold; border:1px solid #c2c2c2; background: white; height: 19px;"
+ "time": { "text": { "width": 75,
+ "style": "color: black; font:bold; border:1px solid #c2c2c2; background: white; height: 19px;"
"slider": { "style": " border:1px solid #c2c2c2;",
"groove": "border-image:url($path/timeslider.png);",
"handle": "image:url($path/aquaicon.png);"
- "buttons": { "style": "border:1px solid #68a1a6; height: 17px; width: 50px; color: #8fc6cd; font-family: 'Arial'; background: #04a6be; margin-left: 2px;" },
- "arrows": { "left": "$path/leftarrow.png",
+ "buttons": { "style": "border:1px solid #68a1a6; height: 17px; width: 50px; color: #8fc6cd; font-family: 'Arial'; background: #04a6be; margin-left: 2px;" },
+ "arrows": { "left": "$path/leftarrow.png",
"right": "$path/rightarrow.png",
"style": "width: 19px; height: 19px; border:0px; margin-left: 2px;"
- },
- "systemMsgColor": "#646464",
- "op": { "icon": "$path/op.png" }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/Teal Trollian/trollian.psd b/themes/Teal Trollian/trollian.psd
deleted file mode 100644
index 255f683..0000000
Binary files a/themes/Teal Trollian/trollian.psd and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/themes/Teal Trollian/unruly.png b/themes/Teal Trollian/unruly.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b5284b..0000000
Binary files a/themes/Teal Trollian/unruly.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/themes/Teal Trollian/vigorous.png b/themes/Teal Trollian/vigorous.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 715dbfd..0000000
Binary files a/themes/Teal Trollian/vigorous.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/themes/Zodiac/style.js b/themes/Zodiac/style.js
index a5e71a1..8ecc8d4 100644
--- a/themes/Zodiac/style.js
+++ b/themes/Zodiac/style.js
@@ -16,15 +16,17 @@
"loc": [225,133]
"sounds": { "alertsound": "$path/alarm.wav",
- "ceasesound": "$path/cease.wav" },
+ "ceasesound": "$path/cease.wav" },
"menus": {"client": {"_name": "Client",
"options": "Options",
"memos": "Memos",
"logviewer": "Pesterlogs",
+ "randen": "Random Encounter",
"userlist": "Userlist",
+ "addgroup": "Add Group",
"import": "Import",
- "reconnect": "Reconnect",
- "idle": "Idle",
+ "reconnect": "Reconnect",
+ "idle": "Idle",
"exit": "Exit"},
"profile": {"_name": "Profile",
"switch": "Chumhandle",
@@ -34,77 +36,88 @@
"quirks": "Quirks" },
"help": { "_name": "Help",
"help": "Help",
- "calsprite": "Calsprite",
+ "calsprite": "Calsprite",
+ "nickserv": "NickServ",
"about": "About" },
"rclickchumlist": {"pester": "Pester",
"removechum": "Remove",
"report": "Report",
"blockchum": "Block",
- "report": "Report",
"addchum": "Add Chum",
"viewlog": "View Pesterlog",
"unblockchum": "Unblock",
+ "removegroup": "Remove Group",
+ "renamegroup": "Rename Group",
+ "movechum": "Move To",
"banuser": "Ban",
"opuser": "Promote",
- "quirksoff": "Quirks Off" }
+ "voiceuser": "Give Voice",
+ "quirkkill": "Kill Quirk",
+ "quirksoff": "Quirks Off",
+ "invitechum": "Invite Chump",
+ "memosetting": "Memo Settings",
+ "memonoquirk": "Disable Quirks",
+ "memohidden": "Hidden",
+ "memoinvite": "Invite-Only",
+ "memomute": "Mute" }
"chums": { "style": "font-size: 12px; background: black; border: 3px solid white; font:bold; font-family: 'Arial';selection-background-color:rgb(100,100,100); color: white;",
"loc": [225, 150],
"size": [202, 294],
"userlistcolor": "white",
"moods": {
"chummy": { "icon": "$path/chummy.png", "color": "#63ea00" },
"rancorous": { "icon": "$path/rancorous.png", "color": "#7f7f7f" },
"offline": { "icon": "$path/offline.png", "color": "white"},
"pleasant": { "icon": "$path/pleasant.png", "color": "#d69df8" },
"distraught": { "icon": "$path/distraught.png", "color": "#706eba" },
"pranky": { "icon": "$path/pranky.png", "color": "blue" },
"smooth": { "icon": "$path/smooth.png", "color": "red" },
"mystified": { "icon": "$path/mystified.png", "color": "red" },
"amazed": { "icon": "$path/amazed.png", "color": "red" },
"insolent": { "icon": "$path/insolent.png", "color": "white" },
- "bemused": { "icon": "$path/bemused.png", "color": "white" },
+ "bemused": { "icon": "$path/bemused.png", "color": "white" },
"ecstatic": { "icon": "$path/ecstatic.png", "color": "#99004d" },
"relaxed": { "icon": "$path/relaxed.png", "color": "#078446" },
"discontent": { "icon": "$path/discontent.png", "color": "#a75403" },
"devious": { "icon": "$path/devious.png", "color": "#008282" },
"sleek": { "icon": "$path/sleek.png", "color": "#a1a100" },
"detestful": { "icon": "$path/detestful.png", "color": "#6a006a" },
"mirthful": { "icon": "$path/mirthful.png", "color": "#450077" },
"manipulative": { "icon": "$path/manipulative.png", "color": "#004182" },
"vigorous": { "icon": "$path/vigorous.png", "color": "#0021cb" },
"perky": { "icon": "$path/perky.png", "color": "#406600" },
"acceptant": { "icon": "$path/acceptant.png", "color": "#a10000" },
"protective": { "icon": "$path/protective.png", "color": "white" },
"blocked": { "icon": "$path/blocked.png", "color": "white" }
"trollslum": {
@@ -127,14 +140,14 @@
"defaultwindow": { "style": "color: black; background: rgb(210,0,0); font-family: 'Arial'; font: bold; selection-background-color: rgb(100,100,100);"
- "addchum":
+ "addchum":
{ "style": "background-image:url($path/addchum1.png); border:0px;",
"pressed": "background-image:url($path/addchum2.png); border:0px;",
"loc": [225, 564],
"size": [50, 50],
"text": ""
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{ "style": "background-image:url($path/pester1.png); border:0px;",
"pressed": "background-image:url($path/pester2.png); border:0px;",
"loc": [367, 564],
@@ -248,8 +261,8 @@
"icon": "",
"mood": 7
- { "style": "background-image:url($path/john1.png); border:0px;",
+ { "style": "background-image:url($path/john1.png); border:0px;",
"selected": "background-image:url($path/john2.png); border:0px;",
"loc": [367, 27],
"size": [50, 50],
@@ -257,7 +270,7 @@
"icon": "",
"mood": 5
- { "style": "background-image:url($path/rose1.png); border:0px;",
+ { "style": "background-image:url($path/rose1.png); border:0px;",
"selected": "background-image:url($path/rose2.png); border:0px;",
"loc": [30, 369],
"size": [50, 50],
@@ -265,7 +278,7 @@
"icon": "",
"mood": 3
- { "style": "background-image:url($path/dave1.png); border:0px;",
+ { "style": "background-image:url($path/dave1.png); border:0px;",
"selected": "background-image:url($path/dave2.png); border:0px;",
"loc": [99, 494],
"size": [50, 50],
@@ -273,7 +286,7 @@
"icon": "",
"mood": 6
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+ { "style": "background-image:url($path/jade1.png); border:0px;",
"selected": "background-image:url($path/jade2.png); border:0px;",
"loc": [566, 369],
"size": [50, 50],
@@ -281,7 +294,7 @@
"icon": "",
"mood": 0
- { "style": "background-image:url($path/bec1.png); border:0px;",
+ { "style": "background-image:url($path/bec1.png); border:0px;",
"selected": "background-image:url($path/bec2.png); border:0px;",
"loc": [492, 494],
"size": [50, 50],
@@ -289,8 +302,8 @@
"icon": "",
"mood": 18
- { "style": "background-image:url($path/hearts1.png); border:0px;",
+ { "style": "background-image:url($path/hearts1.png); border:0px;",
"selected": "background-image:url($path/hearts2.png); border:0px;",
"loc": [492, 101],
"size": [50, 50],
@@ -298,7 +311,7 @@
"icon": "",
"mood": 20
- { "style": "background-image:url($path/spades1.png); border:0px;",
+ { "style": "background-image:url($path/spades1.png); border:0px;",
"selected": "background-image:url($path/spades2.png); border:0px;",
"loc": [99, 101],
"size": [50, 50],
@@ -306,7 +319,7 @@
"icon": "",
"mood": 21
- { "style": "background-image:url($path/diamonds1.png); border:0px;",
+ { "style": "background-image:url($path/diamonds1.png); border:0px;",
"selected": "background-image:url($path/diamonds2.png); border:0px;",
"loc": [30, 225],
"size": [50, 50],
@@ -314,7 +327,7 @@
"icon": "",
"mood": 19
- { "style": "background-image:url($path/clubs1.png); border:0px;",
+ { "style": "background-image:url($path/clubs1.png); border:0px;",
"selected": "background-image:url($path/clubs2.png); border:0px;",
"loc": [566, 225],
"size": [50, 50],
@@ -322,7 +335,7 @@
"icon": "",
"mood": 22
{ "style": "background-image:url($path/offline1.png); border:0px;",
"selected": "background-image:url($path/offline2.png); border:0px;",
"loc": [223, 27],
@@ -352,7 +365,7 @@
"style": "background: white;margin-top:5px; border:1px solid #c2c2c2; font-size: 12px;"
"tabwindow" : {
- "style": "background: black; font-family: 'Arial'"
+ "style": "background: black; font-family: 'Arial'"
"tabs": {
"style": "border: 2px solid white; background: black; color: white;",
@@ -398,15 +411,15 @@
"userlist": { "width": 125,
"style": "font-size: 12px; background: white; margin-left: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px; border:2px solid #c2c2c2; padding: 5px; font-family: 'Arial';selection-background-color:rgb(200,200,200);"
- "time": { "text": { "width": 75,
- "style": "color: black; font:bold; border:1px solid #c2c2c2; background: white; height: 19px;"
+ "time": { "text": { "width": 75,
+ "style": "color: black; font:bold; border:1px solid #c2c2c2; background: white; height: 19px;"
"slider": { "style": " border:1px solid #c2c2c2;",
"groove": "border-image:url($path/timeslider.png);",
"handle": "image:url($path/timeicon.png);"
- "buttons": { "style": "border:1px solid rgb(166,166,166); height: 17px; width: 50px; color: white; font-family: 'Arial'; background: black; margin-left: 2px;" },
- "arrows": { "left": "$path/leftarrow.png",
+ "buttons": { "style": "border:1px solid rgb(166,166,166); height: 17px; width: 50px; color: white; font-family: 'Arial'; background: black; margin-left: 2px;" },
+ "arrows": { "left": "$path/leftarrow.png",
"right": "$path/rightarrow.png",
"style": "width: 19px; height: 19px; border:0px; margin-left: 2px;"
@@ -414,4 +427,4 @@
"systemMsgColor": "#646464",
"op": { "icon": "$path/smooth.png" }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/enamel/style.js b/themes/enamel/style.js
index 3c50325..48dd823 100644
--- a/themes/enamel/style.js
+++ b/themes/enamel/style.js
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
"addgroup": "Add Group",
"import": "Import",
"reconnect": "Reconnect",
- "idle": "Idle",
+ "idle": "Idle",
"exit": "Exit"},
"profile": {"_name": "Profile",
"switch": "Switch",
@@ -50,8 +50,14 @@
"banuser": "Ban User",
"opuser": "Make OP",
"voiceuser": "Give Voice",
+ "quirkkill": "Kill Quirk",
"quirksoff": "Quirks Off",
- "invitechum": "Invite Chum"
+ "invitechum": "Invite Chum",
+ "memosetting": "Memo Settings",
+ "memonoquirk": "Disable Quirks",
+ "memohidden": "Hidden",
+ "memoinvite": "Invite-Only",
+ "memomute": "Mute"
"chums": { "style": "text-align: center; border:0px; background-image:url($path/chumbg.png); background-color: #ffe400; background-repeat: no-repeat; color: white; font-family: 'Century Gothic';selection-background-color:#646464; font-size:18px; ",
diff --git a/themes/gold/style.js b/themes/gold/style.js
index 67105c0..265fe40 100644
--- a/themes/gold/style.js
+++ b/themes/gold/style.js
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
"userlist": "Userlist",
"addgroup": "Add Group",
"import": "Import",
- "reconnect": "Reconnect",
- "idle": "Idle",
+ "reconnect": "Reconnect",
+ "idle": "Idle",
"exit": "Exit"},
"profile": {"_name": "Profile",
"switch": "Switch",
@@ -53,8 +53,14 @@
"banuser": "Ban User",
"opuser": "Make OP",
"voiceuser": "Give Voice",
+ "quirkkill": "Kill Quirk",
"quirksoff": "Quirks Off",
- "invitechum": "Invite Chum"
+ "invitechum": "Invite Chum",
+ "memosetting": "Memo Settings",
+ "memonoquirk": "Disable Quirks",
+ "memohidden": "Hidden",
+ "memoinvite": "Invite-Only",
+ "memomute": "Mute"
"chums": { "style": "border:0px; background-image:url($path/chumbg.png); background-color: rgb(110,110,110); background-repeat: no-repeat; color: white; font-family: 'Arial';selection-background-color:#646464; font-size:14px; ",
diff --git a/themes/pesterchum/style.js b/themes/pesterchum/style.js
index 550680e..a96289b 100644
--- a/themes/pesterchum/style.js
+++ b/themes/pesterchum/style.js
@@ -53,8 +53,14 @@
"banuser": "BAN USER",
"opuser": "MAKE OP",
"voiceuser": "GIVE VOICE",
+ "quirkkill": "KILL QUIRK",
"quirksoff": "QUIRKS OFF",
- "invitechum": "INVITE CHUM"
+ "invitechum": "INVITE CHUM",
+ "memosetting": "MEMO SETTINGS",
+ "memonoquirk": "DISABLE QUIRKS",
+ "memohidden": "HIDDEN",
+ "memoinvite": "INVITE-ONLY",
+ "memomute": "MUTE"
"chums": { "style": "border:2px solid yellow; background-color: black;color: white;font: bold;font-family: 'Courier';selection-background-color:#646464; ",
diff --git a/themes/trollian/style.js b/themes/trollian/style.js
index 6a1f1c5..216ca57 100644
--- a/themes/trollian/style.js
+++ b/themes/trollian/style.js
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
"addgroup": "Add Group",
"import": "import U2;",
"reconnect": "Reconnect",
- "idle": "Idle",
+ "idle": "Idle",
"exit": "Abscond"},
"profile": {"_name": "View",
"switch": "Trolltag",
@@ -52,8 +52,14 @@
"banuser": "Ban",
"opuser": "Promote",
"voiceuser": "Let Speak",
+ "quirkkill": "Kill Quirk",
"quirksoff": "Quirks Off",
- "invitechum": "Invite Chump" }
+ "invitechum": "Invite Chump",
+ "memosetting": "Memo Settings",
+ "memonoquirk": "Disable Quirks",
+ "memohidden": "Hidden",
+ "memoinvite": "Invite-Only",
+ "memomute": "Mute" }
"chums": { "style": "font-size: 12px; background: white; border:0px; font-family: 'Arial';selection-background-color:rgb(200,200,200); ",
"scrollbar": { "style" : "background-color:#c2c2c2;",
diff --git a/themes/trollian2.5/trayicon.png b/themes/trollian2.5/trayicon.png
index 08d3e58..31f7d29 100644
Binary files a/themes/trollian2.5/trayicon.png and b/themes/trollian2.5/trayicon.png differ
diff --git a/themes/trollian2.5/trayicon3.png b/themes/trollian2.5/trayicon3.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 31f7d29..0000000
Binary files a/themes/trollian2.5/trayicon3.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/themes/typewriter/style.js b/themes/typewriter/style.js
index 2169dae..8386ac4 100644
--- a/themes/typewriter/style.js
+++ b/themes/typewriter/style.js
@@ -53,8 +53,14 @@
"banuser": "Expel User",
"opuser": "Promote",
"voiceuser": "Let Speak",
+ "quirkkill": "Kill Quirk",
"quirksoff": "Quirks Off",
- "invitechum": "Invite User"
+ "invitechum": "Invite User",
+ "memosetting": "Memo Settings",
+ "memonoquirk": "Disable Quirks",
+ "memohidden": "Hidden",
+ "memoinvite": "Invite-Only",
+ "memomute": "Mute"
"chums": { "style": "border:0px; background-color: white; font: bold;font-family: 'Courier';selection-background-color: black; ",