'use strict' const { MockNotMatchedError } = require('./mock-errors') const { kDispatches, kMockAgent, kOriginalDispatch, kOrigin, kGetNetConnect } = require('./mock-symbols') const { buildURL, nop } = require('../core/util') const { STATUS_CODES } = require('http') const { types: { isPromise } } = require('util') function matchValue (match, value) { if (typeof match === 'string') { return match === value } if (match instanceof RegExp) { return match.test(value) } if (typeof match === 'function') { return match(value) === true } return false } function lowerCaseEntries (headers) { return Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(headers).map(([headerName, headerValue]) => { return [headerName.toLocaleLowerCase(), headerValue] }) ) } /** * @param {import('../../index').Headers|string[]|Record<string, string>} headers * @param {string} key */ function getHeaderByName (headers, key) { if (Array.isArray(headers)) { for (let i = 0; i < headers.length; i += 2) { if (headers[i].toLocaleLowerCase() === key.toLocaleLowerCase()) { return headers[i + 1] } } return undefined } else if (typeof headers.get === 'function') { return headers.get(key) } else { return lowerCaseEntries(headers)[key.toLocaleLowerCase()] } } /** @param {string[]} headers */ function buildHeadersFromArray (headers) { // fetch HeadersList const clone = headers.slice() const entries = [] for (let index = 0; index < clone.length; index += 2) { entries.push([clone[index], clone[index + 1]]) } return Object.fromEntries(entries) } function matchHeaders (mockDispatch, headers) { if (typeof mockDispatch.headers === 'function') { if (Array.isArray(headers)) { // fetch HeadersList headers = buildHeadersFromArray(headers) } return mockDispatch.headers(headers ? lowerCaseEntries(headers) : {}) } if (typeof mockDispatch.headers === 'undefined') { return true } if (typeof headers !== 'object' || typeof mockDispatch.headers !== 'object') { return false } for (const [matchHeaderName, matchHeaderValue] of Object.entries(mockDispatch.headers)) { const headerValue = getHeaderByName(headers, matchHeaderName) if (!matchValue(matchHeaderValue, headerValue)) { return false } } return true } function safeUrl (path) { if (typeof path !== 'string') { return path } const pathSegments = path.split('?') if (pathSegments.length !== 2) { return path } const qp = new URLSearchParams(pathSegments.pop()) qp.sort() return [...pathSegments, qp.toString()].join('?') } function matchKey (mockDispatch, { path, method, body, headers }) { const pathMatch = matchValue(mockDispatch.path, path) const methodMatch = matchValue(mockDispatch.method, method) const bodyMatch = typeof mockDispatch.body !== 'undefined' ? matchValue(mockDispatch.body, body) : true const headersMatch = matchHeaders(mockDispatch, headers) return pathMatch && methodMatch && bodyMatch && headersMatch } function getResponseData (data) { if (Buffer.isBuffer(data)) { return data } else if (typeof data === 'object') { return JSON.stringify(data) } else { return data.toString() } } function getMockDispatch (mockDispatches, key) { const basePath = key.query ? buildURL(key.path, key.query) : key.path const resolvedPath = typeof basePath === 'string' ? safeUrl(basePath) : basePath // Match path let matchedMockDispatches = mockDispatches.filter(({ consumed }) => !consumed).filter(({ path }) => matchValue(safeUrl(path), resolvedPath)) if (matchedMockDispatches.length === 0) { throw new MockNotMatchedError(`Mock dispatch not matched for path '${resolvedPath}'`) } // Match method matchedMockDispatches = matchedMockDispatches.filter(({ method }) => matchValue(method, key.method)) if (matchedMockDispatches.length === 0) { throw new MockNotMatchedError(`Mock dispatch not matched for method '${key.method}'`) } // Match body matchedMockDispatches = matchedMockDispatches.filter(({ body }) => typeof body !== 'undefined' ? matchValue(body, key.body) : true) if (matchedMockDispatches.length === 0) { throw new MockNotMatchedError(`Mock dispatch not matched for body '${key.body}'`) } // Match headers matchedMockDispatches = matchedMockDispatches.filter((mockDispatch) => matchHeaders(mockDispatch, key.headers)) if (matchedMockDispatches.length === 0) { throw new MockNotMatchedError(`Mock dispatch not matched for headers '${typeof key.headers === 'object' ? JSON.stringify(key.headers) : key.headers}'`) } return matchedMockDispatches[0] } function addMockDispatch (mockDispatches, key, data) { const baseData = { timesInvoked: 0, times: 1, persist: false, consumed: false } const replyData = typeof data === 'function' ? { callback: data } : { ...data } const newMockDispatch = { ...baseData, ...key, pending: true, data: { error: null, ...replyData } } mockDispatches.push(newMockDispatch) return newMockDispatch } function deleteMockDispatch (mockDispatches, key) { const index = mockDispatches.findIndex(dispatch => { if (!dispatch.consumed) { return false } return matchKey(dispatch, key) }) if (index !== -1) { mockDispatches.splice(index, 1) } } function buildKey (opts) { const { path, method, body, headers, query } = opts return { path, method, body, headers, query } } function generateKeyValues (data) { return Object.entries(data).reduce((keyValuePairs, [key, value]) => [ ...keyValuePairs, Buffer.from(`${key}`), Array.isArray(value) ? value.map(x => Buffer.from(`${x}`)) : Buffer.from(`${value}`) ], []) } /** * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status * @param {number} statusCode */ function getStatusText (statusCode) { return STATUS_CODES[statusCode] || 'unknown' } async function getResponse (body) { const buffers = [] for await (const data of body) { buffers.push(data) } return Buffer.concat(buffers).toString('utf8') } /** * Mock dispatch function used to simulate undici dispatches */ function mockDispatch (opts, handler) { // Get mock dispatch from built key const key = buildKey(opts) const mockDispatch = getMockDispatch(this[kDispatches], key) mockDispatch.timesInvoked++ // Here's where we resolve a callback if a callback is present for the dispatch data. if (mockDispatch.data.callback) { mockDispatch.data = { ...mockDispatch.data, ...mockDispatch.data.callback(opts) } } // Parse mockDispatch data const { data: { statusCode, data, headers, trailers, error }, delay, persist } = mockDispatch const { timesInvoked, times } = mockDispatch // If it's used up and not persistent, mark as consumed mockDispatch.consumed = !persist && timesInvoked >= times mockDispatch.pending = timesInvoked < times // If specified, trigger dispatch error if (error !== null) { deleteMockDispatch(this[kDispatches], key) handler.onError(error) return true } // Handle the request with a delay if necessary if (typeof delay === 'number' && delay > 0) { setTimeout(() => { handleReply(this[kDispatches]) }, delay) } else { handleReply(this[kDispatches]) } function handleReply (mockDispatches, _data = data) { // fetch's HeadersList is a 1D string array const optsHeaders = Array.isArray(opts.headers) ? buildHeadersFromArray(opts.headers) : opts.headers const body = typeof _data === 'function' ? _data({ ...opts, headers: optsHeaders }) : _data // util.types.isPromise is likely needed for jest. if (isPromise(body)) { // If handleReply is asynchronous, throwing an error // in the callback will reject the promise, rather than // synchronously throw the error, which breaks some tests. // Rather, we wait for the callback to resolve if it is a // promise, and then re-run handleReply with the new body. body.then((newData) => handleReply(mockDispatches, newData)) return } const responseData = getResponseData(body) const responseHeaders = generateKeyValues(headers) const responseTrailers = generateKeyValues(trailers) handler.abort = nop handler.onHeaders(statusCode, responseHeaders, resume, getStatusText(statusCode)) handler.onData(Buffer.from(responseData)) handler.onComplete(responseTrailers) deleteMockDispatch(mockDispatches, key) } function resume () {} return true } function buildMockDispatch () { const agent = this[kMockAgent] const origin = this[kOrigin] const originalDispatch = this[kOriginalDispatch] return function dispatch (opts, handler) { if (agent.isMockActive) { try { mockDispatch.call(this, opts, handler) } catch (error) { if (error instanceof MockNotMatchedError) { const netConnect = agent[kGetNetConnect]() if (netConnect === false) { throw new MockNotMatchedError(`${error.message}: subsequent request to origin ${origin} was not allowed (net.connect disabled)`) } if (checkNetConnect(netConnect, origin)) { originalDispatch.call(this, opts, handler) } else { throw new MockNotMatchedError(`${error.message}: subsequent request to origin ${origin} was not allowed (net.connect is not enabled for this origin)`) } } else { throw error } } } else { originalDispatch.call(this, opts, handler) } } } function checkNetConnect (netConnect, origin) { const url = new URL(origin) if (netConnect === true) { return true } else if (Array.isArray(netConnect) && netConnect.some((matcher) => matchValue(matcher, url.host))) { return true } return false } function buildMockOptions (opts) { if (opts) { const { agent, ...mockOptions } = opts return mockOptions } } module.exports = { getResponseData, getMockDispatch, addMockDispatch, deleteMockDispatch, buildKey, generateKeyValues, matchValue, getResponse, getStatusText, mockDispatch, buildMockDispatch, checkNetConnect, buildMockOptions, getHeaderByName }