"""Renamed from 'profile.py' to avoid conflict with standard library 'profile' module.""" import os import sys import json import re import codecs import shutil import zipfile import logging from string import Template from datetime import datetime from time import strftime try: from PyQt6 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets except ImportError: print("PyQt5 fallback (profile.py)") from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets import ostools from mood import Mood from dataobjs import PesterProfile, pesterQuirks from parsetools import convertTags _datadir = ostools.getDataDir() PchumLog = logging.getLogger("pchumLogger") class PesterLog: def __init__(self, handle, parent=None): global _datadir self.parent = parent self.handle = handle self.convos = {} self.logpath = _datadir + "logs" def log(self, handle, msg): if self.parent.config.time12Format(): log_time = strftime("[%I:%M") else: log_time = strftime("[%H:%M") if self.parent.config.showSeconds(): log_time += strftime(":%S] ") else: log_time += "] " if handle[0] == "#": if not self.parent.config.logMemos() & self.parent.config.LOG: return if not self.parent.config.logMemos() & self.parent.config.STAMP: log_time = "" else: if not self.parent.config.logPesters() & self.parent.config.LOG: return if not self.parent.config.logPesters() & self.parent.config.STAMP: log_time = "" if self.parent.isBot(handle): return # watch out for illegal characters handle = re.sub(r'[<>:"/\\|?*]', "_", handle) bbcodemsg = log_time + convertTags(msg, "bbcode") html = log_time + convertTags(msg, "html") + "
" msg = log_time + convertTags(msg, "text") modes = {"bbcode": bbcodemsg, "html": html, "text": msg} try: if handle not in self.convos: log_time = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d.%H.%M") self.convos[handle] = {} for format, t in modes.items(): if not os.path.exists( "{}/{}/{}/{}".format(self.logpath, self.handle, handle, format) ): os.makedirs( "{}/{}/{}/{}".format( self.logpath, self.handle, handle, format ) ) fp = codecs.open( "%s/%s/%s/%s/%s.%s.txt" % (self.logpath, self.handle, handle, format, handle, log_time), encoding="utf-8", mode="a", ) self.convos[handle][format] = fp for format, t in modes.items(): f = self.convos[handle][format] f.write(t + "\r\n") # flush + fsync force a write, # makes sure logs are saved in the case of a crash. f.flush() os.fsync(f.fileno()) # This way the file descriptors are closed and reopened for every message, # which is sub-optimal and definitely a performance drain but, # otherwise we still run into the ulimit on platforms like MacOS fairly easily. # if ostools.isOSX() == True: # for (format, t) in modes.items(): # self.finish(handle) except (OSError, KeyError, IndexError, ValueError) as e: # Catching this exception does not stop pchum from dying if we run out of file handles

Failed to load pesterchum.js, this might require manual intervention.

\ Consider overriding: %s
\ with a backup from: %s

" % ( _datadir, self.filename, os.path.join(_datadir, "backup"), os.path.join(_datadir, "backup"), ) ) msgbox.exec() sys.exit() # Trying to fix: # IOError: [Errno 2] # No such file or directory: # u'XXX\\AppData\\Local\\pesterchum/profiles/XXX.js' # Part 2 :( if "defaultprofile" in self.config: try: self.userprofile = userProfile(self.config["defaultprofile"]) except: self.userprofile = None else: self.userprofile = None self.logpath = _datadir + "logs" if not os.path.exists(self.logpath): os.makedirs(self.logpath) try: with open("%s/groups.js" % (self.logpath)) as fp: self.groups = json.load(fp) except (OSError, ValueError): self.groups = {} with open("%s/groups.js" % (self.logpath), "w") as fp: json.dump(self.groups, fp) self.backup() def backup(self): # Backups try: # Backup pesterchum.js file. # Useful because it seems to randomly get blanked for people. backup_path = os.path.join(_datadir, "backup") if not os.path.exists(backup_path): os.makedirs(backup_path) current_backup = datetime.now().day % 5 shutil.copyfile( self.filename, os.path.join( backup_path, "pesterchum.backup-" + str(current_backup) + ".js" ), ) # Backup profiles. # Useful because people don't know how to add underscores to handles. profile_path = os.path.join(_datadir, "profiles") profile_list = os.listdir(profile_path) with zipfile.ZipFile( os.path.join(backup_path, "profiles.backup-" + str(current_backup)) + ".zip", "w", ) as pzip: for x in profile_list: if x.endswith(".js"): with open(self.filename) as f: pzip.writestr(x, f.read()) PchumLog.info("Updated backups-%s.", current_backup) except shutil.Error as e: PchumLog.warning("Failed to make backup, shutil error?\n%s", e) except zipfile.BadZipFile as e: PchumLog.warning("Failed to make backup, BadZipFile?\n%s", e) except OSError as e: PchumLog.warning("Failed to make backup, no permission?\n%s", e) def chums(self): if "chums" not in self.config: self.set("chums", []) return self.config.get("chums", []) def setChums(self, newchums): with open(self.filename) as fp: # what if we have two clients open?? newconfig = json.load(fp) oldchums = newconfig["chums"] # Time to merge these two! :OOO for c in list(set(oldchums) - set(newchums)): newchums.append(c) self.set("chums", newchums) def hideOfflineChums(self): return self.config.get("hideOfflineChums", False) def defaultprofile(self): try: return self.config["defaultprofile"] except KeyError: return None def tabs(self): return self.config.get("tabs", True) def tabMemos(self): if "tabmemos" not in self.config: self.set("tabmemos", self.tabs()) return self.config.get("tabmemos", True) def showTimeStamps(self): if "showTimeStamps" not in self.config: self.set("showTimeStamps", True) return self.config.get("showTimeStamps", True) def time12Format(self): if "time12Format" not in self.config: self.set("time12Format", True) return self.config.get("time12Format", True) def showSeconds(self): if "showSeconds" not in self.config: self.set("showSeconds", False) return self.config.get("showSeconds", False) def sortMethod(self): return self.config.get("sortMethod", 0) def useGroups(self): return self.config.get("useGroups", False) def openDefaultGroup(self): groups = self.getGroups() for g in groups: if g[0] == "Chums": return g[1] return True def showEmptyGroups(self): if "emptyGroups" not in self.config: self.set("emptyGroups", False) return self.config.get("emptyGroups", False) def showOnlineNumbers(self): if "onlineNumbers" not in self.config: self.set("onlineNumbers", False) return self.config.get("onlineNumbers", False) def logPesters(self): return self.config.get("logPesters", self.LOG | self.STAMP) def logMemos(self): return self.config.get("logMemos", self.LOG) def disableUserLinks(self): return not self.config.get("userLinks", True) def idleTime(self): return self.config.get("idleTime", 10) def minimizeAction(self): return self.config.get("miniAction", 0) def closeAction(self): return self.config.get("closeAction", 1) def opvoiceMessages(self): return self.config.get("opvMessages", True) def animations(self): return self.config.get("animations", True) # def checkForUpdates(self): # u = self.config.get('checkUpdates', 0) # if type(u) == type(bool()): # if u: u = 2 # else: u = 3 # return u # # Once a day # # Once a week # # Only on start # # Never # def lastUCheck(self): # return self.config.get('lastUCheck', 0) # def checkMSPA(self): # return self.config.get('mspa', False) def blink(self): return self.config.get("blink", self.PBLINK | self.MBLINK) def notify(self): return self.config.get("notify", True) def notifyType(self): return self.config.get("notifyType", "default") def notifyOptions(self): return self.config.get( "notifyOptions", self.SIGNIN | self.NEWMSG | self.NEWCONVO | self.INITIALS ) def irc_compatibility_mode(self): return self.config.get("irc_compatibility_mode", False) def theme_repo_url(self): return self.config.get( "theme_repo_url", "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mocchapi/pesterchum-themes/main/db.json", ) def force_prefix(self): return self.config.get("force_prefix", True) def ghostchum(self): return self.config.get("ghostchum", False) def addChum(self, chum): if chum.handle not in self.chums(): with open(self.filename) as fp: # what if we have two clients open?? newconfig = json.load(fp) newchums = newconfig["chums"] + [chum.handle] self.set("chums", newchums) def removeChum(self, chum): if isinstance(chum, PesterProfile): handle = chum.handle else: handle = chum newchums = [c for c in self.config["chums"] if c != handle] self.set("chums", newchums) def getBlocklist(self): if "block" not in self.config: self.set("block", []) return self.config["block"] def addBlocklist(self, handle): l = self.getBlocklist() if handle not in l: l.append(handle) self.set("block", l) def delBlocklist(self, handle): l = self.getBlocklist() l.pop(l.index(handle)) self.set("block", l) def getGroups(self): if "groups" not in self.groups: self.saveGroups([["Chums", True]]) return self.groups.get("groups", [["Chums", True]]) def addGroup(self, group, open=True): l = self.getGroups() exists = False for g in l: if g[0] == group: exists = True break if not exists: l.append([group, open]) l.sort() self.saveGroups(l) def delGroup(self, group): l = self.getGroups() i = 0 for g in l: if g[0] == group: break i = i + 1 l.pop(i) l.sort() self.saveGroups(l) def expandGroup(self, group, open=True): l = self.getGroups() for g in l: if g[0] == group: g[1] = open break self.saveGroups(l) def saveGroups(self, groups): self.groups["groups"] = groups try: jsonoutput = json.dumps(self.groups) except ValueError as e: raise e with open("%s/groups.js" % (self.logpath), "w") as fp: fp.write(jsonoutput) def server(self): if hasattr(self.parent, "serverOverride"): return self.parent.serverOverride try: with open(_datadir + "server.json") as server_file: read_file = server_file.read() server_obj = json.loads(read_file) return server_obj["server"] except: PchumLog.exception("Failed to load server, falling back to default.") try: with open(_datadir + "server.json", "w") as server_file: json_server_file = { "server": "irc.pesterchum.xyz", "port": "6697", "TLS": True, } server_file.write(json.dumps(json_server_file, indent=4)) server = "irc.pesterchum.xyz" except: return self.config.get("server", "irc.pesterchum.xyz") def port(self): if hasattr(self.parent, "portOverride"): return self.parent.portOverride try: with open(_datadir + "server.json") as server_file: read_file = server_file.read() server_obj = json.loads(read_file) port = server_obj["port"] return port except: PchumLog.exception("Failed to load port, falling back to default.") return self.config.get("port", "6697") def ssl(self): # if hasattr(self.parent, 'tlsOverride'): # return self.parent.tlsOverride try: with open(_datadir + "server.json") as server_file: read_file = server_file.read() server_obj = json.loads(read_file) return server_obj["TLS"] except: PchumLog.exception("Failed to load TLS setting, falling back to default.") return self.config.get("TLS", True) def password(self): try: with open(_datadir + "server.json") as server_file: read_file = server_file.read() server_obj = json.loads(read_file) password = "" if "pass" in server_obj: password = server_obj["pass"] return password except: PchumLog.exception("Failed to load TLS setting, falling back to default.") return self.config.get("TLS", True) def soundOn(self): if "soundon" not in self.config: self.set("soundon", True) return self.config["soundon"] def chatSound(self): return self.config.get("chatSound", True) def memoSound(self): return self.config.get("memoSound", True) def memoPing(self): return self.config.get("pingSound", True) def nameSound(self): return self.config.get("nameSound", True) def volume(self): return self.config.get("volume", 100) def audioDevice(self): """Return audio device ID. Can't store a QByteArray, so decode/encoding is required.""" device = self.config.get("audioDevice", None) if device: device = device.encode(encoding="utf-8") return device def trayMessage(self): return self.config.get("traymsg", True) def set(self, item, setting): self.config[item] = setting try: jsonoutput = json.dumps(self.config) except ValueError as e: raise e with open(self.filename, "w") as fp: fp.write(jsonoutput) def availableThemes(self): themes = [] # Load user themes. for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(_datadir + "themes"): for d in dirnames: themes.append(d) # Also load embedded themes. if _datadir: for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk("themes"): for d in dirnames: if d not in themes: themes.append(d) themes.sort() return themes def availableProfiles(self): profs = [] profileloc = _datadir + "profiles" for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(profileloc): for filename in filenames: l = len(filename) if filename[l - 3 : l] == ".js": profs.append(filename[0 : l - 3]) profs.sort() PchumLog.info("Profiles: %s", profs) # Validity check PchumLog.info("Starting profile check. . .") for x in profs: c_profile = os.path.join(profileloc, x + ".js") try: json.load(open(c_profile)) PchumLog.info("%s: Pass.", x) except json.JSONDecodeError as e: PchumLog.warning("%s: Fail.", x) PchumLog.warning(e) profs.remove(x) PchumLog.warning("%s removed from profile list.", x) msgBox = QtWidgets.QMessageBox() msgBox.setIcon(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Icon.Warning) msgBox.setWindowTitle(":(") msgBox.setTextFormat( QtCore.Qt.TextFormat.RichText ) # Clickable html links self.filename = _datadir + "pesterchum.js" msgBox.setText( "

Failed to load " + x + ", removed from list." + "

Consider taking a look at: " + os.path.join(profileloc, x + ".js") + "" + "

" + str(e) + r"<\h3><\html>" ) # "\" if pesterchum acts oddly you might want to try backing up and then deleting \"" + \ # _datadir+"pesterchum.js" + \ # "\"") PchumLog.critical(e) msgBox.exec() return [userProfile(p) for p in profs] class userProfile: def __init__(self, user): self.profiledir = _datadir + "profiles" if isinstance(user, PesterProfile): self.chat = user self.userprofile = { "handle": user.handle, "color": user.color.name(), "quirks": [], "theme": "pesterchum", } self.theme = pesterTheme("pesterchum") self.chat.mood = Mood(self.theme["main/defaultmood"]) self.lastmood = self.chat.mood.value() self.quirks = pesterQuirks([]) self.randoms = False initials = self.chat.initials() if len(initials) >= 2: initials = ( initials, "{}{}".format(initials[0].lower(), initials[1]), "{}{}".format(initials[0], initials[1].lower()), ) self.mentions = [r"\b(%s)\b" % ("|".join(initials))] else: self.mentions = [] self.autojoins = [] else: # Trying to fix: # IOError: [Errno 2] # No such file or directory: # u'XXX\\AppData\\Local\\pesterchum/profiles/XXX.js' # Part 3 :( try: with open("{}/{}.js".format(self.profiledir, user)) as fp: self.userprofile = json.load(fp) except (json.JSONDecodeError, FileNotFoundError) as e: msgBox = QtWidgets.QMessageBox() msgBox.setIcon(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Icon.Warning) msgBox.setWindowTitle(":(") msgBox.setTextFormat( QtCore.Qt.TextFormat.RichText ) # Clickable html links self.filename = _datadir + "pesterchum.js" msgBox.setText( "

Failed to load: " + ( "%s/%s.js" % (self.profiledir, self.profiledir, user) ) + "

Try to check for syntax errors if the file exists." + "

If you got this message at launch you may want to change your default profile." + "

" + str(e) + r"<\h3><\html>" ) # "\" if pesterchum acts oddly you might want to try backing up and then deleting \"" + \ # _datadir+"pesterchum.js" + \ # "\"") PchumLog.critical(e) msgBox.exec() raise ValueError(e) try: self.theme = pesterTheme(self.userprofile["theme"]) except ValueError: self.theme = pesterTheme("pesterchum") self.lastmood = self.userprofile.get( "lastmood", self.theme["main/defaultmood"] ) self.chat = PesterProfile( self.userprofile["handle"], QtGui.QColor(self.userprofile["color"]), Mood(self.lastmood), ) self.quirks = pesterQuirks(self.userprofile["quirks"]) if "randoms" not in self.userprofile: self.userprofile["randoms"] = False self.randoms = self.userprofile["randoms"] if "mentions" not in self.userprofile: initials = self.chat.initials() if len(initials) >= 2: initials = ( initials, "{}{}".format(initials[0].lower(), initials[1]), "{}{}".format(initials[0], initials[1].lower()), ) self.userprofile["mentions"] = [r"\b(%s)\b" % ("|".join(initials))] else: self.userprofile["mentions"] = [] self.mentions = self.userprofile["mentions"] if "autojoins" not in self.userprofile: self.userprofile["autojoins"] = [] self.autojoins = self.userprofile["autojoins"] try: with open(_datadir + "passwd.js") as fp: self.passwd = json.load(fp) except: self.passwd = {} self.autoidentify = False self.nickservpass = "" if self.chat.handle in self.passwd: # Fix for: # Traceback (most recent call last): # File "pesterchum.py", line 2944, in nickCollision # File "pesterchum.py", line 1692, in changeProfile # File "XXX\menus.py", line 795, in init # File "XXX\profile.py", line 350, in availableProfiles # File "XXX\profile.py", line 432, in init # KeyError: 'pw' if "auto" in self.passwd[self.chat.handle]: self.autoidentify = self.passwd[self.chat.handle]["auto"] if "pw" in self.passwd[self.chat.handle]: self.nickservpass = self.passwd[self.chat.handle]["pw"] def setMood(self, mood): self.chat.mood = mood def setTheme(self, theme): self.theme = theme self.userprofile["theme"] = theme.name self.save() def setColor(self, color): self.chat.color = color self.userprofile["color"] = str(color.name()) self.save() def setQuirks(self, quirks): self.quirks = quirks self.userprofile["quirks"] = self.quirks.plainList() self.save() def getRandom(self): return self.randoms def setRandom(self, random): self.randoms = random self.userprofile["randoms"] = random self.save() def getMentions(self): return self.mentions def setMentions(self, mentions): i = None try: for i, m in enumerate(mentions): re.compile(m) except re.error as e: PchumLog.error("#%s Not a valid regular expression: %s", i, e) else: self.mentions = mentions self.userprofile["mentions"] = mentions self.save() def getLastMood(self): return self.lastmood def setLastMood(self, mood): self.lastmood = mood.value() self.userprofile["lastmood"] = self.lastmood self.save() def getTheme(self): return self.theme def getAutoIdentify(self): return self.autoidentify def setAutoIdentify(self, b): self.autoidentify = b if self.chat.handle not in self.passwd: self.passwd[self.chat.handle] = {} self.passwd[self.chat.handle]["auto"] = b self.saveNickServPass() def getNickServPass(self): return self.nickservpass def setNickServPass(self, pw): self.nickservpass = pw if self.chat.handle not in self.passwd: self.passwd[self.chat.handle] = {} self.passwd[self.chat.handle]["pw"] = pw self.saveNickServPass() def getAutoJoins(self): return self.autojoins def setAutoJoins(self, autojoins): self.autojoins = autojoins self.userprofile["autojoins"] = self.autojoins self.save() def save(self): handle = self.chat.handle if handle[0:12] == "pesterClient": # dont save temp profiles return try: jsonoutput = json.dumps(self.userprofile) except ValueError as e: raise e with open("{}/{}.js".format(self.profiledir, handle), "w") as fp: fp.write(jsonoutput) def saveNickServPass(self): # remove profiles with no passwords for h, t in list(self.passwd.items()): if "auto" not in t and ("pw" not in t or t["pw"] == ""): del self.passwd[h] try: jsonoutput = json.dumps(self.passwd, indent=4) except ValueError as e: raise e with open(_datadir + "passwd.js", "w") as fp: fp.write(jsonoutput) @staticmethod def newUserProfile(chatprofile): if os.path.exists("{}/{}.js".format(_datadir + "profiles", chatprofile.handle)): newprofile = userProfile(chatprofile.handle) else: newprofile = userProfile(chatprofile) newprofile.save() return newprofile class PesterProfileDB(dict): def __init__(self): self.logpath = _datadir + "logs" if not os.path.exists(self.logpath): os.makedirs(self.logpath) try: with open("%s/chums.js" % (self.logpath)) as fp: chumdict = json.load(fp) except (OSError, ValueError): # karxi: This code feels awfully familiar.... chumdict = {} with open("%s/chums.js" % (self.logpath), "w") as fp: json.dump(chumdict, fp) u = [] for handle, c in chumdict.items(): options = {} if "group" in c: options["group"] = c["group"] if "notes" in c: options["notes"] = c["notes"] if "color" not in c: c["color"] = "#000000" if "mood" not in c: c["mood"] = "offline" u.append( ( handle, PesterProfile( handle, color=QtGui.QColor(c["color"]), mood=Mood(c["mood"]), **options, ), ) ) converted = dict(u) self.update(converted) def save(self): try: with open("%s/chums.js" % (self.logpath), "w") as fp: chumdict = dict([p.plaindict() for p in self.values()]) json.dump(chumdict, fp) except Exception as e: raise e def getColor(self, handle, default=None): if handle not in self: return default else: return self[handle].color def setColor(self, handle, color): if handle in self: self[handle].color = color else: self[handle] = PesterProfile(handle, color) def getGroup(self, handle, default="Chums"): if handle not in self: return default else: return self[handle].group def setGroup(self, handle, theGroup): if handle in self: self[handle].group = theGroup else: self[handle] = PesterProfile(handle, group=theGroup) self.save() def getNotes(self, handle, default=""): if handle not in self: return default else: return self[handle].notes def setNotes(self, handle, notes): if handle in self: self[handle].notes = notes else: self[handle] = PesterProfile(handle, notes=notes) self.save() def __setitem__(self, key, val): dict.__setitem__(self, key, val) self.save() class pesterTheme(dict): def __init__(self, name, default=False): possiblepaths = ( _datadir + "themes/%s" % (name), "themes/%s" % (name), _datadir + "themes/pesterchum", "themes/pesterchum", ) self.path = "themes/pesterchum" for p in possiblepaths: if os.path.exists(p): self.path = p break self.name = name try: with open(self.path + "/style.js") as fp: theme = json.load(fp, object_hook=self.pathHook) except OSError: theme = json.loads("{}") self.update(theme) if "inherits" in self: self.inheritedTheme = pesterTheme(self["inherits"]) if not default: self.defaultTheme = pesterTheme("pesterchum", default=True) def __getitem__(self, key): keys = key.split("/") try: v = super().__getitem__(keys.pop(0)) except KeyError as e: if hasattr(self, "inheritedTheme"): return self.inheritedTheme[key] elif hasattr(self, "defaultTheme"): return self.defaultTheme[key] else: raise e for k in keys: try: v = v[k] except KeyError as e: if hasattr(self, "inheritedTheme"): return self.inheritedTheme[key] elif hasattr(self, "defaultTheme"): return self.defaultTheme[key] else: raise e return v def pathHook(self, dict): # This converts strings containing $path into the proper paths # Honestly ive never even seen this Template stuff before. very funky! for key, value in dict.items(): if isinstance(value, str): templ = Template(value) dict[key] = templ.safe_substitute(path=self.path) elif isinstance(value, list): # ~lisanne : for dealing with 'main/fonts' which is an array which contains filepaths with $ # probably good to have for future additions for idx, item in enumerate(value): item = value[idx] if isinstance(item, str): # not very DRY of me >:3c templ = Template(item) value[idx] = templ.safe_substitute(path=self.path) return dict def get(self, key, default): keys = key.split("/") try: v = super().__getitem__(keys.pop(0)) for k in keys: v = v[k] return default if v is None else v except KeyError: if hasattr(self, "inheritedTheme"): return self.inheritedTheme.get(key, default) else: return default def has_key(self, key): keys = key.split("/") try: v = super().__getitem__(keys.pop(0)) for k in keys: v = v[k] return v is not None except KeyError: if hasattr(self, "inheritedTheme"): return key in self.inheritedTheme else: return False