Automatically download and install Pesterchum updates (zip/source only so far)

This commit is contained in:
Kiooeht 2011-08-16 00:36:04 -07:00
parent f7e3b9ffe5
commit 9745671f3b
4 changed files with 338 additions and 9 deletions

libs/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
Adam Hupp (
magic is a wrapper around the libmagic file identification library.
See README for more information.
>>> import magic
>>> magic.from_file("testdata/test.pdf")
'PDF document, version 1.2'
>>> magic.from_file("testdata/test.pdf", mime=True)
>>> magic.from_buffer(open("testdata/test.pdf").read(1024))
'PDF document, version 1.2'
import os.path
import ctypes
import ctypes.util
from ctypes import c_char_p, c_int, c_size_t, c_void_p
class MagicException(Exception): pass
class Magic:
Magic is a wrapper around the libmagic C library.
def __init__(self, mime=False, magic_file=None, mime_encoding=False):
Create a new libmagic wrapper.
mime - if True, mimetypes are returned instead of textual descriptions
mime_encoding - if True, codec is returned
magic_file - use a mime database other than the system default
flags = MAGIC_NONE
if mime:
flags |= MAGIC_MIME
elif mime_encoding:
self.cookie = magic_open(flags)
magic_load(self.cookie, magic_file)
def from_buffer(self, buf):
Identify the contents of `buf`
return magic_buffer(self.cookie, buf)
def from_file(self, filename):
Identify the contents of file `filename`
raises IOError if the file does not exist
if not os.path.exists(filename):
raise IOError("File does not exist: " + filename)
return magic_file(self.cookie, filename)
def __del__(self):
if self.cookie:
self.cookie = None
_magic_mime = None
_magic = None
def _get_magic_mime():
global _magic_mime
if not _magic_mime:
_magic_mime = Magic(mime=True)
return _magic_mime
def _get_magic():
global _magic
if not _magic:
_magic = Magic()
return _magic
def _get_magic_type(mime):
if mime:
return _get_magic_mime()
return _get_magic()
def from_file(filename, mime=False):
m = _get_magic_type(mime)
return m.from_file(filename)
def from_buffer(buffer, mime=False):
m = _get_magic_type(mime)
return m.from_buffer(buffer)
libmagic = None
# Let's try to find magic or magic1
dll = ctypes.util.find_library('magic') or ctypes.util.find_library('magic1')
# This is necessary because find_library returns None if it doesn't find the library
if dll:
libmagic = ctypes.CDLL(dll)
if not libmagic or not libmagic._name:
import sys
platform_to_lib = {'darwin': '/opt/local/lib/libmagic.dylib',
'win32': 'magic1.dll'}
if sys.platform in platform_to_lib:
libmagic = ctypes.CDLL(platform_to_lib[sys.platform])
except OSError:
if not libmagic or not libmagic._name:
# It is better to raise an ImportError since we are importing magic module
raise ImportError('failed to find libmagic. Check your installation')
magic_t = ctypes.c_void_p
def errorcheck(result, func, args):
err = magic_error(args[0])
if err is not None:
raise MagicException(err)
return result
magic_open = libmagic.magic_open
magic_open.restype = magic_t
magic_open.argtypes = [c_int]
magic_close = libmagic.magic_close
magic_close.restype = None
magic_close.argtypes = [magic_t]
magic_error = libmagic.magic_error
magic_error.restype = c_char_p
magic_error.argtypes = [magic_t]
magic_errno = libmagic.magic_errno
magic_errno.restype = c_int
magic_errno.argtypes = [magic_t]
magic_file = libmagic.magic_file
magic_file.restype = c_char_p
magic_file.argtypes = [magic_t, c_char_p]
magic_file.errcheck = errorcheck
_magic_buffer = libmagic.magic_buffer
_magic_buffer.restype = c_char_p
_magic_buffer.argtypes = [magic_t, c_void_p, c_size_t]
_magic_buffer.errcheck = errorcheck
def magic_buffer(cookie, buf):
return _magic_buffer(cookie, buf, len(buf))
magic_load = libmagic.magic_load
magic_load.restype = c_int
magic_load.argtypes = [magic_t, c_char_p]
magic_load.errcheck = errorcheck
magic_setflags = libmagic.magic_setflags
magic_setflags.restype = c_int
magic_setflags.argtypes = [magic_t, c_int]
magic_check = libmagic.magic_check
magic_check.restype = c_int
magic_check.argtypes = [magic_t, c_char_p]
magic_compile = libmagic.magic_compile
magic_compile.restype = c_int
magic_compile.argtypes = [magic_t, c_char_p]
MAGIC_NONE = 0x000000 # No flags
MAGIC_DEBUG = 0x000001 # Turn on debugging
MAGIC_SYMLINK = 0x000002 # Follow symlinks
MAGIC_COMPRESS = 0x000004 # Check inside compressed files
MAGIC_DEVICES = 0x000008 # Look at the contents of devices
MAGIC_MIME = 0x000010 # Return a mime string
MAGIC_MIME_ENCODING = 0x000400 # Return the MIME encoding
MAGIC_CONTINUE = 0x000020 # Return all matches
MAGIC_CHECK = 0x000040 # Print warnings to stderr
MAGIC_PRESERVE_ATIME = 0x000080 # Restore access time on exit
MAGIC_RAW = 0x000100 # Don't translate unprintable chars
MAGIC_ERROR = 0x000200 # Handle ENOENT etc as real errors
MAGIC_NO_CHECK_COMPRESS = 0x001000 # Don't check for compressed files
MAGIC_NO_CHECK_TAR = 0x002000 # Don't check for tar files
MAGIC_NO_CHECK_SOFT = 0x004000 # Don't check magic entries
MAGIC_NO_CHECK_APPTYPE = 0x008000 # Don't check application type
MAGIC_NO_CHECK_ELF = 0x010000 # Don't check for elf details
MAGIC_NO_CHECK_ASCII = 0x020000 # Don't check for ascii files
MAGIC_NO_CHECK_TROFF = 0x040000 # Don't check ascii/troff
MAGIC_NO_CHECK_FORTRAN = 0x080000 # Don't check ascii/fortran
MAGIC_NO_CHECK_TOKENS = 0x100000 # Don't check ascii/tokens

View file

@ -1513,7 +1513,7 @@ class UpdatePesterchum(QtGui.QDialog):
layout_0 = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
self.ok = QtGui.QPushButton("D0WNL04D N0W", self)
self.ok = QtGui.QPushButton("D0WNL04D 4ND 1N5T4LL N0W", self)
self.connect(self.ok, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'),
self, QtCore.SLOT('accept()'))

View file

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import re
import socket
import platform
from time import strftime, time
import threading, Queue
missing = []
@ -1714,7 +1715,7 @@ class PesterWindow(MovingWindow):
def updatePC(self):
QtGui.QDesktopServices.openUrl(QtCore.QUrl(self.updatemenu.url, QtCore.QUrl.TolerantMode))
self.updatemenu = None
def noUpdatePC(self):
@ -3119,11 +3120,9 @@ class MainProgram(QtCore.QObject):
def runUpdateSlot(self):
import Queue
import threading
q = Queue.Queue(1)
s = threading.Thread(target=version.updateCheck, args=(q,0)) # the 0 is to stop
w = threading.Thread(target=self.showUpdate, args=(q,0)) # stupid syntax errors
s = threading.Thread(target=version.updateCheck, args=(q,))
w = threading.Thread(target=self.showUpdate, args=(q,))
self.widget.config.set('lastUCheck', int(time()))
@ -3248,7 +3247,7 @@ Click this message to never see this again.")
self.disconnect(self.irc, QtCore.SIGNAL('finished()'),
self, QtCore.SLOT('restartIRC()'))
def showUpdate(self, q,num):
def showUpdate(self, q):
new_url = q.get()
if new_url[0]:
self.widget.pcUpdate.emit(new_url[0], new_url[1])

View file

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
import urllib
import re
import time
import tarfile, zipfile
import os, sys, shutil
USER_TYPE = "edge"
# user - for normal people
@ -8,6 +10,17 @@ USER_TYPE = "edge"
# dev - used to be for git users, now it's anyone with the 3.41 beta
# edge - new git stuff. bleeding edge, do not try at home (kiooeht version)
INSTALL_TYPE = "source"
# installer - Windows/Mac installer (exe/dmg)
# zip - Windows zip (zip)
# source - Win/Linux/Mac source code (zip/tar)
OS_TYPE = sys.platform # win32, linux, darwin
if OS_TYPE.startswith("linux"):
OS_TYPE = "linux"
elif OS_TYPE == "darwin":
OS_TYPE = "mac"
_pcMajor = "3.41"
_pcMinor = "2"
_pcStatus = "B" # A = alpha
@ -59,9 +72,9 @@ def verStrToNum(ver):
full = ver[:ver.find(":")]
return full,,,,,
def updateCheck(q,num):
def updateCheck(q):
data = urllib.urlencode({"type" : USER_TYPE})
data = urllib.urlencode({"type" : USER_TYPE, "os" : OS_TYPE, "install" : INSTALL_TYPE})
f = urllib.urlopen("" + data)
@ -87,3 +100,87 @@ def updateCheck(q,num):
return q.put((False,0))
print "A new version of Pesterchum is avaliable!"
def removeCopies(path):
for f in os.listdir(path):
filePath = os.path.join(path, f)
if not os.path.isdir(filePath):
if os.path.exists(filePath[7:]):
def copyUpdate(path):
for f in os.listdir(path):
filePath = os.path.join(path, f)
if not os.path.isdir(filePath):
shutil.copy2(filePath, filePath[7:])
if not os.path.exists(filePath[7:]):
def updateExtract(url, extension):
if extension:
fn = "update" + extension
urllib.urlretrieve(url, fn)
fn = urllib.urlretrieve(url)[0]
if tarfile.is_tarfile(fn):
extension = ".tar.gz"
elif zipfile.is_zipfile(fn):
extension = ".zip"
from libs import magic # :O I'M IMPORTING /MAGIC/!! HOLY SHIT!
mime = magic.from_file(fn, mime=True)
if mime == 'application/octet-stream':
extension = ".exe"
print url, fn, extension
if extension == ".exe":
elif extension == ".zip" or extension.startswith(".tar"):
if extension == ".zip":
from zipfile import is_zipfile as is_updatefile, ZipFile as openupdate
print "Opening .zip"
elif extension.startswith(".tar"):
from tarfile import is_tarfile as is_updatefile, open as openupdate
print "Opening .tar"
if is_updatefile(fn):
update = openupdate(fn, 'r')
if os.path.exists("tmp"):
tmp = os.listdir("tmp")
if os.path.exists("update"):
if len(tmp) == 1 and \
shutil.move("tmp/"+tmp[0], "update")
shutil.move("tmp", "update")
def updateDownload(url):
extensions = [".exe", ".zip", ".tar.gz", ".tar.bz2"]
found = False
for e in extensions:
if url.endswith(e):
found = True
updateExtract(url, e)
if not found:
if url.startswith("") and url.count('/') == 4:
updateExtract(url+"/tarball/master", None)
updateExtract(url, None)