2021-08-09 06:06:00 +02:00

349 lines
16 KiB
Executable file

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"reportbug": "Report Bug"},
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"blockchum": "Block",
"addchum": "Add Chum",
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"notes": "Edit Notes...",
"unblockchum": "Unblock",
"removegroup": "Remove Group",
"renamegroup": "Rename Group",
"movechum": "Move To",
"banuser": "Ban User",
"opuser": "Make OP",
"voiceuser": "Give Voice",
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"style": "color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 100%) ;font:bold; font-family: 'Arial';border:0px;" },
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"openmemo": "opened memo on board",
"joinmemo": "responded to memo",
"closememo": "ceased responding to memo",
"kickedmemo": "You have been banned from this memo!",
"idle": "is now an idle chum!"
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{"memoicon": "$path/memo.png",
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