import logging
import re
import collections
from copy import copy
from datetime import timedelta

    from PyQt6 import QtGui, QtWidgets
except ImportError:
    print("PyQt5 fallback (")
    from PyQt5 import QtGui, QtWidgets

import dataobjs

# karxi: My own contribution to this - a proper lexer.
from pnc import lexercon
from generic import mysteryTime
from quirks import ScriptQuirks
from pyquirks import PythonQuirks

# from luaquirks import LuaQuirks

PchumLog = logging.getLogger("pchumLogger")

# I'll clean up the things that are no longer needed once the transition is
# actually finished.

_ctag_begin = re.compile(r"(?i)<c=(.*?)>")
# _gtag_begin = re.compile(r"(?i)<g[a-f]>")
_ctag_end = re.compile(r"(?i)</c>")
_ctag_rgb = re.compile(r"\d+,\d+,\d+")
_urlre = re.compile(r"(?i)(?:^|(?<=\s))(?:(?:https?|ftp)://|magnet:)[^\s]+")
# _url2re = re.compile(r"(?i)(?<!//)\bwww\.[^\s]+?\.")
_memore = re.compile(r"(\s|^)(#[A-Za-z0-9_]+)")
_handlere = re.compile(r"(\s|^)(@[A-Za-z0-9_]+)")
_imgre = re.compile(r"""(?i)<img src=['"](\S+)['"]\s*/>""")
_mecmdre = re.compile(r"^(/me|PESTERCHUM:ME)(\S*)")
_oocre = re.compile(r"([\[(\{])\1.*([\])\}])\2")
# _format_begin = re.compile(r"(?i)<([ibu])>")
# _format_end = re.compile(r"(?i)</([ibu])>")
_honk = re.compile(r"(?i)\bhonk\b")
_groupre = re.compile(r"\\([0-9]+)")
_alternian_begin = re.compile(r"<alt>")  # Matches get set to alternian font
_alternian_end = re.compile(r"</alt>")

quirkloader = ScriptQuirks()
_functionre = None

def loadQuirks():
    global quirkloader, _functionre
    # quirkloader.add(LuaQuirks())
    _functionre = re.compile(r"%s" % quirkloader.funcre())

def reloadQuirkFunctions():
    global _functionre
    _functionre = re.compile(r"%s" % quirkloader.funcre())

def lexer(string, objlist):
    """objlist is a list: [(objecttype, re),...] list is in order of preference"""
    stringlist = [string]
    for oType, regexp in objlist:
        newstringlist = []
        for stri, s in enumerate(stringlist):
            if not isinstance(s, str):
            lasti = 0
            for m in regexp.finditer(s):
                start = m.start()
                end = m.end()
                tag = oType(, *m.groups())
                if lasti != start:
                lasti = end
            if lasti < len(string):
        stringlist = copy(newstringlist)
    return stringlist

# karxi: All of these were derived from object before. I changed them to
# lexercon.Chunk so that I'd have an easier way to match against them until
# they're redone/removed.
class colorBegin(lexercon.Chunk):
    def __init__(self, string, color):
        self.string = string
        self.color = color

    def convert(self, format):
        color = self.color
        if format == "text":
            return ""
        if _ctag_rgb.match(color) is not None:
            if format == "ctag":
                return "<c=%s>" % (color)
                qc = QtGui.QColor(*[int(c) for c in color.split(",")])
            except ValueError:
                qc = QtGui.QColor("black")
            qc = QtGui.QColor(color)
        if not qc.isValid():
            qc = QtGui.QColor("black")
        if format == "html":
            return '<span style="color:%s">' % (
        elif format == "bbcode":
            return "[color=%s]" % (
        elif format == "ctag":
            (r, g, b, a) = qc.getRgb()
            return "<c={},{},{}>".format(r, g, b)

class colorEnd(lexercon.Chunk):
    def __init__(self, string):
        self.string = string

    def convert(self, format):
        if format == "html":
            return "</span>"
        elif format == "bbcode":
            return "[/color]"
        elif format == "text":
            return ""
            return self.string

class formatBegin(lexercon.Chunk):
    def __init__(self, string, ftype):
        self.string = string
        self.ftype = ftype

    def convert(self, format):
        if format == "html":
            return "<%s>" % (self.ftype)
        elif format == "bbcode":
            return "[%s]" % (self.ftype)
        elif format == "text":
            return ""
            return self.string

class formatEnd(lexercon.Chunk):
    def __init__(self, string, ftype):
        self.string = string
        self.ftype = ftype

    def convert(self, format):
        if format == "html":
            return "</%s>" % (self.ftype)
        elif format == "bbcode":
            return "[/%s]" % (self.ftype)
        elif format == "text":
            return ""
            return self.string

class hyperlink(lexercon.Chunk):
    def __init__(self, string):
        self.string = string

    def convert(self, format):
        if format == "html":
            return f"<a href='{self.string}'>{self.string}</a>"
        elif format == "bbcode":
            return f"[url]{self.string}[/url]"
            return self.string

class hyperlink_lazy(hyperlink):
    """Deprecated since it doesn't seem to turn the full url into a link,
    probably not required anyway, best to require a protocol prefix."""

    def __init__(self, string):
        self.string = "http://" + string

class alternianTagBegin(lexercon.Chunk):
    def __init__(self, string):
        self.string = string

    def convert(self, format):
        if format == "html":
            return "<em style=\"font-family:'AllisDaedric'\">"
        elif format == "text":
            return ""
        return self.string

class alternianTagEnd(lexercon.Chunk):
    def __init__(self, string):
        self.string = string

    def convert(self, format):
        if format == "html":
            return "</em>"
        elif format == "text":
            return ""
        return self.string

class imagelink(lexercon.Chunk):
    def __init__(self, string, img):
        self.string = string
        self.img = img

    def convert(self, format):
        if format == "html":
            return self.string
        elif format == "bbcode":
            if self.img[0:7] == "http://":
                return "[img]%s[/img]" % (self.img)
                return ""
            return ""

class memolex(lexercon.Chunk):
    def __init__(self, string, space, channel):
        self.string = string = space = channel

    def convert(self, format):
        if format == "html":
            return "{}<a href='{}'>{}</a>".format(
            return self.string

class chumhandlelex(lexercon.Chunk):
    def __init__(self, string, space, handle):
        self.string = string = space
        self.handle = handle

    def convert(self, format):
        if format == "html":
            return "{}<a href='{}'>{}</a>".format(, self.handle, self.handle)
            return self.string

class smiley(lexercon.Chunk):
    def __init__(self, string):
        self.string = string

    def convert(self, format):
        if format == "html":
            return "<img src='smilies/{}' alt='{}' title='{}' />".format(
            return self.string

class honker(lexercon.Chunk):
    def __init__(self, string):
        self.string = string

    def convert(self, format):
        # No more 'honk' turning into an emote because everyone hated that :')
        # if format == "html":
        #    return "<img src='smilies/honk.png' alt'honk' title='honk' />"
        # else:
        return self.string

class mecmd(lexercon.Chunk):
    def __init__(self, string, mecmd, suffix):
        self.string = string
        self.suffix = suffix

    def convert(self, format):
        return self.string

kxpclexer = lexercon.Pesterchum()

def kxlexMsg(msg: str):
    """Do a bit of sanitization."""
    # TODO: Let people paste line-by-line normally. Maybe have a mass-paste
    # right-click option?
    msg = msg.replace("\n", " ").replace("\r", " ")
    # Something the original doesn't seem to have accounted for.
    # Replace tabs with 4 spaces.
    msg = msg.replace("\t", " " * 4)
    # Begin lexing.
    msg = kxpclexer.lex(msg)
    # ...and that's it for this.
    return msg

def lexMessage(string: str):
    lexlist = [
        (mecmd, _mecmdre),
        (alternianTagBegin, _alternian_begin),
        (alternianTagEnd, _alternian_end),
        (colorBegin, _ctag_begin),
        # (colorBegin, _gtag_begin),
        (colorEnd, _ctag_end),
        # karxi: Disabled this for now. No common versions of Pesterchum
        # actually use it, save for Chumdroid...which shouldn't.
        # When I change out parsers, I might add it back in.
        ##(formatBegin, _format_begin), (formatEnd, _format_end),
        (imagelink, _imgre),
        (hyperlink, _urlre),
        (memolex, _memore),
        (chumhandlelex, _handlere),
        (smiley, _smilere),
        (honker, _honk),

    string = string.replace("\n", " ").replace("\r", " ")
    lexed = lexer(string, lexlist)
    return balance(lexed)

def balance(lexed):
    balanced = []
    beginc = 0
    endc = 0
    for o in lexed:
        if isinstance(o, colorBegin):
            beginc += 1
        elif isinstance(o, colorEnd):
            if beginc >= endc:
                endc += 1
    if beginc > endc:
        for i in range(0, beginc - endc):
    if len(balanced) == 0:
    if not isinstance(balanced[len(balanced) - 1], str):
    return balanced

def convertTags(lexed, format="html"):
    if format not in ["html", "bbcode", "ctag", "text"]:
        raise ValueError("Color format not recognized")

    if isinstance(lexed, str):
        lexed = lexMessage(lexed)
    escaped = ""
    # firststr = True
    for i, o in enumerate(lexed):
        if isinstance(o, str):
            if format == "html":
                escaped += (
                    o.replace("&", "&amp;").replace(">", "&gt;").replace("<", "&lt;")
                escaped += o
            escaped += o.convert(format)

    return escaped

def _max_msg_len(mask=None, target=None, nick=None, ident=None):
    # karxi: Copied from another file of mine, and modified to work with
    # Pesterchum.
    # Note that this effectively assumes the worst when not provided the
    # information it needs to get an accurate read, so later on, it'll need to
    # be given a nick or the user's hostmask, as well as where the message is
    # being sent.
    # It effectively has to construct the message that'll be sent in advance.
    limit = 512

    # Start subtracting
    # ':', " PRIVMSG ", ' ', ':', \r\n
    limit -= 14

    if mask is not None:
        # Since this will be included in what we send
        limit -= len(mask)
        # Since we should always be able to fetch this
        # karxi: ... Which we can't, right now, unlike in the old script.
        # TODO: Resolve this issue, give it the necessary information.

        # If we CAN'T, stick with a length of 30, since that seems to be
        # the average maximum nowadays
        limit -= len(nick) if nick is not None else 30
        # '!', '@'
        limit -= 2
        # ident length
        limit -= len(ident) if nick is not None else 10
        # Maximum (?) host length
        limit -= 63  # RFC 2812
    # The target is the place this is getting sent to - a channel or a nick
    if target is not None:
        limit -= len(target)
        # Normally I'd assume about 60...just to be safe.
        # However, the current (2016-11-13) Pesterchum limit for memo name
        # length is 32, so I'll bump it to 40 for some built-in leeway.
        limit -= 40

    return limit

def kxsplitMsg(lexed, ctx, fmt="pchum", maxlen=None, debug=False):
    """Split messages so that they don't go over the length limit.
    Returns a list of the messages, neatly split.

    Keep in mind that there's a little bit of magic involved in this at the
    moment; some unsafe assumptions are made."""

    # NOTE: Keep in mind that lexercon CTag objects convert to "r,g,b" format.
    # This means that they're usually going to be fairly long.
    # Support for changing this will probably be added later, but it won't work
    # properly with Chumdroid...I'll probably have to leave it as an actual
    # config option that's applied to the parser.

    # Procedure: Lex. Convert for lengths as we go, keep starting tag
    # length as we go too. Split whenever we hit the limit, add the tags to
    # the start of the next line (or just keep a running line length
    # total), and continue.
    # N.B.: Keep the end tag length too. (+4 for each.)
    # Copy the list so we can't break anything.
    # TODO: There's presently an issue where certain combinations of color
    # codes end up being added as a separate, empty line. This is a bug, of
    # course, and should be looked into.
    # TODO: This may not work properly with unicode! Because IRC doesn't
    # formally use it, it should probably use the lengths of the decomposed
    # characters...ugh.
    lexed = list(lexed)
    working = []
    output = []
    open_ctags = []
    # Number of characters we've used.
    curlen = 0
    # Maximum number of characters *to* use.
    if not maxlen:
        maxlen = _max_msg_len(None, None, ctx.mainwindow.profile().handle, "pcc31")
    elif maxlen < 0:
        # Subtract the (negative) length, giving us less leeway in this
        # function.
        maxlen = (
            + maxlen

    # Defined here, but modified in the loop.
    msglen = 0

    def efflenleft():
        """Get the remaining space we have to work with, accounting for closing
        tags that will be needed."""
        return maxlen - curlen - (len(open_ctags) * 4)

    # safekeeping = lexed[:]
    lexed = collections.deque(lexed)
    rounds = 0
    # NOTE: This entire mess is due for a rewrite. I'll start splitting it into
    # sub-functions for the eventualities that arise during parsing.
    # (E.g. the text block splitter NEEDS to be a different function....)
    while len(lexed) > 0:
        rounds += 1
        if debug:
  "[Starting round %s...]", rounds)
        msg = lexed.popleft()
        msglen = 0
        is_text = False

            msglen = len(msg.convert(fmt))
        except AttributeError:
            # It's probably not a lexer tag. Assume a string.
            # The input to this is supposed to be sanitary, after all.
            msglen = len(msg)
            # We allow this to error out if it fails for some reason.
            # Remind us that it's a string, and thus can be split.
            is_text = True

        # Test if we have room.
        if msglen > efflenleft():
            # We do NOT have room - which means we need to think of how to
            # handle this.
            # If we have text, we can split it, keeping color codes in mind.
            # Since those were already parsed, we don't have to worry about
            # breaking something that way.
            # Thus, we can split it, finalize it, and add the remainder to the
            # next line (after the color codes).
            if is_text and efflenleft() > 30:
                # We use 30 as a general 'guess' - if there's less space than
                # that, it's probably not worth trying to cram text in.
                # This also saves us from infinitely trying to reduce the size
                # of the input.
                stack = []
                # We have text to split.
                # This is okay because we don't apply the changes until the
                # end - and the rest is shoved onto the stack to be dealt with
                # immediately after.
                lenl = efflenleft()
                subround = 0
                while len(msg) > lenl:
                    # NOTE: This may be cutting it a little close. Maybe use >=
                    # instead?
                    subround += 1
                    if debug:
              "[Splitting round %s-%s...]", rounds, subround)
                    point = msg.rfind(" ", 0, lenl)
                    if point < 0:
                        # No spaces to break on...ugh. Break at the last space
                        # we can instead.
                        point = lenl  ## - 1
                        # NOTE: The - 1 is for safety (but probably isn't
                        # actually necessary.)
                    # Split and push what we have.
                    # Remove what we just added.
                    msg = msg[point:]
                    if debug:
              "msg = %s", msg)
                    # Catch the remainder.
                    if debug:
              "msg caught; stack = %s", stack)
                # Done processing. Pluck out the first portion so we can
                # continue processing, clean it up a bit, then add the rest to
                # our waiting list.
                msg = stack.pop(0).rstrip()
                msglen = len(msg)
                # A little bit of touching up for the head of our next line.
                stack[0] = stack[0].lstrip()
                # Now we have a separated list, so we can add it.
                # First we have to reverse it, because the extendleft method of
                # deque objects - like our lexed queue - inserts the elements
                # *backwards*....
                # Now we put them on 'top' of the proverbial deck, and deal
                # with them next round.
                # We'll deal with those later. Now to get the 'msg' on the
                # working list and finalize it for output - which really just
                # means forcing the issue....
                curlen += msglen
                # NOTE: This is here so we can catch it later - it marks that
                # we've already worked on this.
                msg = None

            # Clear the slate. Add the remaining ctags, then add working to
            # output, then clear working and statistics. Then we can move on.
            # Keep in mind that any open ctags get added to the beginning of
            # working again, since they're still open!

            # Add proper CTagEnd objects ourselves. Won't break anything to use
            # raw text at time of writing, but it can't hurt to be careful.
            # We specify the ref as our format, to note. They should match up,
            # both being 'pchum'.
            # It shouldn't matter that we use the same object for this - the
            # process of rendering isn't destructive.
            # This also doesn't follow compression settings, but closing color
            # tags can't BE compressed, so it hardly matters.
            cte = lexercon.CTagEnd("</c>", fmt, None)
            working.extend([cte] * len(open_ctags))
            if debug:
                    "\tRound {} linebreak: Added {} closing ctags".format(
                        rounds, len(open_ctags)

            # Run it through the lexer again to render it.
            working = "".join(kxpclexer.list_convert(working))
            if debug:
                    "\tRound {} add: len == {} (of {})".format(
                        rounds, len(working), maxlen
            # Now that it's done the work for us, append and resume.

            if msg is not None:
                # We didn't catch it earlier for preprocessing. Thus, toss it
                # on the stack and continue, so it'll go through the loop.
                # Remember, we're doing this because we don't have enough space
                # for it. Hopefully it'll fit on the next line, or split.
                # Fall through to the next case.
            if lexed:
                # We have more to go.
                # Reset working, starting it with the unclosed ctags.
                if debug:
                    print(f"\tRound {rounds}: More to lex")
                working = open_ctags[:]
                # Calculate the length of the starting tags, add it before
                # anything else.
                curlen = sum(len(tag.convert(fmt)) for tag in working)
                # There's nothing in lexed - but if msg wasn't None, we ADDED
                # it to lexed. Thus, if we get here, we don't have anything
                # more to add.
                # Getting here means we already flushed the last of what we had
                # to the stack.
                # Nothing in lexed. If we didn't preprocess, then we're done.
                if debug or True:
                    # This probably shouldn't happen, and if it does, I want to
                    # know if it *works* properly.
                    print(f"\tRound {rounds}: No more to lex")
                # Clean up, just in case.
                working = []
                open_ctags = []
                curlen = 0
                # TODO: What does this mean for the ctags that'd be applied?
                # Will this break parsing? It shouldn't, but....

                # Break us out of the loop...we could BREAK here and skip the
                # else, since we know what's going on.
            # We got here because we have more to process, so head back to
            # resume.

        # Normal tag processing stuff. Considerably less interesting/intensive
        # than the text processing we did up there.
        if isinstance(msg, lexercon.CTagEnd):
            # Check for Ends first (subclassing issue).
            if len(open_ctags) > 0:
                # Don't add it unless it's going to make things /more/ even.
                # We could have a Strict checker that errors on that, who
                # knows.
                # We just closed a ctag.
                # Ignore it.
                # NOTE: I realize this is going to screw up something I do, but
                # it also stops us from screwing up Chumdroid, so...whatever.
        elif isinstance(msg, lexercon.CTag):
            # It's an opening color tag!
            # TODO: Check and see if we have enough room for the lexemes
            # *after* this one. If not, shunt it back into lexed and flush
            # working into output.

        # Add it to the working message.

        # Record the additional length.
        # Also, need to be sure to account for the ends that would be added.
        curlen += msglen
        # Once we're finally out of things to add, we're, well...out.
        # So add working to the result one last time.
        working = kxpclexer.list_convert(working)
        if working:  # len > 0
            if debug:
                print(f"Adding end trails: {working!r}")
            working = "".join(working)

    # We're...done?
    return output

def _is_ooc(msg, strict=True):
    """Check if a line is OOC. Note that Pesterchum *is* kind enough to strip
    trailing spaces for us, even in the older versions, but we don't do that in
    this function. (It's handled by the calling one.)"""
    # Define the matching braces.
    braces = (("(", ")"), ("[", "]"), ("{", "}"))

    oocDetected = _oocre.match(msg)
    # Somewhat-improved matching.
    if oocDetected:
        if not strict:
            # The regex matched and we're supposed to be lazy. We're done here.
            return True
        # We have a match....
        ooc1, ooc2 =, 2)
        # Make sure the appropriate braces are used.
        mbraces = [ooc1 == br[0] and ooc2 == br[1] for br in braces]
        if any(mbraces):
            # If any of those passes matched, we're good to go; it's OOC.
            return True
    return False

def kxhandleInput(ctx, text=None, flavor=None, irc_compatible=False):
    """The function that user input that should be sent to the server is routed
    through. Handles lexing, splitting, and quirk application, as well as
    # TODO: This needs a 'dryrun' option, and ways to specify alternative
    # outputs and such, if it's to handle all of these.
    # Flavor is important for logic, ctx is 'self'.
    # Flavors are 'convo', 'menus', and 'memos' - so named after the source
    # files for the original sentMessage variants.

    if flavor is None:
        raise ValueError("A flavor is needed to determine suitable logic!")

    if text is None:
        # Fetch the raw text from the input box.
        text = ctx.textInput.text()

    # Preprocessing stuff.
    msg = text.strip()
    if not msg or msg.startswith("PESTERCHUM:"):
        # We don't allow users to send system messages. There's also no
        # point if they haven't entered anything.

    # Add the *raw* text to our history.

    oocDetected = _is_ooc(msg, strict=True)

    if flavor != "menus":
        # Determine if we should be OOC.
        is_ooc = ctx.ooc or oocDetected
        # Determine if the line actually *is* OOC.
        if is_ooc and not oocDetected:
            # If we're supposed to be OOC, apply it artificially.
            msg = f"(( {msg} ))"
        # Also, quirk stuff.
        should_quirk = ctx.applyquirks
        # 'menus' means a quirk tester window, which doesn't have an OOC
        # variable, so we assume it's not OOC.
        # It also invariably has quirks enabled, so there's no setting for
        # that.
        is_ooc = False
        should_quirk = True

    # I'm pretty sure that putting a space before a /me *should* break the
    # /me, but in practice, that's not the case.
    is_action = msg.startswith("/me")

    # Begin message processing.
    # We use 'text' despite its lack of processing because it's simpler.
    if should_quirk and not (is_action or is_ooc):
        if flavor != "menus":
            # Fetch the quirks we'll have to apply.
            quirks = ctx.mainwindow.userprofile.quirks
            # The quirk testing window uses a different set.
            quirks = dataobjs.pesterQuirks(ctx.parent().testquirks())

            # Do quirk things. (Ugly, but it'll have to do for now.)
            # TODO: Look into the quirk system, modify/redo it.
            # Gotta encapsulate or we might parse the wrong way.
            msg = quirks.apply([msg])
        except Exception as err:
            # Tell the user we couldn't do quirk things.
            # TODO: Include the actual error...and the quirk it came from?
            msgbox = QtWidgets.QMessageBox()
            msgbox.setText("Whoa there! There seems to be a problem.")
            err_info = "A quirk seems to be having a problem. (Error: {!s})"
            err_info = err_info.format(err)
            return"--> recv '%s'", msg)
    # karxi: We have a list...but I'm not sure if we ever get anything else, so
    # best to play it safe. I may remove this during later refactoring.
    if isinstance(msg, list):
        for i, m in enumerate(msg):
            if isinstance(m, lexercon.Chunk):
                # NOTE: KLUDGE. Filters out old PChum objects.
                # karxi: This only works because I went in and subtyped them to
                # an object type I provided - just so I could pluck them out
                # later.
                msg[i] = m.convert(format="ctag")
        msg = "".join(msg)

    # Quirks have been applied. Lex the messages (finally).
    msg = kxlexMsg(msg)

    # Debug output.
    # try:
    #    print(repr(msg))
    # except Exception as err:
    #    print("(Couldn't print lexed message: {!s})".format(err))

    # Remove coloring if this is a /me!
    if is_action:
        # Filter out formatting specifiers (just ctags, at the moment).
        msg = [m for m in msg if not isinstance(m, (lexercon.CTag, lexercon.CTagEnd))]
        # We'll also add /me to the beginning of any new messages, later.

    # Put what's necessary in before splitting.
    # Fetch our time if we're producing this for a memo.
    if flavor == "memos":
        if ctx.time.getTime() is None:
        grammar = ctx.time.getGrammar()
        # Oh, great...there's a parsing error to work around. Times are added
        # automatically when received, but not when added directly?... I'll
        # have to unify that.
        # TODO: Fix parsing disparity.
        initials = ctx.mainwindow.profile().initials()
        colorcmd = ctx.mainwindow.profile().colorcmd()
        # We'll use those later.

    # Split the messages so we don't go over the buffer and lose text.
    maxlen = _max_msg_len(None, None, ctx.mainwindow.profile().handle, "pcc31")
    # ctx.mainwindow.profile().handle ==> Get handle
    # "pcc31"  ==> Get ident (Same as realname in this case.)
    # Since we have to do some post-processing, we need to adjust the maximum
    # length we can use.
    if flavor == "convo":
        # The old Pesterchum setup used 200 for this.
        maxlen = 300
    elif flavor == "memos":
        # Use the max, with some room added so we can make additions.
        # The additions are theoretically 23 characters long, max.
        maxlen -= 25

    # Split the message. (Finally.)
    # This is also set up to parse it into strings.
    lexmsgs = kxsplitMsg(msg, ctx, "pchum", maxlen=maxlen)
    # Strip off the excess.
    for i, m in enumerate(lexmsgs):
        lexmsgs[i] = m.strip()

    # Pester message handling.
    if flavor == "convo":
        # if ceased, rebegin
        if hasattr(ctx, "chumopen") and not ctx.chumopen:
            if not irc_compatible:
                ctx.mainwindow.newConvoStarted.emit(str(ctx.title()), True)

    # Post-process and send the messages.
    for i, lm in enumerate(lexmsgs):
        # If we're working with an action and we split, it should have /mes.
        if is_action and i > 0:
            # Add them post-split.
            lm = "/me " + lm
            # NOTE: No reason to reassign for now, but...why not?
            lexmsgs[i] = lm

        # Copy the lexed result.
        # Note that memos have to separate processing here. The adds and sends
        # should be kept to the end because of that, near the emission.
        clientMsg = copy(lm)
        serverMsg = copy(lm)

        # If in IRC-compatible mode, remove color tags.
        if irc_compatible:
            serverMsg = re.sub(_ctag_begin, "", serverMsg)
            serverMsg = re.sub(_ctag_end, "", serverMsg)

        # Memo-specific processing.
        if flavor == "memos" and not is_action and not irc_compatible:
            # Quirks were already applied, so get the prefix/postfix stuff
            # ready.
            # We fetched the information outside of the loop, so just
            # construct the messages.

            clientMsg = "<c={1}>{2}{3}{4}: {0}</c>".format(
                clientMsg, colorcmd, grammar.pcf, initials, grammar.number
            # Not sure if this needs a space at the end...?
            serverMsg = f"<c={colorcmd}>{initials}: {serverMsg}</c>"

        ctx.addMessage(clientMsg, True)
        if flavor != "menus":
            # If we're not doing quirk testing, actually send.
            ctx.messageSent.emit(serverMsg, ctx.title())

    # Clear the input.

def addTimeInitial(string, grammar):
    endofi = string.find(":")
    endoftag = string.find(">")
    # support Doc Scratch mode
    if (endoftag < 0 or endoftag > 16) or (endofi < 0 or endofi > 17):
        return string
    return (
        string[0 : endoftag + 1]
        + grammar.pcf
        + string[endoftag + 1 : endofi]
        + grammar.number
        + string[endofi:]

def timeProtocol(cmd):
    dir = cmd[0]
    if dir == "?":
        return mysteryTime(0)
    cmd = cmd[1:]
    cmd = re.sub("[^0-9:]", "", cmd)
        l = [int(x) for x in cmd.split(":")]
    except ValueError:
        l = [0, 0]
    timed = timedelta(0, l[0] * 3600 + l[1] * 60)
    if dir == "P":
        timed = timed * -1
    return timed

def timeDifference(td):
    if td == timedelta(microseconds=1):  # mysteryTime replacement :(
        return "??:?? FROM ????"
    if td < timedelta(0):
        when = "AGO"
        when = "FROM NOW"
    atd = abs(td)
    minutes = (atd.days * 86400 + atd.seconds) // 60
    hours = minutes // 60
    leftoverminutes = minutes % 60
    if atd == timedelta(0):
        timetext = "RIGHT NOW"
    elif atd < timedelta(0, 3600):
        if minutes == 1:
            timetext = "%d MINUTE %s" % (minutes, when)
            timetext = "%d MINUTES %s" % (minutes, when)
    elif atd < timedelta(0, 3600 * 100):
        if hours == 1 and leftoverminutes == 0:
            timetext = "%d:%02d HOUR %s" % (hours, leftoverminutes, when)
            timetext = "%d:%02d HOURS %s" % (hours, leftoverminutes, when)
        timetext = "%d HOURS %s" % (hours, when)
    return timetext

def nonerep(text):
    return text

class parseLeaf:
    def __init__(self, function, parent):
        self.nodes = []
        self.function = function
        self.parent = parent

    def append(self, node):

    def expand(self, mo):
        out = ""
        for n in self.nodes:
            if isinstance(n, parseLeaf):
                out += n.expand(mo)
            elif isinstance(n, backreference):
                out +=
                out += n
        out = self.function(out)
        return out

class backreference:
    def __init__(self, number):
        self.number = number

    def __str__(self):
        return self.number

def parseRegexpFunctions(to):
    parsed = parseLeaf(nonerep, None)
    current = parsed
    curi = 0
    functiondict = quirkloader.quirks
    while curi < len(to):
        tmp = to[curi:]
        mo =
        if mo is not None:
            if mo.start() > 0:
                current.append(to[curi : curi + mo.start()])
            backr =
            if backr is not None:
            elif[:-1] in list(functiondict.keys()):
                p = parseLeaf(functiondict[[:-1]], current)
                current = p
            elif == ")":
                if current.parent is not None:
                    current = current.parent
            curi = mo.end() + curi
            curi = len(to)
    return parsed

def img2smiley(string: str):
    def imagerep(mo):
        return reverse_smiley[]

    string = re.sub(r'<img src="smilies/(\S+)" />', imagerep, string)
    return string

smiledict = {
    ":rancorous:": "pc_rancorous.png",
    ":apple:": "apple.png",
    ":bathearst:": "bathearst.png",
    ":cathearst:": "cathearst.png",
    ":woeful:": "pc_bemused.png",
    ":sorrow:": "blacktear.png",
    ":pleasant:": "pc_pleasant.png",
    ":blueghost:": "blueslimer.gif",
    ":slimer:": "slimer.gif",
    ":candycorn:": "candycorn.png",
    ":cheer:": "cheer.gif",
    ":duhjohn:": "confusedjohn.gif",
    ":datrump:": "datrump.png",
    ":facepalm:": "facepalm.png",
    ":bonk:": "headbonk.gif",
    ":mspa:": "mspa_face.png",
    ":gun:": "mspa_reader.gif",
    ":cal:": "lilcal.png",
    ":amazedfirman:": "pc_amazedfirman.png",
    ":amazed:": "pc_amazed.png",
    ":chummy:": "pc_chummy.png",
    ":cool:": "pccool.png",
    ":smooth:": "pccool.png",
    ":distraughtfirman:": "pc_distraughtfirman.png",
    ":distraught:": "pc_distraught.png",
    ":insolent:": "pc_insolent.png",
    ":bemused:": "pc_bemused.png",
    ":3:": "pckitty.png",
    ":mystified:": "pc_mystified.png",
    ":pranky:": "pc_pranky.png",
    ":tense:": "pc_tense.png",
    ":record:": "record.gif",
    ":squiddle:": "squiddle.gif",
    ":tab:": "tab.gif",
    ":beetip:": "theprofessor.png",
    ":flipout:": "weasel.gif",
    ":befuddled:": "what.png",
    ":pumpkin:": "whatpumpkin.png",
    ":trollcool:": "trollcool.png",
    ":jadecry:": "jadespritehead.gif",
    ":ecstatic:": "ecstatic.png",
    ":relaxed:": "relaxed.png",
    ":discontent:": "discontent.png",
    ":devious:": "devious.png",
    ":sleek:": "sleek.png",
    ":detestful:": "detestful.png",
    ":mirthful:": "mirthful.png",
    ":manipulative:": "manipulative.png",
    ":vigorous:": "vigorous.png",
    ":perky:": "perky.png",
    ":acceptant:": "acceptant.png",
    ":olliesouty:": "olliesouty.gif",
    ":billiards:": "poolballS.gif",
    ":billiardslarge:": "poolballL.gif",
    ":whatdidyoudo:": "whatdidyoudo.gif",
    ":brocool:": "pcstrider.png",
    ":trollbro:": "trollbro.png",
    ":playagame:": "saw.gif",
    ":trollc00l:": "trollc00l.gif",
    ":suckers:": "Suckers.gif",
    ":scorpio:": "scorpio.gif",
    ":shades:": "shades.png",
    ":honk:": "honk.png",

reverse_smiley = {v: k for k, v in smiledict.items()}
_smilere = re.compile("|".join(list(smiledict.keys())))

class ThemeException(Exception):
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.parameter = value

    def __str__(self):
        return repr(self.parameter)

def themeChecker(theme):
    needs = [

    for n in needs:
        except KeyError:
            raise ThemeException("Missing theme requirement: %s" % (n))