"""Class and functions for sending outgoing IRC commands.""" import socket import logging log = logging.getLogger("pchumLogger") class send_irc: """Provides functions for outgoing IRC commands.""" def __init__(self): self.socket = None # INET socket connected with server. self._end = None # Keep track of if we're disconnected. def send(self, *args: str, text=None): """Send a command to the IRC server. Takes either a string or a list of strings. The 'text' argument is for the final parameter, which can have spaces.""" # Return if disconnected if not self.socket or self.socket.fileno() == -1: log.error(f"Send attempted while disconnected, args: {args}, text: {text}.") return command = "" # Convert command arguments to a single string if passed. if args: command += " ".join(args) # If text is passed, add ':' to imply everything after it is one parameter. if text: command += f" :{text}" # Add characters for end of line in IRC. command += "\r\n" # UTF-8 is the prefered encoding in 2023. outgoing_bytes = command.encode(encoding="utf-8", errors="replace") try: log.debug(f"Sending: {command}") self.socket.send(outgoing_bytes) except OSError: log.exception(f"Error while sending: '{command.strip()}'") self.socket.close() def ping(self, token: str): """Send PING command to server to check for connectivity.""" self.send("PING", text=token) def pong(self, token: str): """Send PONG command to reply to server PING.""" self.send("PONG", token) def nick(self, nick): """Send USER command to communicate nick to server.""" self.send("NICK", nick) def user(self, username, realname): """Send USER command to communicate username and realname to server.""" self.send("USER", username, "0", "*", text=realname) def msg(self, target, text): """Send PRIVMSG command to send a message.""" for line in msg.split("\n"): self.send("PRIVMSG", target, text=text) def names(self, channel: str): """Send NAMES command to view channel members.""" self.send("NAMES", channel) def kick(self, channel, user, reason=""): """Send KICK command to force user from channel.""" if reason: self.send(f"KICK {channel} {user}", text=reason) else: self.send(f"KICK {channel} {user}") def mode(self, target, modestring, mode_arguments=""): """Set or remove modes from target.""" outgoing_mode = " ".join([target, modestring, mode_arguments]).strip() self.send("MODE", outgoing_mode) def ctcp(self, target, command, msg=""): """Send Client-to-Client Protocol message.""" outgoing_ctcp = " ".join([command, msg]).strip() # Extra spaces break protocol, so strip. self.msg(target, f"\x01{outgoing_ctcp}\x01") def metadata(self, target: str, subcommand: str, *params: str): # IRC metadata draft specification # https://gist.github.com/k4bek4be/92c2937cefd49990fbebd001faf2b237 self.send("METADATA", target, subcommand, *params) def cap(self, subcommand: str, *params: str): # Capability Negotiation # https://ircv3.net/specs/extensions/capability-negotiation.html self.send("CAP", subcommand, *params) def join(self, channel: str, key=""): """Send JOIN command to join a channel/memo. Keys or joining multiple channels is possible in the specification, but unused.""" channel_and_key = " ".join([channel, key]).strip() self.send("JOIN", channel_and_key) def part(self, channel: str): """Send PART command to leave a channel/memo. Providing a reason or leaving multiple channels is possible in the specification.""" self.send("PART", channel) def notice(self, target: str, text: str): """Send a NOTICE to a user or channel.""" self.send("NOTICE", target, text=text) def invite(self, nick: str, channel: str): """Send INVITE command to invite a user to a channel.""" self.send("INVITE", nick, channel) def away(self, text=None): """AWAY command to mark client as away or no longer away. No 'text' parameter means the client is no longer away.""" if text: self.send("AWAY", text=text) else: self.send("AWAY") def banana(self): """Do you want a banana? diz bananan 4 u""" self.join("#banana_kingdom", key="Shoplift8723")