import os import sys import json import re import codecs import shutil import zipfile import logging from string import Template from datetime import datetime from time import strftime try: from PyQt6 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets except ImportError: print("PyQt5 fallback (") from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets import ostools from mood import Mood from dataobjs import PesterProfile, pesterQuirks from parsetools import convertTags _datadir = ostools.getDataDir() PchumLog = logging.getLogger("pchumLogger") class PesterLog: def __init__(self, handle, parent=None): global _datadir self.parent = parent self.handle = handle self.convos = {} self.logpath = _datadir + "logs" def log(self, handle, msg): if self.parent.config.time12Format(): log_time = strftime("[%I:%M") else: log_time = strftime("[%H:%M") if self.parent.config.showSeconds(): log_time += strftime(":%S] ") else: log_time += "] " if handle[0] == "#": if not self.parent.config.logMemos() & self.parent.config.LOG: return if not self.parent.config.logMemos() & self.parent.config.STAMP: log_time = "" else: if not self.parent.config.logPesters() & self.parent.config.LOG: return if not self.parent.config.logPesters() & self.parent.config.STAMP: log_time = "" if self.parent.isBot(handle): return # watch out for illegal characters handle = re.sub(r'[<>:"/\\|?*]', "_", handle) bbcodemsg = log_time + convertTags(msg, "bbcode") html = log_time + convertTags(msg, "html") + "
" msg = log_time + convertTags(msg, "text") modes = {"bbcode": bbcodemsg, "html": html, "text": msg} try: if handle not in self.convos: log_time ="%Y-%m-%d.%H.%M") self.convos[handle] = {} for format, t in modes.items(): if not os.path.exists( "{}/{}/{}/{}".format(self.logpath, self.handle, handle, format) ): os.makedirs( "{}/{}/{}/{}".format( self.logpath, self.handle, handle, format ) ) fp = "%s/%s/%s/%s/%s.%s.txt" % (self.logpath, self.handle, handle, format, handle, log_time), encoding="utf-8", mode="a", ) self.convos[handle][format] = fp for format, t in modes.items(): f = self.convos[handle][format] f.write(t + "\r\n") # flush + fsync force a write, # makes sure logs are saved in the case of a crash. f.flush() os.fsync(f.fileno()) # This way the file descriptors are closed and reopened for every message, # which is sub-optimal and definitely a performance drain but, # otherwise we still run into the ulimit on platforms like MacOS fairly easily. # if ostools.isOSX() == True: # for (format, t) in modes.items(): # self.finish(handle) except (OSError, KeyError, IndexError, ValueError) as e: # Catching this exception does not stop pchum from dying if we run out of file handles

Failed to load pesterchum.js, this might require manual intervention.

\ Consider overriding: %s
\ with a backup from: %s

" % ( _datadir, self.filename, os.path.join(_datadir, "backup"), os.path.join(_datadir, "backup"), ) ) msgbox.exec() sys.exit() # Trying to fix: # IOError: [Errno 2] # No such file or directory: # u'XXX\\AppData\\Local\\pesterchum/profiles/XXX.js' # Part 2 :( if "defaultprofile" in self.config: try: self.userprofile = userProfile(self.config["defaultprofile"]) except: self.userprofile = None else: self.userprofile = None self.logpath = _datadir + "logs" if not os.path.exists(self.logpath): os.makedirs(self.logpath) try: with open("%s/groups.js" % (self.logpath)) as fp: self.groups = json.load(fp) except (OSError, ValueError): self.groups = {} with open("%s/groups.js" % (self.logpath), "w") as fp: json.dump(self.groups, fp) self.backup() def backup(self): # Backups try: # Backup pesterchum.js file. # Useful because it seems to randomly get blanked for people. backup_path = os.path.join(_datadir, "backup") if os.path.exists(backup_path) == False: os.makedirs(backup_path) current_backup = % 5 shutil.copyfile( self.filename, os.path.join( backup_path, "pesterchum.backup-" + str(current_backup) + ".js" ), ) # Backup profiles. # Useful because people don't know how to add underscores to handles. profile_path = os.path.join(_datadir, "profiles") profile_list = os.listdir(profile_path) with zipfile.ZipFile( os.path.join(backup_path, "profiles.backup-" + str(current_backup)) + ".zip", "w", ) as pzip: for x in profile_list: if x.endswith(".js") == True: with open(self.filename) as f: pzip.writestr(x,"Updated backups-%s." % current_backup) except shutil.Error as e: PchumLog.warning(f"Failed to make backup, shutil error?\n{e}") except zipfile.BadZipFile as e: PchumLog.warning(f"Failed to make backup, BadZipFile?\n{e}") except OSError as e: PchumLog.warning(f"Failed to make backup, no permission?\n{e}") def chums(self): if "chums" not in self.config: self.set("chums", []) return self.config.get("chums", []) def setChums(self, newchums): with open(self.filename) as fp: # what if we have two clients open?? newconfig = json.load(fp) oldchums = newconfig["chums"] # Time to merge these two! :OOO for c in list(set(oldchums) - set(newchums)): newchums.append(c) self.set("chums", newchums) def hideOfflineChums(self): return self.config.get("hideOfflineChums", False) def defaultprofile(self): try: return self.config["defaultprofile"] except KeyError: return None def tabs(self): return self.config.get("tabs", True) def tabMemos(self): if "tabmemos" not in self.config: self.set("tabmemos", self.tabs()) return self.config.get("tabmemos", True) def showTimeStamps(self): if "showTimeStamps" not in self.config: self.set("showTimeStamps", True) return self.config.get("showTimeStamps", True) def time12Format(self): if "time12Format" not in self.config: self.set("time12Format", True) return self.config.get("time12Format", True) def showSeconds(self): if "showSeconds" not in self.config: self.set("showSeconds", False) return self.config.get("showSeconds", False) def sortMethod(self): return self.config.get("sortMethod", 0) def useGroups(self): return self.config.get("useGroups", False) def openDefaultGroup(self): groups = self.getGroups() for g in groups: if g[0] == "Chums": return g[1] return True def showEmptyGroups(self): if "emptyGroups" not in self.config: self.set("emptyGroups", False) return self.config.get("emptyGroups", False) def showOnlineNumbers(self): if "onlineNumbers" not in self.config: self.set("onlineNumbers", False) return self.config.get("onlineNumbers", False) def logPesters(self): return self.config.get("logPesters", self.LOG | self.STAMP) def logMemos(self): return self.config.get("logMemos", self.LOG) def disableUserLinks(self): return not self.config.get("userLinks", True) def idleTime(self): return self.config.get("idleTime", 10) def minimizeAction(self): return self.config.get("miniAction", 0) def closeAction(self): return self.config.get("closeAction", 1) def opvoiceMessages(self): return self.config.get("opvMessages", True) def animations(self): return self.config.get("animations", True) # def checkForUpdates(self): # u = self.config.get('checkUpdates', 0) # if type(u) == type(bool()): # if u: u = 2 # else: u = 3 # return u # # Once a day # # Once a week # # Only on start # # Never # def lastUCheck(self): # return self.config.get('lastUCheck', 0) # def checkMSPA(self): # return self.config.get('mspa', False) def blink(self): return self.config.get("blink", self.PBLINK | self.MBLINK) def notify(self): return self.config.get("notify", True) def notifyType(self): return self.config.get("notifyType", "default") def notifyOptions(self): return self.config.get( "notifyOptions", self.SIGNIN | self.NEWMSG | self.NEWCONVO | self.INITIALS ) def lowBandwidth(self): return self.config.get("lowBandwidth", False) def ghostchum(self): return self.config.get("ghostchum", False) def addChum(self, chum): if chum.handle not in self.chums(): with open(self.filename) as fp: # what if we have two clients open?? newconfig = json.load(fp) newchums = newconfig["chums"] + [chum.handle] self.set("chums", newchums) def removeChum(self, chum): if type(chum) is PesterProfile: handle = chum.handle else: handle = chum newchums = [c for c in self.config["chums"] if c != handle] self.set("chums", newchums) def getBlocklist(self): if "block" not in self.config: self.set("block", []) return self.config["block"] def addBlocklist(self, handle): l = self.getBlocklist() if handle not in l: l.append(handle) self.set("block", l) def delBlocklist(self, handle): l = self.getBlocklist() l.pop(l.index(handle)) self.set("block", l) def getGroups(self): if "groups" not in self.groups: self.saveGroups([["Chums", True]]) return self.groups.get("groups", [["Chums", True]]) def addGroup(self, group, open=True): l = self.getGroups() exists = False for g in l: if g[0] == group: exists = True break if not exists: l.append([group, open]) l.sort() self.saveGroups(l) def delGroup(self, group): l = self.getGroups() i = 0 for g in l: if g[0] == group: break i = i + 1 l.pop(i) l.sort() self.saveGroups(l) def expandGroup(self, group, open=True): l = self.getGroups() for g in l: if g[0] == group: g[1] = open break self.saveGroups(l) def saveGroups(self, groups): self.groups["groups"] = groups try: jsonoutput = json.dumps(self.groups) except ValueError as e: raise e with open("%s/groups.js" % (self.logpath), "w") as fp: fp.write(jsonoutput) def server(self): if hasattr(self.parent, "serverOverride"): return self.parent.serverOverride try: with open(_datadir + "server.json") as server_file: read_file = server_file.close() server_obj = json.loads(read_file) return server_obj["server"] except: try: with open(_datadir + "server.json", "w") as server_file: json_server_file = { "server": "", "port": "6697", "TLS": True, } server_file.write(json.dumps(json_server_file, indent=4)) server_file.close() server = "" except: return self.config.get("server", "") def port(self): if hasattr(self.parent, "portOverride"): return self.parent.portOverride try: with open(_datadir + "server.json") as server_file: read_file = server_file.close() server_obj = json.loads(read_file) port = server_obj["port"] return port except: return self.config.get("port", "6697") def ssl(self): # if hasattr(self.parent, 'tlsOverride'): # return self.parent.tlsOverride try: with open(_datadir + "server.json") as server_file: read_file = server_file.close() server_obj = json.loads(read_file) return server_obj["TLS"] except: return self.config.get("TLS", True) def soundOn(self): if "soundon" not in self.config: self.set("soundon", True) return self.config["soundon"] def chatSound(self): return self.config.get("chatSound", True) def memoSound(self): return self.config.get("memoSound", True) def memoPing(self): return self.config.get("pingSound", True) def nameSound(self): return self.config.get("nameSound", True) def volume(self): return self.config.get("volume", 100) def trayMessage(self): return self.config.get("traymsg", True) def set(self, item, setting): self.config[item] = setting try: jsonoutput = json.dumps(self.config) except ValueError as e: raise e with open(self.filename, "w") as fp: fp.write(jsonoutput) def availableThemes(self): themes = [] # Load user themes. for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(_datadir + "themes"): for d in dirnames: themes.append(d) # Also load embedded themes. if _datadir: for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk("themes"): for d in dirnames: if d not in themes: themes.append(d) themes.sort() return themes def availableProfiles(self): profs = [] profileloc = _datadir + "profiles" for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(profileloc): for filename in filenames: l = len(filename) if filename[l - 3 : l] == ".js": profs.append(filename[0 : l - 3]) profs.sort()"Profiles: %s" % str(profs)) # Validity check"Starting profile check. . .") for x in profs: c_profile = os.path.join(profileloc, x + ".js") try: json.load(open(c_profile)) + ": Pass.") except json.JSONDecodeError as e: PchumLog.warning(x + ": Fail.") PchumLog.warning(e) profs.remove(x) PchumLog.warning(x + " removed from profile list.") msgBox = QtWidgets.QMessageBox() msgBox.setIcon(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Icon.Warning) msgBox.setWindowTitle(":(") msgBox.setTextFormat( QtCore.Qt.TextFormat.RichText ) # Clickable html links self.filename = _datadir + "pesterchum.js" msgBox.setText( "

Failed to load " + x + ", removed from list." + "

Consider taking a look at: " + os.path.join(profileloc, x + ".js") + "" + "

" + str(e) + r"<\h3><\html>" ) # "\" if pesterchum acts oddly you might want to try backing up and then deleting \"" + \ # _datadir+"pesterchum.js" + \ # "\"") PchumLog.critical(e) msgBox.exec() return [userProfile(p) for p in profs] class userProfile: def __init__(self, user): self.profiledir = _datadir + "profiles" if type(user) is PesterProfile: = user self.userprofile = { "handle": user.handle, "color": str(, "quirks": [], "theme": "pesterchum", } self.theme = pesterTheme("pesterchum") = Mood(self.theme["main/defaultmood"]) self.lastmood = self.quirks = pesterQuirks([]) self.randoms = False initials = if len(initials) >= 2: initials = ( initials, "{}{}".format(initials[0].lower(), initials[1]), "{}{}".format(initials[0], initials[1].lower()), ) self.mentions = [r"\b(%s)\b" % ("|".join(initials))] else: self.mentions = [] self.autojoins = [] else: # Trying to fix: # IOError: [Errno 2] # No such file or directory: # u'XXX\\AppData\\Local\\pesterchum/profiles/XXX.js' # Part 3 :( try: with open("{}/{}.js".format(self.profiledir, user)) as fp: self.userprofile = json.load(fp) except (json.JSONDecodeError, FileNotFoundError) as e: msgBox = QtWidgets.QMessageBox() msgBox.setIcon(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Icon.Warning) msgBox.setWindowTitle(":(") msgBox.setTextFormat( QtCore.Qt.TextFormat.RichText ) # Clickable html links self.filename = _datadir + "pesterchum.js" msgBox.setText( "

Failed to load: " + ( "%s/%s.js" % (self.profiledir, self.profiledir, user) ) + "

Try to check for syntax errors if the file exists." + "

If you got this message at launch you may want to change your default profile." + "

" + str(e) + r"<\h3><\html>" ) # "\" if pesterchum acts oddly you might want to try backing up and then deleting \"" + \ # _datadir+"pesterchum.js" + \ # "\"") PchumLog.critical(e) msgBox.exec() raise ValueError(e) try: self.theme = pesterTheme(self.userprofile["theme"]) except ValueError: self.theme = pesterTheme("pesterchum") self.lastmood = self.userprofile.get( "lastmood", self.theme["main/defaultmood"] ) = PesterProfile( self.userprofile["handle"], QtGui.QColor(self.userprofile["color"]), Mood(self.lastmood), ) self.quirks = pesterQuirks(self.userprofile["quirks"]) if "randoms" not in self.userprofile: self.userprofile["randoms"] = False self.randoms = self.userprofile["randoms"] if "mentions" not in self.userprofile: initials = if len(initials) >= 2: initials = ( initials, "{}{}".format(initials[0].lower(), initials[1]), "{}{}".format(initials[0], initials[1].lower()), ) self.userprofile["mentions"] = [r"\b(%s)\b" % ("|".join(initials))] else: self.userprofile["mentions"] = [] self.mentions = self.userprofile["mentions"] if "autojoins" not in self.userprofile: self.userprofile["autojoins"] = [] self.autojoins = self.userprofile["autojoins"] try: with open(_datadir + "passwd.js") as fp: self.passwd = json.load(fp) except: self.passwd = {} self.autoidentify = False self.nickservpass = "" if in self.passwd: # Fix for: # Traceback (most recent call last): # File "", line 2944, in nickCollision # File "", line 1692, in changeProfile # File "XXX\", line 795, in init # File "XXX\", line 350, in availableProfiles # File "XXX\", line 432, in init # KeyError: 'pw' if "auto" in self.passwd[]: self.autoidentify = self.passwd[]["auto"] if "pw" in self.passwd[]: self.nickservpass = self.passwd[]["pw"] def setMood(self, mood): = mood def setTheme(self, theme): self.theme = theme self.userprofile["theme"] = def setColor(self, color): = color self.userprofile["color"] = str( def setQuirks(self, quirks): self.quirks = quirks self.userprofile["quirks"] = self.quirks.plainList() def getRandom(self): return self.randoms def setRandom(self, random): self.randoms = random self.userprofile["randoms"] = random def getMentions(self): return self.mentions def setMentions(self, mentions): i = None try: for i, m in enumerate(mentions): re.compile(m) except re.error as e: PchumLog.error("#{} Not a valid regular expression: {}".format(i, e)) else: self.mentions = mentions self.userprofile["mentions"] = mentions def getLastMood(self): return self.lastmood def setLastMood(self, mood): self.lastmood = mood.value() self.userprofile["lastmood"] = self.lastmood def getTheme(self): return self.theme def getAutoIdentify(self): return self.autoidentify def setAutoIdentify(self, b): self.autoidentify = b if not in self.passwd: self.passwd[] = {} self.passwd[]["auto"] = b self.saveNickServPass() def getNickServPass(self): return self.nickservpass def setNickServPass(self, pw): self.nickservpass = pw if not in self.passwd: self.passwd[] = {} self.passwd[]["pw"] = pw self.saveNickServPass() def getAutoJoins(self): return self.autojoins def setAutoJoins(self, autojoins): self.autojoins = autojoins self.userprofile["autojoins"] = self.autojoins def save(self): handle = if handle[0:12] == "pesterClient": # dont save temp profiles return try: jsonoutput = json.dumps(self.userprofile) except ValueError as e: raise e with open("{}/{}.js".format(self.profiledir, handle), "w") as fp: fp.write(jsonoutput) def saveNickServPass(self): # remove profiles with no passwords for h, t in list(self.passwd.items()): if "auto" not in t and ("pw" not in t or t["pw"] == ""): del self.passwd[h] try: jsonoutput = json.dumps(self.passwd, indent=4) except ValueError as e: raise e with open(_datadir + "passwd.js", "w") as fp: fp.write(jsonoutput) @staticmethod def newUserProfile(chatprofile): if os.path.exists("{}/{}.js".format(_datadir + "profiles", chatprofile.handle)): newprofile = userProfile(chatprofile.handle) else: newprofile = userProfile(chatprofile) return newprofile class PesterProfileDB(dict): def __init__(self): self.logpath = _datadir + "logs" if not os.path.exists(self.logpath): os.makedirs(self.logpath) try: with open("%s/chums.js" % (self.logpath)) as fp: chumdict = json.load(fp) except (OSError, ValueError): # karxi: This code feels awfully familiar.... chumdict = {} with open("%s/chums.js" % (self.logpath), "w") as fp: json.dump(chumdict, fp) u = [] for handle, c in chumdict.items(): options = dict() if "group" in c: options["group"] = c["group"] if "notes" in c: options["notes"] = c["notes"] if "color" not in c: c["color"] = "#000000" if "mood" not in c: c["mood"] = "offline" u.append( ( handle, PesterProfile( handle, color=QtGui.QColor(c["color"]), mood=Mood(c["mood"]), **options, ), ) ) converted = dict(u) self.update(converted) def save(self): try: with open("%s/chums.js" % (self.logpath), "w") as fp: chumdict = dict([p.plaindict() for p in self.values()]) json.dump(chumdict, fp) except Exception as e: raise e def getColor(self, handle, default=None): if handle not in self: return default else: return self[handle].color def setColor(self, handle, color): if handle in self: self[handle].color = color else: self[handle] = PesterProfile(handle, color) def getGroup(self, handle, default="Chums"): if handle not in self: return default else: return self[handle].group def setGroup(self, handle, theGroup): if handle in self: self[handle].group = theGroup else: self[handle] = PesterProfile(handle, group=theGroup) def getNotes(self, handle, default=""): if handle not in self: return default else: return self[handle].notes def setNotes(self, handle, notes): if handle in self: self[handle].notes = notes else: self[handle] = PesterProfile(handle, notes=notes) def __setitem__(self, key, val): dict.__setitem__(self, key, val) class pesterTheme(dict): def __init__(self, name, default=False): possiblepaths = ( _datadir + "themes/%s" % (name), "themes/%s" % (name), _datadir + "themes/pesterchum", "themes/pesterchum", ) self.path = "themes/pesterchum" for p in possiblepaths: if os.path.exists(p): self.path = p break = name try: with open(self.path + "/style.js") as fp: theme = json.load(fp, object_hook=self.pathHook) except OSError: theme = json.loads("{}") self.update(theme) if "inherits" in self: self.inheritedTheme = pesterTheme(self["inherits"]) if not default: self.defaultTheme = pesterTheme("pesterchum", default=True) def __getitem__(self, key): keys = key.split("/") try: v = super().__getitem__(keys.pop(0)) except KeyError as e: if hasattr(self, "inheritedTheme"): return self.inheritedTheme[key] elif hasattr(self, "defaultTheme"): return self.defaultTheme[key] else: raise e for k in keys: try: v = v[k] except KeyError as e: if hasattr(self, "inheritedTheme"): return self.inheritedTheme[key] elif hasattr(self, "defaultTheme"): return self.defaultTheme[key] else: raise e return v def pathHook(self, d): for k, v in d.items(): if isinstance(v, str): s = Template(v) d[k] = s.safe_substitute(path=self.path) return d def get(self, key, default): keys = key.split("/") try: v = super().__getitem__(keys.pop(0)) for k in keys: v = v[k] return default if v is None else v except KeyError: if hasattr(self, "inheritedTheme"): return self.inheritedTheme.get(key, default) else: return default def has_key(self, key): keys = key.split("/") try: v = super().__getitem__(keys.pop(0)) for k in keys: v = v[k] return v is not None except KeyError: if hasattr(self, "inheritedTheme"): return key in self.inheritedTheme else: return False