var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value; var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", { value, configurable: true }); var __require = /* @__PURE__ */ ((x) => typeof require !== "undefined" ? require : typeof Proxy !== "undefined" ? new Proxy(x, { get: (a, b) => (typeof require !== "undefined" ? require : a)[b] }) : x)(function(x) { if (typeof require !== "undefined") return require.apply(this, arguments); throw new Error('Dynamic require of "' + x + '" is not supported'); }); var __publicField = (obj, key, value) => { __defNormalProp(obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value); return value; }; // ../../node_modules/tsup/assets/esm_shims.js import { fileURLToPath } from "url"; import path from "path"; var getFilename = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => fileURLToPath(import.meta.url), "getFilename"); var getDirname = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => path.dirname(getFilename()), "getDirname"); var __dirname = /* @__PURE__ */ getDirname(); // src/strategies/context/IContextFetchingStrategy.ts async function managerToFetchingStrategyOptions(manager) { const { buildIdentifyThrottler, buildStrategy, retrieveSessionInfo, updateSessionInfo, shardCount, shardIds, rest, ...managerOptions } = manager.options; return { ...managerOptions, gatewayInformation: await manager.fetchGatewayInformation(), shardCount: await manager.getShardCount() }; } __name(managerToFetchingStrategyOptions, "managerToFetchingStrategyOptions"); // src/strategies/context/SimpleContextFetchingStrategy.ts var _SimpleContextFetchingStrategy = class { constructor(manager, options) { this.manager = manager; this.options = options; } static async ensureThrottler(manager) { const throttler = _SimpleContextFetchingStrategy.throttlerCache.get(manager); if (throttler) { return throttler; } const newThrottler = await manager.options.buildIdentifyThrottler(manager); _SimpleContextFetchingStrategy.throttlerCache.set(manager, newThrottler); return newThrottler; } async retrieveSessionInfo(shardId) { return this.manager.options.retrieveSessionInfo(shardId); } updateSessionInfo(shardId, sessionInfo) { return this.manager.options.updateSessionInfo(shardId, sessionInfo); } async waitForIdentify(shardId, signal) { const throttler = await _SimpleContextFetchingStrategy.ensureThrottler(this.manager); await throttler.waitForIdentify(shardId, signal); } }; var SimpleContextFetchingStrategy = _SimpleContextFetchingStrategy; __name(SimpleContextFetchingStrategy, "SimpleContextFetchingStrategy"); // This strategy assumes every shard is running under the same process - therefore we need a single // IdentifyThrottler per manager. __publicField(SimpleContextFetchingStrategy, "throttlerCache", /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap()); // src/strategies/context/WorkerContextFetchingStrategy.ts import { isMainThread, parentPort } from "node:worker_threads"; import { Collection as Collection2 } from "@discordjs/collection"; // src/strategies/sharding/WorkerShardingStrategy.ts import { once } from "node:events"; import { join, isAbsolute, resolve } from "node:path"; import { Worker } from "node:worker_threads"; import { Collection } from "@discordjs/collection"; var WorkerSendPayloadOp = /* @__PURE__ */ ((WorkerSendPayloadOp2) => { WorkerSendPayloadOp2[WorkerSendPayloadOp2["Connect"] = 0] = "Connect"; WorkerSendPayloadOp2[WorkerSendPayloadOp2["Destroy"] = 1] = "Destroy"; WorkerSendPayloadOp2[WorkerSendPayloadOp2["Send"] = 2] = "Send"; WorkerSendPayloadOp2[WorkerSendPayloadOp2["SessionInfoResponse"] = 3] = "SessionInfoResponse"; WorkerSendPayloadOp2[WorkerSendPayloadOp2["ShardIdentifyResponse"] = 4] = "ShardIdentifyResponse"; WorkerSendPayloadOp2[WorkerSendPayloadOp2["FetchStatus"] = 5] = "FetchStatus"; return WorkerSendPayloadOp2; })(WorkerSendPayloadOp || {}); var WorkerReceivePayloadOp = /* @__PURE__ */ ((WorkerReceivePayloadOp2) => { WorkerReceivePayloadOp2[WorkerReceivePayloadOp2["Connected"] = 0] = "Connected"; WorkerReceivePayloadOp2[WorkerReceivePayloadOp2["Destroyed"] = 1] = "Destroyed"; WorkerReceivePayloadOp2[WorkerReceivePayloadOp2["Event"] = 2] = "Event"; WorkerReceivePayloadOp2[WorkerReceivePayloadOp2["RetrieveSessionInfo"] = 3] = "RetrieveSessionInfo"; WorkerReceivePayloadOp2[WorkerReceivePayloadOp2["UpdateSessionInfo"] = 4] = "UpdateSessionInfo"; WorkerReceivePayloadOp2[WorkerReceivePayloadOp2["WaitForIdentify"] = 5] = "WaitForIdentify"; WorkerReceivePayloadOp2[WorkerReceivePayloadOp2["FetchStatusResponse"] = 6] = "FetchStatusResponse"; WorkerReceivePayloadOp2[WorkerReceivePayloadOp2["WorkerReady"] = 7] = "WorkerReady"; WorkerReceivePayloadOp2[WorkerReceivePayloadOp2["CancelIdentify"] = 8] = "CancelIdentify"; return WorkerReceivePayloadOp2; })(WorkerReceivePayloadOp || {}); var WorkerShardingStrategy = class { manager; options; #workers = []; #workerByShardId = new Collection(); connectPromises = new Collection(); destroyPromises = new Collection(); fetchStatusPromises = new Collection(); waitForIdentifyControllers = new Collection(); throttler; constructor(manager, options) { this.manager = manager; this.options = options; } /** * {@inheritDoc IShardingStrategy.spawn} */ async spawn(shardIds) { const shardsPerWorker = this.options.shardsPerWorker === "all" ? shardIds.length : this.options.shardsPerWorker; const strategyOptions = await managerToFetchingStrategyOptions(this.manager); const loops = Math.ceil(shardIds.length / shardsPerWorker); const promises = []; for (let idx = 0; idx < loops; idx++) { const slice = shardIds.slice(idx * shardsPerWorker, (idx + 1) * shardsPerWorker); const workerData2 = { ...strategyOptions, shardIds: slice }; promises.push(this.setupWorker(workerData2)); } await Promise.all(promises); } /** * {@inheritDoc IShardingStrategy.connect} */ async connect() { const promises = []; for (const [shardId, worker] of this.#workerByShardId.entries()) { const payload = { op: 0 /* Connect */, shardId }; const promise = new Promise((resolve2) => this.connectPromises.set(shardId, resolve2)); worker.postMessage(payload); promises.push(promise); } await Promise.all(promises); } /** * {@inheritDoc IShardingStrategy.destroy} */ async destroy(options = {}) { const promises = []; for (const [shardId, worker] of this.#workerByShardId.entries()) { const payload = { op: 1 /* Destroy */, shardId, options }; promises.push( // eslint-disable-next-line no-promise-executor-return, promise/prefer-await-to-then new Promise((resolve2) => this.destroyPromises.set(shardId, resolve2)).then(async () => worker.terminate()) ); worker.postMessage(payload); } this.#workers = []; this.#workerByShardId.clear(); await Promise.all(promises); } /** * {@inheritDoc IShardingStrategy.send} */ send(shardId, data) { const worker = this.#workerByShardId.get(shardId); if (!worker) { throw new Error(`No worker found for shard ${shardId}`); } const payload = { op: 2 /* Send */, shardId, payload: data }; worker.postMessage(payload); } /** * {@inheritDoc IShardingStrategy.fetchStatus} */ async fetchStatus() { const statuses = new Collection(); for (const [shardId, worker] of this.#workerByShardId.entries()) { const nonce = Math.random(); const payload = { op: 5 /* FetchStatus */, shardId, nonce }; const promise = new Promise((resolve2) => this.fetchStatusPromises.set(nonce, resolve2)); worker.postMessage(payload); const status = await promise; statuses.set(shardId, status); } return statuses; } async setupWorker(workerData2) { const worker = new Worker(this.resolveWorkerPath(), { workerData: workerData2 }); await once(worker, "online"); await this.waitForWorkerReady(worker); worker.on("error", (err) => { throw err; }).on("messageerror", (err) => { throw err; }).on("message", async (payload) => this.onMessage(worker, payload)); this.#workers.push(worker); for (const shardId of workerData2.shardIds) { this.#workerByShardId.set(shardId, worker); } } resolveWorkerPath() { const path2 = this.options.workerPath; if (!path2) { return join(__dirname, "defaultWorker.js"); } if (isAbsolute(path2)) { return path2; } if (/^\.\.?[/\\]/.test(path2)) { return resolve(path2); } try { return __require.resolve(path2); } catch { return resolve(path2); } } async waitForWorkerReady(worker) { return new Promise((resolve2) => { const handler = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((payload) => { if (payload.op === 7 /* WorkerReady */) { resolve2();"message", handler); } }, "handler"); worker.on("message", handler); }); } async onMessage(worker, payload) { switch (payload.op) { case 0 /* Connected */: { this.connectPromises.get(payload.shardId)?.(); this.connectPromises.delete(payload.shardId); break; } case 1 /* Destroyed */: { this.destroyPromises.get(payload.shardId)?.(); this.destroyPromises.delete(payload.shardId); break; } case 2 /* Event */: { this.manager.emit(payload.event, {, shardId: payload.shardId }); break; } case 3 /* RetrieveSessionInfo */: { const session = await this.manager.options.retrieveSessionInfo(payload.shardId); const response = { op: 3 /* SessionInfoResponse */, nonce: payload.nonce, session }; worker.postMessage(response); break; } case 4 /* UpdateSessionInfo */: { await this.manager.options.updateSessionInfo(payload.shardId, payload.session); break; } case 5 /* WaitForIdentify */: { const throttler = await this.ensureThrottler(); try { const controller = new AbortController(); this.waitForIdentifyControllers.set(payload.nonce, controller); await throttler.waitForIdentify(payload.shardId, controller.signal); } catch { return; } const response = { op: 4 /* ShardIdentifyResponse */, nonce: payload.nonce, ok: true }; worker.postMessage(response); break; } case 6 /* FetchStatusResponse */: { this.fetchStatusPromises.get(payload.nonce)?.(payload.status); this.fetchStatusPromises.delete(payload.nonce); break; } case 7 /* WorkerReady */: { break; } case 8 /* CancelIdentify */: { this.waitForIdentifyControllers.get(payload.nonce)?.abort(); this.waitForIdentifyControllers.delete(payload.nonce); const response = { op: 4 /* ShardIdentifyResponse */, nonce: payload.nonce, ok: false }; worker.postMessage(response); break; } } } async ensureThrottler() { this.throttler ??= await this.manager.options.buildIdentifyThrottler(this.manager); return this.throttler; } }; __name(WorkerShardingStrategy, "WorkerShardingStrategy"); // src/strategies/context/WorkerContextFetchingStrategy.ts var WorkerContextFetchingStrategy = class { constructor(options) { this.options = options; if (isMainThread) { throw new Error("Cannot instantiate WorkerContextFetchingStrategy on the main thread"); } parentPort.on("message", (payload) => { if (payload.op === 3 /* SessionInfoResponse */) { this.sessionPromises.get(payload.nonce)?.(payload.session); this.sessionPromises.delete(payload.nonce); } if (payload.op === 4 /* ShardIdentifyResponse */) { const promise = this.waitForIdentifyPromises.get(payload.nonce); if (payload.ok) { promise?.resolve(); } else { promise?.reject(); } this.waitForIdentifyPromises.delete(payload.nonce); } }); } sessionPromises = new Collection2(); waitForIdentifyPromises = new Collection2(); async retrieveSessionInfo(shardId) { const nonce = Math.random(); const payload = { op: 3 /* RetrieveSessionInfo */, shardId, nonce }; const promise = new Promise((resolve2) => this.sessionPromises.set(nonce, resolve2)); parentPort.postMessage(payload); return promise; } updateSessionInfo(shardId, sessionInfo) { const payload = { op: 4 /* UpdateSessionInfo */, shardId, session: sessionInfo }; parentPort.postMessage(payload); } async waitForIdentify(shardId, signal) { const nonce = Math.random(); const payload = { op: 5 /* WaitForIdentify */, nonce, shardId }; const promise = new Promise( (resolve2, reject) => ( // eslint-disable-next-line no-promise-executor-return this.waitForIdentifyPromises.set(nonce, { resolve: resolve2, reject }) ) ); parentPort.postMessage(payload); const listener = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => { const payload2 = { op: 8 /* CancelIdentify */, nonce }; parentPort.postMessage(payload2); }, "listener"); signal.addEventListener("abort", listener); try { await promise; } finally { signal.removeEventListener("abort", listener); } } }; __name(WorkerContextFetchingStrategy, "WorkerContextFetchingStrategy"); // src/strategies/sharding/SimpleShardingStrategy.ts import { Collection as Collection6 } from "@discordjs/collection"; // src/ws/WebSocketShard.ts import { Buffer as Buffer2 } from "node:buffer"; import { once as once2 } from "node:events"; import { clearInterval, clearTimeout, setInterval, setTimeout } from "node:timers"; import { setTimeout as sleep2 } from "node:timers/promises"; import { URLSearchParams } from "node:url"; import { TextDecoder } from "node:util"; import { inflate } from "node:zlib"; import { Collection as Collection5 } from "@discordjs/collection"; import { lazy as lazy2 } from "@discordjs/util"; import { AsyncQueue as AsyncQueue2 } from "@sapphire/async-queue"; import { AsyncEventEmitter } from "@vladfrangu/async_event_emitter"; import { GatewayCloseCodes, GatewayDispatchEvents, GatewayOpcodes as GatewayOpcodes2 } from "discord-api-types/v10"; import { WebSocket } from "ws"; // src/utils/constants.ts import process from "node:process"; import { Collection as Collection4 } from "@discordjs/collection"; import { lazy } from "@discordjs/util"; import { APIVersion, GatewayOpcodes } from "discord-api-types/v10"; // src/throttling/SimpleIdentifyThrottler.ts import { setTimeout as sleep } from "node:timers/promises"; import { Collection as Collection3 } from "@discordjs/collection"; import { AsyncQueue } from "@sapphire/async-queue"; var SimpleIdentifyThrottler = class { constructor(maxConcurrency) { this.maxConcurrency = maxConcurrency; } states = new Collection3(); /** * {@inheritDoc IIdentifyThrottler.waitForIdentify} */ async waitForIdentify(shardId, signal) { const key = shardId % this.maxConcurrency; const state = this.states.ensure(key, () => { return { queue: new AsyncQueue(), resetsAt: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY }; }); await state.queue.wait({ signal }); try { const diff = state.resetsAt -; if (diff <= 5e3) { const time = diff + Math.random() * 1500; await sleep(time); } state.resetsAt = + 5e3; } finally { state.queue.shift(); } } }; __name(SimpleIdentifyThrottler, "SimpleIdentifyThrottler"); // src/utils/constants.ts var Encoding = /* @__PURE__ */ ((Encoding2) => { Encoding2["JSON"] = "json"; return Encoding2; })(Encoding || {}); var CompressionMethod = /* @__PURE__ */ ((CompressionMethod2) => { CompressionMethod2["ZlibStream"] = "zlib-stream"; return CompressionMethod2; })(CompressionMethod || {}); var DefaultDeviceProperty = `@discordjs/ws 0.8.3`; var getDefaultSessionStore = lazy(() => new Collection4()); var DefaultWebSocketManagerOptions = { async buildIdentifyThrottler(manager) { const info = await manager.fetchGatewayInformation(); return new SimpleIdentifyThrottler(info.session_start_limit.max_concurrency); }, buildStrategy: (manager) => new SimpleShardingStrategy(manager), shardCount: null, shardIds: null, largeThreshold: null, initialPresence: null, identifyProperties: { browser: DefaultDeviceProperty, device: DefaultDeviceProperty, os: process.platform }, version: APIVersion, encoding: "json" /* JSON */, compression: null, retrieveSessionInfo(shardId) { const store = getDefaultSessionStore(); return store.get(shardId) ?? null; }, updateSessionInfo(shardId, info) { const store = getDefaultSessionStore(); if (info) { store.set(shardId, info); } else { store.delete(shardId); } }, handshakeTimeout: 3e4, helloTimeout: 6e4, readyTimeout: 15e3 }; var ImportantGatewayOpcodes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([ GatewayOpcodes.Heartbeat, GatewayOpcodes.Identify, GatewayOpcodes.Resume ]); function getInitialSendRateLimitState() { return { remaining: 120, resetAt: + 6e4 }; } __name(getInitialSendRateLimitState, "getInitialSendRateLimitState"); // src/ws/WebSocketShard.ts var getZlibSync = lazy2(async () => import("zlib-sync").then((mod) => mod.default).catch(() => null)); var WebSocketShardEvents = /* @__PURE__ */ ((WebSocketShardEvents2) => { WebSocketShardEvents2["Closed"] = "closed"; WebSocketShardEvents2["Debug"] = "debug"; WebSocketShardEvents2["Dispatch"] = "dispatch"; WebSocketShardEvents2["Error"] = "error"; WebSocketShardEvents2["HeartbeatComplete"] = "heartbeat"; WebSocketShardEvents2["Hello"] = "hello"; WebSocketShardEvents2["Ready"] = "ready"; WebSocketShardEvents2["Resumed"] = "resumed"; return WebSocketShardEvents2; })(WebSocketShardEvents || {}); var WebSocketShardStatus = /* @__PURE__ */ ((WebSocketShardStatus2) => { WebSocketShardStatus2[WebSocketShardStatus2["Idle"] = 0] = "Idle"; WebSocketShardStatus2[WebSocketShardStatus2["Connecting"] = 1] = "Connecting"; WebSocketShardStatus2[WebSocketShardStatus2["Resuming"] = 2] = "Resuming"; WebSocketShardStatus2[WebSocketShardStatus2["Ready"] = 3] = "Ready"; return WebSocketShardStatus2; })(WebSocketShardStatus || {}); var WebSocketShardDestroyRecovery = /* @__PURE__ */ ((WebSocketShardDestroyRecovery2) => { WebSocketShardDestroyRecovery2[WebSocketShardDestroyRecovery2["Reconnect"] = 0] = "Reconnect"; WebSocketShardDestroyRecovery2[WebSocketShardDestroyRecovery2["Resume"] = 1] = "Resume"; return WebSocketShardDestroyRecovery2; })(WebSocketShardDestroyRecovery || {}); var CloseCodes = /* @__PURE__ */ ((CloseCodes2) => { CloseCodes2[CloseCodes2["Normal"] = 1e3] = "Normal"; CloseCodes2[CloseCodes2["Resuming"] = 4200] = "Resuming"; return CloseCodes2; })(CloseCodes || {}); var WebSocketShard = class extends AsyncEventEmitter { connection = null; useIdentifyCompress = false; inflate = null; textDecoder = new TextDecoder(); replayedEvents = 0; isAck = true; sendRateLimitState = getInitialSendRateLimitState(); initialHeartbeatTimeoutController = null; heartbeatInterval = null; lastHeartbeatAt = -1; // Indicates whether the shard has already resolved its original connect() call initialConnectResolved = false; // Indicates if we failed to connect to the ws url (ECONNREFUSED/ECONNRESET) failedToConnectDueToNetworkError = false; sendQueue = new AsyncQueue2(); timeoutAbortControllers = new Collection5(); strategy; id; #status = 0 /* Idle */; get status() { return this.#status; } constructor(strategy, id) { super(); this.strategy = strategy; = id; } async connect() { const promise = this.initialConnectResolved ? Promise.resolve() : once2(this, "ready" /* Ready */); void this.internalConnect(); await promise; this.initialConnectResolved = true; } async internalConnect() { if (this.#status !== 0 /* Idle */) { throw new Error("Tried to connect a shard that wasn't idle"); } const { version: version2, encoding, compression } = this.strategy.options; const params = new URLSearchParams({ v: version2, encoding }); if (compression) { const zlib = await getZlibSync(); if (zlib) { params.append("compress", compression); this.inflate = new zlib.Inflate({ chunkSize: 65535, to: "string" }); } else if (!this.useIdentifyCompress) { this.useIdentifyCompress = true; console.warn( "WebSocketShard: Compression is enabled but zlib-sync is not installed, falling back to identify compress" ); } } const session = await this.strategy.retrieveSessionInfo(; const url = `${session?.resumeURL ?? this.strategy.options.gatewayInformation.url}?${params.toString()}`; this.debug([`Connecting to ${url}`]); const connection = new WebSocket(url, { handshakeTimeout: this.strategy.options.handshakeTimeout ?? void 0 }).on("message", this.onMessage.bind(this)).on("error", this.onError.bind(this)).on("close", this.onClose.bind(this)); connection.binaryType = "arraybuffer"; this.connection = connection; this.#status = 1 /* Connecting */; this.sendRateLimitState = getInitialSendRateLimitState(); const { ok } = await this.waitForEvent("hello" /* Hello */, this.strategy.options.helloTimeout); if (!ok) { return; } if (session?.shardCount === this.strategy.options.shardCount) { await this.resume(session); } else { await this.identify(); } } async destroy(options = {}) { if (this.#status === 0 /* Idle */) { this.debug(["Tried to destroy a shard that was idle"]); return; } if (!options.code) { options.code = options.recover === 1 /* Resume */ ? 4200 /* Resuming */ : 1e3 /* Normal */; } this.debug([ "Destroying shard", `Reason: ${options.reason ?? "none"}`, `Code: ${options.code}`, `Recover: ${options.recover === void 0 ? "none" : WebSocketShardDestroyRecovery[options.recover]}` ]); this.isAck = true; if (this.heartbeatInterval) { clearInterval(this.heartbeatInterval); } if (this.initialHeartbeatTimeoutController) { this.initialHeartbeatTimeoutController.abort(); this.initialHeartbeatTimeoutController = null; } this.lastHeartbeatAt = -1; for (const controller of this.timeoutAbortControllers.values()) { controller.abort(); } this.timeoutAbortControllers.clear(); this.failedToConnectDueToNetworkError = false; if (options.recover !== 1 /* Resume */) { await this.strategy.updateSessionInfo(, null); } if (this.connection) { this.connection.removeAllListeners("message"); this.connection.removeAllListeners("close"); const shouldClose = this.connection.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN; this.debug([ "Connection status during destroy", `Needs closing: ${shouldClose}`, `Ready state: ${this.connection.readyState}` ]); if (shouldClose) { this.connection.close(options.code, options.reason); await once2(this.connection, "close"); this.emit("closed" /* Closed */, { code: options.code }); } this.connection.removeAllListeners("error"); } else { this.debug(["Destroying a shard that has no connection; please open an issue on GitHub"]); } this.#status = 0 /* Idle */; if (options.recover !== void 0) { await sleep2(500); return this.internalConnect(); } } async waitForEvent(event, timeoutDuration) { this.debug([`Waiting for event ${event} ${timeoutDuration ? `for ${timeoutDuration}ms` : "indefinitely"}`]); const timeoutController = new AbortController(); const timeout = timeoutDuration ? setTimeout(() => timeoutController.abort(), timeoutDuration).unref() : null; this.timeoutAbortControllers.set(event, timeoutController); const closeController = new AbortController(); try { const closed = await Promise.race([ once2(this, event, { signal: timeoutController.signal }).then(() => false), once2(this, "closed" /* Closed */, { signal: closeController.signal }).then(() => true) ]); return { ok: !closed }; } catch { void this.destroy({ code: 1e3 /* Normal */, reason: "Something timed out or went wrong while waiting for an event", recover: 0 /* Reconnect */ }); return { ok: false }; } finally { if (timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout); } this.timeoutAbortControllers.delete(event); if (!closeController.signal.aborted) { closeController.abort(); } } } async send(payload) { if (!this.connection) { throw new Error("WebSocketShard wasn't connected"); } if (this.#status !== 3 /* Ready */ && !ImportantGatewayOpcodes.has(payload.op)) { this.debug(["Tried to send a non-crucial payload before the shard was ready, waiting"]); try { await once2(this, "ready" /* Ready */); } catch { return this.send(payload); } } await this.sendQueue.wait(); if (--this.sendRateLimitState.remaining <= 0) { const now =; if (this.sendRateLimitState.resetAt > now) { const sleepFor = this.sendRateLimitState.resetAt - now; this.debug([`Was about to hit the send rate limit, sleeping for ${sleepFor}ms`]); const controller = new AbortController(); const interrupted = await Promise.race([ sleep2(sleepFor).then(() => false), once2(this, "closed" /* Closed */, { signal: controller.signal }).then(() => true) ]); if (interrupted) { this.debug(["Connection closed while waiting for the send rate limit to reset, re-queueing payload"]); this.sendQueue.shift(); return this.send(payload); } controller.abort(); } this.sendRateLimitState = getInitialSendRateLimitState(); } this.sendQueue.shift(); this.connection.send(JSON.stringify(payload)); } async identify() { this.debug(["Waiting for identify throttle"]); const controller = new AbortController(); const closeHandler = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => { controller.abort(); }, "closeHandler"); this.on("closed" /* Closed */, closeHandler); try { await this.strategy.waitForIdentify(, controller.signal); } catch { this.debug(["Was waiting for an identify, but the shard closed in the meantime"]); return; } finally {"closed" /* Closed */, closeHandler); } this.debug([ "Identifying", `shard id: ${}`, `shard count: ${this.strategy.options.shardCount}`, `intents: ${this.strategy.options.intents}`, `compression: ${this.inflate ? "zlib-stream" : this.useIdentifyCompress ? "identify" : "none"}` ]); const d = { token: this.strategy.options.token, properties: this.strategy.options.identifyProperties, intents: this.strategy.options.intents, compress: this.useIdentifyCompress, shard: [, this.strategy.options.shardCount] }; if (this.strategy.options.largeThreshold) { d.large_threshold = this.strategy.options.largeThreshold; } if (this.strategy.options.initialPresence) { d.presence = this.strategy.options.initialPresence; } await this.send({ op: GatewayOpcodes2.Identify, d }); await this.waitForEvent("ready" /* Ready */, this.strategy.options.readyTimeout); } async resume(session) { this.debug([ "Resuming session", `resume url: ${session.resumeURL}`, `sequence: ${session.sequence}`, `shard id: ${}` ]); this.#status = 2 /* Resuming */; this.replayedEvents = 0; return this.send({ op: GatewayOpcodes2.Resume, d: { token: this.strategy.options.token, seq: session.sequence, session_id: session.sessionId } }); } async heartbeat(requested = false) { if (!this.isAck && !requested) { return this.destroy({ reason: "Zombie connection", recover: 1 /* Resume */ }); } const session = await this.strategy.retrieveSessionInfo(; await this.send({ op: GatewayOpcodes2.Heartbeat, d: session?.sequence ?? null }); this.lastHeartbeatAt =; this.isAck = false; } async unpackMessage(data, isBinary) { const decompressable = new Uint8Array(data); if (!isBinary) { return JSON.parse(this.textDecoder.decode(decompressable)); } if (this.useIdentifyCompress) { return new Promise((resolve2, reject) => { inflate(decompressable, { chunkSize: 65535 }, (err, result) => { if (err) { reject(err); return; } resolve2(JSON.parse(this.textDecoder.decode(result))); }); }); } if (this.inflate) { const l = decompressable.length; const flush = l >= 4 && decompressable[l - 4] === 0 && decompressable[l - 3] === 0 && decompressable[l - 2] === 255 && decompressable[l - 1] === 255; const zlib = await getZlibSync(); this.inflate.push(Buffer2.from(decompressable), flush ? zlib.Z_SYNC_FLUSH : zlib.Z_NO_FLUSH); if (this.inflate.err) { this.emit("error" /* Error */, { error: new Error(`${this.inflate.err}${this.inflate.msg ? `: ${this.inflate.msg}` : ""}`) }); } if (!flush) { return null; } const { result } = this.inflate; if (!result) { return null; } return JSON.parse(typeof result === "string" ? result : this.textDecoder.decode(result)); } this.debug([ "Received a message we were unable to decompress", `isBinary: ${isBinary.toString()}`, `useIdentifyCompress: ${this.useIdentifyCompress.toString()}`, `inflate: ${Boolean(this.inflate).toString()}` ]); return null; } async onMessage(data, isBinary) { const payload = await this.unpackMessage(data, isBinary); if (!payload) { return; } switch (payload.op) { case GatewayOpcodes2.Dispatch: { if (this.#status === 2 /* Resuming */) { this.replayedEvents++; } switch (payload.t) { case GatewayDispatchEvents.Ready: { this.#status = 3 /* Ready */; const session2 = { sequence: payload.s, sessionId: payload.d.session_id, shardId:, shardCount: this.strategy.options.shardCount, resumeURL: payload.d.resume_gateway_url }; await this.strategy.updateSessionInfo(, session2); this.emit("ready" /* Ready */, { data: payload.d }); break; } case GatewayDispatchEvents.Resumed: { this.#status = 3 /* Ready */; this.debug([`Resumed and replayed ${this.replayedEvents} events`]); this.emit("resumed" /* Resumed */); break; } default: { break; } } const session = await this.strategy.retrieveSessionInfo(; if (session) { if (payload.s > session.sequence) { await this.strategy.updateSessionInfo(, { ...session, sequence: payload.s }); } } else { this.debug([ `Received a ${payload.t} event but no session is available. Session information cannot be re-constructed in this state without a full reconnect` ]); } this.emit("dispatch" /* Dispatch */, { data: payload }); break; } case GatewayOpcodes2.Heartbeat: { await this.heartbeat(true); break; } case GatewayOpcodes2.Reconnect: { await this.destroy({ reason: "Told to reconnect by Discord", recover: 1 /* Resume */ }); break; } case GatewayOpcodes2.InvalidSession: { this.debug([`Invalid session; will attempt to resume: ${payload.d.toString()}`]); const session = await this.strategy.retrieveSessionInfo(; if (payload.d && session) { await this.resume(session); } else { await this.destroy({ reason: "Invalid session", recover: 0 /* Reconnect */ }); } break; } case GatewayOpcodes2.Hello: { this.emit("hello" /* Hello */); const jitter = Math.random(); const firstWait = Math.floor(payload.d.heartbeat_interval * jitter); this.debug([`Preparing first heartbeat of the connection with a jitter of ${jitter}; waiting ${firstWait}ms`]); try { const controller = new AbortController(); this.initialHeartbeatTimeoutController = controller; await sleep2(firstWait, void 0, { signal: controller.signal }); } catch { this.debug(["Cancelled initial heartbeat due to #destroy being called"]); return; } finally { this.initialHeartbeatTimeoutController = null; } await this.heartbeat(); this.debug([`First heartbeat sent, starting to beat every ${payload.d.heartbeat_interval}ms`]); this.heartbeatInterval = setInterval(() => void this.heartbeat(), payload.d.heartbeat_interval); break; } case GatewayOpcodes2.HeartbeatAck: { this.isAck = true; const ackAt =; this.emit("heartbeat" /* HeartbeatComplete */, { ackAt, heartbeatAt: this.lastHeartbeatAt, latency: ackAt - this.lastHeartbeatAt }); break; } } } onError(error) { if ("code" in error && ["ECONNRESET", "ECONNREFUSED"].includes(error.code)) { this.debug(["Failed to connect to the gateway URL specified due to a network error"]); this.failedToConnectDueToNetworkError = true; return; } this.emit("error" /* Error */, { error }); } async onClose(code) { this.emit("closed" /* Closed */, { code }); switch (code) { case 1e3 /* Normal */: { return this.destroy({ code, reason: "Got disconnected by Discord", recover: 0 /* Reconnect */ }); } case 4200 /* Resuming */: { break; } case GatewayCloseCodes.UnknownError: { this.debug([`An unknown error occurred: ${code}`]); return this.destroy({ code, recover: 1 /* Resume */ }); } case GatewayCloseCodes.UnknownOpcode: { this.debug(["An invalid opcode was sent to Discord."]); return this.destroy({ code, recover: 1 /* Resume */ }); } case GatewayCloseCodes.DecodeError: { this.debug(["An invalid payload was sent to Discord."]); return this.destroy({ code, recover: 1 /* Resume */ }); } case GatewayCloseCodes.NotAuthenticated: { this.debug(["A request was somehow sent before the identify/resume payload."]); return this.destroy({ code, recover: 0 /* Reconnect */ }); } case GatewayCloseCodes.AuthenticationFailed: { throw new Error("Authentication failed"); } case GatewayCloseCodes.AlreadyAuthenticated: { this.debug(["More than one auth payload was sent."]); return this.destroy({ code, recover: 0 /* Reconnect */ }); } case GatewayCloseCodes.InvalidSeq: { this.debug(["An invalid sequence was sent."]); return this.destroy({ code, recover: 0 /* Reconnect */ }); } case GatewayCloseCodes.RateLimited: { this.debug(["The WebSocket rate limit has been hit, this should never happen"]); return this.destroy({ code, recover: 0 /* Reconnect */ }); } case GatewayCloseCodes.SessionTimedOut: { this.debug(["Session timed out."]); return this.destroy({ code, recover: 1 /* Resume */ }); } case GatewayCloseCodes.InvalidShard: { throw new Error("Invalid shard"); } case GatewayCloseCodes.ShardingRequired: { throw new Error("Sharding is required"); } case GatewayCloseCodes.InvalidAPIVersion: { throw new Error("Used an invalid API version"); } case GatewayCloseCodes.InvalidIntents: { throw new Error("Used invalid intents"); } case GatewayCloseCodes.DisallowedIntents: { throw new Error("Used disallowed intents"); } default: { this.debug([ `The gateway closed with an unexpected code ${code}, attempting to ${this.failedToConnectDueToNetworkError ? "reconnect" : "resume"}.` ]); return this.destroy({ code, recover: this.failedToConnectDueToNetworkError ? 0 /* Reconnect */ : 1 /* Resume */ }); } } } debug(messages) { const message = `${messages[0]}${messages.length > 1 ? ` ${messages.slice(1).map((m) => ` ${m}`).join("\n")}` : ""}`; this.emit("debug" /* Debug */, { message }); } }; __name(WebSocketShard, "WebSocketShard"); // src/strategies/sharding/SimpleShardingStrategy.ts var SimpleShardingStrategy = class { manager; shards = new Collection6(); constructor(manager) { this.manager = manager; } /** * {@inheritDoc IShardingStrategy.spawn} */ async spawn(shardIds) { const strategyOptions = await managerToFetchingStrategyOptions(this.manager); for (const shardId of shardIds) { const strategy = new SimpleContextFetchingStrategy(this.manager, strategyOptions); const shard = new WebSocketShard(strategy, shardId); for (const event of Object.values(WebSocketShardEvents)) { shard.on(event, (payload) => this.manager.emit(event, { ...payload, shardId })); } this.shards.set(shardId, shard); } } /** * {@inheritDoc IShardingStrategy.connect} */ async connect() { const promises = []; for (const shard of this.shards.values()) { promises.push(shard.connect()); } await Promise.all(promises); } /** * {@inheritDoc IShardingStrategy.destroy} */ async destroy(options) { const promises = []; for (const shard of this.shards.values()) { promises.push(shard.destroy(options)); } await Promise.all(promises); this.shards.clear(); } /** * {@inheritDoc IShardingStrategy.send} */ async send(shardId, payload) { const shard = this.shards.get(shardId); if (!shard) { throw new RangeError(`Shard ${shardId} not found`); } return shard.send(payload); } /** * {@inheritDoc IShardingStrategy.fetchStatus} */ async fetchStatus() { return this.shards.mapValues((shard) => shard.status); } }; __name(SimpleShardingStrategy, "SimpleShardingStrategy"); // src/utils/WorkerBootstrapper.ts import { isMainThread as isMainThread2, parentPort as parentPort2, workerData } from "node:worker_threads"; import { Collection as Collection7 } from "@discordjs/collection"; var WorkerBootstrapper = class { /** * The data passed to the worker thread */ data = workerData; /** * The shards that are managed by this worker */ shards = new Collection7(); constructor() { if (isMainThread2) { throw new Error("Expected WorkerBootstrap to not be used within the main thread"); } } /** * Helper method to initiate a shard's connection process */ async connect(shardId) { const shard = this.shards.get(shardId); if (!shard) { throw new RangeError(`Shard ${shardId} does not exist`); } await shard.connect(); } /** * Helper method to destroy a shard */ async destroy(shardId, options) { const shard = this.shards.get(shardId); if (!shard) { throw new RangeError(`Shard ${shardId} does not exist`); } await shard.destroy(options); } /** * Helper method to attach event listeners to the parentPort */ setupThreadEvents() { parentPort2.on("messageerror", (err) => { throw err; }).on("message", async (payload) => { switch (payload.op) { case 0 /* Connect */: { await this.connect(payload.shardId); const response = { op: 0 /* Connected */, shardId: payload.shardId }; parentPort2.postMessage(response); break; } case 1 /* Destroy */: { await this.destroy(payload.shardId, payload.options); const response = { op: 1 /* Destroyed */, shardId: payload.shardId }; parentPort2.postMessage(response); break; } case 2 /* Send */: { const shard = this.shards.get(payload.shardId); if (!shard) { throw new RangeError(`Shard ${payload.shardId} does not exist`); } await shard.send(payload.payload); break; } case 3 /* SessionInfoResponse */: { break; } case 4 /* ShardIdentifyResponse */: { break; } case 5 /* FetchStatus */: { const shard = this.shards.get(payload.shardId); if (!shard) { throw new Error(`Shard ${payload.shardId} does not exist`); } const response = { op: 6 /* FetchStatusResponse */, status: shard.status, nonce: payload.nonce }; parentPort2.postMessage(response); break; } } }); } /** * Bootstraps the worker thread with the provided options */ async bootstrap(options = {}) { for (const shardId of { const shard = new WebSocketShard(new WorkerContextFetchingStrategy(, shardId); for (const event of options.forwardEvents ?? Object.values(WebSocketShardEvents)) { shard.on(event, (data) => { const payload = { op: 2 /* Event */, event, data, shardId }; parentPort2.postMessage(payload); }); } await options.shardCallback?.(shard); this.shards.set(shardId, shard); } this.setupThreadEvents(); const message = { op: 7 /* WorkerReady */ }; parentPort2.postMessage(message); } }; __name(WorkerBootstrapper, "WorkerBootstrapper"); // src/ws/WebSocketManager.ts import { range } from "@discordjs/util"; import { AsyncEventEmitter as AsyncEventEmitter2 } from "@vladfrangu/async_event_emitter"; import { Routes } from "discord-api-types/v10"; var WebSocketManager = class extends AsyncEventEmitter2 { /** * The options being used by this manager */ options; /** * Internal cache for a GET /gateway/bot result */ gatewayInformation = null; /** * Internal cache for the shard ids */ shardIds = null; /** * Strategy used to manage shards * * @defaultValue `SimpleShardingStrategy` */ strategy; constructor(options) { super(); this.options = { ...DefaultWebSocketManagerOptions, ...options }; this.strategy = this.options.buildStrategy(this); } /** * Fetches the gateway information from Discord - or returns it from cache if available * * @param force - Whether to ignore the cache and force a fresh fetch */ async fetchGatewayInformation(force = false) { if (this.gatewayInformation) { if (this.gatewayInformation.expiresAt <= { this.gatewayInformation = null; } else if (!force) { return; } } const data = await; this.gatewayInformation = { data, expiresAt: + data.session_start_limit.reset_after }; return; } /** * Updates your total shard count on-the-fly, spawning shards as needed * * @param shardCount - The new shard count to use */ async updateShardCount(shardCount) { await this.strategy.destroy({ reason: "User is adjusting their shards" }); this.options.shardCount = shardCount; const shardIds = await this.getShardIds(true); await this.strategy.spawn(shardIds); return this; } /** * Yields the total number of shards across for your bot, accounting for Discord recommendations */ async getShardCount() { if (this.options.shardCount) { return this.options.shardCount; } const shardIds = await this.getShardIds(); return Math.max(...shardIds) + 1; } /** * Yields the ids of the shards this manager should manage */ async getShardIds(force = false) { if (this.shardIds && !force) { return this.shardIds; } let shardIds; if (this.options.shardIds) { if (Array.isArray(this.options.shardIds)) { shardIds = this.options.shardIds; } else { const { start, end } = this.options.shardIds; shardIds = [...range({ start, end: end + 1 })]; } } else { const data = await this.fetchGatewayInformation(); shardIds = [...range(this.options.shardCount ?? data.shards)]; } this.shardIds = shardIds; return shardIds; } async connect() { const shardCount = await this.getShardCount(); const data = await this.fetchGatewayInformation(); if (data.session_start_limit.remaining < shardCount) { throw new Error( `Not enough sessions remaining to spawn ${shardCount} shards; only ${data.session_start_limit.remaining} remaining; resets at ${new Date( + data.session_start_limit.reset_after).toISOString()}` ); } await this.updateShardCount(shardCount); await this.strategy.connect(); } destroy(options) { return this.strategy.destroy(options); } send(shardId, payload) { return this.strategy.send(shardId, payload); } fetchStatus() { return this.strategy.fetchStatus(); } }; __name(WebSocketManager, "WebSocketManager"); // src/index.ts var version = "0.8.3"; export { CloseCodes, CompressionMethod, DefaultDeviceProperty, DefaultWebSocketManagerOptions, Encoding, ImportantGatewayOpcodes, SimpleContextFetchingStrategy, SimpleIdentifyThrottler, SimpleShardingStrategy, WebSocketManager, WebSocketShard, WebSocketShardDestroyRecovery, WebSocketShardEvents, WebSocketShardStatus, WorkerBootstrapper, WorkerContextFetchingStrategy, WorkerReceivePayloadOp, WorkerSendPayloadOp, WorkerShardingStrategy, getInitialSendRateLimitState, managerToFetchingStrategyOptions, version }; //#