716 lines
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716 lines
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import { InspectOptionsStylized } from 'util';
declare class Result<T, E extends Error = Error> {
readonly success: boolean;
readonly value?: T;
readonly error?: E;
private constructor();
isOk(): this is {
success: true;
value: T;
isErr(): this is {
success: false;
error: E;
unwrap(): T;
static ok<T, E extends Error = Error>(value: T): Result<T, E>;
static err<T, E extends Error = Error>(error: E): Result<T, E>;
type ArrayConstraintName = `s.array(T).${'unique' | `length${'LessThan' | 'LessThanOrEqual' | 'GreaterThan' | 'GreaterThanOrEqual' | 'Equal' | 'NotEqual' | 'Range' | 'RangeInclusive' | 'RangeExclusive'}`}`;
declare function arrayLengthLessThan<T>(value: number): IConstraint<T[]>;
declare function arrayLengthLessThanOrEqual<T>(value: number): IConstraint<T[]>;
declare function arrayLengthGreaterThan<T>(value: number): IConstraint<T[]>;
declare function arrayLengthGreaterThanOrEqual<T>(value: number): IConstraint<T[]>;
declare function arrayLengthEqual<T>(value: number): IConstraint<T[]>;
declare function arrayLengthNotEqual<T>(value: number): IConstraint<T[]>;
declare function arrayLengthRange<T>(start: number, endBefore: number): IConstraint<T[]>;
declare function arrayLengthRangeInclusive<T>(start: number, end: number): IConstraint<T[]>;
declare function arrayLengthRangeExclusive<T>(startAfter: number, endBefore: number): IConstraint<T[]>;
type BigIntConstraintName = `s.bigint.${'lessThan' | 'lessThanOrEqual' | 'greaterThan' | 'greaterThanOrEqual' | 'equal' | 'notEqual' | 'divisibleBy'}`;
declare function bigintLessThan(value: bigint): IConstraint<bigint>;
declare function bigintLessThanOrEqual(value: bigint): IConstraint<bigint>;
declare function bigintGreaterThan(value: bigint): IConstraint<bigint>;
declare function bigintGreaterThanOrEqual(value: bigint): IConstraint<bigint>;
declare function bigintEqual(value: bigint): IConstraint<bigint>;
declare function bigintNotEqual(value: bigint): IConstraint<bigint>;
declare function bigintDivisibleBy(divider: bigint): IConstraint<bigint>;
type BooleanConstraintName = `s.boolean.${boolean}`;
declare const booleanTrue: IConstraint<boolean, true>;
declare const booleanFalse: IConstraint<boolean, false>;
type DateConstraintName = `s.date.${'lessThan' | 'lessThanOrEqual' | 'greaterThan' | 'greaterThanOrEqual' | 'equal' | 'notEqual' | 'valid' | 'invalid'}`;
declare function dateLessThan(value: Date): IConstraint<Date>;
declare function dateLessThanOrEqual(value: Date): IConstraint<Date>;
declare function dateGreaterThan(value: Date): IConstraint<Date>;
declare function dateGreaterThanOrEqual(value: Date): IConstraint<Date>;
declare function dateEqual(value: Date): IConstraint<Date>;
declare function dateNotEqual(value: Date): IConstraint<Date>;
declare const dateInvalid: IConstraint<Date>;
declare const dateValid: IConstraint<Date>;
type NumberConstraintName = `s.number.${'lessThan' | 'lessThanOrEqual' | 'greaterThan' | 'greaterThanOrEqual' | 'equal' | 'equal(NaN)' | 'notEqual' | 'notEqual(NaN)' | 'int' | 'safeInt' | 'finite' | 'divisibleBy'}`;
declare function numberLessThan(value: number): IConstraint<number>;
declare function numberLessThanOrEqual(value: number): IConstraint<number>;
declare function numberGreaterThan(value: number): IConstraint<number>;
declare function numberGreaterThanOrEqual(value: number): IConstraint<number>;
declare function numberEqual(value: number): IConstraint<number>;
declare function numberNotEqual(value: number): IConstraint<number>;
declare const numberInt: IConstraint<number>;
declare const numberSafeInt: IConstraint<number>;
declare const numberFinite: IConstraint<number>;
declare const numberNaN: IConstraint<number>;
declare const numberNotNaN: IConstraint<number>;
declare function numberDivisibleBy(divider: number): IConstraint<number>;
declare const customInspectSymbol: unique symbol;
declare const customInspectSymbolStackLess: unique symbol;
declare abstract class BaseError extends Error {
protected [customInspectSymbol](depth: number, options: InspectOptionsStylized): string;
protected abstract [customInspectSymbolStackLess](depth: number, options: InspectOptionsStylized): string;
declare class CombinedError extends BaseError {
readonly errors: readonly BaseError[];
constructor(errors: readonly BaseError[]);
protected [customInspectSymbolStackLess](depth: number, options: InspectOptionsStylized): string;
declare class ValidationError extends BaseError {
readonly validator: string;
readonly given: unknown;
constructor(validator: string, message: string, given: unknown);
toJSON(): {
name: string;
validator: string;
given: unknown;
protected [customInspectSymbolStackLess](depth: number, options: InspectOptionsStylized): string;
declare class ExpectedValidationError<T> extends ValidationError {
readonly expected: T;
constructor(validator: string, message: string, given: unknown, expected: T);
toJSON(): {
name: string;
validator: string;
given: unknown;
expected: T;
protected [customInspectSymbolStackLess](depth: number, options: InspectOptionsStylized): string;
declare class MissingPropertyError extends BaseError {
readonly property: PropertyKey;
constructor(property: PropertyKey);
toJSON(): {
name: string;
property: PropertyKey;
protected [customInspectSymbolStackLess](depth: number, options: InspectOptionsStylized): string;
declare class MultiplePossibilitiesConstraintError<T = unknown> extends BaseConstraintError<T> {
readonly expected: readonly string[];
constructor(constraint: ConstraintErrorNames, message: string, given: T, expected: readonly string[]);
toJSON(): {
name: string;
constraint: ConstraintErrorNames;
given: T;
expected: readonly string[];
protected [customInspectSymbolStackLess](depth: number, options: InspectOptionsStylized): string;
declare class UnknownEnumValueError extends BaseError {
readonly value: string | number;
readonly enumKeys: string[];
readonly enumMappings: Map<string | number, string | number>;
constructor(value: string | number, keys: string[], enumMappings: Map<string | number, string | number>);
toJSON(): {
name: string;
value: string | number;
enumKeys: string[];
enumMappings: [string | number, string | number][];
protected [customInspectSymbolStackLess](depth: number, options: InspectOptionsStylized): string;
declare class UnknownPropertyError extends BaseError {
readonly property: PropertyKey;
readonly value: unknown;
constructor(property: PropertyKey, value: unknown);
toJSON(): {
name: string;
property: PropertyKey;
value: unknown;
protected [customInspectSymbolStackLess](depth: number, options: InspectOptionsStylized): string;
declare class BigIntValidator<T extends bigint> extends BaseValidator<T> {
lessThan(number: bigint): this;
lessThanOrEqual(number: bigint): this;
greaterThan(number: bigint): this;
greaterThanOrEqual(number: bigint): this;
equal<N extends bigint>(number: N): BigIntValidator<N>;
notEqual(number: bigint): this;
get positive(): this;
get negative(): this;
divisibleBy(number: bigint): this;
get abs(): this;
intN(bits: number): this;
uintN(bits: number): this;
protected handle(value: unknown): Result<T, ValidationError>;
declare class BooleanValidator<T extends boolean = boolean> extends BaseValidator<T> {
get true(): BooleanValidator<true>;
get false(): BooleanValidator<false>;
equal<R extends true | false>(value: R): BooleanValidator<R>;
notEqual<R extends true | false>(value: R): BooleanValidator<R>;
protected handle(value: unknown): Result<T, ValidationError>;
declare class DateValidator extends BaseValidator<Date> {
lessThan(date: Date | number | string): this;
lessThanOrEqual(date: Date | number | string): this;
greaterThan(date: Date | number | string): this;
greaterThanOrEqual(date: Date | number | string): this;
equal(date: Date | number | string): this;
notEqual(date: Date | number | string): this;
get valid(): this;
get invalid(): this;
protected handle(value: unknown): Result<Date, ValidationError>;
declare class DefaultValidator<T> extends BaseValidator<T> {
private readonly validator;
private defaultValue;
constructor(validator: BaseValidator<T>, value: T | (() => T), constraints?: readonly IConstraint<T>[]);
default(value: Exclude<T, undefined> | (() => Exclude<T, undefined>)): DefaultValidator<Exclude<T, undefined>>;
protected handle(value: unknown): Result<T, ValidatorError>;
protected clone(): this;
declare class InstanceValidator<T> extends BaseValidator<T> {
readonly expected: Constructor<T>;
constructor(expected: Constructor<T>, constraints?: readonly IConstraint<T>[]);
protected handle(value: unknown): Result<T, ExpectedValidationError<Constructor<T>>>;
protected clone(): this;
declare class LiteralValidator<T> extends BaseValidator<T> {
readonly expected: T;
constructor(literal: T, constraints?: readonly IConstraint<T>[]);
protected handle(value: unknown): Result<T, ExpectedValidationError<T>>;
protected clone(): this;
declare class CombinedPropertyError extends BaseError {
readonly errors: [PropertyKey, BaseError][];
constructor(errors: [PropertyKey, BaseError][]);
protected [customInspectSymbolStackLess](depth: number, options: InspectOptionsStylized): string;
private static formatProperty;
declare class MapValidator<K, V> extends BaseValidator<Map<K, V>> {
private readonly keyValidator;
private readonly valueValidator;
constructor(keyValidator: BaseValidator<K>, valueValidator: BaseValidator<V>, constraints?: readonly IConstraint<Map<K, V>>[]);
protected clone(): this;
protected handle(value: unknown): Result<Map<K, V>, ValidationError | CombinedPropertyError>;
declare class NativeEnumValidator<T extends NativeEnumLike> extends BaseValidator<T[keyof T]> {
readonly enumShape: T;
readonly hasNumericElements: boolean;
private readonly enumKeys;
private readonly enumMapping;
constructor(enumShape: T);
protected handle(value: unknown): Result<T[keyof T], ValidationError | UnknownEnumValueError>;
protected clone(): this;
interface NativeEnumLike {
[key: string]: string | number;
[key: number]: string;
declare class NeverValidator extends BaseValidator<never> {
protected handle(value: unknown): Result<never, ValidationError>;
declare class NullishValidator extends BaseValidator<undefined | null> {
protected handle(value: unknown): Result<undefined | null, ValidationError>;
declare class NumberValidator<T extends number> extends BaseValidator<T> {
lessThan(number: number): this;
lessThanOrEqual(number: number): this;
greaterThan(number: number): this;
greaterThanOrEqual(number: number): this;
equal<N extends number>(number: N): NumberValidator<N>;
notEqual(number: number): this;
get int(): this;
get safeInt(): this;
get finite(): this;
get positive(): this;
get negative(): this;
divisibleBy(divider: number): this;
get abs(): this;
get sign(): this;
get trunc(): this;
get floor(): this;
get fround(): this;
get round(): this;
get ceil(): this;
protected handle(value: unknown): Result<T, ValidationError>;
declare class ObjectValidator<T extends object, I = UndefinedToOptional<T>> extends BaseValidator<I> {
readonly shape: MappedObjectValidator<T>;
readonly strategy: ObjectValidatorStrategy;
private readonly keys;
private readonly handleStrategy;
private readonly requiredKeys;
private readonly possiblyUndefinedKeys;
private readonly possiblyUndefinedKeysWithDefaults;
constructor(shape: MappedObjectValidator<T>, strategy?: ObjectValidatorStrategy, constraints?: readonly IConstraint<I>[]);
get strict(): this;
get ignore(): this;
get passthrough(): this;
get partial(): ObjectValidator<{
[Key in keyof I]?: I[Key];
get required(): ObjectValidator<{
[Key in keyof I]-?: I[Key];
extend<ET extends object>(schema: ObjectValidator<ET> | MappedObjectValidator<ET>): ObjectValidator<T & ET>;
pick<K extends keyof I>(keys: readonly K[]): ObjectValidator<{
[Key in keyof Pick<I, K>]: I[Key];
omit<K extends keyof I>(keys: readonly K[]): ObjectValidator<{
[Key in keyof Omit<I, K>]: I[Key];
protected handle(value: unknown): Result<I, ValidationError | CombinedPropertyError>;
protected clone(): this;
private handleIgnoreStrategy;
private handleStrictStrategy;
private handlePassthroughStrategy;
declare enum ObjectValidatorStrategy {
Ignore = 0,
Strict = 1,
Passthrough = 2
declare class PassthroughValidator<T extends any | unknown> extends BaseValidator<T> {
protected handle(value: unknown): Result<T, ValidationError>;
declare class RecordValidator<T> extends BaseValidator<Record<string, T>> {
private readonly validator;
constructor(validator: BaseValidator<T>, constraints?: readonly IConstraint<Record<string, T>>[]);
protected clone(): this;
protected handle(value: unknown): Result<Record<string, T>, ValidationError | CombinedPropertyError>;
declare class SetValidator<T> extends BaseValidator<Set<T>> {
private readonly validator;
constructor(validator: BaseValidator<T>, constraints?: readonly IConstraint<Set<T>>[]);
protected clone(): this;
protected handle(values: unknown): Result<Set<T>, ValidationError | CombinedError>;
type StringConstraintName = `s.string.${`length${'LessThan' | 'LessThanOrEqual' | 'GreaterThan' | 'GreaterThanOrEqual' | 'Equal' | 'NotEqual'}` | 'regex' | 'url' | 'uuid' | 'email' | `ip${'v4' | 'v6' | ''}` | 'date' | 'phone'}`;
type StringProtocol = `${string}:`;
type StringDomain = `${string}.${string}`;
interface UrlOptions {
allowedProtocols?: StringProtocol[];
allowedDomains?: StringDomain[];
type UUIDVersion = 1 | 3 | 4 | 5;
interface StringUuidOptions {
version?: UUIDVersion | `${UUIDVersion}-${UUIDVersion}` | null;
nullable?: boolean;
declare function stringLengthLessThan(length: number): IConstraint<string>;
declare function stringLengthLessThanOrEqual(length: number): IConstraint<string>;
declare function stringLengthGreaterThan(length: number): IConstraint<string>;
declare function stringLengthGreaterThanOrEqual(length: number): IConstraint<string>;
declare function stringLengthEqual(length: number): IConstraint<string>;
declare function stringLengthNotEqual(length: number): IConstraint<string>;
declare function stringEmail(): IConstraint<string>;
declare function stringUrl(options?: UrlOptions): IConstraint<string>;
declare function stringIp(version?: 4 | 6): IConstraint<string>;
declare function stringRegex(regex: RegExp): IConstraint<string, string>;
declare function stringUuid({ version, nullable }?: StringUuidOptions): IConstraint<string, string>;
declare class StringValidator<T extends string> extends BaseValidator<T> {
lengthLessThan(length: number): this;
lengthLessThanOrEqual(length: number): this;
lengthGreaterThan(length: number): this;
lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(length: number): this;
lengthEqual(length: number): this;
lengthNotEqual(length: number): this;
get email(): this;
url(options?: UrlOptions): this;
uuid(options?: StringUuidOptions): this;
regex(regex: RegExp): this;
get date(): this;
get ipv4(): this;
get ipv6(): this;
ip(version?: 4 | 6): this;
phone(): this;
protected handle(value: unknown): Result<T, ValidationError>;
declare class TupleValidator<T extends any[]> extends BaseValidator<[...T]> {
private readonly validators;
constructor(validators: BaseValidator<[...T]>[], constraints?: readonly IConstraint<[...T]>[]);
protected clone(): this;
protected handle(values: unknown): Result<[...T], ValidationError | CombinedPropertyError>;
type TypedArray = Int8Array | Uint8Array | Uint8ClampedArray | Int16Array | Uint16Array | Int32Array | Uint32Array | Float32Array | Float64Array | BigInt64Array | BigUint64Array;
declare const TypedArrays: {
readonly Int8Array: (x: unknown) => x is Int8Array;
readonly Uint8Array: (x: unknown) => x is Uint8Array;
readonly Uint8ClampedArray: (x: unknown) => x is Uint8ClampedArray;
readonly Int16Array: (x: unknown) => x is Int16Array;
readonly Uint16Array: (x: unknown) => x is Uint16Array;
readonly Int32Array: (x: unknown) => x is Int32Array;
readonly Uint32Array: (x: unknown) => x is Uint32Array;
readonly Float32Array: (x: unknown) => x is Float32Array;
readonly Float64Array: (x: unknown) => x is Float64Array;
readonly BigInt64Array: (x: unknown) => x is BigInt64Array;
readonly BigUint64Array: (x: unknown) => x is BigUint64Array;
readonly TypedArray: (x: unknown) => x is TypedArray;
type TypedArrayName = keyof typeof TypedArrays;
declare class TypedArrayValidator<T extends TypedArray> extends BaseValidator<T> {
private readonly type;
constructor(type: TypedArrayName, constraints?: readonly IConstraint<T>[]);
byteLengthLessThan(length: number): this;
byteLengthLessThanOrEqual(length: number): this;
byteLengthGreaterThan(length: number): this;
byteLengthGreaterThanOrEqual(length: number): this;
byteLengthEqual(length: number): this;
byteLengthNotEqual(length: number): this;
byteLengthRange(start: number, endBefore: number): this;
byteLengthRangeInclusive(startAt: number, endAt: number): this;
byteLengthRangeExclusive(startAfter: number, endBefore: number): this;
lengthLessThan(length: number): this;
lengthLessThanOrEqual(length: number): this;
lengthGreaterThan(length: number): this;
lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(length: number): this;
lengthEqual(length: number): this;
lengthNotEqual(length: number): this;
lengthRange(start: number, endBefore: number): this;
lengthRangeInclusive(startAt: number, endAt: number): this;
lengthRangeExclusive(startAfter: number, endBefore: number): this;
protected clone(): this;
protected handle(value: unknown): Result<T, ValidationError>;
declare class UnionValidator<T> extends BaseValidator<T> {
private validators;
constructor(validators: readonly BaseValidator<T>[], constraints?: readonly IConstraint<T>[]);
get optional(): UnionValidator<T | undefined>;
get required(): UnionValidator<Exclude<T, undefined>>;
get nullable(): UnionValidator<T | null>;
get nullish(): UnionValidator<T | null | undefined>;
or<O>(...predicates: readonly BaseValidator<O>[]): UnionValidator<T | O>;
protected clone(): this;
protected handle(value: unknown): Result<T, ValidationError | CombinedError>;
type ObjectConstraintName = `s.object(T.when)`;
type WhenKey = PropertyKey | PropertyKey[];
interface WhenOptions<T extends BaseValidator<any>, Key extends WhenKey> {
is?: boolean | ((value: Key extends Array<any> ? any[] : any) => boolean);
then: (predicate: T) => T;
otherwise?: (predicate: T) => T;
declare class ExpectedConstraintError<T = unknown> extends BaseConstraintError<T> {
readonly expected: string;
constructor(constraint: ConstraintErrorNames, message: string, given: T, expected: string);
toJSON(): {
name: string;
constraint: ConstraintErrorNames;
given: T;
expected: string;
protected [customInspectSymbolStackLess](depth: number, options: InspectOptionsStylized): string;
type TypedArrayConstraintName = `s.typedArray(T).${'byteLength' | 'length'}${'LessThan' | 'LessThanOrEqual' | 'GreaterThan' | 'GreaterThanOrEqual' | 'Equal' | 'NotEqual' | 'Range' | 'RangeInclusive' | 'RangeExclusive'}`;
declare function typedArrayByteLengthLessThan<T extends TypedArray>(value: number): IConstraint<T>;
declare function typedArrayByteLengthLessThanOrEqual<T extends TypedArray>(value: number): IConstraint<T>;
declare function typedArrayByteLengthGreaterThan<T extends TypedArray>(value: number): IConstraint<T>;
declare function typedArrayByteLengthGreaterThanOrEqual<T extends TypedArray>(value: number): IConstraint<T>;
declare function typedArrayByteLengthEqual<T extends TypedArray>(value: number): IConstraint<T>;
declare function typedArrayByteLengthNotEqual<T extends TypedArray>(value: number): IConstraint<T>;
declare function typedArrayByteLengthRange<T extends TypedArray>(start: number, endBefore: number): IConstraint<T>;
declare function typedArrayByteLengthRangeInclusive<T extends TypedArray>(start: number, end: number): {
run(input: T): Result<T, Error> | Result<unknown, ExpectedConstraintError<T>>;
declare function typedArrayByteLengthRangeExclusive<T extends TypedArray>(startAfter: number, endBefore: number): IConstraint<T>;
declare function typedArrayLengthLessThan<T extends TypedArray>(value: number): IConstraint<T>;
declare function typedArrayLengthLessThanOrEqual<T extends TypedArray>(value: number): IConstraint<T>;
declare function typedArrayLengthGreaterThan<T extends TypedArray>(value: number): IConstraint<T>;
declare function typedArrayLengthGreaterThanOrEqual<T extends TypedArray>(value: number): IConstraint<T>;
declare function typedArrayLengthEqual<T extends TypedArray>(value: number): IConstraint<T>;
declare function typedArrayLengthNotEqual<T extends TypedArray>(value: number): IConstraint<T>;
declare function typedArrayLengthRange<T extends TypedArray>(start: number, endBefore: number): IConstraint<T>;
declare function typedArrayLengthRangeInclusive<T extends TypedArray>(start: number, end: number): IConstraint<T>;
declare function typedArrayLengthRangeExclusive<T extends TypedArray>(startAfter: number, endBefore: number): IConstraint<T>;
type ConstraintErrorNames = TypedArrayConstraintName | ArrayConstraintName | BigIntConstraintName | BooleanConstraintName | DateConstraintName | NumberConstraintName | ObjectConstraintName | StringConstraintName;
declare abstract class BaseConstraintError<T = unknown> extends BaseError {
readonly constraint: ConstraintErrorNames;
readonly given: T;
constructor(constraint: ConstraintErrorNames, message: string, given: T);
interface IConstraint<Input, Return extends Input = Input> {
run(input: Input, parent?: any): Result<Return, BaseConstraintError<Input>>;
declare class ArrayValidator<T extends unknown[], I = T[number]> extends BaseValidator<T> {
private readonly validator;
constructor(validator: BaseValidator<I>, constraints?: readonly IConstraint<T>[]);
lengthLessThan<N extends number>(length: N): ArrayValidator<ExpandSmallerTuples<UnshiftTuple<[...Tuple<I, N>]>>>;
lengthLessThanOrEqual<N extends number>(length: N): ArrayValidator<ExpandSmallerTuples<[...Tuple<I, N>]>>;
lengthGreaterThan<N extends number>(length: N): ArrayValidator<[...Tuple<I, N>, I, ...T]>;
lengthGreaterThanOrEqual<N extends number>(length: N): ArrayValidator<[...Tuple<I, N>, ...T]>;
lengthEqual<N extends number>(length: N): ArrayValidator<[...Tuple<I, N>]>;
lengthNotEqual(length: number): ArrayValidator<[...T]>;
lengthRange<S extends number, E extends number>(start: S, endBefore: E): ArrayValidator<Exclude<ExpandSmallerTuples<UnshiftTuple<[...Tuple<I, E>]>>, ExpandSmallerTuples<UnshiftTuple<[...Tuple<I, S>]>>>>;
lengthRangeInclusive<S extends number, E extends number>(startAt: S, endAt: E): ArrayValidator<Exclude<ExpandSmallerTuples<[...Tuple<I, E>]>, ExpandSmallerTuples<UnshiftTuple<[...Tuple<I, S>]>>>>;
lengthRangeExclusive<S extends number, E extends number>(startAfter: S, endBefore: E): ArrayValidator<Exclude<ExpandSmallerTuples<UnshiftTuple<[...Tuple<I, E>]>>, ExpandSmallerTuples<[...Tuple<T, S>]>>>;
get unique(): this;
protected clone(): this;
protected handle(values: unknown): Result<T, ValidationError | CombinedPropertyError>;
declare abstract class BaseValidator<T> {
description?: string;
protected parent?: object;
protected constraints: readonly IConstraint<T>[];
protected isValidationEnabled: boolean | (() => boolean) | null;
constructor(constraints?: readonly IConstraint<T>[]);
setParent(parent: object): this;
get optional(): UnionValidator<T | undefined>;
get nullable(): UnionValidator<T | null>;
get nullish(): UnionValidator<T | null | undefined>;
get array(): ArrayValidator<T[]>;
get set(): SetValidator<T>;
or<O>(...predicates: readonly BaseValidator<O>[]): UnionValidator<T | O>;
transform(cb: (value: T) => T): this;
transform<O>(cb: (value: T) => O): BaseValidator<O>;
reshape(cb: (input: T) => Result<T>): this;
reshape<R extends Result<unknown>, O = InferResultType<R>>(cb: (input: T) => R): BaseValidator<O>;
default(value: Exclude<T, undefined> | (() => Exclude<T, undefined>)): DefaultValidator<Exclude<T, undefined>>;
when<Key extends WhenKey, This extends BaseValidator<any> = this>(key: Key, options: WhenOptions<This, Key>): this;
describe(description: string): this;
run(value: unknown): Result<T, BaseError>;
parse<R extends T = T>(value: unknown): R;
is<R extends T = T>(value: unknown): value is R;
* Sets if the validator should also run constraints or just do basic checks.
* @param isValidationEnabled Whether this validator should be enabled or disabled. You can pass boolean or a function returning boolean which will be called just before parsing.
* Set to `null` to go off of the global configuration.
setValidationEnabled(isValidationEnabled: boolean | (() => boolean) | null): this;
getValidationEnabled(): boolean | null;
protected get shouldRunConstraints(): boolean;
protected clone(): this;
protected abstract handle(value: unknown): Result<T, ValidatorError>;
protected addConstraint(constraint: IConstraint<T>): this;
type ValidatorError = ValidationError | CombinedError | CombinedPropertyError | UnknownEnumValueError;
type Constructor<T> = (new (...args: readonly any[]) => T) | (abstract new (...args: readonly any[]) => T);
type Type<V> = V extends BaseValidator<infer T> ? T : never;
* @deprecated Use `object` instead.
type NonNullObject = {} & object;
* @deprecated This type is no longer used and will be removed in the next major version.
type PickDefined<T> = {
[K in keyof T as undefined extends T[K] ? never : K]: T[K];
* @deprecated This type is no longer used and will be removed in the next major version.
type PickUndefinedMakeOptional<T> = {
[K in keyof T as undefined extends T[K] ? K : never]+?: Exclude<T[K], undefined>;
type FilterDefinedKeys<TObj extends object> = Exclude<{
[TKey in keyof TObj]: undefined extends TObj[TKey] ? never : TKey;
}[keyof TObj], undefined>;
type UndefinedToOptional<T extends object> = Pick<T, FilterDefinedKeys<T>> & {
[k in keyof Omit<T, FilterDefinedKeys<T>>]?: Exclude<T[k], undefined>;
type MappedObjectValidator<T> = {
[key in keyof T]: BaseValidator<T[key]>;
* An alias of {@link ObjectValidator} with a name more common among object validation libraries.
* This is the type of a schema after using `s.object({ ... })`
* @example
* ```typescript
* import { s, SchemaOf } from '@sapphire/shapeshift';
* interface IIngredient {
* ingredientId: string | undefined;
* name: string | undefined;
* }
* interface IInstruction {
* instructionId: string | undefined;
* message: string | undefined;
* }
* interface IRecipe {
* recipeId: string | undefined;
* title: string;
* description: string;
* instructions: IInstruction[];
* ingredients: IIngredient[];
* }
* type InstructionSchemaType = SchemaOf<IInstruction>;
* // Expected Type: ObjectValidator<IInstruction>
* type IngredientSchemaType = SchemaOf<IIngredient>;
* // Expected Type: ObjectValidator<IIngredient>
* type RecipeSchemaType = SchemaOf<IRecipe>;
* // Expected Type: ObjectValidator<IRecipe>
* const instructionSchema: InstructionSchemaType = s.object({
* instructionId: s.string.optional,
* message: s.string
* });
* const ingredientSchema: IngredientSchemaType = s.object({
* ingredientId: s.string.optional,
* name: s.string
* });
* const recipeSchema: RecipeSchemaType = s.object({
* recipeId: s.string.optional,
* title: s.string,
* description: s.string,
* instructions: s.array(instructionSchema),
* ingredients: s.array(ingredientSchema)
* });
* ```
type SchemaOf<T extends object> = ObjectValidator<T>;
* Infers the type of a schema object given `typeof schema`.
* The schema has to extend {@link ObjectValidator}.
* @example
* ```typescript
* import { InferType, s } from '@sapphire/shapeshift';
* const schema = s.object({
* foo: s.string,
* bar: s.number,
* baz: s.boolean,
* qux: s.bigint,
* quux: s.date
* });
* type Inferredtype = InferType<typeof schema>;
* // Expected type:
* // type Inferredtype = {
* // foo: string;
* // bar: number;
* // baz: boolean;
* // qux: bigint;
* // quux: Date;
* // };
* ```
type InferType<T extends ObjectValidator<any>> = T extends ObjectValidator<any, infer U> ? U : never;
type InferResultType<T extends Result<any>> = T extends Result<infer U> ? U : never;
type UnwrapTuple<T extends [...any[]]> = T extends [infer Head, ...infer Tail] ? [Unwrap<Head>, ...UnwrapTuple<Tail>] : [];
type Unwrap<T> = T extends BaseValidator<infer V> ? V : never;
type UnshiftTuple<T extends [...any[]]> = T extends [T[0], ...infer Tail] ? Tail : never;
type ExpandSmallerTuples<T extends [...any[]]> = T extends [T[0], ...infer Tail] ? T | ExpandSmallerTuples<Tail> : [];
type Shift<A extends Array<any>> = ((...args: A) => void) extends (...args: [A[0], ...infer R]) => void ? R : never;
type GrowExpRev<A extends Array<any>, N extends number, P extends Array<Array<any>>> = A['length'] extends N ? A : GrowExpRev<[...A, ...P[0]][N] extends undefined ? [...A, ...P[0]] : A, N, Shift<P>>;
type GrowExp<A extends Array<any>, N extends number, P extends Array<Array<any>>> = [...A, ...A][N] extends undefined ? GrowExp<[...A, ...A], N, [A, ...P]> : GrowExpRev<A, N, P>;
type Tuple<T, N extends number> = N extends number ? number extends N ? Array<T> : N extends 0 ? [] : N extends 1 ? [T] : GrowExp<[T], N, [[]]> : never;
declare class LazyValidator<T extends BaseValidator<unknown>, R = Unwrap<T>> extends BaseValidator<R> {
private readonly validator;
constructor(validator: (value: unknown) => T, constraints?: readonly IConstraint<R>[]);
protected clone(): this;
protected handle(values: unknown): Result<R, ValidatorError>;
declare class Shapes {
get string(): StringValidator<string>;
get number(): NumberValidator<number>;
get bigint(): BigIntValidator<bigint>;
get boolean(): BooleanValidator<boolean>;
get date(): DateValidator;
object<T extends object>(shape: MappedObjectValidator<T>): ObjectValidator<T, UndefinedToOptional<T>>;
get undefined(): BaseValidator<undefined>;
get null(): BaseValidator<null>;
get nullish(): NullishValidator;
get any(): PassthroughValidator<any>;
get unknown(): PassthroughValidator<unknown>;
get never(): NeverValidator;
enum<T>(...values: readonly T[]): UnionValidator<T>;
nativeEnum<T extends NativeEnumLike>(enumShape: T): NativeEnumValidator<T>;
literal<T>(value: T): BaseValidator<T>;
instance<T>(expected: Constructor<T>): InstanceValidator<T>;
union<T extends [...BaseValidator<any>[]]>(...validators: [...T]): UnionValidator<Unwrap<T[number]>>;
array<T>(validator: BaseValidator<T[][number]>): ArrayValidator<T[], T[][number]>;
array<T extends unknown[]>(validator: BaseValidator<T[number]>): ArrayValidator<T, T[number]>;
typedArray<T extends TypedArray>(type?: TypedArrayName): TypedArrayValidator<T>;
get int8Array(): TypedArrayValidator<Int8Array>;
get uint8Array(): TypedArrayValidator<Uint8Array>;
get uint8ClampedArray(): TypedArrayValidator<Uint8ClampedArray>;
get int16Array(): TypedArrayValidator<Int16Array>;
get uint16Array(): TypedArrayValidator<Uint16Array>;
get int32Array(): TypedArrayValidator<Int32Array>;
get uint32Array(): TypedArrayValidator<Uint32Array>;
get float32Array(): TypedArrayValidator<Float32Array>;
get float64Array(): TypedArrayValidator<Float64Array>;
get bigInt64Array(): TypedArrayValidator<BigInt64Array>;
get bigUint64Array(): TypedArrayValidator<BigUint64Array>;
tuple<T extends [...BaseValidator<any>[]]>(validators: [...T]): TupleValidator<UnwrapTuple<T>>;
set<T>(validator: BaseValidator<T>): SetValidator<T>;
record<T>(validator: BaseValidator<T>): RecordValidator<T>;
map<T, U>(keyValidator: BaseValidator<T>, valueValidator: BaseValidator<U>): MapValidator<T, U>;
lazy<T extends BaseValidator<unknown>>(validator: (value: unknown) => T): LazyValidator<T, Unwrap<T>>;
* Sets whether validators should run on the input, or if the input should be passed through.
* @param enabled Whether validation should be done on inputs
declare function setGlobalValidationEnabled(enabled: boolean): void;
* @returns Whether validation is enabled
declare function getGlobalValidationEnabled(): boolean;
declare const s: Shapes;
export { ArrayConstraintName, ArrayValidator, BaseConstraintError, BaseError, BaseValidator, BigIntConstraintName, BigIntValidator, BooleanConstraintName, BooleanValidator, CombinedError, CombinedPropertyError, ConstraintErrorNames, Constructor, DateConstraintName, DateValidator, DefaultValidator, ExpandSmallerTuples, ExpectedConstraintError, ExpectedValidationError, GrowExp, GrowExpRev, IConstraint, InferResultType, InferType, InstanceValidator, LiteralValidator, MapValidator, MappedObjectValidator, MissingPropertyError, MultiplePossibilitiesConstraintError, NativeEnumLike, NativeEnumValidator, NeverValidator, NonNullObject, NullishValidator, NumberConstraintName, NumberValidator, ObjectValidator, ObjectValidatorStrategy, PassthroughValidator, PickDefined, PickUndefinedMakeOptional, RecordValidator, Result, SchemaOf, SetValidator, Shapes, Shift, StringConstraintName, StringDomain, StringProtocol, StringUuidOptions, StringValidator, Tuple, TupleValidator, Type, TypedArrayConstraintName, TypedArrayValidator, UUIDVersion, UndefinedToOptional, UnionValidator, UnknownEnumValueError, UnknownPropertyError, UnshiftTuple, Unwrap, UnwrapTuple, UrlOptions, ValidationError, ValidatorError, arrayLengthEqual, arrayLengthGreaterThan, arrayLengthGreaterThanOrEqual, arrayLengthLessThan, arrayLengthLessThanOrEqual, arrayLengthNotEqual, arrayLengthRange, arrayLengthRangeExclusive, arrayLengthRangeInclusive, bigintDivisibleBy, bigintEqual, bigintGreaterThan, bigintGreaterThanOrEqual, bigintLessThan, bigintLessThanOrEqual, bigintNotEqual, booleanFalse, booleanTrue, customInspectSymbol, customInspectSymbolStackLess, dateEqual, dateGreaterThan, dateGreaterThanOrEqual, dateInvalid, dateLessThan, dateLessThanOrEqual, dateNotEqual, dateValid, getGlobalValidationEnabled, numberDivisibleBy, numberEqual, numberFinite, numberGreaterThan, numberGreaterThanOrEqual, numberInt, numberLessThan, numberLessThanOrEqual, numberNaN, numberNotEqual, numberNotNaN, numberSafeInt, s, setGlobalValidationEnabled, stringEmail, stringIp, stringLengthEqual, stringLengthGreaterThan, stringLengthGreaterThanOrEqual, stringLengthLessThan, stringLengthLessThanOrEqual, stringLengthNotEqual, stringRegex, stringUrl, stringUuid, typedArrayByteLengthEqual, typedArrayByteLengthGreaterThan, typedArrayByteLengthGreaterThanOrEqual, typedArrayByteLengthLessThan, typedArrayByteLengthLessThanOrEqual, typedArrayByteLengthNotEqual, typedArrayByteLengthRange, typedArrayByteLengthRangeExclusive, typedArrayByteLengthRangeInclusive, typedArrayLengthEqual, typedArrayLengthGreaterThan, typedArrayLengthGreaterThanOrEqual, typedArrayLengthLessThan, typedArrayLengthLessThanOrEqual, typedArrayLengthNotEqual, typedArrayLengthRange, typedArrayLengthRangeExclusive, typedArrayLengthRangeInclusive };