2023-02-13 02:46:31 +01:00

675 lines
25 KiB

from pnc.unicolor import Color
import re
global basestr
basestr = str
basestr = str
except NameError:
# We're running Python 3. Leave it be.
# Yanked from the old Textsub file. Pardon the mess.
# TODO: Need to consider letting conversions register themselves - or, as a
# simpler solution, just have CTag.convert and have it search for a conversion
# function appropriate to the given format - e.g. CTag.convert_pchum.
class Lexeme:
def __init__(self, string, origin):
# The 'string' property is just what it came from; the original
# representation. It doesn't have to be used, and honestly probably
# shouldn't be.
self.string = string
self.origin = origin
def __str__(self):
##return self.string
return self.convert(self.origin)
def __len__(self):
##return len(self.string)
return len(str(self))
def convert(self, format):
# This is supposed to be overwritten by subclasses
raise NotImplementedError
def rebuild(self, format):
"""Builds a copy of the owning Lexeme as if it had 'come from' a
different original format, and returns the result."""
# TODO: This. Need to decide whether overloading will be required for
# nearly every single subclass....
raise NotImplementedError
def from_mo(cls, mo, origin):
raise NotImplementedError
# class Message(Lexeme):
# """An object designed to represent a message, possibly containing Lexeme
# objects in their native form as well. Intended to be a combination of a
# list and a string, combining the former with the latter's methods."""
# def __init__(self, contents, origin):
# lexer = Lexer.lexer_for(origin)()
# working = lexer.lex(contents)
# # TODO: Rebuild all lexemes so that they all 'come from' the same
# # format (e.g. their .origin values are all the same as the Message's).
# for i, elt in enumerate(working):
# try:
# # Try to rebuild for the new format
# elt = elt.rebuild(origin)
# except AttributeError:
# # It doesn't let us rebuild, so it's probably not a Lexeme
# continue
# else:
# # Assign it to the proper place, replacing the old one
# working[i] = elt
# self.origin = origin
# self.contents = working
# self.string = "".join(lexer.list_convert(working))
# # TODO: Finish all the rest of this.
class Specifier(Lexeme):
# Almost purely for classification at present
sets_color = sets_bold = sets_italic = sets_underline = None
resets_color = resets_bold = resets_italic = resets_underline = None
resets_formatting = None
# If this form has a more compact form, use it
compact = False
# Made so that certain odd message-ish things have a place to go. May have its
# class changed later.
class Chunk(Specifier):
class FTag(Specifier):
class CTag(Specifier):
"""Denotes the beginning or end of a color change."""
sets_color = True
def __init__(self, string, origin, color):
super().__init__(string, origin)
# So we can also have None
if isinstance(color, tuple):
if len(color) < 2:
raise ValueError
self.color, self.bg_color = color[:2]
self.color = color
self.bg_color = None
def has_color(self):
if self.color is not None or self.bg_color is not None:
return True
return False
def convert(self, format):
text = ""
color = self.color
bg = self.bg_color
if format == "irc":
# Put in the control character for a color code.
text = "\x03"
if color:
text += color.ccode
if bg:
text += "," + bg.ccode
elif bg:
text += "99," + bg.ccode
elif format == "pchum":
if not color:
text = "</c>"
text = "<c=%s>" %
# We should have a toggle here, just in case this isn't
# acceptable for some reason, but it usually will be.
rgb = "<c=%d,%d,%d>" % color.to_rgb_tuple()
hxs = color.hexstr
if self.compact:
# Try to crush it down even further.
hxs = color.reduce_hexstr(hxs)
hxs = "<c=%s>" % hxs
if len(rgb) <= len(hxs):
# Prefer the more widely-recognized default format
text = rgb
# Hex is shorter, and recognized by everything thus
# far; use it.
text = hxs
elif format == "plaintext":
text = ""
return text
def from_mo(cls, mo, origin):
inst = None
if origin == "irc":
text =
fg, bg = mo.groups()
fg = Color("\x03" + fg)
fg = None
bg = Color("\x03" + bg)
bg = None
inst = cls(text, origin, color=(fg, bg))
elif origin == "pchum":
text =
inst = cls(text, origin, color=None)
if mo.lastindex:
text =
cmatch = Pesterchum._ctag_rgb.match(text)
if cmatch:
working = cmatch.groups()
working = list(map(int, working))
inst.color = Color(*working)
inst.color = Color(text)
return inst
class CTagEnd(CTag):
# TODO: Make this a separate class - NOT a subclass of CTag like it is at
# present
resets_color = True
def convert(self, format):
text = ""
if format == "irc":
return "\x03"
elif format == "pchum":
return "</c>"
elif format == "plaintext":
return ""
return text
def has_color(self):
return False
def from_mo(cls, mo, origin):
# Turns the whole match into it (for now)
return cls(, origin, color=None)
class LineColor(CTag):
class LineColorEnd(CTagEnd):
class FTagEnd(Specifier):
resets_formatting = True
class ResetTag(CTagEnd, FTagEnd):
def convert(self, format):
text = ""
if format == "irc":
return "\x0F"
elif format == "pchum":
# Later on, this one is going to be infuriatingly tricky.
# Supporting things like bold and so on doesn't really allow for an
# easy 'reset' tag.
# I *could* implement it, and it wouldn't be too hard, but it would
# probably confuse more people than it helped.
return "</c>"
elif format == "plaintext":
return ""
return text
class SpecifierEnd(CTagEnd, FTagEnd):
# This might not ever even be used, but you never know....
# If it does, we may need properties such as .resets_color, .resets_bold,
# and so on and so forth
# TODO: Consider using a metaclass to check those properties - e.g. if
# a class .sets_color and a subclass .resets_color, set the subclass's
# .sets_color to False
class Lexer:
# Subclasses need to supply a ref themselves
ref = None
compress_tags = False
def breakdown(self, string, objlist):
if not isinstance(string, basestr):
msglist = string
msglist = [string]
for obj, rxp in objlist:
working = []
for i, msg in enumerate(msglist):
if not isinstance(msg, basestr):
# We've probably got a tag or something else that we can't
# actually parse into a tag
# If we got here, we have a string to parse
oend = 0
for mo in rxp.finditer(msg):
start, end = mo.span()
if oend != start:
# There's text between the end of the last match and
# the beginning of this one, add it
tag = obj.from_mo(mo, origin=self.ref)
oend = end
# We've finished parsing every match, check if there's any text
# left
if oend < len(msg):
# There is; add it to the end of the list
# Exchange the old list with the processed one, and continue
msglist = working
return msglist
def lex(self, string):
# Needs to be implemented by subclasses
return self.breakdown(string, [])
def list_convert(self, target, format=None):
if format is None:
format = self.ref
converted = []
for elt in target:
if isinstance(elt, Lexeme):
elt = elt.convert(format)
if not isinstance(elt, basestr):
# Tempted to make this toss an error, but for now, we'll be
# safe and make it convert to str
elt = str(elt)
return converted
class Pesterchum(Lexer):
ref = "pchum"
_ctag_begin = re.compile(r"<c=(.*?)>", flags=re.I)
_ctag_rgb = re.compile(r"(\d+),(\d+),(\d+)")
_ctag_end = re.compile(r"</c>", flags=re.I)
_mecmdre = re.compile(r"^(/me|PESTERCHUM:ME)(\S*)")
# TODO: At some point, this needs to have support for setting up
# optimization controls - so ctags will be rendered down into things like
# "<c=#FAF>" instead of "<c=#FFAAFF>".
# I'd make this the default, but I'd like to retain *some* compatibility
# with Chumdroid's faulty implementation...or at least have the option to.
def lex(self, string):
lexlist = [
##(mecmd, self._mecmdre),
(CTag, self._ctag_begin),
##(CTag, self._ctag_end)
(CTagEnd, self._ctag_end),
lexed = self.breakdown(string, lexlist)
balanced = []
beginc = 0
endc = 0
for o in lexed:
if isinstance(o, CTag):
##if o:
if o.has_color():
# This means it has a color of some sort
# TODO: Change this; pesterchum doesn't support BG colors,
# so we should only check FG ones (has_color() checks both)
# TODO: Consider making a Lexer method that checks if
# a provided object would actually contribute something
# when rendered under a certain format
beginc += 1
elif beginc >= endc:
endc += 1
# Apply compression, if we're set to. We made these objects, so
# that should be okay.
if self.compress_tags:
o.compact = True
# Original (Pesterchum) code:
##if isinstance(o, colorBegin):
## beginc += 1
## balanced.append(o)
##elif isinstance(o, colorEnd):
## if beginc >= endc:
## endc += 1
## balanced.append(o)
## else:
## balanced.append(o.string)
## balanced.append(o)
# This will need to be re-evaluated to support the line end lexeme/etc.
if beginc > endc:
for i in range(0, beginc - endc):
balanced.append(CTagEnd("</c>", self.ref, None))
return balanced
# TODO: Let us contextually set compression here or something, ugh. If
# 'None' assume the self-set one.
def list_convert(self, target, format=None):
if format is None:
format = self.ref
converted = []
cstack = []
##closecolor = lambda: converted.append(CTagEnd("</c>", self.ref, None))
closecolor = lambda: converted.append(
CTagEnd("</c>", self.ref, None).convert(format)
for elt in target:
if isinstance(elt, LineColorEnd):
# Go down the stack until we have a line color TO end
while cstack:
# Add a </c> since we'll need one anyway
##if isinstance(color, LineColor):
if isinstance(cstack.pop(), LineColor):
# We found what we wanted, and the color
# was already popped from the stack, so
# we're good
# Breaking here allows it to be appended
elif isinstance(elt, ResetTag):
# If it says reset, reset - which means go down the
# stack to the most recent line color.
while cstack:
color = cstack[-1]
if not isinstance(color, LineColor):
# It's not a line color, so remove it
del cstack[-1]
# Add a </c>
# It's a line color, so stop searching.
# Using break here prevents the 'else'
# clause of this while statement from
# executing, which means that we go on to
# add this to the result.
# We don't have any more entries in the stack;
# just continue.
## We found the line color, so add it and continue
## TODO: Make this actually add the reset char
# The above shouldn't be necessary because this is Pesterchum's
# format, not IRC's
elif isinstance(elt, CTagEnd):
color = cstack[-1]
# Remove the oldest color, the one we're exiting
if not isinstance(color, LineColor):
# If we got here, we don't have a line color,
# so we're free to act as usual
# Fetch the current nested color
color = cstack[-1]
# We have a line color and the current lexeme
# is NOT a line color end; don't even bother
# adding it to the processed result
except LookupError:
# We aren't nested in a color anymore
# Passing here causes us to fall through to normal
# handling
# Not necessary due to Pesterchum's format
## # We're still nested....
## ##converted.append(elt.convert(format))
## converted.append(color.convert(format))
## # We already added to the working list, so just
## # skip the rest
## continue
elif isinstance(elt, CTag):
# Push the color onto the stack - we're nested in it now
# Falling through adds it to the converted result
if isinstance(elt, Lexeme):
elt = elt.convert(format)
elif not isinstance(elt, basestr):
# Tempted to make this toss an error, but for now, we'll be
# safe and make it convert to str
elt = str(elt)
return converted
class RelayChat(Lexer):
ref = "irc"
# This could use some cleaning up later, but it'll work for now, hopefully
##_ccode_rxp = re.compile(r"\x03(?P<fg>\d\d?)?(?(fg),(?P<bg>\d\d?))?|\x0F")
_ccode_rxp = re.compile(r"\x03(?P<fg>\d\d?)(?(fg),(?P<bg>\d\d?))?")
_ccode_end_rxp = re.compile(r"\x03(?!\d\d?)")
_reset_rxp = re.compile(r"\x0F")
def lex(self, string):
##lexlist = [(CTag, self._ccode_rxp)]
lexlist = [
(CTag, self._ccode_rxp),
(CTagEnd, self._ccode_end_rxp),
(ResetTag, self._reset_rxp),
lexed = self.breakdown(string, lexlist)
# Don't bother with the whole fancy color-balancing thing yet
return lexed
def list_convert(self, target, format=None):
if format is None:
format = self.ref
converted = []
cstack = []
for elt in target:
if isinstance(elt, CTag):
if isinstance(elt, CTagEnd) or not elt.has_color():
if isinstance(elt, LineColorEnd):
# Go down the stack until we have a line color TO
# end
while cstack:
##if isinstance(color, LineColor):
if isinstance(cstack.pop(), LineColor):
# We found what we wanted, and the color
# was already popped from the stack, so
# we're good
# The current lexeme isn't a line color end
elif isinstance(elt, ResetTag):
# If it says reset, reset - which means go down the
# stack to the most recent line color.
while cstack:
color = cstack[-1]
if not isinstance(color, LineColor):
# It's not a line color, so remove it
del cstack[-1]
# It's a line color, so stop searching.
# Using break here prevents the 'else'
# clause of this while statement from
# executing.
# We don't have any more entries in the stack;
# just continue.
# We found the line color, so add it and continue
# TODO: Make this actually add the reset char
color = cstack[-1]
# Remove the oldest color, the one we're exiting
if not isinstance(color, LineColor):
# If we got here, we don't have a line color,
# so we're free to act as usual
# Fetch the current nested color
color = cstack[-1]
# We have a line color and the current lexeme
# is NOT a line color end; don't even bother
# adding it to the processed result
except LookupError:
# We aren't nested in a color anymore
# Passing here causes us to fall through to normal
# handling
# We're still nested....
# We already added to the working list, so just
# skip the rest
# Push the color onto the stack - we're nested in it now
if isinstance(elt, Lexeme):
elt = elt.convert(format)
elif not isinstance(elt, basestr):
# Tempted to make this toss an error, but for now, we'll be
# safe and make it convert to str
elt = str(elt)
return converted
def _list_convert_new(self, target, format=None):
if format is None:
format = self.ref
converted = []
cstack = []
for elt in target:
if isinstance(elt, LineColorEnd):
# Go down the stack until we have a line color TO end
while cstack:
# Add a </c> since we'll need one anyway
# Is closecolor accessible here?
# No. :/
# try:
# closecolor()
# except Exception as e:
# print(e)
##if isinstance(color, LineColor):
if isinstance(cstack.pop(), LineColor):
# We found what we wanted, and the color
# was already popped from the stack, so
# we're good
# Breaking here allows it to be appended
elif isinstance(elt, ResetTag):
# If it says reset, reset - which means go down the
# stack to the most recent line color.
while cstack:
color = cstack[-1]
if not isinstance(color, LineColor):
# It's not a line color, so remove it
del cstack[-1]
# Add a </c>
# Is closecolor accessible here?
# try:
# closecolor()
# except Exception as e:
# print(e)
# It's a line color, so stop searching.
# Using break here prevents the 'else'
# clause of this while statement from
# executing.
# We don't have any more entries in the stack;
# just continue.
## We found the line color, so add it and continue
## TODO: Make this actually add the reset char
# The above shouldn't be necessary because this is Pesterchum's
# format, not IRC's
elif isinstance(elt, CTagEnd):
color = cstack[-1]
# Remove the oldest color, the one we're exiting
if not isinstance(color, LineColor):
# If we got here, we don't have a line color,
# so we're free to act as usual
# Fetch the current nested color
color = cstack[-1]
# We have a line color and the current lexeme
# is NOT a line color end; don't even bother
# adding it to the processed result
except LookupError:
# We aren't nested in a color anymore
# Passing here causes us to fall through to normal
# handling
# Not necessary due to Pesterchum's format
## # We're still nested....
## ##converted.append(elt.convert(format))
## converted.append(color.convert(format))
## # We already added to the working list, so just
## # skip the rest
## continue
elif isinstance(elt, CTag):
# Push the color onto the stack - we're nested in it now
# Falling through adds it to the converted result
if isinstance(elt, Lexeme):
elt = elt.convert(format)
elif not isinstance(elt, basestr):
# Tempted to make this toss an error, but for now, we'll be
# safe and make it convert to str
elt = str(elt)
return converted