import os import io import json import zipfile import logging from shutil import rmtree from datetime import datetime from ostools import getDataDir try: from PyQt6 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets, QtNetwork from PyQt6.QtGui import QAction _flag_selectable = QtCore.Qt.TextInteractionFlag.TextSelectableByMouse _flag_topalign = ( QtCore.Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignLeading | QtCore.Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignLeft | QtCore.Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignTop ) except ImportError: print("PyQt5 fallback (") from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets, QtNetwork from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QAction _flag_selectable = QtCore.Qt.TextSelectableByMouse _flag_topalign = QtCore.Qt.AlignLeading | QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft | QtCore.Qt.AlignTop PchumLog = logging.getLogger("pchumLogger") themeManager = None # ~Lisanne # This file has all the stuff needed to use a theme repository # - ThemeManagerWidget, a GUI widget that lets the user install, update, & delete repository themes # - ThemeManager, the class that the widget hooks up to. Handles fetching, downloading, installing, & keeps the manifest updated # Manifest is a local file that tracks the metadata of themes downloaded from the repository # Its a themename: {database entry} dict class ThemeManager(QtCore.QObject): # signals theme_installed = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str) # theme name zip_downloaded = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str, str) # theme name, zip location database_refreshed = QtCore.pyqtSignal(dict) # self.manifest manifest_updated = QtCore.pyqtSignal(dict) # self.manifest errored = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str) # error_text # variables manifest = {} database = {} database_entries = {} config = None manifest_path = os.path.join(getDataDir(), "manifest.js") NAManager = None downloads = {} def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() with open(self.manifest_path, "r") as f: self.manifest = json.load(f) PchumLog.debug("Manifest.js loaded with: %s", self.manifest) self.config = config # TODO: maybe make seperate QNetworkAccessManagers for theme downloads, database fetches, and integrity checkfile # OR figure out how to connect the signal to tasks instead of the whole object # That way we dont have to figure out what got downloaded afterwards, and can just have a _on_reply_theme & _on_reply_database or something self.NAManager = QtNetwork.QNetworkAccessManager() self.NAManager.finished[QtNetwork.QNetworkReply].connect(self._on_reply) self.validate_manifest() self.refresh_database() @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def refresh_database(self): # Fetches a new copy of the theme database from the given URL # The initialisation & processing of it is handled in self._on_reply PchumLog.debug( "Refreshing theme repo database @ %s", self.config.theme_repo_url() ) promise = self.NAManager.get( QtNetwork.QNetworkRequest(QtCore.QUrl(self.config.theme_repo_url())) ) def delete_theme(self, theme_name): # TODO: check if other installed themes inherit from this to avoid broken themes # would require some kinda confirmation popup which i havent figure out yet"Deleting installed repo theme %s", theme_name) theme = self.manifest[theme_name] directory = os.path.join(getDataDir(), "themes", theme["name"]) if os.path.isdir(directory): rmtree(directory) self.manifest.pop(theme_name) self.save_manifest() self.manifest_updated.emit(self.manifest) def save_manifest(self): with open(self.manifest_path, "w") as f: json.dump(self.manifest, f) PchumLog.debug("Saved manifes.js to %s", self.manifest_path) def validate_manifest(self): # Checks if the themes the manifest claims are installed actually exists # Removes them from the manifest if they dont to_pop = set() all_themes = self.config.availableThemes() for theme_name in self.manifest: if not theme_name in all_themes: PchumLog.warning( "Supposedly installed theme %s from the manifest seems to have been deleted, removing from manifest now", theme_name, ) # Cannot be popped while iterating! to_pop.add(theme_name) for theme_name in to_pop: self.manifest.pop(theme_name) def download_theme(self, theme_name): # Downloads the theme .zip # The actual installing is handled by _on_reply when the theme is downloaded # Performs no version checks or dependency handling # Use install_theme() instead unless you know what you're doing"Downloading %s", theme_name) if not theme_name in self.database_entries: PchumLog.error("Theme name %s does not exist in the database!", theme_name) return PchumLog.debug("(From %s)", self.database_entries[theme_name]["download"]) promise = self.NAManager.get( QtNetwork.QNetworkRequest( QtCore.QUrl(self.database_entries[theme_name]["download"]) ) ) self.downloads[ self.database_entries[theme_name]["download"] ] = self.database_entries[theme_name] def install_theme(self, theme_name, force_install=False): # A higher way to install a theme than download_theme # Checks if the theme is already installed & if its up to date # Also recursively handled dependencies, which download_theme does not # !! note that this does not check if theres a circular dependency !! # Setting force_install to True will install a given theme, even if it is deemed unnecessary to do so or its inherit dependency cannot be installed # This gives it the same no-nonsense operation as download_theme, but with the checks in place"Installing theme %s", theme_name) if force_install: PchumLog.debug("(force_install is enabled)") if not theme_name in self.database_entries: PchumLog.error("Theme %s does not exist in the database!", theme_name) self.errored.emit("Theme %s does not exist in the database!" % theme_name) return all_themes = self.config.availableThemes() theme = self.database_entries[theme_name] if ( not self.is_installed(theme_name) and theme_name in all_themes ): # Theme exists, but not installed by manager PchumLog.warning( "Theme %s is already installed manually. The manual version will get shadowed by the repository version & will not be usable", theme_name, ) # Check depedencies if theme["inherits"] != "": if self.is_installed(theme["inherits"]): # Inherited theme is installed. A-OK PchumLog.debug( "Theme %s requires theme %s, which is already installed through the repository", theme_name, theme["inherits"], ) if theme["inherits"] in all_themes: # Inherited theme is manually installed. A-OK PchumLog.debug( "Theme %s requires theme %s, which is already installed manually by the user", theme_name, theme["inherits"], ) elif theme["inherits"] in self.database_entries: # The Inherited theme is not installed, but can be. A-OK "Theme %s requires theme %s, which will now be installed", theme_name, theme["inherits"], ) self.install_theme(theme["inherits"]) else: # Inherited theme is not installed, and can't be installed automatically. Exits unless force_install is True if force_install: PchumLog.error( "Theme %s requires theme %s, which is not installed and not in the database. Installing %s anyways, because force_install is True", theme_name, theme, theme_name["inherits"], ) else: PchumLog.error( "Theme %s requires theme %s, which is not installed and not in the database. Cancelling install", theme_name, theme["inherits"], ) self.errored.emit( "Theme %s requires theme %s, which is not installed and not in the database. Cancelling install" % (theme_name, theme["inherits"]) ) return # Check if there's no need to re-install theme # This is done after the dependency check in case an inherited theme is missing two levels down if self.is_installed(theme_name) and not self.has_update( theme_name ): # Theme is installed by manager, and is up-to-date if force_install: PchumLog.warning( "Theme %s is already installed, and no update is available. Installing anyways, because force_install is True", theme_name, ) else: PchumLog.warning( "Theme %s is already installed, and no update is available. Cancelling install", theme_name, ) self.errored.emit( "Theme %s is already installed, and no update is available. Cancelling install" % theme_name ) return # All is ok. or we're just ignoring the errors through force_install # No matter. downloading time self.download_theme(theme_name) def has_update(self, theme_name): # Has the given theme an update available # Returns False if the theme is installed manually or when the theme is up to date if self.is_installed(theme_name) and theme_name in self.database_entries: return ( self.manifest[theme_name]["version"] < self.database_entries[theme_name]["version"] ) return False def is_installed(self, theme_name): # checks if a theme is installed through the manager # Note that this will return False if the given name is a theme that the user installed manually! return theme_name in self.manifest def is_database_valid(self): return "entries" in self.database and isinstance( self.database.get("entries"), list ) # using a slot decorator here raises `ERROR - , connect() failed between finished(QNetworkReply*) and _on_reply()`` # maybe because of the underscore? # @QtCore.pyqtSlot(QtNetwork.QNetworkReply) def _on_reply(self, reply): if reply.error() != QtNetwork.QNetworkReply.NetworkError.NoError: PchumLog.error( "An error occured contacting the repository: %s", reply.error() ) self.errored.emit( "An error occured contacting the repository: %s" % reply.error() ) return try: original_url = reply.request().url().url() # Check if zipfile or database fetch if original_url in self.downloads: # This is a theme zip! theme = self.downloads[original_url] self._handle_downloaded_zip(bytes(reply.readAll()), theme["name"]) self.downloads.pop(original_url) self.manifest[theme["name"]] = theme self.save_manifest() self.manifest_updated.emit(self.manifest)"Theme %s is now installed", theme["name"]) else: # This is a database refresh! as_json = bytes(reply.readAll()).decode("utf-8") self.database = json.loads(as_json) self.database_entries = {} if not self.is_database_valid(): self.database = {} PchumLog.error('Incorrect database format, missing "entries"') self.errored.emit('Incorrect database format, missing "entries"') return # Filter out non-QTchum client themes, like for godot for dbindex in range( len(self.database["entries"]) - 1, -1, -1 ): # Iterate over the database in reverse dbitem = self.database["entries"][dbindex] if dbitem["client"] != "pesterchum": PchumLog.debug( "Removed database theme %s because it is not compatible with this client", dbitem["name"], ) self.database["entries"].pop(dbindex) # Make an easy lookup table instead of the array we get from the DB for dbitem in self.database["entries"]: self.database_entries[dbitem["name"]] = dbitem"Database refreshed") self.database_refreshed.emit(self.database) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e: PchumLog.error("Could not decode theme database JSON: %s", e) self.errored.emit("Could not decode theme database JSON: %s" % e) return except KeyError as e: self.database = {} self.database_entries = {} PchumLog.error("Vital key missing from theme database: %s", e) self.errored.emit("Vital key missing from theme database: %s" % e) return def _handle_downloaded_zip(self, zip_buffer, theme_name): # Unzips the downloaded theme package in-memory to datadir/themes/theme_name # I dont think this runs in a thread so it may block, but its so fast i dont think it really matters # But i guess if its a zip bomb itll crash directory = os.path.join(getDataDir(), "themes", theme_name) with zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(zip_buffer)) as z: if os.path.isdir(directory): rmtree(directory) # Deletes old files that have been removed in an update z.extractall(directory) class ThemeManagerWidget(QtWidgets.QWidget): icons = None config = None rebuilt = QtCore.pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, config, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self.icons = [ QtGui.QIcon("img/download_pending.png"), QtGui.QIcon("img/download_done.png"), QtGui.QIcon("img/download_update.png"), ] self.config = config global themeManager if themeManager is None or not themeManager.is_database_valid(): themeManager = ThemeManager(config) self.setupUI() else: self.setupUI() self.rebuild() themeManager.database_refreshed.connect(self._on_database_refreshed) themeManager.manifest_updated.connect(self._on_database_refreshed) def setupUI(self): self.layout_main = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self) self.setLayout(self.layout_main) # Search bar # TODO: implement searching # self.line_search = QtWidgets.QLineEdit() # self.line_search.setPlaceholderText("Search for themes") # self.layout_main.addWidget(self.line_search) # Main layout # [list of themes/results] | [selected theme details] layout_hbox_list_and_details = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() # This is the list of database themes self.list_results = QtWidgets.QListWidget() self.list_results.setSizePolicy( QtWidgets.QSizePolicy( QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Policy.Expanding, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Policy.Expanding, ) ) self.list_results.itemSelectionChanged.connect(self._on_theme_selected) layout_hbox_list_and_details.addWidget(self.list_results) # This is the right side, has the install buttons & all the theme details of the selected item layout_vbox_details = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() # The theme details are inside a scroll container in case of small window self.frame_scroll = QtWidgets.QScrollArea() self.frame_scroll.setSizePolicy( QtWidgets.QSizePolicy( QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Policy.Preferred, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Policy.Expanding, ) ) # The vbox that the detail labels will rest in layout_vbox_scroll_insides = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() # here starts the actual detail labels # Selected theme's name self.lbl_theme_name = QtWidgets.QLabel("Click a theme to get started") self.lbl_theme_name.setTextInteractionFlags(_flag_selectable) self.lbl_theme_name.setStyleSheet( "QLabel { font-size: 16px; font-weight:bold;}" ) self.lbl_theme_name.setWordWrap(True) layout_vbox_scroll_insides.addWidget(self.lbl_theme_name) # Author name self.lbl_author_name = QtWidgets.QLabel("") self.lbl_author_name.setTextInteractionFlags(_flag_selectable) layout_vbox_scroll_insides.addWidget(self.lbl_author_name) # description. this needs to be the biggest self.lbl_description = QtWidgets.QLabel("") self.lbl_description.setTextInteractionFlags(_flag_selectable) self.lbl_description.setSizePolicy( QtWidgets.QSizePolicy( QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Policy.Preferred, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Policy.MinimumExpanding, ) ) self.lbl_description.setAlignment(_flag_topalign) self.lbl_description.setWordWrap(True) layout_vbox_scroll_insides.addWidget(self.lbl_description) # requires. shows up if a theme has "inherits" set & we dont have it installed self.lbl_requires = QtWidgets.QLabel("") self.lbl_requires.setTextInteractionFlags(_flag_selectable) self.lbl_requires.setWordWrap(True) layout_vbox_scroll_insides.addWidget(self.lbl_requires) # Version number. this will also show the current installed one if there is an update self.lbl_version = QtWidgets.QLabel("") self.lbl_version.setTextInteractionFlags(_flag_selectable) layout_vbox_scroll_insides.addWidget(self.lbl_version) # Last update time self.lbl_last_update = QtWidgets.QLabel("") self.lbl_last_update.setWordWrap(True) self.lbl_last_update.setTextInteractionFlags(_flag_selectable) layout_vbox_scroll_insides.addWidget(self.lbl_last_update) # Theme details done, so we wont need the scroll after this self.frame_scroll.setLayout(layout_vbox_scroll_insides) layout_vbox_details.addWidget(self.frame_scroll) # Insta//uninstall buttons # "Uninstall" button. Only visisble when the selected thene is installed self.btn_uninstall = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Uninstall", self) self.btn_uninstall.setHidden(True) self.btn_uninstall.clicked.connect(self._on_uninstall_clicked) layout_vbox_details.addWidget(self.btn_uninstall) # "Install" button. can also say "Update" if an update is availible # Only visible when not installed or if theres an update self.btn_install = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Install", self) self.btn_install.clicked.connect(self._on_install_clicked) self.btn_install.setDisabled(True) layout_vbox_details.addWidget(self.btn_install) # Done with details layout_hbox_list_and_details.addLayout(layout_vbox_details) self.layout_main.addLayout(layout_hbox_list_and_details) self.btn_refresh = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Refresh", self) self.btn_refresh.clicked.connect( themeManager.refresh_database ) # Conneced to themeManager! self.layout_main.addWidget(self.btn_refresh) self.lbl_error = QtWidgets.QLabel("") self.lbl_error.setVisible(False) self.lbl_error.setWordWrap(True) themeManager.errored.connect(self._on_fetch_error) self.lbl_error.setTextInteractionFlags(_flag_selectable) self.lbl_error.setStyleSheet( " QLabel { background-color:black; color:red; font-size: 16px;}" ) self.layout_main.addWidget(self.lbl_error) def _on_fetch_error(self, text): self.lbl_error.setText(text) self.lbl_error.setVisible(True) def _on_uninstall_clicked(self): theme = themeManager.database["entries"][self.list_results.currentRow()] themeManager.delete_theme(theme["name"]) def _on_install_clicked(self): theme = themeManager.database["entries"][self.list_results.currentRow()] themeManager.install_theme(theme["name"]) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def _on_theme_selected(self): index = self.list_results.currentRow() theme = themeManager.database["entries"][index] theme_name = theme["name"] is_installed = themeManager.is_installed(theme_name) has_update = themeManager.has_update(theme_name) self.btn_install.setDisabled(False) self.btn_install.setText("Update" if has_update else "Install") self.btn_install.setVisible((is_installed and has_update) or not is_installed) self.btn_uninstall.setVisible(themeManager.is_installed(theme_name)) self.lbl_theme_name.setText(theme_name) self.lbl_author_name.setText("By %s" % theme["author"]) self.lbl_description.setText(theme["description"]) version_text = "Version %s" % theme["version"] if has_update: version_text += ( " (installed: %s)" % themeManager.manifest[theme_name]["version"] ) self.lbl_version.setText(version_text) requires_text = "" if theme["inherits"]: requires_text += "Requires %s" % theme["inherits"] if theme["inherits"] in self.config.availableThemes(): requires_text += " (installed)" self.lbl_requires.setText((requires_text) if theme["inherits"] else "") last_update_text = "Released on: " last_update_text += datetime.fromtimestamp(theme["updated"]).strftime( "%d/%m/%Y, %H:%M" ) self.lbl_last_update.setText(last_update_text) @QtCore.pyqtSlot(dict) def _on_database_refreshed(self, _): self.rebuild() def rebuild(self): prev_selected_index = self.list_results.currentRow() database = themeManager.database self.list_results.clear() self.lbl_error.setText("") self.lbl_error.setVisible(False) if not themeManager.is_database_valid(): self.lbl_error.setText("") self.lbl_error.setVisible(True) # Repopulate the list for dbitem in database["entries"]: # Determine the suffix icon = self.icons[0] status = "" if themeManager.is_installed(dbitem["name"]): if themeManager.has_update(dbitem["name"]): status = "~ (update available)" icon = self.icons[2] else: status = "~ (installed)" icon = self.icons[1] text = "%s by %s %s" % (dbitem["name"], dbitem["author"], status) item = QtWidgets.QListWidgetItem(icon, text) self.list_results.addItem(item) if prev_selected_index > -1: # Re-select last item, if it was selected self.list_results.setCurrentRow(prev_selected_index) self._on_theme_selected() else: # Return sidebar info panel to defaults if nothing was selected self.btn_install.setDisabled(True) for lbl in [ self.lbl_author_name, self.lbl_description, self.lbl_version, self.lbl_requires, self.lbl_last_update, ]: lbl.setText("") self.lbl_theme_name.setText("Click a theme to get started") self.btn_uninstall.setVisible(False) self.btn_install.setVisible(True) self.btn_install.setDisabled(True) self.rebuilt.emit() PchumLog.debug("Rebuilt emitted")