import logging import logging.config import ostools _datadir = ostools.getDataDir() logging.config.fileConfig(_datadir + "logging.ini") PchumLog = logging.getLogger('pchumLogger') try: from PyQt6 import QtGui except ImportError: print("PyQt5 fallback (") from PyQt5 import QtGui from datetime import datetime import re import random from mood import Mood from parsetools import (timeDifference, convertTags, lexMessage, parseRegexpFunctions, smiledict) from mispeller import mispeller _urlre = re.compile(r"(?i)(?:^|(?<=\s))(?:(?:https?|ftp)://|magnet:)[^\s]+") #_url2re = re.compile(r"(?i)(?\\]+)\)") _lowerre = re.compile(r"lower\(([\w<>\\]+)\)") _scramblere = re.compile(r"scramble\(([\w<>\\]+)\)") _reversere = re.compile(r"reverse\(([\w<>\\]+)\)") _ctagre = re.compile("()", re.I) _smilere = re.compile("|".join(list(smiledict.keys()))) _memore = re.compile(r"(\s|^)(#[A-Za-z0-9_]+)") _handlere = re.compile(r"(\s|^)(@[A-Za-z0-9_]+)") class pesterQuirk(object): def __init__(self, quirk): if type(quirk) != dict: raise ValueError("Quirks must be given a dictionary") self.quirk = quirk self.type = self.quirk["type"] if "on" not in self.quirk: self.quirk["on"] = True self.on = self.quirk["on"] if "group" not in self.quirk: self.quirk["group"] = "Miscellaneous" = self.quirk["group"] try: self.checkstate = self.quirk["checkstate"] except KeyError: pass def apply(self, string, first=False, last=False): if not self.on: return string elif self.type == "prefix": return self.quirk["value"] + string elif self.type == "suffix": return string + self.quirk["value"] elif self.type == "replace": return string.replace(self.quirk["from"], self.quirk["to"]) elif self.type == "regexp": fr = self.quirk["from"] if not first and len(fr) > 0 and fr[0] == "^": return string if not last and len(fr) > 0 and fr[len(fr)-1] == "$": return string to = self.quirk["to"] pt = parseRegexpFunctions(to) return re.sub(fr, pt.expand, string) elif self.type == "random": if len(self.quirk["randomlist"]) == 0: return string fr = self.quirk["from"] if not first and len(fr) > 0 and fr[0] == "^": return string if not last and len(fr) > 0 and fr[len(fr)-1] == "$": return string def randomrep(mo): choice = random.choice(self.quirk["randomlist"]) pt = parseRegexpFunctions(choice) return pt.expand(mo) return re.sub(self.quirk["from"], randomrep, string) elif self.type == "spelling": percentage = self.quirk["percentage"]/100.0 words = string.split(" ") newl = [] ctag = re.compile("()", re.I) for w in words: p = random.random() if not and p < percentage: newl.append(mispeller(w)) elif p < percentage: split = ctag.split(w) tmp = [] for s in split: if s and not tmp.append(mispeller(s)) else: tmp.append(s) newl.append("".join(tmp)) else: newl.append(w) return " ".join(newl) def __str__(self): if self.type == "prefix": return "BEGIN WITH: %s" % (self.quirk["value"]) elif self.type == "suffix": return "END WITH: %s" % (self.quirk["value"]) elif self.type == "replace": return "REPLACE %s WITH %s" % (self.quirk["from"], self.quirk["to"]) elif self.type == "regexp": return "REGEXP: %s REPLACED WITH %s" % (self.quirk["from"], self.quirk["to"]) elif self.type == "random": return "REGEXP: %s RANDOMLY REPLACED WITH %s" % (self.quirk["from"], [r for r in self.quirk["randomlist"]]) elif self.type == "spelling": return "MISPELLER: %d%%" % (self.quirk["percentage"]) class pesterQuirks(object): def __init__(self, quirklist): self.quirklist = [] for q in quirklist: self.addQuirk(q) def plainList(self): return [q.quirk for q in self.quirklist] def addQuirk(self, q): if type(q) == dict: self.quirklist.append(pesterQuirk(q)) elif type(q) == pesterQuirk: self.quirklist.append(q) def apply(self, lexed, first=False, last=False): prefix = [q for q in self.quirklist if q.type=='prefix'] suffix = [q for q in self.quirklist if q.type=='suffix'] newlist = [] for (i, o) in enumerate(lexed): if type(o) not in [str, str]: if i == 0: string = " " for p in prefix: string += p.apply(string) newlist.append(string) newlist.append(o) continue lastStr = (i == len(lexed)-1) string = o for q in self.quirklist: try: checkstate = int(q.checkstate) except Exception: checkstate = 0 # Exclude option is checked if checkstate == 2: # Check for substring that should be excluded. excludes = list() # Check for links, store in list. for match in re.finditer(_urlre, string): excludes.append(match) # Check for smilies, store in list. for match in re.finditer(_smilere, string): excludes.append(match) # Check for @handles, store in list. for match in re.finditer(_handlere, string): excludes.append(match) # Check for #memos, store in list. for match in re.finditer(_memore, string): excludes.append(match) if len(excludes) >= 1: # SORT !!! excludes.sort(key=lambda exclude: exclude.start()) # Recursion check. # Strings like http://:3: require this. for n in range(0, len(excludes)-1): if excludes[n].end() > excludes[n+1].start(): excludes.pop(n) # Seperate parts to be quirked. sendparts = list() # Add string until start of exclude at index 0. until = excludes[0].start() sendparts.append(string[:until]) # Add strings between excludes. for part in range(1, len(excludes)): after = excludes[part-1].end() until = excludes[part].start() sendparts.append(string[after:until]) # Add string after exclude at last index. after = excludes[-1].end() sendparts.append(string[after:]) # Quirk to-be-quirked parts. recvparts = list() for part in sendparts: # No split, apply like normal. if q.type == 'regexp' or q.type == 'random': recvparts.append(q.apply(part, first=(i==0), last=lastStr)) elif q.type == 'prefix' and i == 0: recvparts.append(q.apply(part)) elif q.type == 'suffix' and lastStr: recvparts.append(q.apply(part)) else: recvparts.append(q.apply(part)) # Reconstruct and update string. string = '' #print("excludes: " + str(excludes)) #print("sendparts: " + str(sendparts)) #print("recvparts: " + str(recvparts)) for part in range(0, len(excludes)): string += recvparts[part] string += excludes[part].group() string += recvparts[-1] else: # No split, apply like normal. if q.type != 'prefix' and q.type != 'suffix': if q.type == 'regexp' or q.type == 'random': string = q.apply(string, first=(i==0), last=lastStr) else: string = q.apply(string) elif q.type == 'prefix' and i == 0: string = q.apply(string) elif q.type == 'suffix' and lastStr: string = q.apply(string) else: # No split, apply like normal. if q.type != 'prefix' and q.type != 'suffix': if q.type == 'regexp' or q.type == 'random': string = q.apply(string, first=(i==0), last=lastStr) else: string = q.apply(string) elif q.type == 'prefix' and i == 0: string = q.apply(string) elif q.type == 'suffix' and lastStr: string = q.apply(string) newlist.append(string) final = [] for n in newlist: if type(n) in [str, str]: final.extend(lexMessage(n)) else: final.append(n) return final def __iter__(self): for q in self.quirklist: yield q class PesterProfile(object): def __init__(self, handle, color=None, mood=Mood("offline"), group=None, notes="", chumdb=None): self.handle = handle if color is None: if chumdb: color = chumdb.getColor(handle, QtGui.QColor("black")) else: color = QtGui.QColor("black") self.color = color self.mood = mood if group is None: if chumdb: group = chumdb.getGroup(handle, "Chums") else: group = "Chums" = group self.notes = notes def initials(self, time=None): handle = self.handle caps = [l for l in handle if l.isupper()] if not caps: caps = [""] PchumLog.debug("handle = " + str(handle)) PchumLog.debug("caps = " + str(caps)) # Fallback for invalid string try: initials = (handle[0]+caps[0]).upper() except: PchumLog.exception('') initials = "XX" PchumLog.debug("initials = " + str(initials)) if hasattr(self, 'time') and time: if self.time > time: return "F"+initials elif self.time < time: return "P"+initials else: return "C"+initials else: return initials def colorhtml(self): if self.color: return else: return "#000000" def colorcmd(self): if self.color: (r, g, b, a) = self.color.getRgb() return "%d,%d,%d" % (r,g,b) else: return "0,0,0" def plaindict(self): return (self.handle, {"handle": self.handle, "mood":, "color": str(, "group": str(, "notes": str(self.notes)}) def blocked(self, config): return self.handle in config.getBlocklist() def memsg(self, syscolor, lexmsg, time=None): suffix = lexmsg[0].suffix msg = convertTags(lexmsg[1:], "text") uppersuffix = suffix.upper() if time is not None: handle = "%s %s" % (time.temporal, self.handle) initials = time.pcf+self.initials()+time.number+uppersuffix else: handle = self.handle initials = self.initials()+uppersuffix return "-- %s%s [%s] %s --" % (, handle, suffix, self.colorhtml(), initials, msg) def pestermsg(self, otherchum, syscolor, verb): return "-- %s [%s] %s %s [%s] at %s --" % (, self.handle, self.colorhtml(), self.initials(), verb, otherchum.handle, otherchum.colorhtml(), otherchum.initials(),"%H:%M")) def moodmsg(self, mood, syscolor, theme): return "-- %s [%s] changed their mood to %s --" % (, self.handle, self.colorhtml(), self.initials(),, theme["main/chums/moods"][]["icon"]) def idlemsg(self, syscolor, verb): return "-- %s [%s] %s --" % (, self.handle, self.colorhtml(), self.initials(), verb) def memoclosemsg(self, syscolor, initials, verb): if type(initials) == type(list()): return "%s %s." % (, self.colorhtml(), ", ".join(initials), verb) else: return "%s%s%s %s." % (, self.colorhtml(), initials.pcf, self.initials(), initials.number, verb) def memonetsplitmsg(self, syscolor, initials): if len(initials) <= 0: return "Netsplit quits: None" % ( else: return "Netsplit quits: %s" % (, ", ".join(initials)) def memoopenmsg(self, syscolor, td, timeGrammar, verb, channel): (temporal, pcf, when) = (timeGrammar.temporal, timeGrammar.pcf, timeGrammar.when) timetext = timeDifference(td) PchumLog.debug("pre pcf+self.initials()") initials = pcf+self.initials() PchumLog.debug("post pcf+self.initials()") return "%s %s %s %s." % \ (, self.colorhtml(), initials, timetext, verb, channel[1:].upper().replace("_", " ")) def memobanmsg(self, opchum, opgrammar, syscolor, initials, reason): opinit = opgrammar.pcf+opchum.initials()+opgrammar.number if type(initials) == type(list()): if opchum.handle == reason: return "%s banned %s from responding to memo." % \ (opchum.colorhtml(), opinit, self.colorhtml(), ", ".join(initials)) else: return "%s banned %s from responding to memo: [%s]." % \ (opchum.colorhtml(), opinit, self.colorhtml(), ", ".join(initials), str(reason)) else: # Is timeGrammar defined? Not sure if this works as intented, added try except block to be safe. try: initials = timeGrammar.pcf+self.initials()+timeGrammar.number if opchum.handle == reason: return "%s banned %s from responding to memo." % \ (opchum.colorhtml(), opinit, self.colorhtml(), initials) else: return "%s banned %s from responding to memo: [%s]." % \ (opchum.colorhtml(), opinit, self.colorhtml(), initials, str(reason)) except: PchumLog.exception('') initials = self.initials() if opchum.handle == reason: return "%s banned %s from responding to memo." % \ (opchum.colorhtml(), opinit, self.colorhtml(), initials) else: return "%s banned %s from responding to memo: [%s]." % \ (opchum.colorhtml(), opinit, self.colorhtml(), initials, str(reason)) # As far as I'm aware, there's no IRC reply for this, this seems impossible to check for in practice. def memopermabanmsg(self, opchum, opgrammar, syscolor, timeGrammar): initials = (timeGrammar.pcf + self.initials() + timeGrammar.number) opinit = (opgrammar.pcf + opchum.initials() + opgrammar.number) return "%s permabanned %s from the memo." % \ (opchum.colorhtml(), opinit, self.colorhtml(), initials) def memojoinmsg(self, syscolor, td, timeGrammar, verb): #(temporal, pcf, when) = (timeGrammar.temporal, timeGrammar.pcf, timeGrammar.when) timetext = timeDifference(td) initials = timeGrammar.pcf+self.initials()+timeGrammar.number return "%s %s [%s] %s %s." % \ (, self.colorhtml(), timeGrammar.temporal, self.handle, initials, timetext, verb) def memoopmsg(self, opchum, opgrammar, syscolor): opinit = opgrammar.pcf+opchum.initials()+opgrammar.number return "%s made %s an OP." % \ (opchum.colorhtml(), opinit, self.colorhtml(), self.initials()) def memodeopmsg(self, opchum, opgrammar, syscolor): opinit = opgrammar.pcf+opchum.initials()+opgrammar.number return "%s took away %s's OP powers." % \ (opchum.colorhtml(), opinit, self.colorhtml(), self.initials()) def memovoicemsg(self, opchum, opgrammar, syscolor): opinit = opgrammar.pcf+opchum.initials()+opgrammar.number return "%s gave %s voice." % \ (opchum.colorhtml(), opinit, self.colorhtml(), self.initials()) def memodevoicemsg(self, opchum, opgrammar, syscolor): opinit = opgrammar.pcf+opchum.initials()+opgrammar.number return "%s took away %s's voice." % \ (opchum.colorhtml(), opinit, self.colorhtml(), self.initials()) def memomodemsg(self, opchum, opgrammar, syscolor, modeverb, modeon): opinit = opgrammar.pcf+opchum.initials()+opgrammar.number if modeon: modeon = "now" else: modeon = "no longer" return "Memo is %s %s by %s" % \ (, modeon, modeverb, opchum.colorhtml(), opinit) def memoquirkkillmsg(self, opchum, opgrammar, syscolor): opinit = opgrammar.pcf+opchum.initials()+opgrammar.number return "%s turned off your quirk." % \ (, opchum.colorhtml(), opinit) @staticmethod def checkLength(handle): return len(handle) <= 256 @staticmethod def checkValid(handle): caps = [l for l in handle if l.isupper()] if len(caps) != 1: return (False, "Must have exactly 1 uppercase letter") if handle[0].isupper(): return (False, "Cannot start with uppercase letter") if"[^A-Za-z0-9]", handle) is not None: return (False, "Only alphanumeric characters allowed") return (True,) class PesterHistory(object): def __init__(self): self.history = [] self.current = 0 self.saved = None def next(self, text): if self.current == 0: return None if self.current == len(self.history): self.current -= 1 text = self.history[self.current] return text def prev(self): self.current += 1 if self.current >= len(self.history): self.current = len(self.history) return self.retrieve() return self.history[self.current] def reset(self): self.current = len(self.history) self.saved = None def save(self, text): self.saved = text def retrieve(self): return self.saved def add(self, text): if len(self.history) == 0 or text != self.history[len(self.history)-1]: self.history.append(text) self.reset()