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## About `@discordjs/formatters` is a collection of functions for formatting strings to be used on Discord. ## Installation **Node.js 16.9.0 or newer is required.** ```sh npm install @discordjs/formatters yarn add @discordjs/formatters pnpm add @discordjs/formatters ``` ## Example usage ````ts import { codeBlock } from '@discordjs/formatters'; const formattedCode = codeBlock('hello world!'); console.log(formattedCode); // Prints: // ``` // hello world! // ``` ```` ## Links - [Website][website] ([source][website-source]) - [Documentation][documentation] - [Guide][guide] ([source][guide-source]) Also see the v13 to v14 [Update Guide][guide-update], which includes updated and removed items from the library. - [discord.js Discord server][discord] - [Discord API Discord server][discord-api] - [GitHub][source] - [npm][npm] - [Related libraries][related-libs] ## Contributing Before creating an issue, please ensure that it hasn't already been reported/suggested, and double-check the [documentation][documentation]. See [the contribution guide][contributing] if you'd like to submit a PR. ## Help If you don't understand something in the documentation, you are experiencing problems, or you just need a gentle nudge in the right direction, please don't hesitate to join our official [discord.js Server][discord]. [website]: https://discord.js.org [website-source]: https://github.com/discordjs/discord.js/tree/main/apps/website [documentation]: https://discord.js.org/docs/packages/formatters/stable [guide]: https://discordjs.guide/ [guide-source]: https://github.com/discordjs/guide [guide-update]: https://discordjs.guide/additional-info/changes-in-v14.html [discord]: https://discord.gg/djs [discord-api]: https://discord.gg/discord-api [source]: https://github.com/discordjs/discord.js/tree/main/packages/formatters [npm]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@discordjs/formatters [related-libs]: https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/community-resources#libraries [contributing]: https://github.com/discordjs/discord.js/blob/main/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md