it is poggers now
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 139 additions and 79 deletions
@ -15,10 +15,16 @@ const Level1 = union(enum) {
// well, might as well use the extra space (union is bigger than its biggest member)
// well, might as well use the extra space (union is bigger than its biggest member)
in: u16,
in: u16,
out: u16,
out: u16,
// u24s because i arbitrarily chose 2^24 as the limit
// maybe u32 would be more efficient idk this union should fit in a u32
// hm we can probably go way lower bc level1 is so much more compact than prog_unfiltered
// shouldn't be necessary
loop_start: u24,
loop_end: u24,
const Self = @This();
const Self = @This();
fn pointless(self: Self) bool {
fn pointless(self: Self) bool {
return switch (self) {
return switch (self) {
.inc, .shift => |n| n == 0,
.inc, .shift => |n| n == 0,
@ -26,127 +32,181 @@ const Level1 = union(enum) {
else => false,
else => false,
const Level2 = union(enum) {
fn nothing() Self {
inc: i16,
return .{ .inc = 0 };
shift: i16,
in: u16,
out: u16,
// the default fmt is human and machine readable..... but idc xd lol pog
// only difference
pub fn format(
// u24s because i arbitrarily chose 2^24 as the limit
self: Self,
// maybe u32 would be more efficient idk this union should fit in a u32
comptime fmt: []const u8,
// hm we can probably go way lower bc level1 is so much more compact than prog_unfiltered
options: std.fmt.FormatOptions,
// shouldn't be necessary
writer: anytype,
loop_start: u24,
) !void {
loop_end: u24,
_ = fmt;
_ = options;
switch (self) {
.inc => |n| try writer.print("INC {d: >4}", .{n}),
.shift => |n| try writer.print("SHF {d: >4}", .{n}),
.in => |n| try writer.print("INP {d: >4}", .{n}),
.out => |n| try writer.print("OUT {d: >4}", .{n}),
.loop_start => |n| try writer.print("JEZ {d:0>4}", .{n}),
.loop_end => |n| try writer.print("JNZ {d:0>4}", .{n}),
// we'll do the discarding of comment chars here
// we'll do the discarding of comment chars here
fn compileLevel1(allocator: mem.Allocator, src: []const u8) !ArrayList(Level1) {
fn compileLevel1(allocator: mem.Allocator, src: []const u8) !ArrayList(Level1) {
var cur: ?Level1 = null;
var cur = Level1.nothing();
var out = ArrayList(Level1).init(allocator);
var out = ArrayList(Level1).init(allocator);
var openers = ArrayList(u24).init(allocator);
errdefer {
for (src) |b| {
for (src) |b| {
switch (b) {
switch (b) {
'+', '-' => {
'+', '-' => {
const n: i16 = if (b == '+') 1 else -1;
const n: i16 = if (b == '+') 1 else -1;
if (cur) |*ins| {
switch (cur) {
switch (ins.*) {
.inc => |*ns| ns.* += n,
.inc => |*ns| ns.* += n,
else => {
else => {
if (!ins.pointless()) try out.append(ins.*);
if (!cur.pointless()) try out.append(cur);
cur = .{ .inc = n };
cur = .{ .inc = n };
} else {
cur = .{ .inc = n };
'>', '<' => {
'>', '<' => {
const n: i16 = if (b == '>') 1 else -1;
const n: i16 = if (b == '>') 1 else -1;
if (cur) |*ins| {
switch (cur) {
switch (ins.*) {
.shift => |*ns| ns.* += n,
.shift => |*ns| ns.* += n,
else => {
else => {
if (!ins.pointless()) try out.append(ins.*);
if (!cur.pointless()) try out.append(cur);
cur = .{ .shift = n };
cur = .{ .shift = n };
} else {
cur = .{ .shift = n };
'[', ']' => {
'[' => {
if (cur) |ins| {
if (!cur.pointless()) try out.append(cur);
if (!ins.pointless()) try out.append(ins);
cur = .{ .loop_start = 0 };
cur = null;
try openers.append(@as(u24, @truncate(out.items.len)));
try out.append(if (b == '[') .loop_start else .loop_end);
']' => {
if (!cur.pointless()) try out.append(cur);
const opener_idx = openers.popOrNull() orelse return error.UnopenedCloser;
out.items[opener_idx].loop_start = @as(u24, @truncate(out.items.len));
cur = .{ .loop_end = opener_idx };
',' => {
',' => {
if (cur) |*ins| {
switch (cur) {
switch (ins.*) {
.in => |*ns| ns.* += 1,
.in => |*ns| ns.* += 1,
else => {
else => {
if (!ins.pointless()) try out.append(ins.*);
if (!cur.pointless()) try out.append(cur);
cur = .{ .in = 1 };
cur = .{ .in = 1 };
} else {
cur = .{ .in = 1 };
'.' => {
'.' => {
if (cur) |*ins| {
switch (cur) {
switch (ins.*) {
.out => |*ns| ns.* += 1,
.out => |*ns| ns.* += 1,
else => {
else => {
if (!ins.pointless()) try out.append(ins.*);
if (!cur.pointless()) try out.append(cur);
cur = .{ .out = 1 };
cur = .{ .out = 1 };
} else {
cur = .{ .out = 1 };
else => {},
else => {},
if (cur) |ins| {
if (!cur.pointless()) try out.append(cur);
if (!ins.pointless()) try out.append(ins);
const unclosed_openers = openers.items.len;
if (unclosed_openers > 0) return error.UnclosedOpener;
return out;
return out;
test "level 1" {
fn testLevel1(src: []const u8, expected: []const Level1) !void {
const src = "+++-- [ >><<< +- ] ...,,,";
const level1 = try compileLevel1(testing.allocator, src);
const level1 = try compileLevel1(testing.allocator, src);
defer level1.deinit();
defer level1.deinit();
std.debug.print("{any}\n", .{level1.items});
errdefer {
std.debug.print("{s}\n", .{src});
std.debug.print(" OBTAINED EXPECTED\n", .{});
if (level1.items.len < expected.len) {
for (level1.items, expected[0..level1.items.len], 0..) |a, b, i| {
std.debug.print("{:0>4}: {} {}\n", .{ i, a, b });
for (expected[level1.items.len..], level1.items.len..) |b, i| {
std.debug.print("{:0>4}: -------- {}\n", .{ i, b });
} else {
for (level1.items[0..expected.len], expected, 0..) |a, b, i| {
std.debug.print("{:0>4}: {} {}\n", .{ i, a, b });
for (level1.items[expected.len..], expected.len..) |a, i| {
std.debug.print("{:0>4}: {} --------\n", .{ i, a });
const should_be = [_]Level1{
try testing.expectEqual(expected.len, level1.items.len);
.{ .inc = 1 },
.{ .shift = -1 },
.{ .out = 3 },
.{ .in = 3 },
try testing.expectEqual(should_be.len, level1.items.len);
for (
for (
) |a, b| {
) |a, b| {
try testing.expectEqual(a, b);
try testing.expectEqual(a, b);
test "level 1" {
try testLevel1(
"+++-- [ >><<< +- ] ...,,,",
.{ .inc = 1 },
.{ .loop_start = 3 },
.{ .shift = -1 },
.{ .loop_end = 1 },
.{ .out = 3 },
.{ .in = 3 },
try testLevel1(
\\ 0 [
\\ 1 [
\\ 2 ]
\\ 3 [
\\ 4 [
\\ 5 ]
\\ 6 [
\\ 7 ]
\\ 8 ]
\\ 9 ]
.{ .loop_start = 9 },
.{ .loop_start = 2 },
.{ .loop_end = 1 },
.{ .loop_start = 8 },
.{ .loop_start = 5 },
.{ .loop_end = 4 },
.{ .loop_start = 7 },
.{ .loop_end = 6 },
.{ .loop_end = 3 },
.{ .loop_end = 0 },
testLevel1("bla bla - [ ++ ", &[_]Level1{}) catch |err| try testing.expectEqual(err, error.UnclosedOpener);
testLevel1("wow wow += ]", &[_]Level1{}) catch |err| try testing.expectEqual(err, error.UnopenedCloser);
pub fn main() !void {
pub fn main() !void {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
var allocator = arena.allocator();
var allocator = arena.allocator();
Reference in a new issue