# Copyright (c) 2008 Duncan Fordyce # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. import sys import time import ssl import socket import select import logging import traceback from oyoyo.parse import parse_raw_irc_command from oyoyo import helpers from oyoyo.cmdhandler import CommandError PchumLog = logging.getLogger("pchumLogger") try: import certifi except ImportError: if sys.platform == "darwin": # Certifi is required to validate certificates on MacOS with pyinstaller builds. PchumLog.warning( "Failed to import certifi, which is recommended on MacOS. " "Pesterchum might not be able to validate certificates unless " "Python's root certs are installed." ) class IRCClientError(Exception): pass class IRCClient: """IRC Client class. This handles one connection to a server. This can be used either with or without IRCApp ( see connect() docs ) """ def __init__(self, cmd_handler, **kwargs): """the first argument should be an object with attributes/methods named as the irc commands. You may subclass from one of the classes in oyoyo.cmdhandler for convenience but it is not required. The methods should have arguments (prefix, args). prefix is normally the sender of the command. args is a list of arguments. Its recommened you subclass oyoyo.cmdhandler.DefaultCommandHandler, this class provides defaults for callbacks that are required for normal IRC operation. all other arguments should be keyword arguments. The most commonly used will be nick, host and port. You can also specify an "on connect" callback. ( check the source for others ) Warning: By default this class will not block on socket operations, this means if you use a plain while loop your app will consume 100% cpu. To enable blocking pass blocking=True. >>> class My_Handler(DefaultCommandHandler): ... def privmsg(self, prefix, command, args): ... print "%s said %s" % (prefix, args[1]) ... >>> def connect_callback(c): ... helpers.join(c, '#myroom') ... >>> cli = IRCClient(My_Handler, ... host="irc.freenode.net", ... port=6667, ... nick="myname", ... connect_cb=connect_callback) ... >>> cli_con = cli.connect() >>> while 1: ... cli_con.next() ... """ self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.nick = None self.realname = None self.username = None self.host = None self.port = None self.connect_cb = None self.timeout = None self.blocking = None self.ssl = None self.__dict__.update(kwargs) self.command_handler = cmd_handler(self) self._end = False def send(self, *args, **kwargs): """send a message to the connected server. all arguments are joined with a space for convenience, for example the following are identical >>> cli.send("JOIN %s" % some_room) >>> cli.send("JOIN", some_room) In python 2, all args must be of type str or unicode, *BUT* if they are unicode they will be converted to str with the encoding specified by the 'encoding' keyword argument (default 'utf8'). In python 3, all args must be of type str or bytes, *BUT* if they are str they will be converted to bytes with the encoding specified by the 'encoding' keyword argument (default 'utf8'). """ if self._end == True: return # Convert all args to bytes if not already encoding = kwargs.get("encoding") or "utf8" bargs = [] for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, str): bargs.append(bytes(arg, encoding)) elif isinstance(arg, bytes): bargs.append(arg) elif type(arg).__name__ == "unicode": bargs.append(arg.encode(encoding)) else: PchumLog.warning( "Refusing to send one of the args from provided: %s" % repr([(type(arg), arg) for arg in args]) ) raise IRCClientError( "Refusing to send one of the args from provided: %s" % repr([(type(arg), arg) for arg in args]) ) msg = bytes(" ", "UTF-8").join(bargs) PchumLog.info('---> send "%s"' % msg) try: tries = 1 while tries < 10: # Check if alive if self._end == True: break if self.socket.fileno() == -1: self._end = True break try: ready_to_read, ready_to_write, in_error = select.select( [], [self.socket], [] ) for x in ready_to_write: x.sendall(msg + bytes("\r\n", "UTF-8")) break except ssl.SSLWantReadError as e: PchumLog.warning("ssl.SSLWantReadError on send, " + str(e)) select.select([self.socket], [], []) if tries >= 9: raise e except ssl.SSLWantWriteError as e: PchumLog.warning("ssl.SSLWantWriteError on send, " + str(e)) select.select([], [self.socket], []) if tries >= 9: raise e except ssl.SSLEOFError as e: # ssl.SSLEOFError guarantees a broken connection. PchumLog.warning("ssl.SSLEOFError in on send, " + str(e)) raise ssl.SSLEOFError except (socket.timeout, TimeoutError) as e: # socket.timeout is deprecated in 3.10 PchumLog.warning("TimeoutError in on send, " + str(e)) raise socket.timeout except (OSError, IndexError, ValueError, Exception) as e: PchumLog.warning("Unkown error on send, " + str(e)) if tries >= 9: raise e tries += 1 PchumLog.warning("Retrying send. (attempt %s)" % str(tries)) time.sleep(0.1) PchumLog.debug( "ready_to_write (len %s): " % str(len(ready_to_write)) + str(ready_to_write) ) except Exception as se: PchumLog.warning("Send Exception %s" % str(se)) try: if not self.blocking and se.errno == 11: pass else: # raise se self._end = True # This ok? except AttributeError: # raise se self._end = True # This ok? def connect(self, verify_hostname=True): """initiates the connection to the server set in self.host:self.port""" PchumLog.info("connecting to %s:%s" % (self.host, self.port)) if self.ssl == True: context = ssl.create_default_context() if verify_hostname == False: context.check_hostname = False context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE else: # Also load certifi provided root certs if present. (Mainly useful for MacOS) if "certifi" in sys.modules: try: context.load_verify_locations(cafile=certifi.where()) except: PchumLog.exception("") bare_sock = socket.create_connection((self.host, self.port)) self.socket = context.wrap_socket( bare_sock, server_hostname=self.host, do_handshake_on_connect=False ) while True: try: self.socket.do_handshake() break except ssl.SSLWantReadError: select.select([self.socket], [], []) except ssl.SSLWantWriteError: select.select([], [self.socket], []) except ssl.SSLCertVerificationError as e: # Disconnect for now self.socket.close() bare_sock.close() raise e PchumLog.info("secure sockets version is %s" % self.socket.version()) else: self.socket = socket.create_connection((self.host, self.port)) # setblocking is a shorthand for timeout, # we shouldn't use both. if self.timeout: self.socket.settimeout(self.timeout) elif not self.blocking: self.socket.setblocking(False) elif self.blocking: self.socket.setblocking(True) # try: # self.socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE, 1) # if hasattr(socket, "TCP_KEEPIDLE"): # self.socket.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_KEEPIDLE, 1) # if hasattr(socket, "TCP_KEEPINTVL"): # self.socket.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_KEEPINTVL, 1) # if hasattr(socket, "TCP_KEEPCNT"): # self.socket.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_KEEPCNT, 1) # except Exception as e: # print(e) helpers.nick(self, self.nick) helpers.user(self, self.username, self.realname) if self.connect_cb: self.connect_cb(self) def conn(self): """returns a generator object.""" try: buffer = bytes() while not self._end: # Block for connection-killing exceptions try: tries = 1 while tries < 10: # Check if alive if self._end == True: break if self.socket.fileno() == -1: self._end = True break try: ready_to_read, ready_to_write, in_error = select.select( [self.socket], [], [] ) for x in ready_to_read: buffer += x.recv(1024) break except ssl.SSLWantReadError as e: PchumLog.warning("ssl.SSLWantReadError on send, " + str(e)) select.select([self.socket], [], []) if tries >= 9: raise e except ssl.SSLWantWriteError as e: PchumLog.warning("ssl.SSLWantWriteError on send, " + str(e)) select.select([], [self.socket], []) if tries >= 9: raise e except ssl.SSLEOFError as e: # ssl.SSLEOFError guarantees a broken connection. PchumLog.warning("ssl.SSLEOFError in on send, " + str(e)) raise e except (socket.timeout, TimeoutError) as e: # socket.timeout is deprecated in 3.10 PchumLog.warning("TimeoutError in on send, " + str(e)) raise socket.timeout except (OSError, IndexError, ValueError, Exception) as e: PchumLog.debug("Miscellaneous exception in conn, " + str(e)) if tries >= 9: raise e tries += 1 PchumLog.debug( "Possibly retrying recv. (attempt %s)" % str(tries) ) time.sleep(0.1) except socket.timeout as e: PchumLog.warning("timeout in client.py, " + str(e)) if self._end: break raise e except ssl.SSLEOFError as e: raise e except OSError as e: PchumLog.warning("conn exception %s in %s" % (e, self)) if self._end: break try: # a little dance of compatibility to get the errno errno = e.errno except AttributeError: errno = e[0] if not self.blocking and errno == 11: pass else: raise e else: if self._end: break if len(buffer) == 0 and self.blocking: PchumLog.debug("len(buffer) = 0") raise OSError("Connection closed") data = buffer.split(bytes("\n", "UTF-8")) buffer = data.pop() PchumLog.debug("data = " + str(data)) for el in data: tags, prefix, command, args = parse_raw_irc_command(el) # print(tags, prefix, command, args) try: # Only need tags with tagmsg if command.upper() == "TAGMSG": self.command_handler.run(command, prefix, tags, *args) else: self.command_handler.run(command, prefix, *args) except CommandError as e: PchumLog.warning("CommandError %s" % str(e)) yield True except socket.timeout as se: PchumLog.debug("passing timeout") raise se except (OSError, ssl.SSLEOFError) as se: PchumLog.debug("problem: %s" % (str(se))) if self.socket: PchumLog.info("error: closing socket") self.socket.close() raise se except Exception as e: PchumLog.debug("other exception: %s" % str(e)) raise e else: PchumLog.debug("ending while, end is %s" % self._end) if self.socket: PchumLog.info("finished: closing socket") self.socket.close() yield False def close(self): # with extreme prejudice if self.socket: PchumLog.info("shutdown socket") # print("shutdown socket") self._end = True try: self.socket.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) except OSError as e: PchumLog.debug( "Error while shutting down socket, already broken? %s" % str(e) ) try: self.socket.close() except OSError as e: PchumLog.debug( "Error while closing socket, already broken? %s" % str(e) ) class IRCApp: """This class manages several IRCClient instances without the use of threads. (Non-threaded) Timer functionality is also included. """ class _ClientDesc: def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.con = None self.autoreconnect = False self.__dict__.update(kwargs) def __init__(self): self._clients = {} self._timers = [] self.running = False self.sleep_time = 0.5 def addClient(self, client, autoreconnect=False): """add a client object to the application. setting autoreconnect to true will mean the application will attempt to reconnect the client after every disconnect. you can also set autoreconnect to a number to specify how many reconnects should happen. warning: if you add a client that has blocking set to true, timers will no longer function properly""" PchumLog.info("added client %s (ar=%s)" % (client, autoreconnect)) self._clients[client] = self._ClientDesc(autoreconnect=autoreconnect) def addTimer(self, seconds, cb): """add a timed callback. accuracy is not specified, you can only garuntee the callback will be called after seconds has passed. ( the only advantage to these timers is they dont use threads ) """ assert callable(cb) PchumLog.info("added timer to call %s in %ss" % (cb, seconds)) self._timers.append((time.time() + seconds, cb)) def run(self): """run the application. this will block until stop() is called""" # TODO: convert this to use generators too? self.running = True while self.running: found_one_alive = False for client, clientdesc in self._clients.items(): if clientdesc.con is None: clientdesc.con = client.connect() try: next(clientdesc.con) except Exception as e: PchumLog.error("client error %s" % str(e)) PchumLog.error(traceback.format_exc()) if clientdesc.autoreconnect: clientdesc.con = None if isinstance(clientdesc.autoreconnect, (int, float)): clientdesc.autoreconnect -= 1 found_one_alive = True else: clientdesc.con = False else: found_one_alive = True if not found_one_alive: PchumLog.info("nothing left alive... quiting") self.stop() now = time.time() timers = self._timers[:] self._timers = [] for target_time, cb in timers: if now > target_time: PchumLog.info("calling timer cb %s" % cb) cb() else: self._timers.append((target_time, cb)) time.sleep(self.sleep_time) def stop(self): """stop the application""" self.running = False