
359 lines
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# Todo
## Git
* Set up issue tracking for this fork, if possible (and move the TODO list)
## Features
* Log viewer needs to have BBCode/HTML/Text copy modes
* Turn @ and # links on/off?
* Colour saving boxes things?
* Whowas for last seen online?
* Tab completion of two letter names
* Auto download/install updates via Windows installer
* Make toast notifications only on certain chums
* Local alisas for chums
* Don't make new windows be all in your face and shit
* Hide offline friends per group
* LET PEOPLE TURN OFF HONKING - people already rename the soundfile and such to
do this manually
* Add support for displaying more verbose information (e.g. Cease messages which
tell you more than the abbreviation of who left)
* Make Pesterchum recognize conventional /mes so they aren't invisible
* Make @XY and @xxxYyy formats ping their targets
* Allow matches like @?XY and @FXY or @PXY3 - make them only match the target
currently set to that.
* Make @ notation not match @u@; and similar (make invalid nick chars break
* Allow use of @ and # links to switch between logs in log viewer (start with
the closest time to the line of the log that's linking)
* Improve log viewer in general (unbind instances from specific users/memos)
* Fix hyperlink escaping (Qt seems to do this automatically - need a workaround)
* Show bans if +h or higher (+h, +o, +a, +q)
* Auto-invite (for people on the friends list?)
* Right click on names for inviting, ACTUALLY banning, PMing, ... See also:
Things proper IRC clients can do. (Set basic mode stuff up first, get the
infrastructure in place.)
* Add more comprehensive status support - IDLE, DND, INVISIBLE for now - or at
least add similar functionality.
* Improve Pesterchum's tracking of disconnections (check memos for quits...)
* SEPARATE FUNCTIONALITY from CONNECTED STATE!! This is a huge problem! Being
shunted off our nick closes windows and breaks things! Just D/C and
* It'd probably be best to give an option to either CHANGE NICKS or
DISCONNECT upon nick collision...? But, then how would we GHOST?
* Auto-disconnect if collision before joining channels, make it
possible to disconnect (but not send messages, obviously)
without losing everything
* Maybe GHOSTing should use auto-identify to ensure- no, that doesn't
work, because we can't ident into a specified nick without being ON
it. Need GD's help to fix....
* Make it possible to test quirk things and such without connecting? This'd be
hard to separate out, but useful.
* Make a quirk 'bin' that exists independent of profiles, and can be
copied to/from at will.
* Allow us to set quirks that apply to all profiles! For things like
replacement quirks.
* Right-click Time entry field to see those used? (Replace left/right buttons?)
* Save commonly-used times on a per-handle basis!
* Make the memo list highlight/recolor the names of channels you're in
(including secret ones)
* Add an option to Cycle (for log separation)
* Add a separate 'Tweaks' section in Options
* Fix graphical issues with dark themes vs. light themes (Qt/text too
### Services
* Use web connection to send offline messages in email-like fashion
(Idea: ghostDunk)
* Better NickServ registering
* Implement **MemoServ** support
* Tell user when NickServ handles are going to expire
* Tell user when old handles have D/C'd? Offer autoghost support?!
### GUI
* Refactor code to make way for QShortcut usage. (Unify shortcut processing?)
* Enable/Disable toggle (Firefox style option sheet-esque? Seems okay.)
* Ctrl+W closes tab
* Ctrl+Shift+PGUP/PGDN moves tab
* Option to disable Ctrl+Tab's jump to newest
* Ctrl+Shift+V "Mass Paste" option (parse lines in sequence)?
* Make mouseovers (refocusing) reset idle timer (disableable)
* Set up EVENT FILTERS in windows to redirect events to the right places
* Make the context key (if used in the text area) append the menu options
from the right-click menu
* Make system messages use timestamps like everything else
* Offer option for timestamps in memos
* Make a status window/popup to contain logs of information like invites
### "Security"
**Note: The idea of security on this platform is pretty much laughable. Most of
these changes are simply bandages being placed over fundamentally flawed
If you want Pesterchum to be more secure, either get ghostDunk to make changes
to the server and its administration policies, or get everyone to switch to this
version of the client. There aren't really any other options.
* Flood protection (don't send because of the same target too many times in a
* Just requires a timer + lastmessage date check.
* Lock exploitable functionality to those on your friends list (optional)
* Canon handles are excluded from this concern, but subject to flood
controls regardless.
* A measure of politeness is reasonable here - checking if a friend is on
as a different handle should be okay, once IRC access is revamped.
* Don't send MOOD answers to those not friended
* Ignore pesters from those not on your friends list (optional)
* Ignore pesters from those not sharing a memo? (optional)
* Make BLOCKED list persistent, if it isn't already
* Offer option to block hosts, not just handles...
* Explain to the user that this option is very dangerous.
### Advanced
* Offer option for 'new' syntax adjustments
* Replace: "???, ???, ??? ceased responding to memo." for parts.
* "XY ({handle}) ({times}) ceased responding to memo."
* If +h or above: Include host as well as handle.
* Replace: "??? ceased responding to memo." for nickchanges.
* "XY ({handle} {host?}) left memo; AB ({handle} joined memo."
* Can violate the norms somewhat, these aren't theme-controlled.
They're basically for power users/admins.
* Offer GUI changes
* Make tabs "{name} ({# of unread msgs})" if unread
* Make themes able to define colors that are too dark to read for an
individual window
* Set up code for 'nudging' color codes into readable territory; presumably
via an adjustable setting. (This CANNOT affect logs - just the log
* Come up with a solution for duplicate times/handle abbreviations
* Maybe make mouseover for the handles display the full handle?
* Option to disable backwards compatibility:
* For those that are *really* sure that this build is the build for
* Should enable extra features, including ctag compression.
* Allow manual compression changes via memo right-click menu for
'advanced' (per the setting) users
## Todo/Done
**Everything in this section has already been completed.**
### GUI
* Toggle individual tab flash / alert sounds (from the same right-click memo
that lets us toggle OOC)
* Make CTRL+PGUP/PGDN switch memo/pester tabs
* Make Ctrl+J/K usable for tab changing
* Make right-clicking on a tab open up the right-click menu one would get on
right-clicking the title (frame??)
* Right-click in userlist offers option to Pester
* Make certain dialogues start on the safer of the two options
* Make the Reconnect dialog start on Reconnect
* Make the Rejoin dialog start on Rejoin
* Make the Invite dialog start on Decline
### Usability
* Fix parser text-loss bug that plagues everyone (especially Chumdroid users)
* Make /me messages that cut continue into more /me messages
* Make sound work on Windows through QSound (disables volume control)
* Color tags are now posted as their shorter hexadecimal forms, if applicable
(255,255,255 -> #FFFFFF, for example)
* Separate auto-idle and checkbox idle so they don't share a state (and make
the first send set the timer for additional idle responses)
* Stop us from sending IDLE messages to NickServ
* Fix NickServ auto-login things
* Make a window that can be used to interface with the script directly - a
simple Python console
* Make the memo name entry box accept a comma-separated list
* Make console users able to check widget theme/style information via mouseover
and key combo (for people making themes or debugging)
* This is presently Ctrl+Alt+w, after opening the console (Ctrl+~).
### Backend
* Perpetual code cleanup, refactoring, simplification and general improvements
* Syntax changes/updates and the like
## Code
**Improvements and changes pertaining to Pesterchum's internals.**
### General
* Implement new Lexer for the sake of everyone's sanity
* This is half-done - rendering still uses the old lexer
* Redo `PESTERCHUM:` processing/redo whole msg received processing chain
* Redo text processing in general
* Redo quirk processing (use pieces from Textsub if needed)
* Pare down the PesterMemo object so it inherits more things from PesterConvo
* SOONER OR LATER: Redo internal chum storage, centralize data into widely
accessible manager objects, etc.
* Also: Overhaul settings storage. Bring it more in line with the system Textsub
used (if feeling masochistic), but simpler.
* **Overhaul information storage** - chums, conversations, memos; all should be
handled by a backend and merely RENDERED into Qt objects!!
* Overhaul debugging
* Give an actual (small) window with traceback that can be sent to dev(s)
* Use the console for this?
* Debug's CaseInsensitiveDict/replace it with mine
* Overhaul messaging so **Chan/Nick/Memo Servs** all use the same code (and
* **Separate Pesterchum system handling from window handling.** Dicts should be
stored and maintained via dicts - even a refined version of what I used for
* Doing it this way means I can fix the case in/sensitivity issue, too.
* Set up framework for easily logging/accessing channels, users,
what hexchat has.
* More efficient framework for accessing stored user information - right now,
Pesterchum keeps information on user colors and such on hand *forever*,
meaning that things inevitably get clogged up with handles that are never
really seen, or only seen once, or even just randomly generated. This is
silly and should be changed; I'll probably make a namedtuple for users or
something, and save it all to a separate JSON file or two.
Said JSON file should keep the extra information on hand - or rather, the
'recent users' JSON file should keep most of the detailed information and be
accessed first, with the larger 'inactive users' file being accessed to
check for unfamiliar handles.
These would have to output the old data to pesterchum.js for backwards
compatibility purposes.
* Finish creating the sound wrapper. Just make it check what the type of sound
needed is upon creation, and instantiate a private class based off of that.
* There is basically no good way to do this without moving to Qt5. I
might try that myself later, but that's a long-term goal.
* Stop from sending TIME notifications when unable
* Until then: Hide resulting "no external messages"/+m messages.
* Stop sending auto-IDLE messages unless the chat has been updated since the
last one.
* Make groups, chums, etc. preferentially load from the main directory, *then*
check logs.
* Compatibility is important, so update both if they exist. (Bluh!)
### Debugging
* Set up a simple function to display a traceback instead of silently moving on!
* Use the console for this?
* Make small, simplistic windows that allow the viewing of internal variables
pertaining to things like set quirks, users present, etc.
* Also let it display the stylesheet settings of the current window, or
* Make a console to display debug info without requiring us to run from terminal
* Allow us to specify flags via command line
* Let us specify a separate config (pesterchum.js) file!!
* Make the console support color (not ctags, more stylesheet stuff) (need
parser work for this)
## Bugs
* weird memo time bug
* Windows doesn't show style sheet sometimes?? Maybe related to themes.
* Issues with connecting? Client not closing connection right? People keep
getting "nick taken" messages
* When using mood sort, scroll position jumps to last selected chum
* Closing a timeclone doesn't actually cease for everyone else
* Kill Zalgo
* Random invisible, tiny links to last link at end of every message
* Chums not appearing on chumroll when initals are the same? (bS)
* Recognize IRC 471, 473, 474 and 475
* memo links aren't case sensitive
* Mentions occasionally don't work (e.g. in /me)
* Character times aren't 'forgotten' on Part
* +c is not properly recognized on join, nor does it stop someone from
reenabling their quirk (let ops and above ignore it?)
* Chumlist handles groups pretty badly (no using the same name as a handle, for
example? Needs an errormessage at least)
* The whole chumlist handling system really ought to be refactored into
something sane...the objects should only be there to render
* PESTERCHUM: messages are sent to things like NickServ
* Log folder/file names are not case-sensitive, so they break on non-Windows
* Log viewer needs adjustments and sanity checking for log directories
* Capitalized /me's don't render (should forcibly lowercase them)
* 'pcd10' and similar users don't get proper abbreviations on part (ugh)
* Volume control doesn't work without pygame
* Sound on Linux doesn't work without pygame
* Update checking code gives false positives (update to use json file from git?)
* Pesterchum doesn't seem to close all of its file handles - it runs out of
handles to use on Linux
* Others have reported memory leak-induced crashes on Windows. These
may or may not be related.
* Pesterchum groups aren't carried over when profiles are copied!
* Malformed Pesterchum profiles cause the program to crash and burn
* What causes these? Exiting in the middle of a write operation? Threading
* Malformed Python quirks try to open an error dialog and crash if Pesterchum
is opened as a module
* Pesterchum's threading is messy and scary, and should probably be cleaned up
some via the addition of locks
* Pesterchum's file handling is atrocious - inefficient to the extreme.
* There are multiple copies of things that really need only be loaded once
in a lot of different places.
* Memos don't seem to close their file handles properly. (Logs too??)
## Windows Bugs
* XP SP2: sometimes mouse clicks dont register? must be some kinda crash
* On reconnect and nick change, momentary theme change causes menu items to
stop working
* Random chums won't show up on chumroll
* Popup toast notifications cause main window to raise
## Mac Bugs
**Due to my lack of access to a Mac, these are unlikely to be fixed.**
* Mac doesn't show tabs right, display gifs, highlighting thing?
* SS: also the background image is broken
* SS: in the one-on-one pester it resizes with the window
* SS: but the memo one doesn't resize
* SS: and the arrows next to the time thing overlap the CLOSE button
* Lex: There seems to be a faint outline around most non-square themes.
## Things that won't be done
**Requests that, for one reason or another, will not be fulfilled.**
### Scrapped Features
**I'll explain why these ones won't happen.**
> * More complex quirks: by-sound
* This would require a way to determine what maps to a sound, and
replace it.
I've played with the idea before. It resulted in me needing to look
up things like the [Metaphone Algorithm][metaphone] to figure out
how it might be even remotely possible. The results were NOT a fun
time; if this is ever implemented, it will be much, much later than
just about everything else.
> * Spy mode
* I feel as though I shouldn't need to tell anyone why this is a bad idea.
Some people already have this capability anyway; I used to be one of them.
There's no real need to implement an inferior version into every single
client on Pesterchum.
> * "Someone has friended you" notifier
> * Spectation notices (Idea: lexicalNuance) (probly WONTFIX)
* These are milder invasions of privacy than the above, but they are still
invasions of privacy.
> * When 'banned' make impossible to connect using timestamp banned under
* This is a lot of work for something that purely affects immersion - while
also breaking a number of things in the process. Too much work for too
little payoff.
> * Use web connection to save profiles (Idea: ghostDunk)
* There is no way to do this now that Pesterchum is basically unsupported; an
external server would be necessary for storage.
As such, you'll just have to settle for copying your profiles and logs when
you change computers.
[modeline]: vim:set autoindent ts=4 sts=4 sw=4 tw=79 expandtab: