import logging import logging.config import socket import random import time from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui import ostools from mood import Mood from dataobjs import PesterProfile from generic import PesterList from version import _pcVersion from oyoyo.client import IRCClient from oyoyo.cmdhandler import DefaultCommandHandler from oyoyo import helpers, services _datadir = ostools.getDataDir() logging.config.fileConfig(_datadir + "logging.ini") PchumLog = logging.getLogger('pchumLogger') # Python 3 QString = str #if ostools.isOSXBundle(): # logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING) #else: # # karxi; We do NOT need this set to INFO; it's very, very spammy. # logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING) class PesterIRC(QtCore.QThread): def __init__(self, config, window): QtCore.QThread.__init__(self) self.mainwindow = window self.config = config self.registeredIRC = False self.metadata_supported = False self.stopIRC = None self.NickServ = services.NickServ() self.ChanServ = services.ChanServ() def IRCConnect(self): server = self.config.server() port = self.config.port() self.cli = IRCClient(PesterHandler, host=server, port=int(port), nick=self.mainwindow.profile().handle, real_name='pcc31', blocking=True, timeout=120) self.cli.command_handler.parent = self self.cli.command_handler.mainwindow = self.mainwindow self.cli.connect() self.conn = self.cli.conn() def run(self): try: self.IRCConnect() except socket.error as se: self.stopIRC = se return while 1: res = True try: PchumLog.debug("updateIRC()") res = self.updateIRC() except socket.timeout as se: PchumLog.debug("timeout in thread %s" % (self)) self.cli.close() self.stopIRC = se return except socket.error as se: if self.registeredIRC: self.stopIRC = None else: self.stopIRC = se PchumLog.debug("socket error, exiting thread") return else: if not res: PchumLog.debug("false Yield: %s, returning" % res) return def setConnected(self): self.registeredIRC = True self.connected.emit() def setConnectionBroken(self): PchumLog.critical("setconnection broken") self.reconnectIRC() #self.brokenConnection = True @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def updateIRC(self): try: res = next(self.conn) except socket.timeout as se: if self.registeredIRC: return True else: raise se except socket.error as se: raise se except StopIteration: self.conn = self.cli.conn() return True else: return res @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def reconnectIRC(self): PchumLog.warning("reconnectIRC() from thread %s" % (self)) self.cli.close() @QtCore.pyqtSlot(PesterProfile) def getMood(self, *chums): self.cli.command_handler.getMood(*chums) @QtCore.pyqtSlot(PesterList) def getMoods(self, chums): self.cli.command_handler.getMood(*chums) @QtCore.pyqtSlot(QString, QString) def sendNotice(self, text, handle): h = str(handle) t = str(text) try: helpers.notice(self.cli, h, t) except socket.error as e: PchumLog.warning(e) self.setConnectionBroken() @QtCore.pyqtSlot(QString, QString) def sendMessage(self, text, handle): h = str(handle) textl = [str(text)] def splittext(l): if len(l[0]) > 450: space = l[0].rfind(" ", 0,430) if space == -1: space = 450 elif l[0][space+1:space+5] == "": space = space+4 a = l[0][0:space+1] b = l[0][space+1:] if a.count(" a.count(""): # oh god ctags will break!! D= hanging = [] usedends = [] c = a.rfind("", c) while d in usedends: d = a.find("", d+1) if d != -1: usedends.append(d) else: f = a.find(">", c)+1 hanging.append(a[c:f]) c = a.rfind("")): a = a + "" #start them up again in the second part for c in hanging: b = c + b if len(b) > 0: return [a] + splittext([b]) else: return [a] else: return l textl = splittext(textl) try: for t in textl: helpers.msg(self.cli, h, t) except socket.error as e: PchumLog.warning(e) self.setConnectionBroken() @QtCore.pyqtSlot(QString, QString,) def sendCTCP(self, handle, text): #cmd = text.split(' ')[0] #msg = text.replace(cmd + ' ', '') #msg = msg.replace(cmd, '') try: helpers.ctcp(self.cli, handle, text) except socket.error as e: PchumLog.warning(e) self.setConnectionBroken() @QtCore.pyqtSlot(QString, bool) def startConvo(self, handle, initiated): h = str(handle) try: helpers.msg(self.cli, h, "COLOR >%s" % (self.mainwindow.profile().colorcmd())) if initiated: helpers.msg(self.cli, h, "PESTERCHUM:BEGIN") except socket.error as e: PchumLog.warning(e) self.setConnectionBroken() @QtCore.pyqtSlot(QString) def endConvo(self, handle): h = str(handle) try: helpers.msg(self.cli, h, "PESTERCHUM:CEASE") except socket.error as e: PchumLog.warning(e) self.setConnectionBroken() @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def updateProfile(self): me = self.mainwindow.profile() handle = me.handle try: helpers.nick(self.cli, handle) except socket.error as e: PchumLog.warning(e) self.setConnectionBroken() self.mainwindow.closeConversations(True) self.mainwindow.doAutoIdentify() self.mainwindow.autoJoinDone = False self.mainwindow.doAutoJoins() self.updateMood() @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def updateMood(self): me = self.mainwindow.profile() # Moods via metadata try: helpers.metadata(self.cli, '*', "set", "mood", str(me.mood.value())) except socket.error as e: PchumLog.warning(e) self.setConnectionBroken() # Backwards compatibility try: helpers.msg(self.cli, "#pesterchum", "MOOD >%d" % (me.mood.value())) except socket.error as e: PchumLog.warning(e) self.setConnectionBroken() @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def updateColor(self): #PchumLog.debug("irc updateColor (outgoing)") #me = self.mainwindow.profile() for h in list(self.mainwindow.convos.keys()): try: helpers.msg(self.cli, h, "COLOR >%s" % (self.mainwindow.profile().colorcmd())) except socket.error as e: PchumLog.warning(e) self.setConnectionBroken() @QtCore.pyqtSlot(QString) def blockedChum(self, handle): h = str(handle) try: helpers.msg(self.cli, h, "PESTERCHUM:BLOCK") except socket.error as e: PchumLog.warning(e) self.setConnectionBroken() @QtCore.pyqtSlot(QString) def unblockedChum(self, handle): h = str(handle) try: helpers.msg(self.cli, h, "PESTERCHUM:UNBLOCK") except socket.error as e: PchumLog.warning(e) self.setConnectionBroken() @QtCore.pyqtSlot(QString) def requestNames(self, channel): c = str(channel) try: helpers.names(self.cli, c) except socket.error as e: PchumLog.warning(e) self.setConnectionBroken() @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def requestChannelList(self): try: helpers.channel_list(self.cli) except socket.error as e: PchumLog.warning(e) self.setConnectionBroken() @QtCore.pyqtSlot(QString) def joinChannel(self, channel): c = str(channel) try: helpers.join(self.cli, c) helpers.mode(self.cli, c, "", None) except socket.error as e: PchumLog.warning(e) self.setConnectionBroken() @QtCore.pyqtSlot(QString) def leftChannel(self, channel): c = str(channel) try: helpers.part(self.cli, c) self.cli.command_handler.joined = False except socket.error as e: PchumLog.warning(e) self.setConnectionBroken() @QtCore.pyqtSlot(QString, QString) def kickUser(self, handle, channel): l = handle.split(":") c = str(channel) h = str(l[0]) if len(l) > 1: reason = str(l[1]) if len(l) > 2: for x in l[2:]: reason += str(":") + str(x) else: reason = "" try: helpers.kick(self.cli, h, c, reason) except socket.error as e: PchumLog.warning(e) self.setConnectionBroken() @QtCore.pyqtSlot(QString, QString, QString) def setChannelMode(self, channel, mode, command): c = str(channel) m = str(mode) cmd = str(command) PchumLog.debug("c=%s\nm=%s\ncmd=%s" % (c,m,cmd)) if cmd == "": cmd = None try: helpers.mode(self.cli, c, m, cmd) except socket.error as e: PchumLog.warning(e) self.setConnectionBroken() @QtCore.pyqtSlot(QString) def channelNames(self, channel): c = str(channel) try: helpers.names(self.cli, c) except socket.error as e: PchumLog.warning(e) self.setConnectionBroken() @QtCore.pyqtSlot(QString, QString) def inviteChum(self, handle, channel): h = str(handle) c = str(channel) try: helpers.invite(self.cli, h, c) except socket.error as e: PchumLog.warning(e) self.setConnectionBroken() @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def pingServer(self): try: self.cli.send("PING %s" % int(time.time())) except socket.error as e: PchumLog.warning(e) self.setConnectionBroken() @QtCore.pyqtSlot(bool) def setAway(self, away=True): try: if away: self.cli.send("AWAY Idle") else: self.cli.send("AWAY") except socket.error as e: PchumLog.warning(e) self.setConnectionBroken() @QtCore.pyqtSlot(QString, QString) def killSomeQuirks(self, channel, handle): c = str(channel) h = str(handle) try: helpers.ctcp(self.cli, c, "NOQUIRKS", h) except socket.error as e: PchumLog.warning(e) self.setConnectionBroken() def quit_dc(self): helpers.quit(self.cli, _pcVersion + " <3") #def getMask(self): # This needs to be updated when our hostname is changed. # Nevermind this entire thing, actually. moodUpdated = QtCore.pyqtSignal('QString', Mood) colorUpdated = QtCore.pyqtSignal('QString', QtGui.QColor) messageReceived = QtCore.pyqtSignal('QString', 'QString') memoReceived = QtCore.pyqtSignal('QString', 'QString', 'QString') noticeReceived = QtCore.pyqtSignal('QString', 'QString') inviteReceived = QtCore.pyqtSignal('QString', 'QString') timeCommand = QtCore.pyqtSignal('QString', 'QString', 'QString') namesReceived = QtCore.pyqtSignal('QString', PesterList) channelListReceived = QtCore.pyqtSignal(PesterList) nickCollision = QtCore.pyqtSignal('QString', 'QString') myHandleChanged = QtCore.pyqtSignal('QString') chanInviteOnly = QtCore.pyqtSignal('QString') modesUpdated = QtCore.pyqtSignal('QString', 'QString') connected = QtCore.pyqtSignal() userPresentUpdate = QtCore.pyqtSignal('QString', 'QString', 'QString') cannotSendToChan = QtCore.pyqtSignal('QString', 'QString') tooManyPeeps = QtCore.pyqtSignal() quirkDisable = QtCore.pyqtSignal('QString', 'QString', 'QString') class PesterHandler(DefaultCommandHandler): def notice(self, nick, chan, msg): handle = nick[0:nick.find("!")]"---> recv \"NOTICE %s :%s\"" % (handle, msg)) if handle == "ChanServ" and chan == self.parent.mainwindow.profile().handle and msg[0:2] == "[#": self.parent.memoReceived.emit(msg[1:msg.index("]")], handle, msg) else: self.parent.noticeReceived.emit(handle, msg) def metadata(self, target, nick, key, visibility, value): # The format of the METADATA server notication is: # METADATA if key == "mood": mood = Mood(int(value)) self.parent.moodUpdated.emit(nick, mood) def privmsg(self, nick, chan, msg): handle = nick[0:nick.find("!")] if len(msg) == 0: return # CTCP # ACTION, IRC /me (The CTCP kind) if msg[0:8] == '\x01ACTION ': msg = '/me' + msg[7:-1] # CTCPs that don't need to be shown elif msg[0] == '\x01':"---> recv \"CTCP %s :%s\"" % (handle, msg[1:-1])) # VERSION, return version if msg[1:-1].startswith("VERSION"): helpers.ctcp_reply(self.parent.cli, handle, "VERSION", "Pesterchum %s" % (_pcVersion)) # CLIENTINFO, return supported CTCP commands. elif msg[1:-1].startswith("CLIENTINFO"): helpers.ctcp_reply(self.parent.cli, handle, "CLIENTINFO", "ACTION VERSION CLIENTINFO PING SOURCE NOQUIRKS GETMOOD") # PING, return pong elif msg[1:-1].startswith("PING"): if len(msg[1:-1].split("PING ")) > 1: helpers.ctcp_reply(self.parent.cli, handle, "PING", msg[1:-1].split("PING ")[1]) else: helpers.ctcp_reply(self.parent.cli, handle, "PING") # SOURCE, return source elif msg[1:-1].startswith("SOURCE"): helpers.ctcp_reply(self.parent.cli, handle, "SOURCE", "") # ??? elif msg[1:-1].startswith("NOQUIRKS") and chan[0] == "#": op = nick[0:nick.find("!")] self.parent.quirkDisable.emit(chan, msg[10:-1], op) # GETMOOD via CTCP elif msg[1:-1].startswith("GETMOOD"): # GETMOOD via CTCP # Maybe we can do moods like this in the future... mymood = self.mainwindow.profile().mood.value() helpers.ctcp_reply(self.parent.cli, handle, "MOOD >%d" % (mymood)) # Backwards compatibility helpers.msg(self.client, "#pesterchum", "MOOD >%d" % (mymood)) return if chan != "#pesterchum": # We don't need anywhere near that much spam."---> recv \"PRIVMSG %s :%s\"" % (handle, msg)) if chan == "#pesterchum": # follow instructions if msg[0:6] == "MOOD >": try: mood = Mood(int(msg[6:])) except ValueError: mood = Mood(0) self.parent.moodUpdated.emit(handle, mood) elif msg[0:7] == "GETMOOD": mychumhandle = self.mainwindow.profile().handle mymood = self.mainwindow.profile().mood.value() if msg.find(mychumhandle, 8) != -1: helpers.msg(self.client, "#pesterchum", "MOOD >%d" % (mymood)) elif chan[0] == '#': if msg[0:16] == "PESTERCHUM:TIME>": self.parent.timeCommand.emit(chan, handle, msg[16:]) else: self.parent.memoReceived.emit(chan, handle, msg) else: # private message # silently ignore messages to yourself. if handle == self.mainwindow.profile().handle: return if msg[0:7] == "COLOR >": colors = msg[7:].split(",") try: colors = [int(d) for d in colors] except ValueError as e: PchumLog.warning(e) colors = [0,0,0] PchumLog.debug("colors: " + str(colors)) color = QtGui.QColor(*colors) self.parent.colorUpdated.emit(handle, color) else: self.parent.messageReceived.emit(handle, msg) def welcome(self, server, nick, msg): self.parent.setConnected() #mychumhandle = self.mainwindow.profile().handle mymood = self.mainwindow.profile().mood.value() if not self.mainwindow.config.lowBandwidth(): helpers.join(self.client, "#pesterchum") # Moods via metadata helpers.metadata(self.client, '*', 'sub', 'mood') helpers.metadata(self.client, '*', "set", "mood", str(mymood)) # Backwards compatible moods helpers.msg(self.client, "#pesterchum", "MOOD >%d" % (mymood)) def keyvalue(self, target, handle_us, handle_owner, key, visibility, *value): # The format of the METADATA server notication is: # METADATA if key == "mood": mood = Mood(int(value[0])) self.parent.moodUpdated.emit(handle_owner, mood) def metadatasubok(self, *params):"metadatasubok: " + str(params)) def nomatchingkey(self, target, our_handle, failed_handle, key, *error): # Try to get moods the old way if metadata fails."nomatchingkey: " + failed_handle) chumglub = "GETMOOD " try: helpers.msg(self.client, "#pesterchum", chumglub + failed_handle) except socket.error as e: PchumLog.warning(e) self.parent.setConnectionBroken() def featurelist(self, target, handle, *params): # RPL_ISUPPORT features = params[:-1]"Server featurelist: " + str(features)) for x in features: if x.upper().startswith("METADATA"):"Server supports metadata.") self.parent.metadata_supported = True def nicknameinuse(self, server, cmd, nick, msg): newnick = "pesterClient%d" % (random.randint(100,999)) helpers.nick(self.client, newnick) self.parent.nickCollision.emit(nick, newnick) def quit(self, nick, reason): handle = nick[0:nick.find("!")]"---> recv \"QUIT %s: %s\"" % (handle, reason)) if handle == self.parent.mainwindow.randhandler.randNick: self.parent.mainwindow.randhandler.setRunning(False) server = self.parent.mainwindow.config.server() baseserver = server[server.rfind(".", 0, server.rfind(".")):] if reason.count(baseserver) == 2: self.parent.userPresentUpdate.emit(handle, "", "netsplit") else: self.parent.userPresentUpdate.emit(handle, "", "quit") self.parent.moodUpdated.emit(handle, Mood("offline")) def kick(self, opnick, channel, handle, reason): op = opnick[0:opnick.find("!")] self.parent.userPresentUpdate.emit(handle, channel, "kick:%s:%s" % (op, reason)) # ok i shouldnt be overloading that but am lazy def part(self, nick, channel, reason="nanchos"): handle = nick[0:nick.find("!")]"---> recv \"PART %s: %s\"" % (handle, channel)) self.parent.userPresentUpdate.emit(handle, channel, "left") if channel == "#pesterchum": self.parent.moodUpdated.emit(handle, Mood("offline")) def join(self, nick, channel): handle = nick[0:nick.find("!")]"---> recv \"JOIN %s: %s\"" % (handle, channel)) self.parent.userPresentUpdate.emit(handle, channel, "join") if channel == "#pesterchum": if handle == self.parent.mainwindow.randhandler.randNick: self.parent.mainwindow.randhandler.setRunning(True) self.parent.moodUpdated.emit(handle, Mood("chummy")) def mode(self, op, channel, mode, *handles): PchumLog.debug("op=" + str(op)) PchumLog.debug("channel=" + str(channel)) PchumLog.debug("mode=" + str(mode)) PchumLog.debug("*handles=" + str(handles)) if len(handles) <= 0: handles = [""] opnick = op[0:op.find("!")] PchumLog.debug("opnick=" + opnick) # Channel section # Okay so, as I understand it channel modes will always be applied to a channel even if the commands also sets a mode to a user. # So "MODE #channel +ro handleHandle" will set +r to channel #channel as well as set +o to handleHandle # Therefore the bellow method causes a crash if both user and channel mode are being set in one command. #if op == channel or channel == self.parent.mainwindow.profile().handle: # modes = list(self.parent.mainwindow.modes) # if modes and modes[0] == "+": modes = modes[1:] # if mode[0] == "+": # for m in mode[1:]: # if m not in modes: # modes.extend(m) # elif mode[0] == "-": # for i in mode[1:]: # try: # modes.remove(i) # except ValueError: # pass # modes.sort() # self.parent.mainwindow.modes = "+" + "".join(modes) # EXPIRIMENTAL FIX # No clue how stable this is but since it doesn't seem to cause a crash it's probably an improvement. # This might be clunky with non-unrealircd IRC servers channel_mode = "" unrealircd_channel_modes = ['c', 'C', 'd', 'f', 'G', 'H', 'i', 'k', 'K', 'L', 'l', 'm', 'M', 'N', 'n', 'O', 'P', 'p', 'Q', 'R', 'r', 's', 'S', 'T', 't', 'V', 'z', 'Z'] if any(md in mode for md in unrealircd_channel_modes): PchumLog.debug("Channel mode in string.") modes = list(self.parent.mainwindow.modes) for md in unrealircd_channel_modes: if mode.find(md)!= -1: # -1 means not found PchumLog.debug("md=" + md) if mode[0] == "+": modes.extend(md) channel_mode = "+" + md elif mode[0] == "-": try: modes.remove(md) channel_mode = "-" + md except ValueError: PchumLog.warning("Can't remove channel mode that isn't set.") pass self.parent.userPresentUpdate.emit("", channel, channel_mode+":%s" % (op)) PchumLog.debug("pre-mode=" + str(mode)) mode = mode.replace(md, "") PchumLog.debug("post-mode=" + str(mode)) modes.sort() self.parent.mainwindow.modes = "+" + "".join(modes) modes = [] cur = "+" for l in mode: if l in ["+","-"]: cur = l else: modes.append("%s%s" % (cur, l)) PchumLog.debug("handles=" + str(handles)) PchumLog.debug("enumerate(modes) = " + str(list(enumerate(modes)))) for (i,m) in enumerate(modes): # Server-set usermodes don't need to be passed. if (handles == ['']) & ( ('x' in m) | ('z' in m) | ('o' in m) | ('x' in m) )!=True: try: self.parent.userPresentUpdate.emit(handles[i], channel, m+":%s" % (op)) except IndexError as e: PchumLog.exception("modeSetIndexError: %s" % e) #print("i = " + i) #print("m = " + m) #self.parent.userPresentUpdate.emit(handles[i], channel, m+":%s" % (op)) #self.parent.userPresentUpdate.emit(handles[i], channel, m+":%s" % (op)) # Passing an empty handle here might cause a crash. #except IndexError: #self.parent.userPresentUpdate.emit("", channel, m+":%s" % (op)) def nick(self, oldnick, newnick): oldhandle = oldnick[0:oldnick.find("!")] if oldhandle == self.mainwindow.profile().handle: self.parent.myHandleChanged.emit(newnick) newchum = PesterProfile(newnick, chumdb=self.mainwindow.chumdb) self.parent.moodUpdated.emit(oldhandle, Mood("offline")) self.parent.userPresentUpdate.emit("%s:%s" % (oldhandle, newnick), "", "nick") if newnick in self.mainwindow.chumList.chums: self.getMood(newchum) if oldhandle == self.parent.mainwindow.randhandler.randNick: self.parent.mainwindow.randhandler.setRunning(False) elif newnick == self.parent.mainwindow.randhandler.randNick: self.parent.mainwindow.randhandler.setRunning(True) def namreply(self, server, nick, op, channel, names): namelist = names.split(" ")"---> recv \"NAMES %s: %d names\"" % (channel, len(namelist))) if not hasattr(self, 'channelnames'): self.channelnames = {} if channel not in self.channelnames: self.channelnames[channel] = [] self.channelnames[channel].extend(namelist) #def ison(self, server, nick, nicks): # nicklist = nicks.split(" ") # getglub = "GETMOOD " #"---> recv \"ISON :%s\"" % nicks) # for nick_it in nicklist: # self.parent.moodUpdated.emit(nick_it, Mood(0)) # if nick_it in self.parent.mainwindow.namesdb["#pesterchum"]: # getglub += nick_it # if getglub != "GETMOOD ": # helpers.msg(self.client, "#pesterchum", getglub) def endofnames(self, server, nick, channel, msg): namelist = self.channelnames[channel] pl = PesterList(namelist) del self.channelnames[channel] self.parent.namesReceived.emit(channel, pl) if channel == "#pesterchum" and (not hasattr(self, "joined") or not self.joined): self.joined = True self.parent.mainwindow.randhandler.setRunning(self.parent.mainwindow.randhandler.randNick in namelist) chums = self.mainwindow.chumList.chums #self.isOn(*chums) lesschums = [] for c in chums: chandle = c.handle if chandle in namelist: lesschums.append(c) self.getMood(*lesschums) def liststart(self, server, handle, *info): self.channel_list = [] info = list(info) self.channel_field = info.index("Channel") # dunno if this is protocol"---> recv \"CHANNELS: %s " % (self.channel_field)) def list(self, server, handle, *info): channel = info[self.channel_field] usercount = info[1] if channel not in self.channel_list and channel != "#pesterchum": self.channel_list.append((channel, usercount))"---> recv \"CHANNELS: %s " % (channel)) def listend(self, server, handle, msg): pl = PesterList(self.channel_list)"---> recv \"CHANNELS END\"") self.parent.channelListReceived.emit(pl) self.channel_list = [] def umodeis(self, server, handle, modes): self.parent.mainwindow.modes = modes def invite(self, sender, you, channel): handle = sender.split('!')[0] self.parent.inviteReceived.emit(handle, channel) def inviteonlychan(self, server, handle, channel, msg): self.parent.chanInviteOnly.emit(channel) # This can cause a crash without mode_params, channelmodeis can have six arguments. def channelmodeis(self, server, handle, channel, modes, mode_params=""): self.parent.modesUpdated.emit(channel, modes) def cannotsendtochan(self, server, handle, channel, msg): self.parent.cannotSendToChan.emit(channel, msg) def toomanypeeps(self, *stuff): self.parent.tooManyPeeps.emit() def ping(self, prefix, server): self.parent.mainwindow.lastping = int(time.time()) self.client.send('PONG', server) def getMood(self, *chums): # Try to get mood via metadata get. # If it fails the old code is excecuted. # Wait for server to send welcome to verify RPL_ISUPPORT has been send. while self.parent.registeredIRC == False: time.sleep(0.1) # Get via metadata or via legacy method if self.parent.metadata_supported == True: # Metadata for c in chums: chandle = c.handle try: helpers.metadata(self.client, chandle, "get", "mood") except socket.error as e: PchumLog.warning(e) self.parent.setConnectionBroken() else: # Legacy chumglub = "GETMOOD " for c in chums: chandle = c.handle if len(chumglub+chandle) >= 350: try: helpers.msg(self.client, "#pesterchum", chumglub) except socket.error as e: PchumLog.warning(e) self.parent.setConnectionBroken() chumglub = "GETMOOD " chumglub += chandle if chumglub != "GETMOOD ": try: helpers.msg(self.client, "#pesterchum", chumglub) except socket.error as e: PchumLog.warning(e) self.parent.setConnectionBroken() #def isOn(self, *chums): # isonNicks = "" # for c in chums: # chandle = c.handle # if len(chandle) >= 200: # try: # self.client.send("ISON", ":%s" % (isonNicks)) # except socket.error: # self.parent.setConnectionBroken() # isonNicks = "" # isonNicks += " " + chandle # if isonNicks != "": # try: # self.client.send("ISON", ":%s" % (isonNicks)) # except socket.error: # self.parent.setConnectionBroken()