2016-12-23 02:12:16 -05:00

153 lines
8.6 KiB

# Todo
## Features
* Log viewer needs to have BBCode/HTML/Text copy modes
* Copy quirks between profiles?
* Turn @ and # links on/off?
* Colour saving boxes things?
* Whowas for last seen online?
* Tab completion of two letter names
* Auto download/install updates via Windows installer
* Use web connection to send offline messages in email-like fashion (Idea: ghostDunk)
* Better NickServ registering
* Make toast notifications only on certain chums
* Local alisas for chums
* Don't make new windows be all in your face and shit
* Hide offline friends per group
* Implement new Lexer for the sake of everyone's sanity
* Redo PESTERCHUM: processing/redo whole msg received processing chain
* Redo text processing in general
* Redo quirk processing (use pieces from Textsub if needed)
* LET PEOPLE TURN OFF HONKING - people already rename the soundfile and such to do this manually
* Set up a simple function to display a traceback instead of silently moving on!
* Pare down the PesterMemo object so it inherits more things from PesterConvo *implicitly*
* SOONER OR LATER: Redo internal chum storage, centralize data into widely accessible manager objects, etc.
* Also: Overhaul settings storage. Bring it more in line with the system Textsub used (if feeling masochistic), but simpler.
* Overhaul debugging
* Debug's CaseInsensitiveDict/replace it with mine
* Overhaul messaging so Chan/Nick/Memo Servs all use the same code (and lexer)
* Implement MemoServ support
* Add support for displaying more verbose information (e.g. Cease messages which tell you more than the abbreviation of who left)
* Make Pesterchum recognize conventional /mes so they aren't invisible
* Tell user when NickServ handles are going to expire
* Tell user when old handles have D/C'd? Offer autoghost support?!
* Make @XY and @xxxYyy formats ping their targets
* Allow matches like @?XY and @FXY or @PXY3 - make them only match the target currently set to that.
* Make @ notation not match @u@; and similar (make invalid nick chars break matches)
* Fix hyperlink escaping (Qt seems to do this automatically - need a workaround)
* Show bans if +h or higher (+h, +o, +a, +q)
* Add more comprehensive status support - IDLE, DND, INVISIBLE for now - or at least add similar functionality.
* SEPARATE FUNCTIONALITY from CONNECTED STATE!! This is a huge problem! Being shunted off our nick closes windows and breaks things! Just D/C and reconnect?
* It'd probably be best to give an option to either CHANGE NICKS or DISCONNECT upon nick collision...? But, then how would we GHOST?
* Auto-disconnect if collsion before joining channels, make it possible to disconnect (but not send messages, obviously) without losing everything
* Maybe GHOSTing should use auto-identify to ensure- no, that doesn't work, because we can't ident into a specified nick without being ON it. Need GD's help to fix....
* Separate Pesterchum system handling from window handling. Dicts should be stored and maintained via dicts - even a refined version of what I used for textsub.
* Doing it this way means I can fix the case in/sensitivity issue, too.
* Set up framework for easily logging/accessing channels, users, what hexchat has.
* Finish creating the sound wrapper. Just make it check what the type of sound needed is upon creation, and instantiate a private class based off of that.
* There is basically no good way to do this without moving to Qt5. I might try that myself later, but that's a long-term goal.
* Make it possible to test quirk things and such without connecting? This'd be hard to separate out, but useful.
* Make a quirk 'bin' that exists independent of profiles, and can be copied to/from at will.
* Right-click Time entry field to see those used? (Replace left/right buttons?)
* Make the memo name entry box accept a comma-separated list
* Make right-clicking on a tab open up the right-click menu one would get on right-clicking the title (frame??)
* Add an option to Cycle (for log separation)
* Add a separate 'Tweaks' section in Options
* Fix graphical issues with dark themes vs. light themes (Qt/text too light/etc.)
* Allow manual compression changes via memo right-click menu for 'advanced' (per the setting) users
## Todo/Done
**Everything in this list has already been completed.**
* Fix parser text-loss bug that plagues everyone (especially Chumdroid users)
* Make /me messages that cut continue into more /me messages
* Make sound work on Windows through QSound (disables volume control)
* Toggle individual tab flash / alert sounds (from the same right-click memo that lets us toggle OOC)
* Make CTRL+PGUP/PGDN switch memo/pester tabs
* Color tags are now posted as their shorter hexadecimal forms, if applicable (255,255,255 -> #FFFFFF, for example)
* Separate auto-idle and checkbox idle so they don't share a state (and make the first send set the timer for additional idle responses)
* Stop us from sending IDLE messages to NickServ
* Fix NickServ auto-login things
* Make a window that can be used to interface with the script directly - a simple Python console.
## Debugging
* Make small, simplistic windows that allow the viewing of internal variables pertaining to things like set quirks, users present, etc.
* Also let it display the stylesheet settings of the current window, or similar.
* Make a console to display debug info without requiring us to run from terminal
## Bugs
* weird memo time bug
* Windows doesn't show style sheet sometimes?? Maybe related to themes.
* Issues with connecting? Client not closing connection right? People keep getting "nick taken" messages
* When using mood sort, scroll position jumps to last selected chum
* Closing a timeclone doesn't actually cease for everyone else
* Kill Zalgo
* Random invisible, tiny links to last link at end of every message
* Chums not appearing on chumroll when initals are the same? (bS)
* Recognize IRC 471, 473, 474 and 475
* memo links aren't case sensitive
* Mentions occasionally don't work (e.g. in /me)
* Character times aren't 'forgotten' on Part
* +c is not properly recognized on join, nor does it stop someone from reenabling their quirk (let ops and above ignore it)
* Chumlist handles groups pretty badly (no using the same name as a handle, for example? Needs an errormessage at least)
* PESTERCHUM: messages are sent to things like NickServ
* Log folder/file names are not case-sensitive, so they break on non-Windows systems
* Capitalized /me's don't render (should forcibly lowercase them)
* Volume control doesn't work without pygame
* Sound on Linux doesn't work without pygame
* Update checking code gives false positives (update to use json file from git?)
## Windows Bugs
* XP SP2: sometimes mouse clicks dont register? must be some kinda crash
* On reconnect and nick change, momentary theme change causes menu items to stop working
* Random chums won't show up on chumroll
* Popup toast notifications cause main window to raise
## Mac Bugs
* Mac doesn't show tabs right, display gifs, highlighting thing?
* SS: also the background image is broken
* SS: in the one-on-one pester it resizes with the window
* SS: but the memo one doesn't resize
* SS: and the arrows next to the time thing overlap the CLOSE button
* Lex: There seems to be a faint outline around most non-square themes.
## Things that won't be done
### Scrapped Features
**I'll explain why these ones won't happen.**
> * More complex quirks: by-sound
: This would require a way to determine what maps to a sound, and
replace it.
I've played with the idea before. It resulted in me needing to look
up things like the [Metaphone Algorithm][metaphone] to figure out
how it might be even remotely possible. The results were NOT a fun
time; if this is ever implemented, it will be much, much later than
just about everything else.
> * Spy mode
: I feel as though I shouldn't need to tell anyone why this is a bad idea.
Some people already have this capability anyway; I used to be one of them.
There's no real need to implement an inferior version into every single
client on Pesterchum.
> * "Someone has friended you" notifier
> * Spectation notices (Idea: lexicalNuance) (probly WONTFIX)
: These are milder invasions of privacy than the above, but they are still
invasions of privacy.
> * When 'banned' make impossible to connect using timestamp banned under
: This is a lot of work for something that purely affects immersion - while
also breaking a number of things in the process. Too much work for too
little payoff.
> * Use web connection to save profiles (Idea: ghostDunk)
: There is no way to do this now that Pesterchum is basically unsupported.
You'll just have to settle for copying your profiles and logs when you
change computers.