import inspect import threading import time, os import ostools from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore try: import pynotify except: pynotify = None class DefaultToast(object): def __init__(self, machine, title, msg, icon): self.machine = machine self.title = title self.msg = msg self.icon = icon def show(self): print self.title, self.msg, self.icon self.done() def done(self): t = self.machine.toasts[0] if t.title == self.title and t.msg == self.msg and t.icon == self.icon: self.machine.toasts.pop(0) self.machine.displaying = False print "Done" class ToastMachine(object): class __Toast__(object): def __init__(self, machine, title, msg, time=3000, icon="", importance=0): self.machine = machine self.title = title self.msg = msg self.time = time if icon: icon = os.path.abspath(icon) self.icon = icon self.importance = importance if inspect.ismethod(self.title) or inspect.isfunction(self.title): self.title = self.title() def titleM(self, title=None): if title: self.title = title if inspect.ismethod(self.title) or inspect.isfunction(self.title): self.title = self.title() else: return self.title def msgM(self, msg=None): if msg: self.msg = msg else: return self.msg def timeM(self, time=None): if time: self.time = time else: return self.time def iconM(self, icon=None): if icon: self.icon = icon else: return self.icon def importanceM(self, importance=None): if importance != None: self.importance = importance else: return self.importance def show(self): if self.machine.on: # Use libnotify's queue if using libnotify if self.machine.type == "libnotify" or self.machine.type == "twmn": self.realShow() elif self.machine.toasts: self.machine.toasts.append(self) else: self.machine.toasts.append(self) self.realShow() def realShow(self): self.machine.displaying = True t = None for (k,v) in self.machine.types.iteritems(): if self.machine.type == k: args = inspect.getargspec(v.__init__).args extras = {} if 'parent' in args: extras['parent'] = self.machine.parent if 'time' in args: extras['time'] = self.time if k == "libnotify" or k == "twmn": t = v(self.title, self.msg, self.icon, **extras) else: t = v(self.machine, self.title, self.msg, self.icon, **extras) # Use libnotify's urgency setting if k == "libnotify": if self.importance < 0: t.set_urgency(pynotify.URGENCY_CRITICAL) elif self.importance == 0: t.set_urgency(pynotify.URGENCY_NORMAL) elif self.importance > 0: t.set_urgency(pynotify.URGENCY_LOW) break if not t: if 'default' in self.machine.types: if 'parent' in inspect.getargspec(self.machine.types['default'].__init__).args: t = self.machine.types['default'](self.machine, self.title, self.msg, self.icon, self.machine.parent) else: t = self.machine.types['default'](self.machine, self.title, self.msg, self.icon) else: t = DefaultToast(self.title, self.msg, self.icon) def __init__(self, parent, name, on=True, type="default", types=({'default' : DefaultToast, 'libnotify': pynotify.Notification} if pynotify else {'default' : DefaultToast}), extras={}): self.parent = parent = name self.on = on types.update(extras) self.types = types self.type = "default" self.quit = False self.displaying = False self.setCurrentType(type) self.toasts = [] def Toast(self, title, msg, icon="", time=3000): return self.__Toast__(self, title, msg, time=time, icon=icon) def setEnabled(self, on): self.on = (on is True) def currentType(self): return self.type def avaliableTypes(self): return sorted(self.types.keys()) def setCurrentType(self, type): if type in self.types: if type == "libnotify": if not pynotify or not pynotify.init("ToastMachine"): print "Problem initilizing pynotify" return #self.type = type = "default" elif type == "twmn": from libs import pytwmn try: pytwmn.init() except pytwmn.ERROR, e: print "Problem initilizing pytwmn: " + str(e) return #self.type = type = "default" self.type = type def appName(self): if inspect.ismethod( or inspect.isfunction( return else: return def showNext(self): if not self.displaying and self.toasts: self.toasts.sort(key=lambda x: x.importance) self.toasts[0].realShow() def showAll(self): while self.toasts: self.showNext() def run(self): while not self.quit: if self.on and self.toasts: self.showNext() class PesterToast(QtGui.QWidget, DefaultToast): def __init__(self, machine, title, msg, icon, time=3000, parent=None): QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.machine = machine self.time = time if ostools.isWin32(): self.setWindowFlags(QtCore.Qt.ToolTip) else: self.setWindowFlags(QtCore.Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint | QtCore.Qt.X11BypassWindowManagerHint| QtCore.Qt.ToolTip) self.m_animation = QtCore.QParallelAnimationGroup() anim = QtCore.QPropertyAnimation(self) anim.setTargetObject(self) self.m_animation.addAnimation(anim) anim.setEasingCurve(QtCore.QEasingCurve.OutBounce) anim.setDuration(1000) self.connect(anim, QtCore.SIGNAL('finished()'), self, QtCore.SLOT('reverseTrigger()')) self.m_animation.setDirection(QtCore.QAnimationGroup.Forward) self.title = QtGui.QLabel(title, self) self.msg = QtGui.QLabel(msg, self) self.content = msg if icon: self.icon = QtGui.QLabel("") self.icon.setPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(icon).scaledToWidth(30)) else: self.icon = QtGui.QLabel("") self.icon.setPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(30, 30)) self.icon.pixmap().fill(QtGui.QColor(0,0,0,0)) layout_0 = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() layout_0.setMargin(0) layout_0.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) if self.icon: layout_1 = QtGui.QGridLayout() layout_1.addWidget(self.icon, 0,0, 1,1) layout_1.addWidget(self.title, 0,1, 1,7) layout_1.setAlignment(self.msg, QtCore.Qt.AlignTop) layout_0.addLayout(layout_1) else: layout_0.addWidget(self.title) layout_0.addWidget(self.msg) self.setMaximumWidth(self.parent().theme["toasts/width"]) self.msg.setMaximumWidth(self.parent().theme["toasts/width"]) self.title.setMinimumHeight(self.parent().theme["toasts/title/minimumheight"]) self.setLayout(layout_0) self.setGeometry(0,0, self.parent().theme["toasts/width"], self.parent().theme["toasts/height"]) self.setStyleSheet(self.parent().theme["toasts/style"]) self.title.setStyleSheet(self.parent().theme["toasts/title/style"]) if self.icon: self.icon.setStyleSheet(self.parent().theme["toasts/icon/style"]) self.msg.setStyleSheet(self.parent().theme["toasts/content/style"]) self.layout().setSpacing(0) self.msg.setText(PesterToast.wrapText(self.msg.font(), str(self.msg.text()), self.parent().theme["toasts/width"], self.parent().theme["toasts/content/style"])) p = QtGui.QApplication.desktop().availableGeometry(self).bottomRight() o = QtGui.QApplication.desktop().screenGeometry(self).bottomRight() anim.setStartValue(p.y() - o.y()) anim.setEndValue(100) self.connect(anim, QtCore.SIGNAL('valueChanged(QVariant)'), self, QtCore.SLOT('updateBottomLeftAnimation(QVariant)')) self.byebye = False @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def show(self): self.m_animation.start() @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def done(self): QtGui.QWidget.hide(self) t = self.machine.toasts[0] if t.title == str(self.title.text()) and \ t.msg == str(self.content): self.machine.toasts.pop(0) self.machine.displaying = False if self.machine.on: self.machine.showNext() del self @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def reverseTrigger(self): if self.time >= 0: QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(self.time, self, QtCore.SLOT('reverseStart()')) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def reverseStart(self): if not self.byebye: self.byebye = True anim = self.m_animation.animationAt(0) self.m_animation.setDirection(QtCore.QAnimationGroup.Backward) anim.setEasingCurve(QtCore.QEasingCurve.InCubic) self.disconnect(anim, QtCore.SIGNAL('finished()'), self, QtCore.SLOT('reverseTrigger()')) self.connect(anim, QtCore.SIGNAL('finished()'), self, QtCore.SLOT('done()')) self.m_animation.start() @QtCore.pyqtSlot(QtCore.QVariant) def updateBottomLeftAnimation(self, value): p = QtGui.QApplication.desktop().availableGeometry(self).bottomRight() val = float(self.height())/100 self.move(p.x()-self.width(), p.y() - (value.toInt()[0] * val) +1) self.layout().setSpacing(0) def mousePressEvent(self, event): if event.button() == QtCore.Qt.RightButton: self.reverseStart() elif event.button() == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton: pass @staticmethod def wrapText(font, text, maxwidth, css=""): ret = [] metric = QtGui.QFontMetrics(font) if "padding" in css: if css[css.find("padding")+7] != "-": colon = css.find(":", css.find("padding")) semicolon = css.find(";", css.find("padding")) if semicolon < 0: stuff = css[colon+1:] else: stuff = css[colon+1:semicolon] stuff = stuff.replace("px", "").lstrip().rstrip() stuff = stuff.split(" ") if len(stuff) == 1: maxwidth -= int(stuff[0])*2 elif len(stuff) == 2: maxwidth -= int(stuff[1])*2 elif len(stuff) == 3: maxwidth -= int(stuff[1])*2 elif len(stuff) == 4: maxwidth -= int(stuff[1]) + int(stuff[3]) else: if "padding-left" in css: colon = css.find(":", css.find("padding-left")) semicolon = css.find(";", css.find("padding-left")) if semicolon < 0: stuff = css[colon+1:] else: stuff = css[colon+1:semicolon] stuff = stuff.replace("px", "").lstrip().rstrip() if stuff.isdigit(): maxwidth -= int(stuff) if "padding-right" in css: colon = css.find(":", css.find("padding-right")) semicolon = css.find(";", css.find("padding-right")) if semicolon < 0: stuff = css[colon+1:] else: stuff = css[colon+1:semicolon] stuff = stuff.replace("px", "").lstrip().rstrip() if stuff.isdigit(): maxwidth -= int(stuff) if metric.width(text) < maxwidth: return text while metric.width(text) > maxwidth: lastspace = text.find(" ") curspace = lastspace while metric.width(text, curspace) < maxwidth: lastspace = curspace curspace = text.find(" ", lastspace+1) ret.append(text[:lastspace]) text = text[lastspace+1:] ret.append(text) return "\n".join(ret) class PesterToastMachine(ToastMachine, QtCore.QObject): def __init__(self, parent, name, on=True, type="default", types=({'default' : DefaultToast, 'libnotify' : pynotify.Notification} if pynotify else {'default' : DefaultToast}), extras={}): ToastMachine.__init__(self, parent, name, on, type, types, extras) QtCore.QObject.__init__(self, parent) def setEnabled(self, on): oldon = self.on ToastMachine.setEnabled(self, on) if oldon != self.on: self.parent.config.set('notify', self.on) if self.on: self.timer.start() else: self.timer.stop() def setCurrentType(self, type): oldtype = self.type ToastMachine.setCurrentType(self, type) if oldtype != self.type: self.parent.config.set('notifyType', self.type) @QtCore.pyqtSlot() def showNext(self): ToastMachine.showNext(self) def run(self): pass #~ self.timer = QtCore.QTimer(self) #~ self.timer.setInterval(1000) #~ self.connect(self.timer, QtCore.SIGNAL('timeout()'), #~ self, QtCore.SLOT('showNext()')) #~ if self.on: #~ self.timer.start()