[color=#646464]-- mechanicalSpectacle [color=#0000ff][MS][/color] began pestering ghostDunk [color=#ff00ff][GD][/color] at 06:24 --[/color] [color=#0000ff]MS: Also, let me know when you're ready to start testing on Mac, I know someone who would really love to help[/color] [color=#ff00ff]GD: ah yeah[/color] [color=#ff00ff]GD: i need to find a programmer w/a mac or a public mac[/color] [color=#ff00ff]GD: that i can install software on...[/color] [color=#ff00ff]GD: huzzah blocking is done[/color] [color=#0000ff]MS: Well the person I know isn't a programmer, they're basically a Mac version of me XD[/color] [color=#ff00ff]GD: haha yeah[/color] [color=#ff00ff]GD: it could get complicated[/color] [color=#ff00ff]GD: although[/color] [color=#ff00ff]GD: it might nooooooot be[/color] [color=#ff00ff]GD: i bet there's someone from #pesterchum or ABT with a mac tho[/color] [color=#ff00ff]GD: that wants to help and is programmer-savvy[/color] [color=#0000ff]MS: Almost certain[/color] [color=#ff00ff]GD: or from #pesterlite[/color] [color=#0000ff]MS: pesterlite?[/color]