# vim: set autoindent ts=4 softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 textwidth=79 expandtab: # -*- coding=UTF-8; tab-width: 4 -*- from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore import re, os, traceback, sys import time, datetime from os import remove import dataobjs, generic, memos, parsetools, ostools from version import _pcVersion _datadir = ostools.getDataDir() import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING) class ConsoleWindow(QtGui.QDialog): # A simple console class, cobbled together from the corpse of another. textArea = None textInput = None history = None # I should probably put up constants for 'direction' if this is going to # get this complicated. TODO! incoming_prefix = "<<<" outgoing_prefix = ">>>" neutral_prefix = "!!!" waiting_prefix = "..." def __init__(self, parent): super(ConsoleWindow, self).__init__(parent) self.prnt = parent try: self.mainwindow = parent.mainwindow except: self.mainwindow = parent theme = self.mainwindow.theme # Set up our style/window specifics self.setStyleSheet(theme["main/defaultwindow/style"]) self.setWindowTitle("==> Console") self.resize(350,300) self.textArea = ConsoleText(theme, self) self.textInput = ConsoleInput(theme, self) self.textInput.setFocus() self.connect(self.textInput, QtCore.SIGNAL('returnPressed()'), self, QtCore.SLOT('sentMessage()')) self.chumopen = True self.chum = self.mainwindow.profile() self.history = dataobjs.PesterHistory() # For backing these up self.stdout = self.stderr = None layout_0 = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() layout_0.addWidget(self.textArea) layout_0.addWidget(self.textInput) self.setLayout(layout_0) def parent(self): return self.prnt def clearNewMessage(self): pass @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def sentMessage(self): text = self.textInput.text() # TODO: Make this deal with unicode text, it'll crash and burn as-is. text = str(text) text = text.rstrip() self.history.add(text) self.textInput.setText("") self.execInConsole(text) # Scroll down to the bottom so we can see the results. sb = self.textArea.verticalScrollBar() sb.setValue(sb.maximum()) def addTraceback(self, tb=None): # We should do the formatting here, but eventually pass it to textArea # to addMessage whatever output we produced. # If we're called by addMessage - and we should be - then sys.stdout is # still being redirected into the console. # TODO: Just make an object for setting contexts (and thus optionally # redirecting prints). Use 'with', of course. # TODO: Make this exclude *our* processing from the traceback stack. try: self.addMessage(traceback.format_exc(), direction=0) except Exception as err: logging.error("Failed to display error message (???): %s" % err) def addMessage(self, msg, direction): # Redirect to where these things belong. self.textArea.addMessage(msg, direction=direction) def closeEvent(self, event): # TODO: Set up ESC to close the console...or refer to hiding it as # closing it. Not sure which is preferable. parent = self.parent() parent.console.is_open = False parent.console.window = None # Actual console stuff. def execInConsole(self, scriptstr, env=None): # Since that's what imports *us*, this should be okay # Tab completion could be set up in ConsoleInput, and would be nice import pesterchum as pchum if env is None: env = pchum._retrieveGlobals() # Modify the environment the script will execute in. # NOTE: This doesn't presently work, for some reason. _CUSTOM_ENV = { "CONSOLE": self, "MAINWIN": self.mainwindow, "PCONFIG": self.mainwindow.config } _CUSTOM_ENV_USED = [] cenv = pchum.__dict__ for k in _CUSTOM_ENV: if k not in cenv: cenv[k] = _CUSTOM_ENV[k] _CUSTOM_ENV_USED.append(k) else: # Don't overwrite anything! warn = "Console environment item {!r} already exists in CENV." warn.format(k) logging.warning(warn) # Because all we did was change a linked AttrDict, we should be fine # here. # Display the input we provided self.addMessage(scriptstr, 1) # Replace the old writer (for now) sysout, sys.stdout = sys.stdout, self try: code = compile(scriptstr + '\n', "", "single") result = eval(code, env) except: # Something went wrong. #~logging.exception("Exception: %s", err, exc_info=sys.exc_info()) self.addTraceback(sys.exc_info()[2]) else: # No errors. if result is not None: #~self.addMessage(repr(result), -1) print repr(result) finally: # Restore system output. sys.stdout = sysout # Try to clean us out of globals - this might be disabled # later. for k in _CUSTOM_ENV_USED: # Remove the key we added. cenv.pop(k, None) def write(self, data): # Replaces sys.stdout briefly # We only ever use this for receiving, so it's safe to assume the # direction is always -1. if not isinstance(data, list): data = data.split('\n') for line in data: if len(line): self.addMessage(line, -1) class ConsoleText(QtGui.QTextEdit): def __init__(self, theme, parent=None): super(ConsoleText, self).__init__(parent) if hasattr(self.parent(), 'mainwindow'): self.mainwindow = self.parent().mainwindow else: self.mainwindow = self.parent() self.hasTabs = False self.initTheme(theme) self.setReadOnly(True) self.setMouseTracking(True) self.textSelected = False self.connect(self, QtCore.SIGNAL('copyAvailable(bool)'), self, QtCore.SLOT('textReady(bool)')) self.urls = {} # Stripped out animation init - it's all cruft to us. @QtCore.pyqtSlot(bool) def textReady(self, ready): self.textSelected = ready def initTheme(self, theme): if theme.has_key("convo/scrollbar"): self.setStyleSheet("QTextEdit { %s } QScrollBar:vertical { %s } QScrollBar::handle:vertical { %s } QScrollBar::add-line:vertical { %s } QScrollBar::sub-line:vertical { %s } QScrollBar:up-arrow:vertical { %s } QScrollBar:down-arrow:vertical { %s }" % (theme["convo/textarea/style"], theme["convo/scrollbar/style"], theme["convo/scrollbar/handle"], theme["convo/scrollbar/downarrow"], theme["convo/scrollbar/uparrow"], theme["convo/scrollbar/uarrowstyle"], theme["convo/scrollbar/darrowstyle"] )) else: self.setStyleSheet("QTextEdit { %s }" % (theme["convo/textarea/style"])) def addMessage(self, msg, direction): # Display a message we've received. # Direction > 0 == out (sent by us); < 0 == in (sent by script). if len(msg) == 0: return #~color = chum.colorcmd() #~initials = chum.initials() parent = self.parent() mwindow = parent.mainwindow systemColor = QtGui.QColor(mwindow.theme["convo/systemMsgColor"]) if mwindow.config.showTimeStamps(): if mwindow.config.time12Format(): timestamp = time.strftime("[%I:%M") else: timestamp = time.strftime("[%H:%M") if mwindow.config.showSeconds(): timestamp += time.strftime(":%S] ") else: timestamp += "] " else: timestamp = "" # Figure out what prefix to use. if direction > 0: # Outgoing. prefix = parent.outgoing_prefix elif direction < 0: # Incoming. prefix = parent.incoming_prefix elif direction == 0: # We could just 'else' here, but there might be some oddness later. prefix = parent.neutral_prefix # Later, this will have to escape things so we don't parse them, # likely...hm. #~result = "{} {} {!r}" # The input we get is already repr'd...we pass it via print, and thus # do that there. result = "{}{} {}\n" result = result.format(timestamp, prefix, msg) #~self.append(result) self.insertPlainText(result) # Direction doesn't matter here - it's the console. self.lastmsg = datetime.datetime.now() # This needs to finish being rewritten.... def changeTheme(self, theme): self.initTheme(theme) sb = self.verticalScrollBar() sb.setValue(sb.maximum()) def focusInEvent(self, event): self.parent().clearNewMessage() super(ConsoleText, self).focusInEvent(event) def keyPressEvent(self, event): # NOTE: This doesn't give focus to the input bar, which it probably # should. # karxi: Test for tab changing? if hasattr(self.parent(), 'textInput'): if event.key() not in (QtCore.Qt.Key_PageUp, QtCore.Qt.Key_PageDown, QtCore.Qt.Key_Up, QtCore.Qt.Key_Down): self.parent().textInput.keyPressEvent(event) super(ConsoleText, self).keyPressEvent(event) def mousePressEvent(self, event): if event.button() == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton: url = self.anchorAt(event.pos()) if url != "": # Skip memo/handle recognition # NOTE: Ctrl+Click copies the URL. Maybe it should select it? if event.modifiers() == QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier: QtGui.QApplication.clipboard().setText(url) else: # This'll probably be removed. May change the lexer out. QtGui.QDesktopServices.openUrl(QtCore.QUrl(url, QtCore.QUrl.TolerantMode)) super(ConsoleText, self).mousePressEvent(event) def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): # Change our cursor when we roll over links (anchors). super(ConsoleText, self).mouseMoveEvent(event) if self.anchorAt(event.pos()): if self.viewport().cursor().shape != QtCore.Qt.PointingHandCursor: self.viewport().setCursor(QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.PointingHandCursor)) else: self.viewport().setCursor(QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.IBeamCursor)) def contextMenuEvent(self, event): # This is almost certainly no longer necessary. textMenu = self.createStandardContextMenu() #~if self.textSelected: #~ self.submitLogAction = QtGui.QAction("Submit to Pesterchum QDB", self) #~ self.connect(self.submitLogAction, QtCore.SIGNAL('triggered()'), #~ self, QtCore.SLOT('submitLog()')) #~ textMenu.addAction(self.submitLogAction) textMenu.exec_(event.globalPos()) class ConsoleInput(QtGui.QLineEdit): """The actual text entry box on a ConsoleWindow.""" # I honestly feel like this could just be made a private class of # ConsoleWindow, but...best not to overcomplicate things. stylesheet_path = "convo/input/style" def __init__(self, theme, parent=None): super(ConsoleInput, self).__init__(parent) self.changeTheme(theme) def changeTheme(self, theme): self.setStyleSheet(theme[self.stylesheet_path]) def focusInEvent(self, event): # We gained focus. Notify the parent window that this happened. self.parent().clearNewMessage() self.parent().textArea.textCursor().clearSelection() super(ConsoleInput, self).focusInEvent(event) def keyPressEvent(self, event): evtkey = event.key() parent = self.parent() # If a key is pressed here, we're not idle.... # NOTE: Do we really want everyone knowing we're around if we're # messing around in the console? Hm. parent.mainwindow.idler.time = 0 if evtkey == QtCore.Qt.Key_Up: text = unicode(self.text()) next = parent.history.next(text) if next is not None: self.setText(next) elif evtkey == QtCore.Qt.Key_Down: prev = parent.history.prev() if prev is not None: self.setText(prev) elif evtkey in (QtCore.Qt.Key_PageUp, QtCore.Qt.Key_PageDown): parent.textArea.keyPressEvent(event) else: super(ConsoleInput, self).keyPressEvent(event)