Welcome to Pesterchum 3.14 alpha! This software is currently in alpha testing. That means there will probably be a lot of bugs!! Here's some tips to help you get started: - You can import your old Pesterchum contacts by going to CLIENT->IMPORT and opening your pesterchum.cfg file. This is usually in the 2.5 base directory or in Tinychum's data folder. - The Trollian theme can be confusing if you haven't used the program already! Some hints: moods are set by clicking the timelines, and you can add chums by clicking "Chumproll." Moods correspond to the troll that would most likely exhibit them. - Right-click is your friend! There are useful right clicks options on the chumroll, by clicking the chumhandle in a conversation, online userlist, or the list of memo browsers. Cool features: - Importing from old PC. It can already do your chumlist, soon it will import your quirks from 2.5 and TC as well! - Profile switching. Instantly switch profiles, loading your color and quirks with it. - Theme switching and creation. So far this comes with a few official themes! But you can also make your own: just make a new directory in the themes folder with the proper images and style.js file. The style.js file will be documented soon, but feel free to poke at it. - Memos. Memos that are a lot more like the ones in the comic and allow you to appear at multiple different times in one chat. - Quirks: Prefix, suffix, simple replace, regexp replace (like in 2.5), random replacement, and an auto-mispeller :P - Block/user list - Add/block chums directly from a conversation, the userlist, or memo userlist. - Logging. Logs are output in bbcode (for easy forum posting), html, and plain text. - Idling. You can set yourself idle manually, and the computer will set it for you after 10 minutes. - Improved /me. Any letters immediately following /me will be processed correctly. e.g. /me'd rather be fishing -> -- ghostDunk'd [GD'D] rather be fishing -- - Hyperlinks! Now if someone types http://whatever it will turn into a link you can just click and follow. No more copy/paste. - Memo links. Link your friends to your memos. - Smilies. We've added about 30-40 smilies from the forums. There is a list later on in this readme. MEMOS ----- One of the most interesting features to make was the memos, and make them as close to the comic as I could without actually inventing time travel. So here is the TIME TUTORIAL: Joining: When you go CLIENT->MEMOS, you'll see a list of memos pop up -- those are memos people already have open. To join one, just highlight one of them. If you want to make a new memo, just type it in the input. If you'd like to make it secret, so that it doesn't appear in the list, check "HIDDEN CHANNEL". Then, choose what timeframe you want to appear to be in. So if you wanted to be in the future, you could move the slider to the right. You can also enter the time manually. Then hit JOIN. Explaining time: Time in memos, unlike Homestuck, will not be relative to your position. That is, if you choose 4:13 in the future, you will not see someone who has set their time as "current" (or "0") in the past: you will see them as "current" and yourself as "future." This is because we do not have time travel! Memo time setting is basically an RP mechanic: you are pretending to be from the future! It will also help keep everyone straight: everyone will see the same thing! The time slider: The slider shows your current position in the time stream. If you want to change your time frame, simply move the slider (or type a time in) and hit GO. This will open a new time frame, and the next time you type a message, the memo will show that you've responded to it in that time frame. You can now switch between your time frames simply by clicking the arrows in the right hand corner. (THIS COMES IN HANDY IF YOU WANT TO ARGUE WITH YOURSELF.) You can have any number of open time frames, and the program will number them in the order in which you open them (like in the comic). You can have one of your time frames cease responding to the memo by hitting "CLOSE." If you open that time frame again, the program will remember the number it originally gave it. If you want to be mysteeeeeeeerious, you can type in "?" and you will appear as ???. The memo viewer list: To the right is a list of people currently browsing the memo. A shade icon next to their name means they are the "operator" of the memo: meaning they can kick ("ban") people from the memo and make other people operators as well. A "ban" is not permanent (like in the comic), and the program will ask if you want to reconnect to the memo. You kick and op people by right clicking their name in the window. You can also add them to your chumroll! Inviting people to your memo: You can link to a memo by simply typing "#nameofmemo" in any conversation or memo window. So you can say: CG: NOW YOU, ME, AND EGBERT NEED TO HAVE A CHAT. CG: CLICK IT. CG: #FRUITYRUMPUSASSHOLEFACTORY and it will appear as a link that you can click, which will open the memo chooser window. SMILIES ------- Here's a list of smilies: :rancorous: :apple: :bathearst: :cathearst: :woeful: :pleasant: :blueghost: :slimer: :candycorn: :cheer: :duhjohn: :datrump: :facepalm: :bonk: :mspa: :gun: :cal: :amazedfirman: :amazed: :chummy: :cool: :smooth: :distraughtfirman :distraught: :insolent: :bemused: :3: :mystified: :pranky: :tense: :record: :squiddle: :tab: :beetip: :flipout: :befuddled: :pumpkin: :trollcool: