import urllib import re import time try: import tarfile except: tarfile = None import zipfile import os, sys, shutil USER_TYPE = "user" # user - for normal people # beta - for the original beta testers # dev - used to be for git users, now it's anyone with the 3.41 beta # edge - new git stuff. bleeding edge, do not try at home (kiooeht version) INSTALL_TYPE = "installer" # installer - Windows/Mac installer (exe/dmg) # zip - Windows zip (zip) # source - Win/Linux/Mac source code (zip/tar) OS_TYPE = sys.platform # win32, linux, darwin if OS_TYPE.startswith("linux"): OS_TYPE = "linux" elif OS_TYPE == "darwin": OS_TYPE = "mac" _pcMajor = "3.41" _pcMinor = "3" _pcStatus = "RC" # A = alpha # B = beta # RC = release candidate # None = public release _pcRevision = "1" _pcVersion = "" def pcVerCalc(): global _pcVersion if _pcStatus: _pcVersion = "%s.%s-%s%s" % (_pcMajor, _pcMinor, _pcStatus, _pcRevision) else: _pcVersion = "%s.%s.%s" % (_pcMajor, _pcMinor, _pcRevision) def lexVersion(short=False): if not _pcStatus: return "%s.%s" % (_pcMajor, _pcMinor) utype = "" if USER_TYPE == "edge": utype = "E" if short: return "%s.%s%s%s%s" % (_pcMajor, _pcMinor, _pcStatus, _pcRevision, utype); stype = "" if _pcStatus == "A": stype = "Alpha" elif _pcStatus == "B": stype = "Beta" elif _pcStatus == "RC": stype = "Release Candidate" if utype == "E": utype = " Bleeding Edge" return "%s.%s %s %s%s" % (_pcMajor, _pcMinor, stype, _pcRevision, utype); # Naughty I know, but it lets me grab it from the bash script. if __name__ == "__main__": print lexVersion() def verStrToNum(ver): w = re.match("(\d+\.?\d+)\.(\d+)-?([A-Za-z]{0,2})\.?(\d*):(\S+)", ver) if not w: print "Update check Failure: 3"; return full = ver[:ver.find(":")] return full,,,,, def updateCheck(q): time.sleep(3) data = urllib.urlencode({"type" : USER_TYPE, "os" : OS_TYPE, "install" : INSTALL_TYPE}) try: f = urllib.urlopen("" + data) except: print "Update check Failure: 1"; return q.put((False,1)) newest = f.close() if not newest or newest[0] == "<": print "Update check Failure: 2"; return q.put((False,2)) try: (full, major, minor, status, revision, url) = verStrToNum(newest) except TypeError: return q.put((False,3)) print full if major <= _pcMajor: if minor <= _pcMinor: if status: if status <= _pcStatus: if revision <= _pcRevision: return q.put((False,0)) else: if not _pcStatus: if revision <= _pcRevision: return q.put((False,0)) print "A new version of Pesterchum is avaliable!" q.put((full,url)) def removeCopies(path): for f in os.listdir(path): filePath = os.path.join(path, f) if not os.path.isdir(filePath): if os.path.exists(filePath[7:]): os.remove(filePath[7:]) else: removeCopies(filePath) def copyUpdate(path): for f in os.listdir(path): filePath = os.path.join(path, f) if not os.path.isdir(filePath): shutil.copy2(filePath, filePath[7:]) else: if not os.path.exists(filePath[7:]): os.mkdir(filePath[7:]) copyUpdate(filePath) def updateExtract(url, extension): if extension: fn = "update" + extension urllib.urlretrieve(url, fn) else: fn = urllib.urlretrieve(url)[0] if tarfile and tarfile.is_tarfile(fn): extension = ".tar.gz" elif zipfile.is_zipfile(fn): extension = ".zip" else: try: from libs import magic # :O I'M IMPORTING /MAGIC/!! HOLY SHIT! mime = magic.from_file(fn, mime=True) if mime == 'application/octet-stream': extension = ".exe" except: pass print url, fn, extension if extension == ".exe": pass elif extension == ".zip" or extension.startswith(".tar"): if extension == ".zip": from zipfile import is_zipfile as is_updatefile, ZipFile as openupdate print "Opening .zip" elif tarfile and extension.startswith(".tar"): from tarfile import is_tarfile as is_updatefile, open as openupdate print "Opening .tar" else: return if is_updatefile(fn): update = openupdate(fn, 'r') if os.path.exists("tmp"): shutil.rmtree("tmp") os.mkdir("tmp") update.extractall("tmp") tmp = os.listdir("tmp") if os.path.exists("update"): shutil.rmtree("update") if len(tmp) == 1 and \ os.path.isdir("tmp/"+tmp[0]): shutil.move("tmp/"+tmp[0], "update") else: shutil.move("tmp", "update") os.rmdir("tmp") os.remove(fn) removeCopies("update") copyUpdate("update") shutil.rmtree("update") def updateDownload(url): extensions = [".exe", ".zip", ".tar.gz", ".tar.bz2"] found = False for e in extensions: if url.endswith(e): found = True updateExtract(url, e) if not found: if url.startswith("") and url.count('/') == 4: updateExtract(url+"/tarball/master", None) else: updateExtract(url, None)