diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
index 2fbeac4..c49187e 100644
--- a/TODO
+++ b/TODO
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-* Chat rooms/browser
+* What if someone switches nick in memo?
+* memo change theme
* PESTERLOG: in convo window
* help button on quirks menu?
* tab recombining gives wrong window icon
diff --git a/dataobjs.py b/dataobjs.py
index e12fbd2..37419d9 100644
--- a/dataobjs.py
+++ b/dataobjs.py
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ from datetime import *
import re
from generic import PesterIcon
+from parsetools import timeDifference
class Mood(object):
moods = ["chummy", "rancorous", "offline", "pleasant", "distraught",
@@ -140,20 +141,16 @@ class PesterProfile(object):
return "-- %s [%s] %s %s [%s] at %s --" % (syscolor.name(), self.handle, self.colorhtml(), self.initials(), verb, otherchum.handle, otherchum.colorhtml(), otherchum.initials(), datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M"))
def memoclosemsg(self, syscolor, timeGrammar, verb):
return "%s%s%s %s." % (syscolor.name(), self.colorhtml(), timeGrammar.pcf, self.initials(), timeGrammar.number, verb)
+ def memoopenmsg(self, syscolor, td, timeGrammar, verb, channel):
+ (temporal, pcf, when) = (timeGrammar.temporal, timeGrammar.pcf, timeGrammar.when)
+ timetext = timeDifference(td)
+ initials = pcf+self.initials()
+ return "%s %s %s %s." % \
+ (syscolor.name(), self.colorhtml(), initials, timetext, verb, channel[1:].upper().replace("_", " "))
def memojoinmsg(self, syscolor, td, timeGrammar, verb):
(temporal, pcf, when) = (timeGrammar.temporal, timeGrammar.pcf, timeGrammar.when)
- atd = abs(td)
- minutes = (atd.days*86400 + atd.seconds) // 60
- hours = minutes // 60
- leftoverminutes = minutes % 60
- if atd == timedelta(0):
- timetext = when
- elif atd < timedelta(0,3600):
- timetext = "%d MINUTES %s" % (minutes, when)
- elif atd < timedelta(0,3600*100):
- timetext = "%d:%02d HOURS %s" % (hours, leftoverminutes, when)
- else:
- timetext = "%d HOURS %s" % (hours, when)
+ timetext = timeDifference(td)
initials = pcf+self.initials()+timeGrammar.number
return "%s %s [%s] %s %s." % \
(syscolor.name(), self.colorhtml(), temporal, self.handle,
diff --git a/dataobjs.pyc b/dataobjs.pyc
index 513d6e0..ae8de03 100644
Binary files a/dataobjs.pyc and b/dataobjs.pyc differ
diff --git a/irc.pyc b/irc.pyc
index 2c6f50f..76d19a6 100644
Binary files a/irc.pyc and b/irc.pyc differ
diff --git a/memos.py b/memos.py
index 2fd3aaa..a9062b9 100644
--- a/memos.py
+++ b/memos.py
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ def delta2txt(d, format="pc"):
sign = "+" if d >= timedelta(0) else "-"
if d == timedelta(0):
- return ""
+ return "i"
sign = "F" if d >= timedelta(0) else "P"
d = abs(d)
totalminutes = (d.days*86400 + d.seconds) // 60
@@ -86,10 +86,20 @@ class TimeTracker(list):
i = self.index(timed)
self.current = i
+ return True
except ValueError:
self.current = len(self)
+ return False
+ def prevTime(self):
+ i = self.current
+ i = (i - 1) % len(self)
+ return self[i]
+ def nextTime(self):
+ i = self.current
+ i = (i + 1) % len(self)
+ return self[i]
def setCurrent(self, timed):
self.current = self.index(timed)
def addRecord(self, timed):
@@ -111,8 +121,9 @@ class TimeTracker(list):
self.current = len(self)-1
+ return True
except ValueError:
- pass
+ return None
def getTime(self):
if self.current >= 0:
return self[self.current]
@@ -120,6 +131,8 @@ class TimeTracker(list):
return None
def getGrammar(self):
timed = self.getTime()
+ return self.getGrammarTime(timed)
+ def getGrammarTime(self, timed):
mytime = timedelta(0)
(temporal, pcf, when) = pcfGrammar(timed - mytime)
if timed == mytime:
@@ -165,6 +178,8 @@ class TimeSlider(QtGui.QSlider):
time = timelist[abs(self.value())]
sign = "+" if self.value() >= 0 else "-"
return sign+time
+ def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event):
+ self.setValue(0)
class MemoTabWindow(PesterTabWindow):
def __init__(self, mainwindow, parent=None):
@@ -231,7 +246,7 @@ class MemoText(PesterText):
start = 13
space = msg.find(" ")
- msg = chum.memsg(systemColor, msg[start:space], msg[space:], timegrammar=time.getGrammar())
+ msg = chum.memsg(systemColor, msg[start:space], msg[space:], time=time.getGrammar())
window.chatlog.log(parent.channel, convertTags(msg, "bbcode"))
@@ -274,6 +289,18 @@ class PesterMemo(PesterConvo):
self.timetravel = QtGui.QPushButton("GO", self)
+ self.timeclose = QtGui.QPushButton("CLOSE", self)
+ self.timeswitchl = QtGui.QPushButton(self)
+ self.timeswitchr = QtGui.QPushButton(self)
+ self.connect(self.timetravel, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'),
+ self, QtCore.SLOT('sendtime()'))
+ self.connect(self.timeclose, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'),
+ self, QtCore.SLOT('smashclock()'))
+ self.connect(self.timeswitchl, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'),
+ self, QtCore.SLOT('prevtime()'))
+ self.connect(self.timeswitchr, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'),
+ self, QtCore.SLOT('nexttime()'))
self.times = {}
@@ -298,7 +325,9 @@ class PesterMemo(PesterConvo):
+ layout_2.addWidget(self.timeclose)
+ layout_2.addWidget(self.timeswitchl)
+ layout_2.addWidget(self.timeswitchr)
self.layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
@@ -314,6 +343,11 @@ class PesterMemo(PesterConvo):
if parent:
+ p = self.mainwindow.profile()
+ timeGrammar = self.time.getGrammar()
+ systemColor = QtGui.QColor(self.mainwindow.theme["memos/systemMsgColor"])
+ self.textArea.append(convertTags(p.memoopenmsg(systemColor, self.time.getTime(), timeGrammar, self.mainwindow.theme["convo/text/openmemo"], self.channel)))
self.newmessage = False
def title(self):
@@ -366,6 +400,19 @@ class PesterMemo(PesterConvo):
slidercss = "QSlider { %s } QSlider::groove { %s } QSlider::handle { %s }" % (theme["memos/time/slider/style"], theme["memos/time/slider/groove"], theme["memos/time/slider/handle"])
+ larrow = PesterIcon(self.mainwindow.theme["memos/time/arrows/left"])
+ self.timeswitchl.setIcon(larrow)
+ self.timeswitchl.setIconSize(larrow.realsize())
+ self.timeswitchl.setStyleSheet(self.mainwindow.theme["memos/time/arrows/style"])
+ self.timetravel.setStyleSheet(self.mainwindow.theme["memos/time/buttons/style"])
+ self.timeclose.setStyleSheet(self.mainwindow.theme["memos/time/buttons/style"])
+ rarrow = PesterIcon(self.mainwindow.theme["memos/time/arrows/right"])
+ self.timeswitchr.setIcon(rarrow)
+ self.timeswitchr.setIconSize(rarrow.realsize())
+ self.timeswitchr.setStyleSheet(self.mainwindow.theme["memos/time/arrows/style"])
def changeTheme(self, theme):
@@ -399,7 +446,7 @@ class PesterMemo(PesterConvo):
secs = int(cmd)
time = datetime.fromtimestamp(secs)
timed = time - datetime.now()
- s = (timed // 60)*60
+ s = (timed.seconds // 60)*60
timed = timedelta(timed.days, s)
except ValueError:
if cmd == "i":
@@ -483,6 +530,50 @@ class PesterMemo(PesterConvo):
elif update == "join":
+ time = self.time.getTime()
+ serverText = "PESTERCHUM:TIME>"+delta2txt(time, "server")
+ self.messageSent.emit(serverText, self.title())
+ def resetSlider(self, time):
+ self.timeinput.setText(delta2txt(time))
+ self.timeinput.setSlider()
+ self.sendtime()
+ @QtCore.pyqtSlot()
+ def sendtime(self):
+ me = self.mainwindow.profile()
+ systemColor = QtGui.QColor(self.mainwindow.theme["memos/systemMsgColor"])
+ time = txt2delta(self.timeinput.text())
+ present = self.time.addTime(time)
+ if not present:
+ self.textArea.append(convertTags(me.memojoinmsg(systemColor, time, self.time.getGrammar(), self.mainwindow.theme["convo/text/joinmemo"])))
+ serverText = "PESTERCHUM:TIME>"+delta2txt(time, "server")
+ self.messageSent.emit(serverText, self.title())
+ @QtCore.pyqtSlot()
+ def smashclock(self):
+ me = self.mainwindow.profile()
+ time = txt2delta(self.timeinput.text())
+ removed = self.time.removeTime(time)
+ if removed:
+ grammar = self.time.getGrammarTime(time)
+ systemColor = QtGui.QColor(self.mainwindow.theme["memos/systemMsgColor"])
+ self.textArea.append(convertTags(me.memoclosemsg(systemColor, grammar, self.mainwindow.theme["convo/text/closememo"])))
+ newtime = self.time.getTime()
+ if newtime is None:
+ newtime = timedelta(0)
+ self.resetSlider(newtime)
+ @QtCore.pyqtSlot()
+ def prevtime(self):
+ time = self.time.prevTime()
+ self.time.setCurrent(time)
+ self.resetSlider(time)
+ @QtCore.pyqtSlot()
+ def nexttime(self):
+ time = self.time.nextTime()
+ self.time.setCurrent(time)
+ self.resetSlider(time)
def closeEvent(self, event):
diff --git a/memos.pyc b/memos.pyc
index 1f17bed..9e525be 100644
Binary files a/memos.pyc and b/memos.pyc differ
diff --git a/parsetools.py b/parsetools.py
index fe3aca5..b6f7fff 100644
--- a/parsetools.py
+++ b/parsetools.py
@@ -108,3 +108,22 @@ def timeProtocol(cmd):
if dir == "P":
timed = timed*-1
return timed
+def timeDifference(td):
+ if td < timedelta(0):
+ when = "AGO"
+ else:
+ when = "FROM NOW"
+ atd = abs(td)
+ minutes = (atd.days*86400 + atd.seconds) // 60
+ hours = minutes // 60
+ leftoverminutes = minutes % 60
+ if atd == timedelta(0):
+ timetext = "RIGHT NOW"
+ elif atd < timedelta(0,3600):
+ timetext = "%d MINUTES %s" % (minutes, when)
+ elif atd < timedelta(0,3600*100):
+ timetext = "%d:%02d HOURS %s" % (hours, leftoverminutes, when)
+ else:
+ timetext = "%d HOURS %s" % (hours, when)
+ return timetext
diff --git a/parsetools.pyc b/parsetools.pyc
index 64d926f..fead7da 100644
Binary files a/parsetools.pyc and b/parsetools.pyc differ
diff --git a/pesterchum.py b/pesterchum.py
index 35b392b..eebf8a4 100644
--- a/pesterchum.py
+++ b/pesterchum.py
@@ -1136,7 +1136,7 @@ class PesterWindow(MovingWindow):
selectedmemo = self.memochooser.selectedmemo()
time = unicode(self.memochooser.timeinput.text())
if newmemo:
- channel = "#"+unicode(newmemo)
+ channel = "#"+unicode(newmemo).replace(" ", "_")
self.newMemo(channel, time)
elif selectedmemo:
channel = "#"+unicode(selectedmemo.text())
diff --git a/profiles/testProfile.js b/profiles/testProfile.js
index e63a331..223100d 100644
--- a/profiles/testProfile.js
+++ b/profiles/testProfile.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{"color": "#aa00ff", "theme": "pesterchum", "quirks": [], "handle": "testProfile"}
\ No newline at end of file
+{"color": "#aa00ff", "theme": "trollian", "quirks": [], "handle": "testProfile"}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/pesterchum/leftarrow.png b/themes/pesterchum/leftarrow.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d2117a
Binary files /dev/null and b/themes/pesterchum/leftarrow.png differ
diff --git a/themes/pesterchum/rightarrow.png b/themes/pesterchum/rightarrow.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4eaf3b4
Binary files /dev/null and b/themes/pesterchum/rightarrow.png differ
diff --git a/themes/pesterchum/style.js b/themes/pesterchum/style.js
index 1522af3..c78287d 100644
--- a/themes/pesterchum/style.js
+++ b/themes/pesterchum/style.js
@@ -237,10 +237,17 @@
"userlist": { "width": 150,
"style": "border:2px solid yellow; background: white;font: bold;font-family: 'Courier';selection-background-color:#646464; "
- "time": { "text": { "width": 75, "style": "" },
+ "time": { "text": { "width": 75,
+ "style": ""
+ },
"slider": { "style": "",
"groove": "",
- "handle": ""
+ "handle": ""
+ },
+ "buttons": { "style": "color:white;font:bold;" },
+ "arrows": { "left": "$path/leftarrow.png",
+ "right": "$path/rightarrow.png",
+ "style": ""
"systemMsgColor": "#646464"
diff --git a/themes/trollian/leftarrow.png b/themes/trollian/leftarrow.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d2117a
Binary files /dev/null and b/themes/trollian/leftarrow.png differ
diff --git a/themes/trollian/rightarrow.png b/themes/trollian/rightarrow.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4eaf3b4
Binary files /dev/null and b/themes/trollian/rightarrow.png differ
diff --git a/themes/trollian/style.js b/themes/trollian/style.js
index 5eab3b7..a0f9b24 100644
--- a/themes/trollian/style.js
+++ b/themes/trollian/style.js
@@ -289,10 +289,17 @@
"userlist": { "width": 150,
"style": "font-size: 12px; background: white; border:2px solid #c2c2c2; padding: 5px; font-family: 'Arial';selection-background-color:rgb(200,200,200);"
- "time": { "text": { "width": 75, "style": "" },
+ "time": { "text": { "width": 75,
+ "style": "color:white;font:bold"
+ },
"slider": { "style": "",
- "groove": "",
- "handle": ""
+ "groove": "border-image:url($path/timeslider.png);",
+ "handle": "image:url($path/acceptant.png);"
+ },
+ "buttons": { "style": "color:white;font:bold;" },
+ "arrows": { "left": "$path/leftarrow.png",
+ "right": "$path/rightarrow.png",
+ "style": ""
"systemMsgColor": "#646464"
diff --git a/themes/trollian/timeslider.png b/themes/trollian/timeslider.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14041bd
Binary files /dev/null and b/themes/trollian/timeslider.png differ