var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", { value, configurable: true }); // src/lib/CDN.ts import { URL } from "node:url"; // src/lib/utils/constants.ts import process from "node:process"; import { APIVersion } from "discord-api-types/v10"; import { Agent } from "undici"; var DefaultUserAgent = `DiscordBot (, 1.7.1)`; var DefaultUserAgentAppendix = process.release?.name === "node" ? `Node.js/${process.version}` : ""; var DefaultRestOptions = { get agent() { return new Agent({ connect: { timeout: 3e4 } }); }, api: "", authPrefix: "Bot", cdn: "", headers: {}, invalidRequestWarningInterval: 0, globalRequestsPerSecond: 50, offset: 50, rejectOnRateLimit: null, retries: 3, timeout: 15e3, userAgentAppendix: DefaultUserAgentAppendix, version: APIVersion, hashSweepInterval: 144e5, // 4 Hours hashLifetime: 864e5, // 24 Hours handlerSweepInterval: 36e5 // 1 Hour }; var RESTEvents = /* @__PURE__ */ ((RESTEvents2) => { RESTEvents2["Debug"] = "restDebug"; RESTEvents2["HandlerSweep"] = "handlerSweep"; RESTEvents2["HashSweep"] = "hashSweep"; RESTEvents2["InvalidRequestWarning"] = "invalidRequestWarning"; RESTEvents2["RateLimited"] = "rateLimited"; RESTEvents2["Response"] = "response"; return RESTEvents2; })(RESTEvents || {}); var ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = ["webp", "png", "jpg", "jpeg", "gif"]; var ALLOWED_STICKER_EXTENSIONS = ["png", "json", "gif"]; var ALLOWED_SIZES = [16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096]; var OverwrittenMimeTypes = { // "image/apng": "image/png" }; var BurstHandlerMajorIdKey = "burst"; // src/lib/CDN.ts var CDN = class { constructor(base = DefaultRestOptions.cdn) { this.base = base; } /** * Generates an app asset URL for a client's asset. * * @param clientId - The client id that has the asset * @param assetHash - The hash provided by Discord for this asset * @param options - Optional options for the asset */ appAsset(clientId, assetHash, options) { return this.makeURL(`/app-assets/${clientId}/${assetHash}`, options); } /** * Generates an app icon URL for a client's icon. * * @param clientId - The client id that has the icon * @param iconHash - The hash provided by Discord for this icon * @param options - Optional options for the icon */ appIcon(clientId, iconHash, options) { return this.makeURL(`/app-icons/${clientId}/${iconHash}`, options); } /** * Generates an avatar URL, e.g. for a user or a webhook. * * @param id - The id that has the icon * @param avatarHash - The hash provided by Discord for this avatar * @param options - Optional options for the avatar */ avatar(id, avatarHash, options) { return this.dynamicMakeURL(`/avatars/${id}/${avatarHash}`, avatarHash, options); } /** * Generates a banner URL, e.g. for a user or a guild. * * @param id - The id that has the banner splash * @param bannerHash - The hash provided by Discord for this banner * @param options - Optional options for the banner */ banner(id, bannerHash, options) { return this.dynamicMakeURL(`/banners/${id}/${bannerHash}`, bannerHash, options); } /** * Generates an icon URL for a channel, e.g. a group DM. * * @param channelId - The channel id that has the icon * @param iconHash - The hash provided by Discord for this channel * @param options - Optional options for the icon */ channelIcon(channelId, iconHash, options) { return this.makeURL(`/channel-icons/${channelId}/${iconHash}`, options); } /** * Generates the default avatar URL for a discriminator. * * @param discriminator - The discriminator modulo 5 */ defaultAvatar(discriminator) { return this.makeURL(`/embed/avatars/${discriminator}`, { extension: "png" }); } /** * Generates a discovery splash URL for a guild's discovery splash. * * @param guildId - The guild id that has the discovery splash * @param splashHash - The hash provided by Discord for this splash * @param options - Optional options for the splash */ discoverySplash(guildId, splashHash, options) { return this.makeURL(`/discovery-splashes/${guildId}/${splashHash}`, options); } /** * Generates an emoji's URL for an emoji. * * @param emojiId - The emoji id * @param extension - The extension of the emoji */ emoji(emojiId, extension) { return this.makeURL(`/emojis/${emojiId}`, { extension }); } /** * Generates a guild member avatar URL. * * @param guildId - The id of the guild * @param userId - The id of the user * @param avatarHash - The hash provided by Discord for this avatar * @param options - Optional options for the avatar */ guildMemberAvatar(guildId, userId, avatarHash, options) { return this.dynamicMakeURL(`/guilds/${guildId}/users/${userId}/avatars/${avatarHash}`, avatarHash, options); } /** * Generates a guild member banner URL. * * @param guildId - The id of the guild * @param userId - The id of the user * @param bannerHash - The hash provided by Discord for this banner * @param options - Optional options for the banner */ guildMemberBanner(guildId, userId, bannerHash, options) { return this.dynamicMakeURL(`/guilds/${guildId}/users/${userId}/banner`, bannerHash, options); } /** * Generates an icon URL, e.g. for a guild. * * @param id - The id that has the icon splash * @param iconHash - The hash provided by Discord for this icon * @param options - Optional options for the icon */ icon(id, iconHash, options) { return this.dynamicMakeURL(`/icons/${id}/${iconHash}`, iconHash, options); } /** * Generates a URL for the icon of a role * * @param roleId - The id of the role that has the icon * @param roleIconHash - The hash provided by Discord for this role icon * @param options - Optional options for the role icon */ roleIcon(roleId, roleIconHash, options) { return this.makeURL(`/role-icons/${roleId}/${roleIconHash}`, options); } /** * Generates a guild invite splash URL for a guild's invite splash. * * @param guildId - The guild id that has the invite splash * @param splashHash - The hash provided by Discord for this splash * @param options - Optional options for the splash */ splash(guildId, splashHash, options) { return this.makeURL(`/splashes/${guildId}/${splashHash}`, options); } /** * Generates a sticker URL. * * @param stickerId - The sticker id * @param extension - The extension of the sticker * @privateRemarks * Stickers cannot have a `.webp` extension, so we default to a `.png` */ sticker(stickerId, extension = "png") { return this.makeURL(`/stickers/${stickerId}`, { allowedExtensions: ALLOWED_STICKER_EXTENSIONS, extension }); } /** * Generates a sticker pack banner URL. * * @param bannerId - The banner id * @param options - Optional options for the banner */ stickerPackBanner(bannerId, options) { return this.makeURL(`/app-assets/710982414301790216/store/${bannerId}`, options); } /** * Generates a team icon URL for a team's icon. * * @param teamId - The team id that has the icon * @param iconHash - The hash provided by Discord for this icon * @param options - Optional options for the icon */ teamIcon(teamId, iconHash, options) { return this.makeURL(`/team-icons/${teamId}/${iconHash}`, options); } /** * Generates a cover image for a guild scheduled event. * * @param scheduledEventId - The scheduled event id * @param coverHash - The hash provided by discord for this cover image * @param options - Optional options for the cover image */ guildScheduledEventCover(scheduledEventId, coverHash, options) { return this.makeURL(`/guild-events/${scheduledEventId}/${coverHash}`, options); } /** * Constructs the URL for the resource, checking whether or not `hash` starts with `a_` if `dynamic` is set to `true`. * * @param route - The base cdn route * @param hash - The hash provided by Discord for this icon * @param options - Optional options for the link */ dynamicMakeURL(route, hash, { forceStatic = false, ...options } = {}) { return this.makeURL(route, !forceStatic && hash.startsWith("a_") ? { ...options, extension: "gif" } : options); } /** * Constructs the URL for the resource * * @param route - The base cdn route * @param options - The extension/size options for the link */ makeURL(route, { allowedExtensions = ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS, extension = "webp", size } = {}) { extension = String(extension).toLowerCase(); if (!allowedExtensions.includes(extension)) { throw new RangeError(`Invalid extension provided: ${extension} Must be one of: ${allowedExtensions.join(", ")}`); } if (size && !ALLOWED_SIZES.includes(size)) { throw new RangeError(`Invalid size provided: ${size} Must be one of: ${ALLOWED_SIZES.join(", ")}`); } const url = new URL(`${this.base}${route}.${extension}`); if (size) { url.searchParams.set("size", String(size)); } return url.toString(); } }; __name(CDN, "CDN"); // src/lib/errors/DiscordAPIError.ts function isErrorGroupWrapper(error) { return Reflect.has(error, "_errors"); } __name(isErrorGroupWrapper, "isErrorGroupWrapper"); function isErrorResponse(error) { return typeof Reflect.get(error, "message") === "string"; } __name(isErrorResponse, "isErrorResponse"); var DiscordAPIError = class extends Error { /** * @param rawError - The error reported by Discord * @param code - The error code reported by Discord * @param status - The status code of the response * @param method - The method of the request that erred * @param url - The url of the request that erred * @param bodyData - The unparsed data for the request that errored */ constructor(rawError, code, status, method, url, bodyData) { super(DiscordAPIError.getMessage(rawError)); this.rawError = rawError; this.code = code; this.status = status; this.method = method; this.url = url; this.requestBody = { files: bodyData.files, json: bodyData.body }; } requestBody; /** * The name of the error */ get name() { return `${}[${this.code}]`; } static getMessage(error) { let flattened = ""; if ("code" in error) { if (error.errors) { flattened = [...this.flattenDiscordError(error.errors)].join("\n"); } return error.message && flattened ? `${error.message} ${flattened}` : error.message || flattened || "Unknown Error"; } return error.error_description ?? "No Description"; } static *flattenDiscordError(obj, key = "") { if (isErrorResponse(obj)) { return yield `${key.length ? `${key}[${obj.code}]` : `${obj.code}`}: ${obj.message}`.trim(); } for (const [otherKey, val] of Object.entries(obj)) { const nextKey = otherKey.startsWith("_") ? key : key ? Number.isNaN(Number(otherKey)) ? `${key}.${otherKey}` : `${key}[${otherKey}]` : otherKey; if (typeof val === "string") { yield val; } else if (isErrorGroupWrapper(val)) { for (const error of val._errors) { yield* this.flattenDiscordError(error, nextKey); } } else { yield* this.flattenDiscordError(val, nextKey); } } } }; __name(DiscordAPIError, "DiscordAPIError"); // src/lib/errors/HTTPError.ts import { STATUS_CODES } from "node:http"; var HTTPError = class extends Error { /** * @param status - The status code of the response * @param method - The method of the request that erred * @param url - The url of the request that erred * @param bodyData - The unparsed data for the request that errored */ constructor(status, method, url, bodyData) { super(STATUS_CODES[status]); this.status = status; this.method = method; this.url = url; this.requestBody = { files: bodyData.files, json: bodyData.body }; } requestBody; name =; }; __name(HTTPError, "HTTPError"); // src/lib/errors/RateLimitError.ts var RateLimitError = class extends Error { timeToReset; limit; method; hash; url; route; majorParameter; global; constructor({ timeToReset, limit, method, hash, url, route, majorParameter, global }) { super(); this.timeToReset = timeToReset; this.limit = limit; this.method = method; this.hash = hash; this.url = url; this.route = route; this.majorParameter = majorParameter; = global; } /** * The name of the error */ get name() { return `${}[${this.route}]`; } }; __name(RateLimitError, "RateLimitError"); // src/lib/RequestManager.ts import { Blob as Blob2, Buffer as Buffer3 } from "node:buffer"; import { EventEmitter } from "node:events"; import { setInterval, clearInterval } from "node:timers"; import { Collection } from "@discordjs/collection"; import { lazy } from "@discordjs/util"; import { DiscordSnowflake } from "@sapphire/snowflake"; import { FormData as FormData2 } from "undici"; // src/lib/handlers/BurstHandler.ts import { setTimeout as sleep } from "node:timers/promises"; // src/lib/utils/utils.ts import { Blob, Buffer as Buffer2 } from "node:buffer"; import { URLSearchParams } from "node:url"; import { types } from "node:util"; import { FormData } from "undici"; function parseHeader(header) { if (header === void 0 || typeof header === "string") { return header; } return header.join(";"); } __name(parseHeader, "parseHeader"); function serializeSearchParam(value) { switch (typeof value) { case "string": return value; case "number": case "bigint": case "boolean": return value.toString(); case "object": if (value === null) return null; if (value instanceof Date) { return Number.isNaN(value.getTime()) ? null : value.toISOString(); } if (typeof value.toString === "function" && value.toString !== Object.prototype.toString) return value.toString(); return null; default: return null; } } __name(serializeSearchParam, "serializeSearchParam"); function makeURLSearchParams(options) { const params = new URLSearchParams(); if (!options) return params; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(options)) { const serialized = serializeSearchParam(value); if (serialized !== null) params.append(key, serialized); } return params; } __name(makeURLSearchParams, "makeURLSearchParams"); async function parseResponse(res) { const header = parseHeader(res.headers["content-type"]); if (header?.startsWith("application/json")) { return res.body.json(); } return res.body.arrayBuffer(); } __name(parseResponse, "parseResponse"); function hasSublimit(bucketRoute, body, method) { if (bucketRoute === "/channels/:id") { if (typeof body !== "object" || body === null) return false; if (method !== "PATCH" /* Patch */) return false; const castedBody = body; return ["name", "topic"].some((key) => Reflect.has(castedBody, key)); } return true; } __name(hasSublimit, "hasSublimit"); async function resolveBody(body) { if (body == null) { return null; } else if (typeof body === "string") { return body; } else if (types.isUint8Array(body)) { return body; } else if (types.isArrayBuffer(body)) { return new Uint8Array(body); } else if (body instanceof URLSearchParams) { return body.toString(); } else if (body instanceof DataView) { return new Uint8Array(body.buffer); } else if (body instanceof Blob) { return new Uint8Array(await body.arrayBuffer()); } else if (body instanceof FormData) { return body; } else if (body[Symbol.iterator]) { const chunks = [...body]; const length = chunks.reduce((a, b) => a + b.length, 0); const uint8 = new Uint8Array(length); let lengthUsed = 0; return chunks.reduce((a, b) => { a.set(b, lengthUsed); lengthUsed += b.length; return a; }, uint8); } else if (body[Symbol.asyncIterator]) { const chunks = []; for await (const chunk of body) { chunks.push(chunk); } return Buffer2.concat(chunks); } throw new TypeError(`Unable to resolve body.`); } __name(resolveBody, "resolveBody"); function shouldRetry(error) { if ( === "AbortError") return true; return "code" in error && error.code === "ECONNRESET" || error.message.includes("ECONNRESET"); } __name(shouldRetry, "shouldRetry"); async function onRateLimit(manager, rateLimitData) { const { options } = manager; if (!options.rejectOnRateLimit) return; const shouldThrow = typeof options.rejectOnRateLimit === "function" ? await options.rejectOnRateLimit(rateLimitData) : options.rejectOnRateLimit.some((route) => rateLimitData.route.startsWith(route.toLowerCase())); if (shouldThrow) { throw new RateLimitError(rateLimitData); } } __name(onRateLimit, "onRateLimit"); // src/lib/handlers/Shared.ts import { setTimeout, clearTimeout } from "node:timers"; import { request } from "undici"; var invalidCount = 0; var invalidCountResetTime = null; function incrementInvalidCount(manager) { if (!invalidCountResetTime || invalidCountResetTime < { invalidCountResetTime = + 1e3 * 60 * 10; invalidCount = 0; } invalidCount++; const emitInvalid = manager.options.invalidRequestWarningInterval > 0 && invalidCount % manager.options.invalidRequestWarningInterval === 0; if (emitInvalid) { manager.emit("invalidRequestWarning" /* InvalidRequestWarning */, { count: invalidCount, remainingTime: invalidCountResetTime - }); } } __name(incrementInvalidCount, "incrementInvalidCount"); async function makeNetworkRequest(manager, routeId, url, options, requestData, retries) { const controller = new AbortController(); const timeout = setTimeout(() => controller.abort(), manager.options.timeout).unref(); if (requestData.signal) { const signal = requestData.signal; if (signal.aborted) controller.abort(); else signal.addEventListener("abort", () => controller.abort()); } let res; try { res = await request(url, { ...options, signal: controller.signal }); } catch (error) { if (!(error instanceof Error)) throw error; if (shouldRetry(error) && retries !== manager.options.retries) { return null; } throw error; } finally { clearTimeout(timeout); } if (manager.listenerCount("response" /* Response */)) { manager.emit( "response" /* Response */, { method: options.method ?? "get", path: routeId.original, route: routeId.bucketRoute, options, data: requestData, retries }, { ...res } ); } return res; } __name(makeNetworkRequest, "makeNetworkRequest"); async function handleErrors(manager, res, method, url, requestData, retries) { const status = res.statusCode; if (status >= 500 && status < 600) { if (retries !== manager.options.retries) { return null; } throw new HTTPError(status, method, url, requestData); } else { if (status >= 400 && status < 500) { if (status === 401 && requestData.auth) { manager.setToken(null); } const data = await parseResponse(res); throw new DiscordAPIError(data, "code" in data ? data.code : data.error, status, method, url, requestData); } return res; } } __name(handleErrors, "handleErrors"); // src/lib/handlers/BurstHandler.ts var BurstHandler = class { /** * @param manager - The request manager * @param hash - The hash that this RequestHandler handles * @param majorParameter - The major parameter for this handler */ constructor(manager, hash, majorParameter) { this.manager = manager; this.hash = hash; this.majorParameter = majorParameter; = `${hash}:${majorParameter}`; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ id; /** * {@inheritDoc IHandler.inactive} */ inactive = false; /** * Emits a debug message * * @param message - The message to debug */ debug(message) { this.manager.emit("restDebug" /* Debug */, `[REST ${}] ${message}`); } /** * {@inheritDoc IHandler.queueRequest} */ async queueRequest(routeId, url, options, requestData) { return this.runRequest(routeId, url, options, requestData); } /** * The method that actually makes the request to the API, and updates info about the bucket accordingly * * @param routeId - The generalized API route with literal ids for major parameters * @param url - The fully resolved URL to make the request to * @param options - The fetch options needed to make the request * @param requestData - Extra data from the user's request needed for errors and additional processing * @param retries - The number of retries this request has already attempted (recursion) */ async runRequest(routeId, url, options, requestData, retries = 0) { const method = options.method ?? "get"; const res = await makeNetworkRequest(this.manager, routeId, url, options, requestData, retries); if (res === null) { return this.runRequest(routeId, url, options, requestData, ++retries); } const status = res.statusCode; let retryAfter = 0; const retry = parseHeader(res.headers["retry-after"]); if (retry) retryAfter = Number(retry) * 1e3 + this.manager.options.offset; if (status === 401 || status === 403 || status === 429) { incrementInvalidCount(this.manager); } if (status >= 200 && status < 300) { return res; } else if (status === 429) { const isGlobal = res.headers["x-ratelimit-global"] !== void 0; await onRateLimit(this.manager, { timeToReset: retryAfter, limit: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, method, hash: this.hash, url, route: routeId.bucketRoute, majorParameter: this.majorParameter, global: isGlobal }); this.debug( [ "Encountered unexpected 429 rate limit", ` Global : ${isGlobal}`, ` Method : ${method}`, ` URL : ${url}`, ` Bucket : ${routeId.bucketRoute}`, ` Major parameter: ${routeId.majorParameter}`, ` Hash : ${this.hash}`, ` Limit : ${Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY}`, ` Retry After : ${retryAfter}ms`, ` Sublimit : None` ].join("\n") ); await sleep(retryAfter); return this.runRequest(routeId, url, options, requestData, retries); } else { const handled = await handleErrors(this.manager, res, method, url, requestData, retries); if (handled === null) { return this.runRequest(routeId, url, options, requestData, ++retries); } return handled; } } }; __name(BurstHandler, "BurstHandler"); // src/lib/handlers/SequentialHandler.ts import { setTimeout as sleep2 } from "node:timers/promises"; import { AsyncQueue } from "@sapphire/async-queue"; var SequentialHandler = class { /** * @param manager - The request manager * @param hash - The hash that this RequestHandler handles * @param majorParameter - The major parameter for this handler */ constructor(manager, hash, majorParameter) { this.manager = manager; this.hash = hash; this.majorParameter = majorParameter; = `${hash}:${majorParameter}`; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ id; /** * The time this rate limit bucket will reset */ reset = -1; /** * The remaining requests that can be made before we are rate limited */ remaining = 1; /** * The total number of requests that can be made before we are rate limited */ limit = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; /** * The interface used to sequence async requests sequentially */ #asyncQueue = new AsyncQueue(); /** * The interface used to sequence sublimited async requests sequentially */ #sublimitedQueue = null; /** * A promise wrapper for when the sublimited queue is finished being processed or null when not being processed */ #sublimitPromise = null; /** * Whether the sublimit queue needs to be shifted in the finally block */ #shiftSublimit = false; /** * {@inheritDoc IHandler.inactive} */ get inactive() { return this.#asyncQueue.remaining === 0 && (this.#sublimitedQueue === null || this.#sublimitedQueue.remaining === 0) && !; } /** * If the rate limit bucket is currently limited by the global limit */ get globalLimited() { return this.manager.globalRemaining <= 0 && < this.manager.globalReset; } /** * If the rate limit bucket is currently limited by its limit */ get localLimited() { return this.remaining <= 0 && < this.reset; } /** * If the rate limit bucket is currently limited */ get limited() { return this.globalLimited || this.localLimited; } /** * The time until queued requests can continue */ get timeToReset() { return this.reset + this.manager.options.offset -; } /** * Emits a debug message * * @param message - The message to debug */ debug(message) { this.manager.emit("restDebug" /* Debug */, `[REST ${}] ${message}`); } /** * Delay all requests for the specified amount of time, handling global rate limits * * @param time - The amount of time to delay all requests for */ async globalDelayFor(time) { await sleep2(time); this.manager.globalDelay = null; } /** * {@inheritDoc IHandler.queueRequest} */ async queueRequest(routeId, url, options, requestData) { let queue = this.#asyncQueue; let queueType = 0 /* Standard */; if (this.#sublimitedQueue && hasSublimit(routeId.bucketRoute, requestData.body, options.method)) { queue = this.#sublimitedQueue; queueType = 1 /* Sublimit */; } await queue.wait({ signal: requestData.signal }); if (queueType === 0 /* Standard */) { if (this.#sublimitedQueue && hasSublimit(routeId.bucketRoute, requestData.body, options.method)) { queue = this.#sublimitedQueue; const wait = queue.wait(); this.#asyncQueue.shift(); await wait; } else if (this.#sublimitPromise) { await this.#sublimitPromise.promise; } } try { return await this.runRequest(routeId, url, options, requestData); } finally { queue.shift(); if (this.#shiftSublimit) { this.#shiftSublimit = false; this.#sublimitedQueue?.shift(); } if (this.#sublimitedQueue?.remaining === 0) { this.#sublimitPromise?.resolve(); this.#sublimitedQueue = null; } } } /** * The method that actually makes the request to the api, and updates info about the bucket accordingly * * @param routeId - The generalized api route with literal ids for major parameters * @param url - The fully resolved url to make the request to * @param options - The fetch options needed to make the request * @param requestData - Extra data from the user's request needed for errors and additional processing * @param retries - The number of retries this request has already attempted (recursion) */ async runRequest(routeId, url, options, requestData, retries = 0) { while ( { const isGlobal = this.globalLimited; let limit2; let timeout; let delay; if (isGlobal) { limit2 = this.manager.options.globalRequestsPerSecond; timeout = this.manager.globalReset + this.manager.options.offset -; if (!this.manager.globalDelay) { this.manager.globalDelay = this.globalDelayFor(timeout); } delay = this.manager.globalDelay; } else { limit2 = this.limit; timeout = this.timeToReset; delay = sleep2(timeout); } const rateLimitData = { timeToReset: timeout, limit: limit2, method: options.method ?? "get", hash: this.hash, url, route: routeId.bucketRoute, majorParameter: this.majorParameter, global: isGlobal }; this.manager.emit("rateLimited" /* RateLimited */, rateLimitData); await onRateLimit(this.manager, rateLimitData); if (isGlobal) { this.debug(`Global rate limit hit, blocking all requests for ${timeout}ms`); } else { this.debug(`Waiting ${timeout}ms for rate limit to pass`); } await delay; } if (!this.manager.globalReset || this.manager.globalReset < { this.manager.globalReset = + 1e3; this.manager.globalRemaining = this.manager.options.globalRequestsPerSecond; } this.manager.globalRemaining--; const method = options.method ?? "get"; const res = await makeNetworkRequest(this.manager, routeId, url, options, requestData, retries); if (res === null) { return this.runRequest(routeId, url, options, requestData, ++retries); } const status = res.statusCode; let retryAfter = 0; const limit = parseHeader(res.headers["x-ratelimit-limit"]); const remaining = parseHeader(res.headers["x-ratelimit-remaining"]); const reset = parseHeader(res.headers["x-ratelimit-reset-after"]); const hash = parseHeader(res.headers["x-ratelimit-bucket"]); const retry = parseHeader(res.headers["retry-after"]); this.limit = limit ? Number(limit) : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; this.remaining = remaining ? Number(remaining) : 1; this.reset = reset ? Number(reset) * 1e3 + + this.manager.options.offset :; if (retry) retryAfter = Number(retry) * 1e3 + this.manager.options.offset; if (hash && hash !== this.hash) { this.debug(["Received bucket hash update", ` Old Hash : ${this.hash}`, ` New Hash : ${hash}`].join("\n")); this.manager.hashes.set(`${method}:${routeId.bucketRoute}`, { value: hash, lastAccess: }); } else if (hash) { const hashData = this.manager.hashes.get(`${method}:${routeId.bucketRoute}`); if (hashData) { hashData.lastAccess =; } } let sublimitTimeout = null; if (retryAfter > 0) { if (res.headers["x-ratelimit-global"] !== void 0) { this.manager.globalRemaining = 0; this.manager.globalReset = + retryAfter; } else if (!this.localLimited) { sublimitTimeout = retryAfter; } } if (status === 401 || status === 403 || status === 429) { incrementInvalidCount(this.manager); } if (status >= 200 && status < 300) { return res; } else if (status === 429) { const isGlobal = this.globalLimited; let limit2; let timeout; if (isGlobal) { limit2 = this.manager.options.globalRequestsPerSecond; timeout = this.manager.globalReset + this.manager.options.offset -; } else { limit2 = this.limit; timeout = this.timeToReset; } await onRateLimit(this.manager, { timeToReset: timeout, limit: limit2, method, hash: this.hash, url, route: routeId.bucketRoute, majorParameter: this.majorParameter, global: isGlobal }); this.debug( [ "Encountered unexpected 429 rate limit", ` Global : ${isGlobal.toString()}`, ` Method : ${method}`, ` URL : ${url}`, ` Bucket : ${routeId.bucketRoute}`, ` Major parameter: ${routeId.majorParameter}`, ` Hash : ${this.hash}`, ` Limit : ${limit2}`, ` Retry After : ${retryAfter}ms`, ` Sublimit : ${sublimitTimeout ? `${sublimitTimeout}ms` : "None"}` ].join("\n") ); if (sublimitTimeout) { const firstSublimit = !this.#sublimitedQueue; if (firstSublimit) { this.#sublimitedQueue = new AsyncQueue(); void this.#sublimitedQueue.wait(); this.#asyncQueue.shift(); } this.#sublimitPromise?.resolve(); this.#sublimitPromise = null; await sleep2(sublimitTimeout); let resolve; const promise = new Promise((res2) => resolve = res2); this.#sublimitPromise = { promise, resolve }; if (firstSublimit) { await this.#asyncQueue.wait(); this.#shiftSublimit = true; } } return this.runRequest(routeId, url, options, requestData, retries); } else { const handled = await handleErrors(this.manager, res, method, url, requestData, retries); if (handled === null) { return this.runRequest(routeId, url, options, requestData, ++retries); } return handled; } } }; __name(SequentialHandler, "SequentialHandler"); // src/lib/RequestManager.ts var getFileType = lazy(async () => import("file-type")); var RequestMethod = /* @__PURE__ */ ((RequestMethod2) => { RequestMethod2["Delete"] = "DELETE"; RequestMethod2["Get"] = "GET"; RequestMethod2["Patch"] = "PATCH"; RequestMethod2["Post"] = "POST"; RequestMethod2["Put"] = "PUT"; return RequestMethod2; })(RequestMethod || {}); var RequestManager = class extends EventEmitter { /** * The {@link | Agent} for all requests * performed by this manager. */ agent = null; /** * The number of requests remaining in the global bucket */ globalRemaining; /** * The promise used to wait out the global rate limit */ globalDelay = null; /** * The timestamp at which the global bucket resets */ globalReset = -1; /** * API bucket hashes that are cached from provided routes */ hashes = new Collection(); /** * Request handlers created from the bucket hash and the major parameters */ handlers = new Collection(); #token = null; hashTimer; handlerTimer; options; constructor(options) { super(); this.options = { ...DefaultRestOptions, ...options }; this.options.offset = Math.max(0, this.options.offset); this.globalRemaining = this.options.globalRequestsPerSecond; this.agent = options.agent ?? null; this.setupSweepers(); } setupSweepers() { const validateMaxInterval = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((interval) => { if (interval > 144e5) { throw new Error("Cannot set an interval greater than 4 hours"); } }, "validateMaxInterval"); if (this.options.hashSweepInterval !== 0 && this.options.hashSweepInterval !== Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { validateMaxInterval(this.options.hashSweepInterval); this.hashTimer = setInterval(() => { const sweptHashes = new Collection(); const currentDate =; this.hashes.sweep((val, key) => { if (val.lastAccess === -1) return false; const shouldSweep = Math.floor(currentDate - val.lastAccess) > this.options.hashLifetime; if (shouldSweep) { sweptHashes.set(key, val); } this.emit("restDebug" /* Debug */, `Hash ${val.value} for ${key} swept due to lifetime being exceeded`); return shouldSweep; }); this.emit("hashSweep" /* HashSweep */, sweptHashes); }, this.options.hashSweepInterval).unref(); } if (this.options.handlerSweepInterval !== 0 && this.options.handlerSweepInterval !== Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { validateMaxInterval(this.options.handlerSweepInterval); this.handlerTimer = setInterval(() => { const sweptHandlers = new Collection(); this.handlers.sweep((val, key) => { const { inactive } = val; if (inactive) { sweptHandlers.set(key, val); } this.emit("restDebug" /* Debug */, `Handler ${} for ${key} swept due to being inactive`); return inactive; }); this.emit("handlerSweep" /* HandlerSweep */, sweptHandlers); }, this.options.handlerSweepInterval).unref(); } } /** * Sets the default agent to use for requests performed by this manager * * @param agent - The agent to use */ setAgent(agent) { this.agent = agent; return this; } /** * Sets the authorization token that should be used for requests * * @param token - The authorization token to use */ setToken(token) { this.#token = token; return this; } /** * Queues a request to be sent * * @param request - All the information needed to make a request * @returns The response from the api request */ async queueRequest(request2) { const routeId = RequestManager.generateRouteData(request2.fullRoute, request2.method); const hash = this.hashes.get(`${request2.method}:${routeId.bucketRoute}`) ?? { value: `Global(${request2.method}:${routeId.bucketRoute})`, lastAccess: -1 }; const handler = this.handlers.get(`${hash.value}:${routeId.majorParameter}`) ?? this.createHandler(hash.value, routeId.majorParameter); const { url, fetchOptions } = await this.resolveRequest(request2); return handler.queueRequest(routeId, url, fetchOptions, { body: request2.body, files: request2.files, auth: request2.auth !== false, signal: request2.signal }); } /** * Creates a new rate limit handler from a hash, based on the hash and the major parameter * * @param hash - The hash for the route * @param majorParameter - The major parameter for this handler * @internal */ createHandler(hash, majorParameter) { const queue = majorParameter === BurstHandlerMajorIdKey ? new BurstHandler(this, hash, majorParameter) : new SequentialHandler(this, hash, majorParameter); this.handlers.set(, queue); return queue; } /** * Formats the request data to a usable format for fetch * * @param request - The request data */ async resolveRequest(request2) { const { options } = this; let query = ""; if (request2.query) { const resolvedQuery = request2.query.toString(); if (resolvedQuery !== "") { query = `?${resolvedQuery}`; } } const headers = { ...this.options.headers, "User-Agent": `${DefaultUserAgent} ${options.userAgentAppendix}`.trim() }; if (request2.auth !== false) { if (!this.#token) { throw new Error("Expected token to be set for this request, but none was present"); } headers.Authorization = `${request2.authPrefix ?? this.options.authPrefix} ${this.#token}`; } if (request2.reason?.length) { headers["X-Audit-Log-Reason"] = encodeURIComponent(request2.reason); } const url = `${options.api}${request2.versioned === false ? "" : `/v${options.version}`}${request2.fullRoute}${query}`; let finalBody; let additionalHeaders = {}; if (request2.files?.length) { const formData = new FormData2(); for (const [index, file] of request2.files.entries()) { const fileKey = file.key ?? `files[${index}]`; if (Buffer3.isBuffer( { const { fileTypeFromBuffer } = await getFileType(); let contentType = file.contentType; if (!contentType) { const parsedType = (await fileTypeFromBuffer(; if (parsedType) { contentType = OverwrittenMimeTypes[parsedType] ?? parsedType; } } formData.append(fileKey, new Blob2([], { type: contentType }),; } else { formData.append(fileKey, new Blob2([`${}`], { type: file.contentType }),; } } if (request2.body != null) { if (request2.appendToFormData) { for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(request2.body)) { formData.append(key, value); } } else { formData.append("payload_json", JSON.stringify(request2.body)); } } finalBody = formData; } else if (request2.body != null) { if (request2.passThroughBody) { finalBody = request2.body; } else { finalBody = JSON.stringify(request2.body); additionalHeaders = { "Content-Type": "application/json" }; } } finalBody = await resolveBody(finalBody); const fetchOptions = { headers: { ...request2.headers, ...additionalHeaders, ...headers }, method: request2.method.toUpperCase() }; if (finalBody !== void 0) { fetchOptions.body = finalBody; } fetchOptions.dispatcher = request2.dispatcher ?? this.agent ?? void 0; return { url, fetchOptions }; } /** * Stops the hash sweeping interval */ clearHashSweeper() { clearInterval(this.hashTimer); } /** * Stops the request handler sweeping interval */ clearHandlerSweeper() { clearInterval(this.handlerTimer); } /** * Generates route data for an endpoint:method * * @param endpoint - The raw endpoint to generalize * @param method - The HTTP method this endpoint is called without * @internal */ static generateRouteData(endpoint, method) { if (endpoint.startsWith("/interactions/") && endpoint.endsWith("/callback")) { return { majorParameter: BurstHandlerMajorIdKey, bucketRoute: "/interactions/:id/:token/callback", original: endpoint }; } const majorIdMatch = /^\/(?:channels|guilds|webhooks)\/(\d{17,19})/.exec(endpoint); const majorId = majorIdMatch?.[1] ?? "global"; const baseRoute = endpoint.replaceAll(/\d{17,19}/g, ":id").replace(/\/reactions\/(.*)/, "/reactions/:reaction"); let exceptions = ""; if (method === "DELETE" /* Delete */ && baseRoute === "/channels/:id/messages/:id") { const id = /\d{17,19}$/.exec(endpoint)[0]; const timestamp = DiscordSnowflake.timestampFrom(id); if ( - timestamp > 1e3 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 14) { exceptions += "/Delete Old Message"; } } return { majorParameter: majorId, bucketRoute: baseRoute + exceptions, original: endpoint }; } }; __name(RequestManager, "RequestManager"); // src/lib/REST.ts import { EventEmitter as EventEmitter2 } from "node:events"; var REST = class extends EventEmitter2 { cdn; requestManager; constructor(options = {}) { super(); this.cdn = new CDN(options.cdn ?? DefaultRestOptions.cdn); this.requestManager = new RequestManager(options).on("restDebug" /* Debug */, this.emit.bind(this, "restDebug" /* Debug */)).on("rateLimited" /* RateLimited */, this.emit.bind(this, "rateLimited" /* RateLimited */)).on("invalidRequestWarning" /* InvalidRequestWarning */, this.emit.bind(this, "invalidRequestWarning" /* InvalidRequestWarning */)).on("hashSweep" /* HashSweep */, this.emit.bind(this, "hashSweep" /* HashSweep */)); this.on("newListener", (name, listener) => { if (name === "response" /* Response */) this.requestManager.on(name, listener); }); this.on("removeListener", (name, listener) => { if (name === "response" /* Response */), listener); }); } /** * Gets the agent set for this instance */ getAgent() { return this.requestManager.agent; } /** * Sets the default agent to use for requests performed by this instance * * @param agent - Sets the agent to use */ setAgent(agent) { this.requestManager.setAgent(agent); return this; } /** * Sets the authorization token that should be used for requests * * @param token - The authorization token to use */ setToken(token) { this.requestManager.setToken(token); return this; } /** * Runs a get request from the api * * @param fullRoute - The full route to query * @param options - Optional request options */ async get(fullRoute, options = {}) { return this.request({ ...options, fullRoute, method: "GET" /* Get */ }); } /** * Runs a delete request from the api * * @param fullRoute - The full route to query * @param options - Optional request options */ async delete(fullRoute, options = {}) { return this.request({ ...options, fullRoute, method: "DELETE" /* Delete */ }); } /** * Runs a post request from the api * * @param fullRoute - The full route to query * @param options - Optional request options */ async post(fullRoute, options = {}) { return this.request({ ...options, fullRoute, method: "POST" /* Post */ }); } /** * Runs a put request from the api * * @param fullRoute - The full route to query * @param options - Optional request options */ async put(fullRoute, options = {}) { return this.request({ ...options, fullRoute, method: "PUT" /* Put */ }); } /** * Runs a patch request from the api * * @param fullRoute - The full route to query * @param options - Optional request options */ async patch(fullRoute, options = {}) { return this.request({ ...options, fullRoute, method: "PATCH" /* Patch */ }); } /** * Runs a request from the api * * @param options - Request options */ async request(options) { const response = await this.raw(options); return parseResponse(response); } /** * Runs a request from the API, yielding the raw Response object * * @param options - Request options */ async raw(options) { return this.requestManager.queueRequest(options); } }; __name(REST, "REST"); // src/index.ts var version = "1.7.1"; export { ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS, ALLOWED_SIZES, ALLOWED_STICKER_EXTENSIONS, BurstHandlerMajorIdKey, CDN, DefaultRestOptions, DefaultUserAgent, DefaultUserAgentAppendix, DiscordAPIError, HTTPError, OverwrittenMimeTypes, REST, RESTEvents, RateLimitError, RequestManager, RequestMethod, makeURLSearchParams, parseResponse, version }; //#