HOW TO MAKE YOUR OWN THEMES: Pesterchum 3.14 themes are very flexible and allow you to create almost any kind of main window you can imagine (notable exception being animation). This document should help you make your own themes or make adjustments to existing themes! Try following along with existing themes -- it'll make this document much less confusing! A note on editing existing themes: Don't edit current themes! If you make changes in the existing themes directory, they *will* be overwritten when you install any updates. CREATING A THEME ---------------- Every theme is just a separate directory in the "themes" directory. That directory contains all the images used in that theme as well as a "style.js" file which is the configuration file for the theme. FORMAT ------ The theme file is unlike most configuration files. It uses a format called JSON, which at its core looks like this: {"option": "value", "option2": 5, "category": {"option1": [10, 50] } } The idea is that it's basically a list of: "name": "value" separated by commas, inside brackets. So to give another example: {"color": "red", "size": 50 } means "color" is "red, and "size" is 50. Note that strings should have quotes around them and numbers should not. You can also make certain values into categories by making the value a bracketed list, like so: {"memos": {"color": "red", "size": 50}, "convos": {"color": "green", "size": 50 } } This creates two categories: memos and convos, each with their own color and size value. Also note that spaces don't really matter. It helps to indent each category: {"memos": {"color": "red", "size": 50"}, "convos": {"color": "green", "size": 50" } } or even {"memos": {"color": "red", "size": 50" }, "convos": {"color": "green", "size": 50" } } SETTINGS -------- INHERITS: You can make writing themes easier on yourself by using the "inherits" setting. This sets all the settings to be the same as the inherited theme unless you change it. So you only need to set the settings you want to change! When specifying file locations, you use the term "$path" to represent the path to the current theme. The program will automatically subtitute the correct location. A note about styles: PC3.14 uses Qt's Stylesheets. That means that there are several options in the style file that use CSS-like options. Most CSS options are actually available in these settings. See this page for details about Qt's stylesheets: and here for how CSS works: If you know CSS, note that there is no cascading or need to type in tag names. The program does this for you. CSS values are like this: background:#000000; font: bold; with name:value; separated by ";". NOTE that if you change a style from a theme you inherited, you MUST put in all the options the old style had if you want to keep them! I'll go over some of the most commonly used options in styles: background-color: Self-explanatory. A note, though: colors can be color names ("black"), standard HTML colors ("#000000") or rgba (red, green, blue, alpha) values ("rgba(0, 34, 151, 75%)"). background-image: Sets the background image to be this image. You specify the location of the image by using "url(location)". So it could be: "url($path/background.png)". background-repeat: Sets how the background should repeat if the area is larger than the image. Values are repeat-x, repeat-y, repeat, and no-repeat. border: Sets the border of the item. Should be in the form "Xpx style color". Example: "border: 2px solid black;" See reference for styles. border-top/right/left/bottom: You can specify values for individual borders the same way by using these. Example: "border-right: 1px solid #ffff00;" border-image: This one is complicated. Basically it's a good way of having a resizable image with borders. See this page for a good tutorial: border-radius: Set this to a certain pixel length to get a rounded border. Example: "border-radius: 4px;" color: The color to make text. Example: "color: #ff0000;" font: A shortcut. You can specify most different font properties from this setting. Read on... font-family: A string representing the font name. Be careful as everyone's computer may not have the same fonts! Popular fonts like "Arial" are fine. Example: "font-family: 'Arial';" Don't forget the quotes! font-size: A font's size in pixels. Example: "font-size: 12px;" font-style: Basically italic or not. Example: "font-style: italic;" font-weight: Basically bold or not. Example: "font-weight: bold;" margin: Sets the amount of space between this object and other objects. This is really only useful in memo and conversation settings. You can set individual margins for right/left/top/bottom by margin-top/left/right/bottom. Examples: "margin-top: 15px;" "margin: 5px;" max/min-height/width: Sets the maximum/minimum height/width for something. padding: Same thing as margin, kinda... basically this sets the space between the outside of the box and the stuff inside it. See for more detail. selection-color: The color of the text when an item is selected. Example: "selection-color: black;" selection-background-color: The color of the background of an item when it is selected. Example: "selection-background-color: white;" text-align: Centers, left-justifies, and right-justifies text. Example: "text-align: center;" -------- A note about sizes and coordinates: Wherever it says "size", Pesterchum expects a value of the form [width, height], where width and height are NUMBERS. No quotes should be involved. Example: "size": [232,280] Same with coordinates, and with coordinates, they are always the distance away from the top left corner. So [50, 60] would be 50 pixels to the right and 60 pixels down. OK, onto the main event: MAIN ---- "main": { .... } This is the section that controls the main chum window. "style": Sets the style of the main window (as above). This value will affect other parts of the window. DO NOT put a background image here. You must set that separately; this is necessary to support themes that are not square (e.g. gold xl). "background-image": Sets the background image. This will define the shape of your pesterchum! This is your canvas! See the included themes for examples of what background images look like. "size": The size of the window. Usually this is the same as the size of your background image. "icon": The file name of the image you want to appear in the tray and your taskbar. Example: "icon": "$path/trayicon.png" "newmsgicon": The file name of the image that will appear in the tray when you have a new message. "windowtitle": The title of the window. "close": Category: "image": Location of the image of the "X" button. "loc": The coordinates of the "X" button. Example: "close": {"image": "$path/x.png", "loc": [210,2]} "minimize": Category. Same as "close" but for the minimize button. "menubar": Category. Contains one element: "style": Style of the main menubar. "menu": Category. "style": Style of each individual menu. "menuitem": Affects each menu item on the main menu. Usually used for spacing. "selected": Style information for when you hover over a menu option. "loc": Location of the main menubar. "sounds": Category. "alertsound": Path to the alert sound. Should be a wav. "ceasesound": Path to the sound when people cease pestering. "menus": Category. This is where you change the text of the menus. "client": Category. The client menu. "_name": The text for the client menu header. (These are self explanatory:) "options" "memos" "userlist" "import" "reconnect" "idle" "exit" "profile": Category. Profile menu. "_name": Text of the profile menu header. "switch" "color" "theme" "block" "quirks" "help": Category. Help menu. "_name": Text of the help menu header "about" "rclickchumlist": Category. Text for right click menus. "pester" "removechum" "blockchum" "addchum" "unblockchum" "banuser" "opuser" "quirksoff" "chums": Category. Creates your chumroll, where all the users are. All of them. "style": Style for the chumroll "loc": Location of the chumroll "size": Size of the chumroll "userlistcolor": Default text color of the users "moods": Category. Contains a list of mood icons and colors; when a user has that mood, their handle will appear with that icon and text color. Basically follows the form "mood": { "icon": "$path/file.png", "color": "colorname" } Moods are: "chummy", "rancorous", "offline", "pleasant", "distraught", "pranky", "smooth", "mystified", "amazed", "insolent", "bemused", "ecstatic", "relaxed", "discontent", "devious", "sleek", "detestful", "mirthful", "manipulative", "vigorous", "perky", "acceptant", "protective", "blocked" (Note: blocked is not technically a "mood", but the icon is used when you block someone.) "trollslum": Category. The settings for the trollslum. "style": Style for the trollslum. "size": Size of the window. "label": Category. Sets the label of the trollslum. "style": Style of the label. "text": The text displayed. "chumroll": Category. "style": Sets the style for the list of users. "mychumhandle": Category. Settings for the text label, the user's current handle, and color swatch. "label": Category. "text": Text of label indicating chumhandle. "loc": Location of label. "style": Style of label. "handle": Category. User's current handle. "style": Style of handle. "loc": Location of handle. "size": Size of handle. "colorswatch": Category. Color swatch. "loc": Location of swatch. "size": Size of swatch. "text": Text displayed inside swatch. "currentmood": Location of icon of user's current mood. "defaultwindow": Category. "style": Style of the default window. (Quirks, profile changer, etc) "addchum": Category. Add chum button. "style": Style of button. "pressed": Style of button when pressed down. "loc": Location of button. "size": Size of button. "text": Text of button. The same attributes apply for these categories: "pester": Button to pester selected user. "block": Button to block selected user. "defaultmood": Default mood of this theme. "moodlabel": Category. Text label indicating mood buttons. "style": Style of label. "loc": Location of label. "text": Text of label. "moods": OK this can get complicated. Basically this is a list of categories, one for each mood button present in the interface. You make a list like this example: "moods": [{"style": "", "option": "value"}, {"style": "", "option": "value"}] The square brackets are important! Anyway, for each mood, here are the possible settings: "style": Style of the mood button. "selected": Style of the mood button when selected. "loc": Location of the mood button. "size": Size of the mood button. "text": Text displayed on the mood button. "icon": Path to icon displayed on the mood button. "mood": Mood # of the button. See mood numbers -> mood names index at the end of this document. CONVO SECTION ------------- {"main": { ... }, "convo": { ... } This controls the conversation windows. "style": Style of the conversation window. Only affects the main window; does not cascade to the other parts. "scrollbar": Category. This item is OPTIONAL. It can be a little complicated: if you add this item, you MUST specify ALL of the settings yourself. If you don't add this item, it will use default system scrollbars. If you are inheriting a theme that does have scrollbar customization and you want to remove it, enter "scrollbar: null". Anyway, onto the scrollbar options: "style": General style of whole scrollbar. "handle": Style for the handle of the scrollbar. "downarrow": Style for the down arrow. "darrowstyle": Generally this is where you set the image of the down arrow with "image:url($path/downarrow.png)". "uparrow": Same as down arrow. "uarrowstyle": Same as darrowstyle but for up arrow. "margins": Category. Sets the margins around the contents of the conversation window. "top": Top margin "bottom", "left", "right" "size": Initial size of the conversation window. "chumlabel": Category. The part that says who youre chatting with. "style": Style for the chumlabel. "align": Category. "h": Horizontal alignment "v": Vertical alignment "minheight": The minimum height the chum label can be. "maxheight": The tallest the chum label can be. "text": The text of the label. Use $handle to represent the name of the person you're talking to. Example: ":: $handle ::" "textarea": Category. The window with the pesterlog in it. "style": Style of the window. "input": Category. The place where you type. "style": Style of the input area. "tabwindow": Category. The window that holds the tabs. "style": Style of the window. "tabs": Category. Style of the tabs in tabbed conversation. "style": Style of the tabs. "selectedstyle": Style of the currently selected tabs. "newmsgcolor": The color the text should turn when you get a new msg. "tabstyle": Usually 0. See the Qt Stylesheets for more information. "text": Category. Flavor text for system messages. In the following examples, the text in all caps will be replaced with these values: "beganpester": " BEGAN PESTERING at