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[color=#646464]-- ghostDunk [color=#ff00ff][GD][/color] began pestering mechanicalSpectacle [color=#0000ff][MS][/color] at 03:05 --[/color]
[color=#ff00ff]GD: back[/color]
[color=#0000ff]MS: Oh hi![/color]
[color=#0000ff]MS: :D[/color]
[color=#ff00ff]GD: yeah[/color]
[color=#ff00ff]GD: i mean i bet a lot of people use it to vent[/color]
[color=#ff00ff]GD: the story is very engrossing[/color]
[color=#0000ff]MS: Hehehe[/color]
[color=#0000ff]MS: It is![/color]
[color=#0000ff]MS: I am addicted to it, and somehow incredibly emotionally invested[/color]
[color=#ff00ff]GD: its like watching a horror movie[/color]
[color=#0000ff]MS: No other story has ever been so engaging for me[/color]
[color=#ff00ff]GD: and you can actually tell them to not go in that room[/color]
[color=#ff00ff]GD: or dont run up the stairs[/color]
[color=#ff00ff]GD: and they will respond[/color]
[color=#ff00ff]GD: yeah...i wouldnt say no other story[/color]
[color=#ff00ff]GD: but certainly no other webcomic[/color]
[color=#ff00ff]GD: that updates over years[/color]
[color=#ff00ff]GD: any other story was a movie or tv show or novel[/color]
[color=#0000ff]MS: Nah I am rather unimpressed with most media now[/color]
[color=#ff00ff]GD: which was...over[/color]
[color=#ff00ff]GD: i loved Farscape when i was watching it[/color]
[color=#ff00ff]GD: neal stephenson stories are this engrossing[/color]
[color=#ff00ff]GD: I was a pretty active Wheel of Time fan in college[/color]
[color=#0000ff]MS: I can't boast as much television watching history, though[/color]
[color=#ff00ff]GD: but you know what i think makes this different[/color]
[color=#ff00ff]GD: the fans[/color]
[color=#ff00ff]GD: because it's stretched out for so long[/color]
[color=#ff00ff]GD: fans have time to make stuff as it is happening[/color]
[color=#0000ff]MS: Yeah, the fanbase is small and sparse, but incredibly dedicated[/color]
[color=#ff00ff]GD: digest it like he says[/color]
[color=#ff00ff]GD: i think getting rid of the suggestion box was the best thing he ever did[/color]
[color=#ff00ff]GD: because then people spent their time making new things based on the story[/color]
[color=#0000ff]MS: Yeah[/color]
[color=#0000ff]MS: But it did make PS pretty funny at times[/color]
[color=#ff00ff]GD: haha true[/color]
[color=#0000ff]MS: Oh hey, hate to bug you about this, but are you any good with Minecraft character skins?[/color]
[color=#ff00ff]GD: nope[/color]
[color=#ff00ff]GD: havent played minecraft in a while[/color]
[color=#0000ff]MS: K[/color]
[color=#0000ff]MS: No problem, then[/color]
[color=#646464]-- ghostDunk [color=#ff00ff][GD][/color] ceased pestering mechanicalSpectacle [color=#0000ff][MS][/color] at 03:16 --[/color]