import * as _discordjs_util from '@discordjs/util'; import { Awaitable } from '@discordjs/util'; import { GatewayDispatchPayload, GatewayReadyDispatchData, GatewaySendPayload, GatewayOpcodes, GatewayIntentBits, GatewayIdentifyProperties, GatewayPresenceUpdateData, APIGatewayBotInfo } from 'discord-api-types/v10'; import * as _discordjs_collection from '@discordjs/collection'; import { Collection } from '@discordjs/collection'; import { AsyncEventEmitter } from '@vladfrangu/async_event_emitter'; import { REST } from '@discordjs/rest'; import { AsyncQueue } from '@sapphire/async-queue'; declare enum WebSocketShardEvents { Closed = "closed", Debug = "debug", Dispatch = "dispatch", Error = "error", HeartbeatComplete = "heartbeat", Hello = "hello", Ready = "ready", Resumed = "resumed" } declare enum WebSocketShardStatus { Idle = 0, Connecting = 1, Resuming = 2, Ready = 3 } declare enum WebSocketShardDestroyRecovery { Reconnect = 0, Resume = 1 } type WebSocketShardEventsMap = { [WebSocketShardEvents.Closed]: [{ code: number; }]; [WebSocketShardEvents.Debug]: [payload: { message: string; }]; [WebSocketShardEvents.Dispatch]: [payload: { data: GatewayDispatchPayload; }]; [WebSocketShardEvents.Error]: [payload: { error: Error; }]; [WebSocketShardEvents.Hello]: []; [WebSocketShardEvents.Ready]: [payload: { data: GatewayReadyDispatchData; }]; [WebSocketShardEvents.Resumed]: []; [WebSocketShardEvents.HeartbeatComplete]: [payload: { ackAt: number; heartbeatAt: number; latency: number; }]; }; interface WebSocketShardDestroyOptions { code?: number; reason?: string; recover?: WebSocketShardDestroyRecovery; } declare enum CloseCodes { Normal = 1000, Resuming = 4200 } interface SendRateLimitState { remaining: number; resetAt: number; } declare class WebSocketShard extends AsyncEventEmitter<WebSocketShardEventsMap> { #private; private connection; private useIdentifyCompress; private inflate; private readonly textDecoder; private replayedEvents; private isAck; private sendRateLimitState; private initialHeartbeatTimeoutController; private heartbeatInterval; private lastHeartbeatAt; private initialConnectResolved; private failedToConnectDueToNetworkError; private readonly sendQueue; private readonly timeoutAbortControllers; private readonly strategy; readonly id: number; get status(): WebSocketShardStatus; constructor(strategy: IContextFetchingStrategy, id: number); connect(): Promise<void>; private internalConnect; destroy(options?: WebSocketShardDestroyOptions): Promise<void>; private waitForEvent; send(payload: GatewaySendPayload): Promise<void>; private identify; private resume; private heartbeat; private unpackMessage; private onMessage; private onError; private onClose; private debug; } /** * Strategies responsible for spawning, initializing connections, destroying shards, and relaying events */ interface IShardingStrategy { /** * Initializes all the shards */ connect(): Awaitable<void>; /** * Destroys all the shards */ destroy(options?: Omit<WebSocketShardDestroyOptions, 'recover'>): Awaitable<void>; /** * Fetches the status of all the shards */ fetchStatus(): Awaitable<Collection<number, WebSocketShardStatus>>; /** * Sends a payload to a shard */ send(shardId: number, payload: GatewaySendPayload): Awaitable<void>; /** * Spawns all the shards */ spawn(shardIds: number[]): Awaitable<void>; } /** * IdentifyThrottlers are responsible for dictating when a shard is allowed to identify. * * @see {@link} */ interface IIdentifyThrottler { /** * Resolves once the given shard should be allowed to identify, or rejects if the operation was aborted. */ waitForIdentify(shardId: number, signal: AbortSignal): Promise<void>; } /** * Simple strategy that just spawns shards in the current process */ declare class SimpleShardingStrategy implements IShardingStrategy { private readonly manager; private readonly shards; constructor(manager: WebSocketManager); /** * {@inheritDoc IShardingStrategy.spawn} */ spawn(shardIds: number[]): Promise<void>; /** * {@inheritDoc IShardingStrategy.connect} */ connect(): Promise<void>; /** * {@inheritDoc IShardingStrategy.destroy} */ destroy(options?: Omit<WebSocketShardDestroyOptions, 'recover'>): Promise<void>; /** * {@inheritDoc IShardingStrategy.send} */ send(shardId: number, payload: GatewaySendPayload): Promise<void>; /** * {@inheritDoc IShardingStrategy.fetchStatus} */ fetchStatus(): Promise<Collection<number, WebSocketShardStatus>>; } /** * The state of a rate limit key's identify queue. */ interface IdentifyState { queue: AsyncQueue; resetsAt: number; } /** * Local, in-memory identify throttler. */ declare class SimpleIdentifyThrottler implements IIdentifyThrottler { private readonly maxConcurrency; private readonly states; constructor(maxConcurrency: number); /** * {@inheritDoc IIdentifyThrottler.waitForIdentify} */ waitForIdentify(shardId: number, signal: AbortSignal): Promise<void>; } /** * Valid encoding types */ declare enum Encoding { JSON = "json" } /** * Valid compression methods */ declare enum CompressionMethod { ZlibStream = "zlib-stream" } declare const DefaultDeviceProperty: `@discordjs/ws ${string}`; /** * Default options used by the manager */ declare const DefaultWebSocketManagerOptions: { readonly buildIdentifyThrottler: (manager: WebSocketManager) => Promise<SimpleIdentifyThrottler>; readonly buildStrategy: (manager: WebSocketManager) => SimpleShardingStrategy; readonly shardCount: null; readonly shardIds: null; readonly largeThreshold: null; readonly initialPresence: null; readonly identifyProperties: { readonly browser: `@discordjs/ws ${string}`; readonly device: `@discordjs/ws ${string}`; readonly os: NodeJS.Platform; }; readonly version: "10"; readonly encoding: Encoding; readonly compression: null; readonly retrieveSessionInfo: (shardId: number) => SessionInfo | null; readonly updateSessionInfo: (shardId: number, info: SessionInfo | null) => void; readonly handshakeTimeout: 30000; readonly helloTimeout: 60000; readonly readyTimeout: 15000; }; declare const ImportantGatewayOpcodes: Set<GatewayOpcodes>; declare function getInitialSendRateLimitState(): SendRateLimitState; /** * Represents a range of shard ids */ interface ShardRange { end: number; start: number; } /** * Session information for a given shard, used to resume a session */ interface SessionInfo { /** * URL to use when resuming */ resumeURL: string; /** * The sequence number of the last message sent by the shard */ sequence: number; /** * Session id for this shard */ sessionId: string; /** * The total number of shards at the time of this shard identifying */ shardCount: number; /** * The id of the shard */ shardId: number; } /** * Required options for the WebSocketManager */ interface RequiredWebSocketManagerOptions { /** * The intents to request */ intents: GatewayIntentBits | 0; /** * The REST instance to use for fetching gateway information */ rest: REST; /** * The token to use for identifying with the gateway */ token: string; } /** * Optional additional configuration for the WebSocketManager */ interface OptionalWebSocketManagerOptions { /** * Builds an identify throttler to use for this manager's shards */ buildIdentifyThrottler(manager: WebSocketManager): Awaitable<IIdentifyThrottler>; /** * Builds the strategy to use for sharding * * @example * ```ts * const manager = new WebSocketManager({ * token: process.env.DISCORD_TOKEN, * intents: 0, // for no intents * rest, * buildStrategy: (manager) => new WorkerShardingStrategy(manager, { shardsPerWorker: 2 }), * }); * ``` */ buildStrategy(manager: WebSocketManager): IShardingStrategy; /** * The compression method to use * * @defaultValue `null` (no compression) */ compression: CompressionMethod | null; /** * The encoding to use * * @defaultValue `'json'` */ encoding: Encoding; /** * How long to wait for a shard to connect before giving up */ handshakeTimeout: number | null; /** * How long to wait for a shard's HELLO packet before giving up */ helloTimeout: number | null; /** * Properties to send to the gateway when identifying */ identifyProperties: GatewayIdentifyProperties; /** * Initial presence data to send to the gateway when identifying */ initialPresence: GatewayPresenceUpdateData | null; /** * Value between 50 and 250, total number of members where the gateway will stop sending offline members in the guild member list */ largeThreshold: number | null; /** * How long to wait for a shard's READY packet before giving up */ readyTimeout: number | null; /** * Function used to retrieve session information (and attempt to resume) for a given shard * * @example * ```ts * const manager = new WebSocketManager({ * async retrieveSessionInfo(shardId): Awaitable<SessionInfo | null> { * // Fetch this info from redis or similar * return { sessionId: string, sequence: number }; * // Return null if no information is found * }, * }); * ``` */ retrieveSessionInfo(shardId: number): Awaitable<SessionInfo | null>; /** * The total number of shards across all WebsocketManagers you intend to instantiate. * Use `null` to use Discord's recommended shard count */ shardCount: number | null; /** * The ids of the shards this WebSocketManager should manage. * Use `null` to simply spawn 0 through `shardCount - 1` * * @example * ```ts * const manager = new WebSocketManager({ * shardIds: [1, 3, 7], // spawns shard 1, 3, and 7, nothing else * }); * ``` * @example * ```ts * const manager = new WebSocketManager({ * shardIds: { * start: 3, * end: 6, * }, // spawns shards 3, 4, 5, and 6 * }); * ``` */ shardIds: number[] | ShardRange | null; /** * Function used to store session information for a given shard */ updateSessionInfo(shardId: number, sessionInfo: SessionInfo | null): Awaitable<void>; /** * The gateway version to use * * @defaultValue `'10'` */ version: string; } type WebSocketManagerOptions = OptionalWebSocketManagerOptions & RequiredWebSocketManagerOptions; type ManagerShardEventsMap = { [K in keyof WebSocketShardEventsMap]: [ WebSocketShardEventsMap[K] extends [] ? { shardId: number; } : WebSocketShardEventsMap[K][0] & { shardId: number; } ]; }; declare class WebSocketManager extends AsyncEventEmitter<ManagerShardEventsMap> { /** * The options being used by this manager */ readonly options: WebSocketManagerOptions; /** * Internal cache for a GET /gateway/bot result */ private gatewayInformation; /** * Internal cache for the shard ids */ private shardIds; /** * Strategy used to manage shards * * @defaultValue `SimpleShardingStrategy` */ private readonly strategy; constructor(options: Partial<OptionalWebSocketManagerOptions> & RequiredWebSocketManagerOptions); /** * Fetches the gateway information from Discord - or returns it from cache if available * * @param force - Whether to ignore the cache and force a fresh fetch */ fetchGatewayInformation(force?: boolean): Promise<APIGatewayBotInfo>; /** * Updates your total shard count on-the-fly, spawning shards as needed * * @param shardCount - The new shard count to use */ updateShardCount(shardCount: number | null): Promise<this>; /** * Yields the total number of shards across for your bot, accounting for Discord recommendations */ getShardCount(): Promise<number>; /** * Yields the ids of the shards this manager should manage */ getShardIds(force?: boolean): Promise<number[]>; connect(): Promise<void>; destroy(options?: Omit<WebSocketShardDestroyOptions, 'recover'>): Awaitable<void>; send(shardId: number, payload: GatewaySendPayload): Awaitable<void>; fetchStatus(): Awaitable<_discordjs_collection.Collection<number, WebSocketShardStatus>>; } interface FetchingStrategyOptions extends Omit<WebSocketManagerOptions, 'buildIdentifyThrottler' | 'buildStrategy' | 'rest' | 'retrieveSessionInfo' | 'shardCount' | 'shardIds' | 'updateSessionInfo'> { readonly gatewayInformation: APIGatewayBotInfo; readonly shardCount: number; } /** * Strategies responsible solely for making manager information accessible */ interface IContextFetchingStrategy { readonly options: FetchingStrategyOptions; retrieveSessionInfo(shardId: number): Awaitable<SessionInfo | null>; updateSessionInfo(shardId: number, sessionInfo: SessionInfo | null): Awaitable<void>; /** * Resolves once the given shard should be allowed to identify, or rejects if the operation was aborted */ waitForIdentify(shardId: number, signal: AbortSignal): Promise<void>; } declare function managerToFetchingStrategyOptions(manager: WebSocketManager): Promise<FetchingStrategyOptions>; declare class SimpleContextFetchingStrategy implements IContextFetchingStrategy { private readonly manager; readonly options: FetchingStrategyOptions; private static throttlerCache; private static ensureThrottler; constructor(manager: WebSocketManager, options: FetchingStrategyOptions); retrieveSessionInfo(shardId: number): Promise<SessionInfo | null>; updateSessionInfo(shardId: number, sessionInfo: SessionInfo | null): _discordjs_util.Awaitable<void>; waitForIdentify(shardId: number, signal: AbortSignal): Promise<void>; } declare class WorkerContextFetchingStrategy implements IContextFetchingStrategy { readonly options: FetchingStrategyOptions; private readonly sessionPromises; private readonly waitForIdentifyPromises; constructor(options: FetchingStrategyOptions); retrieveSessionInfo(shardId: number): Promise<SessionInfo | null>; updateSessionInfo(shardId: number, sessionInfo: SessionInfo | null): void; waitForIdentify(shardId: number, signal: AbortSignal): Promise<void>; } interface WorkerData extends FetchingStrategyOptions { shardIds: number[]; } declare enum WorkerSendPayloadOp { Connect = 0, Destroy = 1, Send = 2, SessionInfoResponse = 3, ShardIdentifyResponse = 4, FetchStatus = 5 } type WorkerSendPayload = { nonce: number; ok: boolean; op: WorkerSendPayloadOp.ShardIdentifyResponse; } | { nonce: number; op: WorkerSendPayloadOp.FetchStatus; shardId: number; } | { nonce: number; op: WorkerSendPayloadOp.SessionInfoResponse; session: SessionInfo | null; } | { op: WorkerSendPayloadOp.Connect; shardId: number; } | { op: WorkerSendPayloadOp.Destroy; options?: WebSocketShardDestroyOptions; shardId: number; } | { op: WorkerSendPayloadOp.Send; payload: GatewaySendPayload; shardId: number; }; declare enum WorkerReceivePayloadOp { Connected = 0, Destroyed = 1, Event = 2, RetrieveSessionInfo = 3, UpdateSessionInfo = 4, WaitForIdentify = 5, FetchStatusResponse = 6, WorkerReady = 7, CancelIdentify = 8 } type WorkerReceivePayload = { data: any; event: WebSocketShardEvents; op: WorkerReceivePayloadOp.Event; shardId: number; } | { nonce: number; op: WorkerReceivePayloadOp.CancelIdentify; } | { nonce: number; op: WorkerReceivePayloadOp.FetchStatusResponse; status: WebSocketShardStatus; } | { nonce: number; op: WorkerReceivePayloadOp.RetrieveSessionInfo; shardId: number; } | { nonce: number; op: WorkerReceivePayloadOp.WaitForIdentify; shardId: number; } | { op: WorkerReceivePayloadOp.Connected; shardId: number; } | { op: WorkerReceivePayloadOp.Destroyed; shardId: number; } | { op: WorkerReceivePayloadOp.UpdateSessionInfo; session: SessionInfo | null; shardId: number; } | { op: WorkerReceivePayloadOp.WorkerReady; }; /** * Options for a {@link WorkerShardingStrategy} */ interface WorkerShardingStrategyOptions { /** * Dictates how many shards should be spawned per worker thread. */ shardsPerWorker: number | 'all'; /** * Path to the worker file to use. The worker requires quite a bit of setup, it is recommended you leverage the {@link WorkerBootstrapper} class. */ workerPath?: string; } /** * Strategy used to spawn threads in worker_threads */ declare class WorkerShardingStrategy implements IShardingStrategy { #private; private readonly manager; private readonly options; private readonly connectPromises; private readonly destroyPromises; private readonly fetchStatusPromises; private readonly waitForIdentifyControllers; private throttler?; constructor(manager: WebSocketManager, options: WorkerShardingStrategyOptions); /** * {@inheritDoc IShardingStrategy.spawn} */ spawn(shardIds: number[]): Promise<void>; /** * {@inheritDoc IShardingStrategy.connect} */ connect(): Promise<void>; /** * {@inheritDoc IShardingStrategy.destroy} */ destroy(options?: Omit<WebSocketShardDestroyOptions, 'recover'>): Promise<void>; /** * {@inheritDoc IShardingStrategy.send} */ send(shardId: number, data: GatewaySendPayload): void; /** * {@inheritDoc IShardingStrategy.fetchStatus} */ fetchStatus(): Promise<Collection<number, WebSocketShardStatus>>; private setupWorker; private resolveWorkerPath; private waitForWorkerReady; private onMessage; private ensureThrottler; } /** * Options for bootstrapping the worker */ interface BootstrapOptions { /** * Shard events to just arbitrarily forward to the parent thread for the manager to emit * Note: By default, this will include ALL events * you most likely want to handle dispatch within the worker itself */ forwardEvents?: WebSocketShardEvents[]; /** * Function to call when a shard is created for additional setup */ shardCallback?(shard: WebSocketShard): Awaitable<void>; } /** * Utility class for bootstrapping a worker thread to be used for sharding */ declare class WorkerBootstrapper { /** * The data passed to the worker thread */ protected readonly data: WorkerData; /** * The shards that are managed by this worker */ protected readonly shards: Collection<number, WebSocketShard>; constructor(); /** * Helper method to initiate a shard's connection process */ protected connect(shardId: number): Promise<void>; /** * Helper method to destroy a shard */ protected destroy(shardId: number, options?: WebSocketShardDestroyOptions): Promise<void>; /** * Helper method to attach event listeners to the parentPort */ protected setupThreadEvents(): void; /** * Bootstraps the worker thread with the provided options */ bootstrap(options?: Readonly<BootstrapOptions>): Promise<void>; } /** * The {@link | @discordjs/ws} version * that you are currently using. */ declare const version: string; export { BootstrapOptions, CloseCodes, CompressionMethod, DefaultDeviceProperty, DefaultWebSocketManagerOptions, Encoding, FetchingStrategyOptions, IContextFetchingStrategy, IIdentifyThrottler, IShardingStrategy, IdentifyState, ImportantGatewayOpcodes, ManagerShardEventsMap, OptionalWebSocketManagerOptions, RequiredWebSocketManagerOptions, SendRateLimitState, SessionInfo, ShardRange, SimpleContextFetchingStrategy, SimpleIdentifyThrottler, SimpleShardingStrategy, WebSocketManager, WebSocketManagerOptions, WebSocketShard, WebSocketShardDestroyOptions, WebSocketShardDestroyRecovery, WebSocketShardEvents, WebSocketShardEventsMap, WebSocketShardStatus, WorkerBootstrapper, WorkerContextFetchingStrategy, WorkerData, WorkerReceivePayload, WorkerReceivePayloadOp, WorkerSendPayload, WorkerSendPayloadOp, WorkerShardingStrategy, WorkerShardingStrategyOptions, getInitialSendRateLimitState, managerToFetchingStrategyOptions, version };